AUGUST 30, 1989 25 CENTS______________________ VOLUME 19 NUMBER 35 Summer twilight This time-exposure photograph makes Garden State Parkway traffic, congested during the weekend return of visitors from the Shore, appear to speed along. Cars in the northbound lane in Matawan were almost at a standstill at 8:30 p.m., when the photograph was taken. As area residents mark Labor Day Monday, they may celebrate the end of traffic-jam season as they mourn the passing of long summer days. Photograph by Chet Gordon 2 AUGUST 30, 1989, THE INDEPENDENT FACTORY OUTLET OPEN TO THE PUBLIC THUR., FRI. 10 to 9, SAT. 10 to 6, SUN. 12 to 5, MON. 10 to 6 CLOSED TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY OPEN LABOR DAY 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. D E A L E R DIRECT FROM THE FACTORYPRICES ALL MICA EXPERIENCE FURNITURE IS MADE-T0-0RDER IN YOUR CHOICE OF NEW FINISHES AND COLORS ■ MASTER BEDROOMSiTOT-TO-TEEN GROUPS■ DINING ROOMS ■ WALL SYSTEMS ■ ENTERTAINMENT CENTERS and more Gordons Corner & Taylor's Mill Rd MICA EXPERIENCE FACTORY OUTLET ALEXANDER PLAZA, 329 RO UTE 9, M ANALAPAN, NJ 07726 ■ 201/462-1162 General Offices & Factory: 215 CANDLEWOOD ROAD, BAYSHORE, NEW YORK 11706 THE INDEPENDENT, AUGUST 30, 1989 3 INSIDE STORY New York gang Results demanded The state commissioner of educa­ suspected tion has ordered the Matawan-Aber­ deen School District to explain why it withheld information for the first in robberies New Jersey School Report Card. By Patrick J. Ross SEE PAGE 7 ABERDEEN — Police suspect a robbery Aug. 20 at the East Garden restaurant in the Strathmore Shopping Center, Route 34. has Congressman visits links to Chinese organized crime. Rep. Frank Pallone Jr. visited The East Garden restaurant was robbed Union Beach twice recently, to dis­ of approximately $13,385 dollars worth of cuss a flood control proposal for Flat cash, liquor and food, officials said. and East creeks and to announce his According to police, the thieves broke a support of adding Conaskonk Point to floodlight in the rear of the restaurant and the federal Coastal Barrier Resources pried open the back door under cover of System. darkness. The thieves then entered the store SEE PAGE 25 and broke open the front cash register. They found the payroll box hidden among a pile of table cloths and removed Schedule to be set shrimp and lobster meat estimated to be State officials will provide a sched­ worth over $5,000, police said. ule for the completion of the Route 34 The same night, another Chinese restau­ reconstruction project in Matawan by rant was robbed. The Lotus House restau­ Monday. rant in Matawan, formerly known as the SEE PAGE 30 Islanders, was robbed of $3,000 worth of shrimp, scallops and lobsters and $700 in cash. After the robbery of the East Garden, em­ Photograph by Martin Petterchak Coach named AFTERMATH Filling the position of defensive ployees and former employees were ques­ coach for the Raritan High School tioned. One employee had bragged before Ray and Florence Harrison join their neighbor Margie Haines to look over the football team caused controversy the robbery that he was connected to a damage done by the creek running behind Haines’ home Aug. 12 at the Garden Monday at a Hazlet Board of Educa­ Chinese gang known as the Ghost Shadows, Park Homes trailer park, Hazlet. Residents of the park believe erosion is threat­ tion Monday. according to Matawan police. ening their homes. For the story, see Page 34. Gangs such as the Ghost Shadows or the SEE PAGE 35 Green Dragons have made their home in the Chinese-American community for years, according to Detective Gary Dickey. To call The Independent Individual gangs known as Tongs, he said, Master plan hearing date set extort money from legitimate businesses, Advertising .............................. 5 4 2 - 4 0 0 0 By Marilyn Duff two, two-family houses. The approximately traffic in drugs and vie for power among C irculation .............................. 2 5 4 - 7 0 0 0 3.8-acre property including wetlands con­ themselves. C lassified ••............................... 5 4 2 - 4 0 0 0 tains a two-family house fronting on Fulton said his de­ KEYPORT — The Planning Board will E d i t o r i a l.................................... 5 4 2 - 4 0 0 0 Detective Kenneth Wicklund Street with a one-family house behind it. partment felt that the robbery of both the hold a special meeting on the proposed new S p o r t s ...................................... 2 5 4 - 7 0 0 0 The two new building lots would be at the East Garden and the Lotus were committed master plan at 7 p.m. Thursday at Borough rear of the flag-shaped property. by Chinese organized crime. Hall. Press releases and advertising copy The 4-2 vote, with one abstension. fol­ He said there had been a number of rob­ “We hope to finalize it,” Board Chairman may be brought to The Independent lowed a rare 4-4 tie vote at the board’s July beries of Chinese restaurants in New Jersey, William Kerchner said Monday. office at 1 R egister Plaza, meeting. Poling had previously been denied Long Island and suburban New York State Shrewsbury. The board first began reviewing the plan approval in December. The vote then was all of which seemed to be connected to last November and held a public hearing on 0-4, with four abstensions. Chinese-American organized crime based in it in May, after which several changes were Flushing, N.Y. Board members Leo Mania, Arthur made in accordance with residents’ re­ Rooke, Bruce Ely and Arthur Sznyter voted “The robberies are only of Chinese restu- INDEX ________ quests. in favor of the plan. Kerchner and David rants,” Wicklund said. “No Japanese or Ko­ ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT.............. 2 2 The majority of objections concerned King opposed it, and Thomas Ferrante rean restaurants are involved, only the two-family housing which in the original BUSINESS........................................... 4 1 Chinese ones.” abstained. Board members Mayor Edward CLASSIFIED................................ 4 7 - 5 5 proposal was permitted on a conditional ba­ Flynn and Charles Ditmars were absent. Rolf Resenhoelf said that he has been sis in a large medium-density zone north of IN THE SERVICE ............................... 3 9 part-owner of the East Garden for six years. At the July meeting Ferrante and Ditmars Maple Place. The board rezoned that area opposed the plan and Mania was ineligible IN THE SPOTLIGHT.......................... 1 4 “You see,” Resenhoelf began, “it sounds for single-family housing with the exception like Chinese gangs want to expand into this to vote having missed a prior hearing on the LETTERS............................................ 4 -5 of a small area south of the downtown busi­ application. area. They come down and rob a couple of NEWS BRIEFS.................................... 3 8 ness district bordered roughly by Atlantic A number of adjacent residents spoke out OBITUARIES....................................... 4 6 the more successful businesses. Then they Street to the east, third Street to the south come back and offer protection from being against the subdivision at the July meeting. OFFBEAT.................................... 5 and Beers Street to the west. The applicant will have to obtain appro­ OPINION.................................................. 4 robbed - but at a price. I can withstand this single robbery; my restaurant does enough At last week’s board meeting, applicant val from the state Department of Environ­ PEOPLE IN THE NEWS..................... 2 0 Richard Poling received permission to sub­ mental Protection in accordance with the POLICE BEAT..................................... 4 2 business. “Some smaller restaurants would be out divide his Fulton Street property to build Freshwater Wetlands Protection Act. PULSE..................................................... 6 of business if they were robbed,” he said. PROPERTY LINES............................. 4 0 To prevent further robberies Resenhoelf SOCIAL NEW S.................................. 1 7 is adding an alarm system and re-enforcing Natco plant proposal thwarted SPORTS....................................... 4 4 - 4 5 all the doors to the restaurant. UNION BEACH — Plans to build a co­ mayor said, but “it looks like Natco Lako is WHAT'S HAPPENING..................... 8 -9 “If they had known one of the owners generation power and water plant on a out. It’s too much of a problem getting ap­ wasn’t Chinese, they may not have robbed filled-in area of Natco Lake appear doomed, proval.” WILLIAM R. CANINO this place,” he said. “They don’t know who according to Mayor Carmen Stoppiello. Vice President Strohmeyer declined to comment Tues­ I’m connected to, and they don’t like deal­ day, but said at this juncture, “Anything's DAVID THALER ing too far outside of their own commu­ But the mayor and developer Charles P ublisher Strohmeyer, president of Electrodyne Re­ possible.” Strohmeyer has an Oct. 2 dead­ nity.” line to file a bid to provide 100 megawatts THOMAS R. DeCARO At 8:30 a.m. Aug. 15, two Chinese men search Corp., Gladwyne, Pa., have not given Executive Editor up on plans for the plant which would pro­ of electricity to Jersey Central Power & were taken into custody after robbing the Light Co. JUDITH McGEE FEENEY Hunan Tea House on Route 18, East Bruns­ duce electricity and remove salt from water, Managing Editor wick. Two people were arrested by Patrol­ providing the borough with 1.2 million gal­ At an Aug. 14 meeting with state Depart­ MARK ROSMAN man Alan Quercia while leaving the scene lons of water a day. ment of Environmental Protection officials, Sports Editor of the robbery. They had $3,500 worth of “He (Strohmeyer) wants to come here be­ “everything was negative,” Stoppiello said. ANTHONY ROSELU shrimp, soda and mushrooms in their pos­ cause he knows we want him,” Stoppiello The DEP’s major objection is a plan to fill Advertising Director session at the time of arrest.
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