checker-board- and would take man with strong nerves to interrupted by some huge sea which would have killed him had not some of us dis- didn't extend to s, for he un- their trying just one for amusement, A TRAIN; a TOBACCO ALL RIGHT. sweep him off to leeward, whereupon he armed him. This cured me of practical derstood me to say that I would find a WHAT UPS ARE FOR. the habit soon grows." CATCHING stand such a haunt as that would coolly swim back and resume bis seat jokes for a long time to come. chance to "chuok 'em overboard;" so down Lillian Bn'sell Afraid of Them. -- i Not K Anybody's Looklnc-- and profanity simultaneously. , After leaving Faval we headed for Cape he came with fire s eye, and in a Lillian Russell said: know cigar- "Do women ever try to climb on moving we minute ot fight "I that Console ThemselTes During the squall the whales had disap- de Verd Islands, and on December 3 there was the livliest'kind a New York's "Society Women Think ette smoke is injurious to the throat, but oc- Phase of Human Nature That Hakes trains?" asked the census marshal, Smokers Can peared, and when we finally reached the were in the trade winds. An immense in progress. Science is of no avail in a casionally dinner, to be polite, join my often," the conductor replied. "I wo One Use Is to Faff Cigarettes. at I a Man Bisk His Life.That W?.y. 'With a Boman Doctor's Report. ehip it was blowing so hard that we had to school of blackfish was sighted, and forecastle, with the floor all saturated with gnests, but I alwavs have my own mild cig- have known but two instances, and in bath double reef our topsails and finally heave killed 13. It was tame work for the old grease and the chests leaving only a passage- arettes, rarely more the pursuing women were abnormally ex- im- and smoke than at to. The gale increacd in violence until.it hands, bnt we greenhorns enjoyed it way. Anything is fair kick, bite or third of one of them. Sometimes ,1 am cited." hurricane, and for four days mensely. The oil is used to burn in the scratch and 'too often a knife finally and W. MAKE A TIHPTATION OF KEWSPAPEE. HO CHOLERA HOB P5EUM0HIA. blew a perfect THE C.T.U. WILL FIGHT caught out without them, and am overper-suade- d k "Battled," the man on the wood box , and nights we were at the mercy of the ele- ship's lamps. It is a dirty oil, with a vile seriously enters into such affairs. On this to try one of my hostess' extra mild, obligingly explained to the proofreader. stench, but good enough lor a whaler to occasion we were pulled apart by the rest, surround- "One continued the conductor, ments. and I comply. My table is often of them," Fre-ve-nt suppose we and mistake was explained, we well-know- Who The Throat Can Be Hardened So as to The Triton was built of solid material and have. One would naturally the bdt Bad Iffect of the Trample Set hy the ed by n actresses, and sometimes Wrath of a Woman Chased Her Car "who wanted my train, ran in the wrong intended for the wnal-- could burn the best of sperm oil, but on the never became very friendly, and both car- well-know- was originally Arctic I Duchess ot Marlborough. I have guests n in fashionable When It Hasn't Eeadj to Go. direction and caught the train for Washing- Troublesome Ailments. ing rround. Although ugly to look at and same principle that a shoemaker wears rag- ried some ugly bruises for some time. sets, and as a rule they invariably like one ton. It was express,. and she was wrath-fnll- y a dull sailor, she was an excellent sea boat ged shoes, so a whaler burns the poorest One of the "gees" was a bright young or two cigarettes alter dinner, And it is and ignominiously evicted by the con, The seas were the largest I ever saw in my oil. chap, and when he came on board at Brava delicious to take one or two pun's OF THE FLOWER GARDEX MAKER ductor, who was ten minutes behind bis SOME NEW APPLICATIONS OF SCIEXCS in customary, FAIR OXES OP WASHINGTON B110KE truly WOES long experience, but we rode out the gale Havine reached the port of Brava the the mate asked his name, as is with your coffee. But then, where one de- time, against theindignant protests ot the .with trifling damage. After cruising un- - Cape de Verdes, we shipped a new boat to enter it in the tablets of his memory for pends on one's voice for a living one must woman, who insisted that she hod gone, to boy. "We also services were re- successfully for whales for some time, we steerer, two sailors, and a use when the youth's jlTimiK TOB TBI PISPATCn.l be careful, so while like to see others rWEITTIX TOE THI DISPATCH.! New York on tnat very train, many a time, fWatTTEf TOB THE DISPATCH.1 again for took on board potatoes, oranges, bananas, quired. The chap responded glibly: I laid our course FavaL where we little N her recent smoke, if they enjoy it, rarely indulge, " have saw," the man on the wood-bo- x when Mr. Berripecken was conductor, and Notwithstanding the almost universal men and fresh provisions. melons and other also two pigs. "Juan Ignacia de Francisca." I I off fere to ship fruit visit to New York and never smoke a whole cigarette at a began, in his usual and painfully precise that the present conductor could let her growth of the tabacco habit, there are soma ' On September 20 we met the bark At- On December 21 we raised a large school The expression on the mate's face was a time." at New York just as well as not. if be un- Duchess manner ot expression, "I have saw " who still regard it as one of the most vicious lantic ot New Bedford and "gammed" her. of sperm whales and gave chase, but our study for a painter. He let out a string of the of Mrs. Mary Frost Ormsby, who headed the " tore-castl- e, proofreader, and injurious indulgences. is cannot give my readers the origin of this lucky star seemed to be in the ascendancy, his choicest oaths, and, pointing to the Marlborough American delegation to the recent Inter- "You mean." interposed the of There no woru, but it means to visit each other, ex- finallvripped out: (who sailed for national Peace Congress at Rome, and who who was on vacation, which is, indeed, his doubt that it is but too olten carried to ex- change readme matter, swap jackknives, "Go to the devil your name is John Europe lastweek) is a brilliant member of Sorosis, said: normal condition, "yon mean, 'I have cess, and the use of tobacco by children of dance, and tell improbable Smith!" ing, stones of 'ljfcjajjr-- v is said to have "Looking at smoking from strictly a seen.'" tender years may work irrevocable mischief. our adventures. The Captain takes a boat's And John Smith it was from that day. physical standpoint, does N a great im- it hot detract "I have saw," repeated the man on the However, the weed may be abused, its crew and goes on board the other vessel, A few days after my troublo with Enos a given from a lady's chief requisite, to cigarette purity, in that wood-bo- with forced and unnecessary effects when judiciously used have been while the mate of that ship takes a crew of large school of porpoises came under our fifc-- petus pollutes be- it her breath? What would proved by overwhelming scientific testi- his men and the same boat and goes to the bows and the second' mate struck one with a ' w j moking among come ot the who has calmness, "I have saw men on this train first-nam- craft Then the two ships jog harpoon. We had an agreeable change the ladies of the touched the fancy of all the poets who have risk their lives for the sake of a newspaper mony to add materially to the welfare of the alone near each other, sometimes for two or from salt meat, for while porpoise steaks society cir ever sung? Could we imagine Longfellow for which they paid 5 cents, who couldn't human race. davs, until Captains get would hardly equal a tenderloin, they tasted ux tipper three the tired of writing that most beautiful tribute to be induced to getting feet wet The London Ltncet has given the results very delicious to poor The brains cles. The Duch- venture their each other, or feel that they have no more Jack. 'Evaneeline,' 'When she- - had parsed, it to help out the river. of some experiments to test the influence of time to spare. were fried in meal for the cabin, and are ess Is well known ai a devotee of the weed. a human creature of seemed like the ceasing of exquisite music,' Only where Doy tobacco in the prevention of disease trans- The crew of the Atlantic had seen whales really a delicacy. I secured the lining of In fact, her fondness for tobacco has led her of at the last junction, the if she had carried with her the odor is the dav before, and when we parted it was the porpoise's stomach, and with the aid of into "being the first American lady to pos- tobacco; whether it be pipe, cigar or cigar- who was selling papers on the platform mission by bacilli.
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