Appendix A: Freya Stark’s known covert activities in the Middle East, 1927–1943, compiled from various archival and published sources From To Region Visited Objective/product Client 1927–10 1928 Levant Beirut; Unknown. Probably debriefed SIS/ Damascus; regarding the Jebel Druze WO? Jebel Druze; Palestine; Cairo 1930–04 1930–06 Persia Elburz Cartographic survey (Valley of WO Mountains the Assassins) 1931–08 1931–10 Persia Elburz Cartographic and WO/ Mountains; archaeological surveys (Valley RGS Luristan of the Assassins; Luri graves); RGS reports 1931–10 1933–03 Baghdad – Baghdad Times (mostly) ? 1932–09 1933–02 Persia Luristan Cartographic survey (Pusht-i-­ WO Kuh [uncharted]) 1934–12 1935–04 Yemen Hadhramaut Probably no intelligence. RGS? Aborted (measles) 1937–10 1938–03 Yemen Hadhramaut Probably no intelligence; just RGS RGS reports. (Wakefield archaeological expedition leader) 1939–03 1939–07 Syria Hama, Probably no intelligence RGS? Orontes valley, Aleppo © The Author(s) 2019 261 A. O’Sullivan, The Baghdad Set, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-15183-6 262 APPENDIX A: FREYA STARK’S KNOWN COVERT ACTIVITIES IN THE MIDDLE EAST… From To Region Visited Objective/product Client 1939–10 1939–10 Cairo – Meetings in Cairo with various – intelligence personalities: Cawthorn (MEIC), Thornhill (SIS), Clayton (DDMI), et al. 1939–11 1940–02 Aden – Assistant Information Officer. MOI/ Ikhwan al-Hurriya. Bonzo FO scheme 1940–02 1940–03 Yemen Sana’a Political, military, economic MEIC/ intelligence. Persuasion FO 1940–07 1941–03 Cairo Ikhwan. Bonzo scheme MOI/ SOE 1941–03 1943–02 Baghdad Ikhwan MOI 1943–02 1943–03 Delhi Bonzo scheme GOC 1943–04 1943–08 Baghdad Ikhwan MOI Periods between travels spent in the UK and/or Italy. The duration and nature of Stark’s association with SIS throughout this period remain obscure Appendix B: Cover names of OSS-SI agents in Iraq, 1943–1945, compiled from various archival sources Operational Reporting Real Other Location BUFFALO Walter Donor Arthur Dayton Art Baghdad BUNNY Henry Ibsen Dr Hans Hoff ‘Doc’ Baghdad KANGAROO Calvin Warne Rev Thomas Allen Tom Tabriz IBEX Robert Craig Unknown Real name? Mosul © The Author(s) 2019 263 A. O’Sullivan, The Baghdad Set, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-15183-6 Appendix C: Covert initiatives targeting Iraq, 1941–1945, compiled from various archival and published sources © The Author(s) 2019 265 A. O’Sullivan, The Baghdad Set, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-15183-6 Date Abw II KONO Abw II/SKL Mil D Arab Bureau Turkish 266 1941–00 (1) RUVANDIZ-SCHLUCHT 1942–01 (8) IRAQ,1941–1945,COMPILED… TARGETING INITIATIVES APPENDIX C:COVERT Achat Khan 1942–09 (4) Bedaux/Felmy 1942–43 (9) LIBERATORS 1943–01 (11) OMAR 1943–03 (5) BASRA 1943–06 (2) MAMMUT 1943–06 (10) Robert College 1943–09 (3) ASLAN 1943–12 (14) DODGERS 1944–01 (12) Nasret 1944–01 (15) SMUDGERS 1944–06 (13) Khidir & Co 1944–11 (16) TEL AFAR 1945–02 (6) REISERNTE 1945–04 (7) KINO Numerals in parentheses indicate the relevant narrative in Chap. 9 Appendix D: Organization of CICI in Iraq, ca. early 1944 © The Author(s) 2019 267 A. O’Sullivan, The Baghdad Set, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-15183-6 268 Appendix D: Organization of CICI in Iraq, ca. early 1944 Based on War Establishment (PAIC/1046/I), KV 4/223, The National Archives Establishment (PAIC/1046/I), Based on War Appendix E: Deployment of area liaison officers, other security-­intelligence personnel, and political advisers in Iraq, ca. early 1944, according to War Establishment (PAIC/1046/I), KV 4/223, The National Archives © The Author(s) 2019 269 A. O’Sullivan, The Baghdad Set, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-15183-6 270 APPENDIX E: DEPLOYMENT OF AREA LIAISON OFFICERS… Abbreviations: ADSO = assistant defence security officer; ALO = area liai- son officer; APA = assistant political adviser; DAPA = deputy assistant political adviser; DSO = defence security officer; PA = political adviser; PSO = port security officer; SCOPG = security control officer Persian Gulf; SO = security officer; Basemap: Distribution of towns and cities in Iraq, Iraq and the Persian Gulf: September 1944, B.R. 524 (Restricted), Geographical Handbook Series (London: Naval Intelligence Division, 1944), 356 Appendix F: Revised Charter of the Combined Intelligence Centre Iraq and Persia (CICI), issued on 6 July 1941 1. (a) The Centre will be located as may be most convenient, having regard to the collection of information and the discharge of its responsibilities to the GOC and AOC Iraq as defined below. It will be accommodated and locally administered under arrange- ments to be made by the Headquarters Royal Air Force in Iraq. The necessary cipher and other facilities required will be pro- vided by Army or RAF Headquarters as may be most convenient. (b) Under existing conditions it will be necessary to maintain a detachment of the Centre in southern Iraq, but as far as circum- stances allow the Head of the Centre should ensure that its activities and information are co-ordinated with those of the main Centre. This detachment will not issue separate summaries or appreciations, except in cases of urgency when it is necessary to avoid delay in informing local commanders, or on demand from them. 2. In general the Centre will act as an intelligence organization for the GOC and AOC in Iraq for all but operational intelligence matters, and will be responsible, under their direction, for executive tasks of an interservice nature, such as security, civil censorship, propaganda, and publicity. The area to be covered by the Centre will be that for which the GOC Iraq is responsible. © The Author(s) 2019 271 A. O’Sullivan, The Baghdad Set, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-15183-6 272 APPENDIX F: REVISED CHARTER OF THE COMBINED INTELLIGENCE CENTRE… 3. In detail, the tasks of the Centre will be: (a) to provide the GOC and AOC with collated political and secu- rity intelligence and such other natures of intelligence as they may require the Centre to deal with; (b) to co-operate, with the approval of the GOC and AOC, with the embassy publicity section in carrying out the general policy for propaganda as received in directives from the Jerusalem Bureau, or as ordered by the respective commanders in further- ance of local operations; (c) to take or arrange for executive action in connection with gen- eral security other than field security, and censorship other than field censorship; (d) to produce periodical intelligence summaries and appreciations, copies of which, in addition to local distribution, will be for- warded to C-in-C East Indies, GHQ India, GHQ Middle East, HQ RAF Middle East, MEIC, and the Jerusalem Bureau; (e) to maintain close liaison in intelligence matters with the British naval authorities in the Persian Gulf; (f) to afford all assistance to the local representative of MI6 and to distribute locally to all concerned information received from him. 4. The establishment of the Centre will include both Army and RAF personnel, and will be varied from time to time to meet the needs of the situation. It will include political advisers and assistant political advisers, who will work under the direct orders and control of HE The British Ambassador in Iraq, and area liaison officers who will work under the Head of the Centre. 5. The Centre will be provided with Secret Service funds by HMG in UK. Supervision over the expenditure will be exercised by GOC and AOC Iraq. Funds will be provided through the Jerusalem Bureau for the activities of the political advisers mentioned in paragraph 4. (Source: Appendix D, AIR 29/2504, The National Archives) UNPuBLISHED WORKS Auswärtiges Amt (Berlin) [AA] Politisches Archiv R 29539 R 67482 British Library (St Pancras, London) [BL] India Office Records IOR/L/MIL/17/15/24 IOR/L/PS/12/3528A IOR/L/PS/8/520 IOR/R/15/2/926 Bundesarchiv (Berlin-Lichterfelde) [BArch] Reichssicherheitshauptamt (RSHA) R 58/38 © The Author(s) 2019 273 A. O’Sullivan, The Baghdad Set, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-15183-6 274 UNPUBLISHED WORKS Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv (Freiburg im Breisgau) [BArch-MArch] Kameradschaft 1. Regiment Brandenburg MSG 158/38 Deutsches Reich (1867/71–1945) R 2/1767 Reichsmarine RM 7/1074 Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas (Austin, TX) [HRC] Freya Stark Collection Series I Works, 1916–1976 Container 1.3 Series II Correspondence, 1893–1985 Containers 11.1 12.2 12.5 13.1 13.10 20.5 20.7 23.5 Imperial War Museum (London) [IWM] Documents Collection 4829 11631 15964 20694 National Archives and Records Administration (College Park, MD) [NARA] Records of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) RG 226/E210/B261 RG 226/E215/B3 RG 226/E217/B1 RG 226/E210/B389 RG 226/E215/B7 UNPUBLISHED WORKS 275 Records of the US Nürnberg War Crimes Trials RG 238 Misc interrogations Records of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) RG 263/EZZ17/B3 RG 263/EZZ18/B35 CIA Research Tool (CREST) Misc documents Records of the Army Staff RG 319/E85/B958 The National Archives (Kew, Surrey) [TNA] Records of the Air Ministry, Royal Air Force AIR 23/5860 AIR 29/2506 AIR 29/2510 AIR 29/2514 AIR 23/5951 AIR 29/2507 AIR 29/2511 AIR 29/2515 AIR 29/2504 AIR 29/2508 AIR 29/2512 AIR 29/2505 AIR 29/2509 AIR 29/2513 Records of the Cabinet CAB 102/610 Records of the Colonial Office CO 725/52/5 CO 725/73/9 CO 725/74/15 CO 850/130/10 CO 725/68/2 CO 725/74/10 CO 732/85/7 CO 967/130 Records of the Foreign Office FO 371/23213 FO 371/27098 FO 371/45337 FO 624/26/838 FO 371/23218 FO 371/27100 FO 371/45343 FO 624/28/195 FO 371/23251 FO 371/27103 FO 371/45350 FO 624/29/634 FO 371/24561 FO 371/27114
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