G H T I Er A

G H T I Er A

PP 16376/08/2012 (030849) July - September 2012 H G E R A K N T I www.gerakan.org.my for internal circulation only | 只供内部传阅 GM_2011_02AprJun_v4.indd 1 9/13/2012 2:43:59 PM Contents 3 Koh Tsu Koon: Request for more seats in GE 13 Gerakan intends to contest in 13 parliamentary seats and 35 state seats 编辑部 EDITORIAL BOARD 许子根:要求増竞选席位 民政党拟攻13国35州席 Publicity, Information & Communication Chairman 宣传、资讯及通讯局主任 4 Harmony Act for 1Malaysia - Dr. Koh Tsu Koon - Teng Chang Yeow 邓章耀 一个马来西亚精神的国民和谐法令 - 许子根博士 ¼¡ì¼÷ §¸¡ Ý Üý : “1 Á§Äº¢Â¡Å¢üÌ þ½ì¸Á¡É ºð¼õ ” Editor-in-Chief 总编辑 - Tan Chuan Koon 陈全坤 5 Gerakan welcomes the repeal of Sedition Act 1948 - Chang Ko Youn 民政党欢迎政府废除1948年煽动法令 - 郑可扬律师 Editor 编辑 - Lim Shi Hou 林诗豪 6 Chang Yeow tells how Guan Eng ‘twisted’ facts 国阵揭林冠英扭曲事实 English Language Editor 英文编辑 邓章耀:中央早批建医院执照 - Ivanpal Singh Grewal 一马人民商店可获20万免偿还资助 - Tan Aik Mund 陈毅民 7 陈莲花鼓励申请经营权 Sub-Editors 助编 RM200,000 non-repayable financial asistance for KR1M Tan Lian Hoe invites application for opening right - Lee Chun Hung 李俊鸿 刘清分:先修班教育应归高教部管辖 Layout & Design 美术编辑 8 - Lim Shi Hou 林诗豪 Gerakan suggests Form Six education to be put under MOHE 9 Lenient sentence for sex with underage girl judgment Address: Level 5, Tower 1, Menara PGRM, Ng Siew Lai: Wrong message will lead to unhealthy trend No. 6 & 8, Jalan Pudu Ulu, 与未成年少女发生关系案轻判裁决 56100 Cheras, Kuala Lumpur 吴秀丽:错误讯息将助长不良风气 Tel: 03-9287 6868 Fax: 03-9287 8866 10 民政连办3场选举模拟工作营 各选区竞选工作队5百人参与 Website: www.gerakan.org.my Gerakan organised 3 election simulation workshops in a row 500 election campaign team members participated Gerakan matters! would like to invite members to send in your views. Please send your feedback to 11 Gerakan Hari Raya Aidilfitri Open House 《民意》欢迎任何意见或投稿, 民政党开斋节开放门户 请电邮至《民意》电子邮箱: [email protected] 12 Gerakan’s proposals on Budget 2013 Disclaimer 负责声明 13 民政党对2013年财政预算案的建议 The publisher, PGRM, and its editors cannot be held responsible for any errors and consequences arising 14 & 15 2013 Àð¦ƒð ÌÈ¢òÐ ¦¸Ã¡ì¸¡É¢ý ÀâóШøû from the use of information contained in this magazine. Kohilan: Gerakan firmly rejects Hudud law 民政党及其编辑不为本刊内容的准确性和完整性承担 柯希兰:民政党坚决反对实行回教法 任何责任。 16 Merdeka theme is reflection of historical proximity and national unity - Dr. Asharuddin Ahmad Published by 国庆主题反映建国历史与国民团结 - 阿沙鲁丁阿末博士 Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia Level 5, Tower 1, Menara PGRM, 17 积极服务吉打德卡州选区 谢顺海关心民生敢怒敢言 No. 6 & 8, Jalan Pudu Ulu, Dedicated in serving Kedah Derga state constituency 56100 Cheras, Kuala Lumpur. Dr. Cheah Soon Hai cares for the livehood and frank in his speech 面书设专页出动巡逻队 甲洞民政积极防范罪案 Printed by 18 SWAN Printing Sdn Bhd 推出免费个人保险计划 民政党协助低收入群 Lot 5429, Jalan BS7/1, 19 马袖强:力争千万拨款治安顺水患 Kawasan Perindustrian Bukit Serdang, Gerakan received RM200k scholarship from TMC college for 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor. Batu’s students 刘开强:党主席许子根博士协助 隆2华小各获20万特别拨款 BACK Dr. Koh: 428 mission schools to get RM100m 许子根:预算案1亿拨款发428教会学校 2 | www.gerakan.org.my GM_2011_02AprJun_v4.indd 2 9/13/2012 2:44:01 PM Koh Tsu Koon: Request for more seats in GE 13 Gerakan intends to contest in 13 parliamentary seats and 35 state seats Gerakan President Dr. Koh Tsu Koon Gerakan. Among the 4 ADUNs party has left BN in September 2008. stated that Gerakan is requesting BN who joined Gerakan, 3 are from Sabah to allow the party to contest in 13 and 1 in Pahang.” In the last 2008 GE, Gerakan only parliamentary seats and 35 state seats, contested 12 parliamentary seats and an increase of 1 parliamentary seat and Dr. Koh explained that they are not 31 state seats; while the addition of 4 state seats compared to the 2008 GE. party-hopping ADUNs, all those 3 3 ‘independent’ ADUNs from Sabah ADUNs in Sabah have quitted their has helped Gerakan achieved a former party and became independent breakthrough from nil in Sabah. ADUNs for quite some time before joining Gerakan, while another ADUN The candidate list has been submitted in Pahang won the election as an to BN independent candidate and remained as Dr. Koh said: “Gerakan has submitted an independent ADUN for a period of the candidate list to BN top leadership. time before deciding to join Gerakan. However, we are still undergoing screening, if the proposed candidates A new stronghold in Tawau, Sabah do something stupid or wrong that Dr. Koh also stressed that since Gerakan provoke anger of the people, they will “These parliamentary and state seats Tawau Service Centre has established be dropped.” will be including 4 independent a strong foundation in the state, BN ADUNs who joined Gerakan in the should consider allowing Gerakan He said the party election preparations aftermath of the 308 GE and the to contest for the parliamentary are now entering the third phase, which Tawau parliamentary constituency constituency. The incumbent MP is to strengthen the mechanism of the which is now a stronghold for for Tawau is Chua Soon Bui whose election preparation works. 许子根:要求增竞选席位 民政党拟攻13国35州席 党主席许子根博士说,民政党要求国阵在下届全国 议席上阵。 2013 Àð¦ƒð ÌÈ¢òÐ ¦¸Ã¡ì¸¡É¢ý ÀâóШøû 大选,让民政党竞选13国和35州议席,相比起2008 Kohilan: Gerakan firmly rejects Hudud law 年大选竞选的议席增加1国4州。 目前,斗湖区国会议员是蔡顺梅,其所属政党已于 2008年9月退出国阵。 “这些国、州议席包括了308大选之后4位加入民政 党的独立议员之州议席,以及被视为民政党服务强 在2008全国大选,民政党只派员出征12个国席以及 区的沙巴斗湖国席。而其中加入民政党的4位州议 31个州议席;而沙巴州是在3位独立议员加入后, 员,有3位来自沙巴州及1位来自彭亨州。” 使民政党在沙巴州取得零的突破。 许子根说,他们不是跳槽的议员,3位沙巴州议员 候选人名单已呈国阵 都是因为个别政党问题,而退出原属政党成为独立 许子根博士说,“民政党已把候选人名单呈上给国 议员一段时日后才加入民政党,而另一位彭亨州议 阵最高领导层。无论如何,我们还需要再进行筛 员则是以独立人士身分竞选后中选,同样也是成为 选。如果有候选人做了一些愚蠢或不妥当的事,以 独立议员一段时日后再加入民政党。 致激怒人民,他们将被除名。” 沙巴斗湖建强大基础 他表示,民政党的大选备战工作目前已迈入第三阶 许子根也强调,民政党在沙巴州斗湖的服务工作已 段,即加强竞选工作的机制,各选区竞选工作队已 建立了强大的基础,国阵应考虑让民政党在这国会 全面投入备战,以应付将举行的第13届全国大选。 July - September 2012 | 3 GM_2011_02AprJun_v4.indd 3 9/13/2012 2:44:02 PM HARMONY ACT FOR 1MALAYSIA “Enacting the new National Harmony Act (NHA) to replace the Sedition Act is yet another important concrete step in the 1Malaysia National Transformation Programme,” said Gerakan President Dr. Koh Tsu Koon. “While placing emphasis on the mechanism and means to promote, nurture and inculcate goodwill and harmony amongst our diverse racial and religious communities, the NHA should also include provisions to restrain and punish hate language and behavior that hurt feelings and provoke inter-ethnic or inter-religious animosity.” Describing the NHA as extremely timely, Dr. Koh emphasised that there should be freedom of expression with responsibility. “The new act should not stifle positive and constructive criticism of policies and practices in both the public and private sectors which are considered as discriminatory or unfair. But, there are ways to express such criticism without hurting other communities,” Dr. Koh pointed out. “The key is to uphold and practise the spirit of inclusiveness and moderation, as embodied in the 1Malaysia concept,” said Dr. Koh who hoped that the NHA would provide a concrete framework and measure to promote the 1Malaysia concept in the context of the Rukun Negara. 一个马来西亚精神的国民和谐法令 民政党全国主席许子根博士表示,“新的国民和谐法 许子根博士指出,“这新法令不应遏制那些针对公共 令取代煽动法令是‘一个马来西亚国家转型计划’中的 和私人界措施内含有歧视性和不公平所作出的正面和 另一项重要步骤。” 有建设性的批评。其实,这些批评是能够以不伤害其 他社群感受的方式来有效地表达。” “在我国多元种族及信仰的社会中着重推广、培养和 灌输善意与和谐的意识及机制的同时,国民和谐法令 “这一切的关键是要坚持及实践正如在一个马来西亚 也应含有各条文,以约束及惩罚可影响种族或宗教间 理念中所强调的包容和中庸的精神。” 的感情,并挑起敌意的仇恨语言和行为。” 许子根博士希望国民和谐法令将提供一个具体的架构 许子根博士指出,国民和谐法令的制定非常合时,并 与措施,在国家原则范畴内,推广及实现一个马来西 强调人民享有言论自由的同时,也要对其言论负责。 亚理念。 ¼¡ì¼÷ §¸¡ Ý Üý : “1 Á§Äº¢Â¡Å¢üÌ þ½ì¸Á¡É ºð¼õ ” 1 Á§Äº¢Â¡ §¾º¢Â ¯ÕÁ¡üÈò¾¢ý ÅÆíÌõ Ũ¸Â¢ø §¾º¢Â Ì¨È ÜÈ¨Ä Ó¼ìÌž¡¸ þÕò¾ø ¾¢ð¼ò¾¢ø §¾º ¿¢ó¾¨É þ½ì¸Á¡É ºð¼õ º¢Ä Å¢¾¢¸¨Ç ܼ¡Ð. þôÀÊ Ó¼ìÌÅÐ ¿¢Â¡ÂÁüÈ ºð¼ò¾¢üÌ À¾¢Ä¡¸ Ò¾¢Â §¾º¢Â ¦¸¡ñÊÕì¸ §ÅñÎõ. ´ýÈ¡¸¢Å¢Îõ. þ¾Ã ºã¸í¸Ç¢ý þ½ì¸Á¡É ºð¼ò¨¾ ¦¸¡ñÎ ¯½÷׸¨Ç ÒñÀÎò¾¡¾Å¡Ú ÅÕÅÐ ´Õ Ó츢ÂÁ¡É ¬ì¸¸ÃÁ¡É þîºð¼õ ¾ì¸ ºÁÂò¾¢ø þò¾¨¸Â Ì¨È Ü鬀 ¦ÅÇ¢ôÀÎò¾ ¿¼ÅÊ쨸¡Ìõ. þùÅ¡Ú ¦¸¡ñÎÅÃôÀð¼ ºð¼õ ±ýÚ ÅƢŨ¸¸û ¯ñÎ ±ýÚ º§¸¡. ¦¸Ã¡ì¸¡ý ¾¨ÄÅ÷ º§¸¡. ¼¡ì¼÷ º§¸¡. ¼¡ì¼÷ §¸¡ Å÷½¢ò¾¡÷. ¼¡ì¼÷ §¸¡ ÍðÊ측ðÊÉ¡÷. §¸¡ Ý Üý ÜÈ¢ÔûÇ¡÷. º§¸¡. ¼¡ì¼÷ §¸¡ §¾º¢Â ´üÚ¨Á ÁüÚõ ¦ºÂø¾¢Èý «¨ÉŨÃÔõ ¯ûǼ츢 ¿ÁÐ Àø§ÅÚ þÉí¸û ÁüÚõ ¿¢÷Ÿ¢ôÒ Ð¨Èì¸¡É À¢Ã¾Á÷ Á¢¾Å¡¾ ¯½÷×¼ý ¦ºÂøÀÎõ ºÁÂí¸û ¦¸¡ñ¼ ºÓ¾¡Âò¾¢ý þÄ¡¸¡ «¨Áîº÷ ¬Å¡÷. 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As envisioned by the PM, we believe that through the abolition and formulation of the new bills, the government is ensuring that adequate democratic space is provided to encourage people while instilling a more tolerant and inclusive attitude towards differences of opinion as well as dissenting voices,” says Chang Ko Youn who is also the party’s Human Rights and Law Bureau chairman.

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