2016-2017 ih lh vkj , Petroleum Conservation Research Association izfrKk ge lR;fu"Bk ls izfrKk djrs gSa fd vius lHkh dk;ks± esa isVªksfy;emRiknksadslaj{k.kgsrqlrriz;kljrjgsaxs]rkfdns'k dh izxfr ds fy, vko';d bu lhfer lalk/kuksa dh vkiwfrZ vf/kdle;rdlEHkogksldsAvkn'kZukxfjdgksusdsukrs ge yksxksa dks isVªksfy;e inkFkks± ds O;FkZ mi;ksx ls cpus rFkk i;kZoj.k laj{k.k gsrq LoPN bZa/ku dk iz;ksx djus ds fy, tkx:ddjsaxsA PLEDGE We do hereby solemnly pledge that we shall be continuously striving to conserve petroleum products in all spheres of our activities so that supplies of these scarce resources last longer for the progress of our country. We will shoulder the responsibility of a good citizen and endeavour to educate the people to avoid wasteful use of petroleum products and use cleaner fuels for environment protection. ih lh vkj , Hkkjr ljdkj dfiy nso f=ikBh isVªksfy;e ,oa izkÑfrd xSl ea=ky; lfpo 'kkL=h Hkou] ubZ fnYyh&110001 Government of India K. D. TRIPATHI Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas Secretary Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001 CHAIRMAN'S MESSAGE Petroleum conservation is vital for a country like India, which is heavily dependent on import of crude oil for meeting its growing demand of petroleum products that have been propelled by the growing economy of the country. The burning of petroleum products also contributes to environment pollution and global warming. Therefore, petroleum conservation and efficiency measures are vital & important to mitigate these concerns. According high importance to this aspect, Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Government of India has linked two very important initiatives viz. formulation of Fuel Economy Norms for Heavy Vehicles and imparting Fuel Efficient Driving Training to nearly 24 lakh Heavy Vehicle Drivers in the country. These initiatives are being spearheaded by Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA). PCRA has been mandated to undertake various activities in the area of petroleum conservation and energy efficiency including mass awareness campaigns and several field activities such as drivers’ training program, domestic workshops, agricultural workshops, programs for youth and school children, energy audits of industries and promoting research & development, aimed at petroleum conservation and environment protection. PCRA is publishing its Annual Report for the year 2016-17. I am sure that the information given in the report will be beneficial to all stake holders. I also wish PCRA a great success in their endeavours. (K. D. TRIPATHI) ih lh vkj , iVs kªfs y;e laj{k.k vuqla/kku la?k vkyksd f=ikBh ¼isVªksfy;e ,oa izkÑfrd xSl ea=ky;½ ^laj{k.k Hkou*] 10 Hkhdkth dkek Iysl dk;Zdkjh funs'kd ubZ fnYyh&110066 ALOK TRIPATHI Petroleum Conservation Research Association (Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas) Executive Director “Sanrakshan Bhawan”, 10 Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066 PREFACE Government of India has been according high priority to conservation and fuel efficiency measures in order to reduce the increasing gap between demand and indigenous supply of crude oil. Being 3rd largest importer of crude oil, India’s reliance on oil imports is expected to rise above 90% by 2040. Conservation and efficiency measures of petroleum products will play an important role in inching closer towards energy security of the nation. It would not only save on huge import bill, but also help in protecting environment from greenhouse gases and other noxious hydrocarbons emanating from burning of petroleum fuels. The Government had formed Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA) in the year 1978 to spread mass awareness on efficient utilization of petroleum fuels. It is a non-profit registered society and works as an extended arm of Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Govt. of India. The affairs of PCRA are managed by its Governing Body and Executive Committee, which provide directions to the programmes and initiatives of PCRA and determine policies and priorities for promoting the aims and objectives of the Society. Ever since its inception, PCRA has been making constant endeavor to create mass awareness on energy saving tips, wastage reducing measures, adoption of energy efficient equipments and practices, encouragement to cleaner fuels etc. leading to conservation of petroleum products and environment sustenance. It has developed a comprehensive set of people-connect activities to create awareness such as training modules, workshops, technical meets & participation in exhibitions / melas etc. During last financial 2016-17, PCRA conducted a month long nationwide awareness campaign called ‘Saksham’ through which it could reach out to nearly 9.6 crore populace all over the country. PCRA also conducts various field activities such as energy efficiency studies for industries that includes Energy Audits, PAT audits, ISO 50001 audits etc., model depot projects for STUs, programmes for youth, conducting national level competitions of Essay, Painting and Quiz for school children, and sponsoring various R&D projects aimed at petroleum conservation and environment protection. PCRA also utilizes various digital platforms such as social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, You Tube, Google+) and MyGov platform for campaigning, inviting suggestions from public and conducting competitions etc. Other publicity tools such as TV, Radio, Newspaper, Advertisement etc. are also used from time to time. ih lh vkj , I am happy to place PCRA’s Annual Report for the year 2016-17, which depicts its gamut of activities conducted during the year. I am sure the report will be of immense utility to all the stake holders. I take this opportunity to extend my heart felt acknowledgement to Secretary, MoP&NG cum Chairman PCRA, Additional Secretary cum Vice-Chairman PCRA, Jt. Secretary (M), MoP&NG and entire MoP&NG officials, Governing Body and Executive Committee members of PCRA for their constant support and guidance at the time of need. I also acknowledge various Oil PSU officials who have rendered their services for driving the PCRA initiatives along with PCRA officials. I, finally, applaud the entire PCRA team for their hard work and passion without which, PCRA would not have reached the place it deserves. I invite you to visit our website and social media platforms for interactions, valuable suggestions and feedback. I also appeal to you to take a conscious pledge for petroleum conservation and be committed to educate people to avoid wasteful use of petroleum products and use cleaner fuels for environment protection. (Alok Tripathi) ih lh vkj , CONTENTS Chapter No. Content Page No. Chapter 1 About PCRA 1 Chapter 2 Field Acvies 3 Chapter 3 Educaon Campaign 19 Chapter 4 PCRA Naonal Compeons - 2016 27 Chapter 5 Sanrakshan Kshamta Mahotsav (SAKSHAM) - 2017 31 Chapter 6 Research & Development 43 Chapter 7 Standards and Labeling Programmes 49 Chapter 8 Human Resources 53 Chapter 9 Training & Development 55 Chapter 10 Informaon System 59 Chapter 11 Hindi Implementaon 63 Chapter 12 Auditor’s Report 65 Annexures 73 2016-2017 ih lh vkj , CHAPTER 1 ABOUT PCRA ABOUT PCRA 1 ih lh vkj , ABOUT PCRA The Oil crisis of 1970s brought into sharp focus the need for conservaon of petroleum products due to the enormous hike in country’s import bill. The Government in response set up the Petroleum Conservaon Acon Group (PCAG) in 1976, which was subsequently reconstuted on 10th August 1978 as Petroleum Conservaon Research Associaon (PCRA). It is a registered society set up under the aegis of Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Government of India. Its Vision, Mission and Objecves are - Vision Ø To become a center of excellence for conservaon of hydrocarbons & environment protecon for sustainable development on our inherent strength. Mission Ø Efficient energy ulizaon and environment protecon leading to Improvement in Quality of Life. Objecves Ø To formulate strategies and promote measures for accelerang conservaon of petroleum products leading to environment protecon, energy security and sustainable development. Ø To create awareness among masses about the importance, benefits and methods of conserving petroleum products & clean environment by enhancing informaon and capacity building. Ø To promote research, development and deployment efforts aimed at petroleum conservaon & environment protecon, support & facilitate efforts for adopon and disseminaon of fuel efficient technologies and substuon of petroleum products with alternate fuels and renewable. Ø To establish synergisc instuonal linkages at the naonal & internaonal levels in the areas of petroleum conservaon & environment protecon. Ø To provide training and technical advisory services, designed to achieve economy & efficiency in use of petroleum products for cleaner environment. Ø To funcon as a Think Tank to the Govt. of India for proposing policies and strategies on petroleum conservaon and environment protecon aimed at reducing excessive dependence on oil. PCRA aims at making oil & gas conservaon a naonal movement. As part of its mandate, PCRA is entrusted with the task of creang awareness amongst the masses about the importance, methods and benefits of conserving petroleum products & emission reducon. Towards its mission for efficient energy ulizaon and environment protecon, PCRA is working with the support of Public Sector Oil & Gas Companies, Government & Non-Government Organizaons, Research Instutes and Laboratories, Educaonal Instutes, Consumer Associaons and other organizaons. PCRA has a strong network throughout the country with Head Quarter at New Delhi, 4 Regional Offices at Metro cies and 17 Sub-Regional Offices in major cies in the country. The list of its offices, banker and statutory auditor is placed at Annexure-I. The affairs of PCRA is managed under the direcons and guidance of its Governing Body and Execuve Commiee. The Governing Body of PCRA provides direcons to the programmes & iniaves of PCRA and determines policies & priories. Without prejudice to the generality, it has all powers and funcons as shall be required to manage the affairs of the Society. Secretary, Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, is the Chairman of Governing Body, while senior officials of Ministries, CMDs of Oil PSUs and the relevant expert individual / agencies are its members.
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