DO "" ",If I.""n' SIAl UN'" CAPrs '''''' OR ",'SI" _', PAIN RELIEF TABLETS 60 AnalgesiC Tablets Welcome Race Fans!! ?$odri. t~ & /kw~, ?~. 10-. P.O.80X9099 • 152W, Main Slreet Dear Race Fans: On b.half of The NaTional ASsoCiation foR Stock Car Auto RaCing,The drivers, owne••, for 'this event. raCo t.am., ofilcialS and YoUR hoa t; TRack, Ve exT.nd a alneere w.lcome to each of YoU RaCing hiStory wee mad. on January 4 of thl. ye a R , In a pre •• conf.Renc. h.ld aT Tallad.ga SupeR,p •• dway, The ee Rg eR of two of The natlon'a mosT Succe •• ful Sho R t track RSclng •• rles wa. annoUnc.d. Th. new NASCARIIlnston All Pro Serl •• , d.Stln.d to b.com. on. of the PXemT eR touring ee R I ee In NASCAR,Was form.d by • m.rg.r of the NASCARIIlnston All-Am.rlcan Chall.ng. Serie. and the All Pro SeRle., The neW Series. Sam. of the nation'. flneat Short track and SuperapeedWaYRaCing .Tars vlll compete In Th. m.RgeR announcem.nt wa•• majoRSUrprise to n.arlY everyone In The motoR.port. InduSTry. HcveveR,IT vaa noT vld.lY known t he t both organizations h.d Worked clo'.l tog.th.R The pa S e f.W y.ar. in ,ch.duUng ev.nt. so a. not to confUct With e.ch oth.r. In addition, ofilcf;'l. from both •• Rle. had shared knowl.dg. and exp.rl.nce, and hadY runwork.deither Tog.th serieR eS aSW friend.ithoUT makin to d.g V.majorlop • Chan uniformges" ae t; of rule. tbe T .llow.d driv.rS to R nThew••N ndASCARR.sultIIlnstonof th Aell m Pr.rgo. S.rWieillSTmakRav.elsbig in Winn1991ers. OUT of Rac. f.n •• VeRYWh.re The Fan. Will geTThe be S t of two worlds combln.d,With a top fl.ld of dRlv.RS and caRS aandt .v.rymUch meveooRe ere•DcognitionRlv.RS wil forl theire Lse b.n.flteffoRTS. with Incr •••• d prize mon.y and aWarda, II•• Re .xtr.m.ly proud to be • pe R t of the NASCARfamily. Pl •••• f.el fr ••To c.ll on any of US at .nYTlm. that Ve can be of a S elsTance to you. Thanka foR your continued Bob Harmon, President Support end .ttendanCo, and We hope To make Your V!sit Vlth Ua a m.morable one. ALL PRO Racing Association, Inc. Sincerely, BOB'HARMON& ASSOCIATES, INC. «-«;Bob Harmon, President NASCAR ConSul T an t; BH/TW THE FLAGS GREEN - Start of Race - Clear Track-Go ON THE COVER .•.••.. YELLOW - Caution-Wreck or Danger on Veteran Jody Ridley, three-time All Pro Series champion, and Track, Maintain Position-No Passing. Mike Garvey, 1990 NASCAR American Series champion, BLUE AND YELLOW - You are being lapped. headline a top field of short track and superspeedway stars Move to outside or inside-Yield Right-of- set to compete in the all new NASCAR Winston All Pro way. Series. RED - Emergency-Stop Immediately. CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS ..••••• GREEN FLAG CROSSED WITH WHITE FLAG Bob Appleget, Jack Appleget, Bob Costanzo, Earl Garretson, - Half way signal. Brian Mcleod, Jeff Sandt, Don Thies, Grady Thornton and NASCAR Photographic Services. BLACK - Pull into pits for consultation. PROGRAM DESIGNER ••...•. WHITE - You are on your last lap. Gordon Clennon Montevallo, AL CHECKERED - Winner.$ ...$...$...$...$...$... PROGRAM PRINTER ..•.••. Roberts & Son Birmingham, AL When the checkered flag is displayed, a race is officially over. When the checkered flag PROGRAM PUBLISHER ••••••• is given the leader the balance of the field Bob Harmon & Associates, Inc Prattville, AL receives the checkered flag in the same lap. NWAPS 1 - NASCAR-ALL PRO UNDER ONE BANN DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. - Two successful stock car to the future. I'm proud that we could merge All Pro into racing series, the NASCAR Winston All-American a long NASCAR tradition. This will ensure All Pro's Challenge Series and the All Pro Super Series, will position in the future of stock car racing." merge under one banner in 1991 to form the NASCAR "Bob Harmon has built a very strong and impressive Winston All Pro Series, officials of both sanctioning series over the past 10 years," said Hunter. "We're bodies have announced. happy to be joining forces with a man with his back- The NASCAR Winston All Pro Series will join NAS- ground and enthusiasm." CAR's other premier touring series such as the Joe Collins, Director of the All-American Challenge Winston Cup Series and Busch Grand National Series for NASCAR, will remain in that position with Series, and will run a schedule of approximately 22 the new series, while Bill Desmond, who has been races in the 1991 season. media coordinator for NASCAR on the series, will also "We feel that combining the NASCAR All-American continue. Challenge Series and the All Pro Series will create an Harmon will serve as a consultant to NASCAR on incredible new series," said Jim Hunter, NASCAR the new series, working closely with Collins and Des- Vice-President for Administration. "The rules for the mond, and will also promote six to eight major races in two series have been the same for a number of years, the series, including races in Birmingham and Mobile, and the merger is a natural. The track operators, spon- Ala., Pensacola, Fla., Nashville, Tenn., and Odessa, sors and fans of this type of racing will be the big win- Mo. The races in Birmingham are to be held in con- ners. junction with the two NASCAR Winston Cup races "The All Pro Series has beenvery successful,but Ifeel scheduled for nearby Talladega (Ala.) Superspeed- I've carried it as far as I can carry it," said Bob Harmon, way, the May 5 Winston 500 and the July28 Diehard President of All Pro. "This merger should pave the way 500. L From Lto R: Bill Desmond - P.R. Director, Jim Hunter- V-Pres. of NASCAR, Joe Collins- Series Director and Bob Harmon- Pres. of All Pro Racing . NWAPS3 4- ,a> IIIUIUK'::',.,UK --- I PERFORMANCE EQUIPMENT Factory Parts That Win! 2.3 • 4.5 • 289 • 302 351W • 351C • 429 • 460 CATALOG Get Both The 1991 Ford Motorsports Equipment & Sportswear Catalogs for only Technical Assistance "Hot Une" $6.00 In U.S. Funds FORD MOTORSPORTS P.O.Box 26340 Dept. PRI Birmingham, AL 35226 (313) 337·1356 ** * THE SERIES * * * The NASCAR Winston All Pro Series is a new ,~"';>,~/illT1Ll(~;Jg;;;!L1l2ICjjjj}~:.7lEh division within NASCAR starting in 1991 and is a result of combining the NASCAR Winston AII- American Challenge Series and All Pro Racing FEL-PRO Performance based in Prattville, AI. The AACS was so named Blue Stripe® Cork/Lam® in 1984 after events were run in the south under the banner of the NASCAR Grand American Di- Valve Cover vision. All Pro was started in 1980 and ran under that banner for 10 years. This new NASCAR Gaskets ... division will join other premier touring series in NASCAR like the Winston Cup, Busch Grand National and Modifieds. The series will run a 22 event-schedule this year and for the first time ever, these short-track cars will c~mpete in con- junction with the Modified series at Richmond International Raceway. At this time there are no events scheduled for television coverage how- ever plans are ongoing toward this end. Numer- ous corporate program contingency programs ... Our Steel Core Could and point funds from Anheuser-Busch, Inc., Broad Wheels, Carrera Shocks, Champion Save Your Next Victory Spark Plugs, Childs & Albert, Competition Cams, Crane Cams, Fel-Pro, Fluidamper, Ford 'Motor Company, Gatorade Thirst Quencher, Hoosier Tires, Koni Shocks, Moroso, MSD Ignitions, FEL- PRO's Blue Stripe Cork/Lam valve cover gasket is NutekiFirepower, PRO Shocks, Quartermaster, designed especially for performance autos. The metal core STP Corporation, Texas Pete Sauces, Tilton En- helps prevent the gasket from blowing out under pressure gineering and Winston will swell the posted and keeps the gasket from being drawn inside the cover awards for this series to a new level. This division will receive media coverage from all the major under high vacuum conditions. It also allows the gasket to short-track racing trade papers, many radio rac- be made thicker while resisting crushing and torque loss, ing programs and racing televison programs. increasing clearance between the inside of the valve cover and the valve train. You will also be improving the clearance ** * THE TRACKS.*** between valve cover flanges and the runners of the intake The 1991 NASCAR Winston All Pro Series 22- manifold. event schedule will be run at 15 different race tracks located in eight states. These tracks range A FEL-PRO Blue Stripe Performance Cork/Lam gasket from 1/4 mile to the largest track which is 3/4 features: mile in length. These late model cars will com- • a solid steel core to resist pressure and vacuum. pete, only for the second time, at a Winston Cup track with their stop at Richmond International • extra thickness for increased valve cover clearance. Raceway on August 3-4. These cars ran at At- • engineered to eliminate potential leakage paths. lanta International Raceway back in 1984. Four • sizes to fit small-block Chevy engines and other popular tracks will host major racing events with the high performance engines. series this year. Eight tracks hosting events in 1991 are members of the Winston Racing Series. Major events planned at tracks in 1991 Insist on FEL-PRO Blue Stripe Cork/Lam valve cover are the World Cup 400 at 1-70 Speedway in gaskets-it could be the difference between finishing Odessa, Mo., Sept 13-15; the 26th Annual Na- first and finishing at all.
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