Vigo Parish Council ~ Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 22nd / Tuesday 23rd June 2020 VIGO PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 22nd JUNE 2020 & 23rd JUNE 2020 AT 11.00 am via Zoom (due to Covid-19 Lockdown) Present Cllr Pat Banks (In the Chair); Cllr Jim Haslam; Cllr Julie Marsh; 22nd June: Cllr Alan White; Cllr Andy Woolway. Mrs Joanne Glass (Clerk). In Attendance Cllr Denise Tiran (Gravesham Borough Council) (until 11.45am); 22nd June): Mrs Nichola Hermitage (Prospective Council Member) Present Cllr Pat Banks (In the Chair); Cllr Colin Talboys; Cllr Mike Germain; Cllr 23rd June: Jim Haslem; Cllr Dave Hawkins; Cllr Alan White; Cllr Andy Woolway. Mrs Joanne Glass (Clerk). In Attendance None. 23rd June): 1] To receive Apologies for Absence 1821. Monday 22nd June: Cllr Colin Talboys (VPC); Cllr Mike Germain (VPC); Cllr Dave Hawkins (VPC); Cllr Ejaz Aslam (GBC). Tuesday 23rd June: Cllr Julie Marsh (VPC); Cllr Nichola Hermitage (VPC). 2] To receive Declarations of Interest 1822. Cllr White declared an interest in the planning application at 235 Highview. 3] Co -option of Councillor (Casual Vacancy) 1821. The Clerk had invited Mrs Nicola Hermitage to the meeting as agreed. Mrs Hermitage would like to be a Parish Councillor. It was noted that no other applicants had been received. Cllr Hermitage lived in Chestnut Lane and had been in the village for many years. Cllr Banks proposed that Mrs Hermitage be co-opted as a Council Member, this was seconded by Cllr Marsh. Cllr Hermitage was duly welcomed to the Council. The Clerk would forward the following documents to Cllr Hermitage for her attention: • Minutes of the June Parish Council Meeting • Declaration of Pecuniary Interest form for completion • Acceptance of Office form for completion • Code of Conduct, Financial Regulations & Standing Orders for reference The Clerk would arrange for Cllr Hermitage to attend training when it was available. In the meantime, Cllr Marsh would lend her training paperwork (Dynamic Councillor) to Cllr Hermitage for her to look at. The Clerk would also allocate a Councillor Patch to Cllr Hermitage and forward the check list and map that relates to this. The Clerk would also set up an email address for Cllr Hermitage once the service had been taken over by ICT Vision at the end of the month. [Action: Clerk] 4] Questions from the press and public 1822. None. 196 Vigo Parish Council ~ Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 22nd / Tuesday 23rd June 2020 5] Borough and County Council representative reports 1823. Cllr Tiran noted that the Gravesham Borough Council AGM was due to be held on 22nd June. Cllr Tiran noted (on a personal level) that there was still an issue with cars driving down the one-way section of White Post Lane. This had been more of an issue during lock-down, the No Entry signs did not appear to be deterring people. Cllr Tiran wanted to inform the Parish of this, in case they wanted to pursue the matter further. It was suggested that this matter is brought up with Cllr Sweetland at the meeting on Thursday 25th June (meeting arranged to discuss Trosley Country Park parking issues). All agreed. 6] Police and Community Warden reports 1824. The Parish Council newsletter dated May 2020 had been forwarded to all Members. There had been some Covid Lockdown breaches that the PCSOs had dealt with. The PCSOs also continued to engage with people regarding the inconsiderate parking on Waterlow Road (Trosley Country Park). 1825. Community Warden update: Ms Cason and Ms Fuller were continuing to deliver food across many areas in Kent, totalling 587 meals between April and May. They were also delivering medication. The Community Wardens had also delivered the Pop-Up Café Goodie Bags, which had been well received. 7] To approve the minutes of the Full Parish Council Meeting (public and closed sessions) held on 18th & 19th May (held remotely via Zoom) 1826. The minutes were accepted as an accurate record of the meeting held on 18th & 19th May. As this meeting had been held online, the minutes would be signed by Cllr Banks at the next face-to-face Parish Council meeting. 8] To discuss Matters Arising from the previous minutes not otherwise on the agenda 1827. Cllr Hawkins had purchased the solar light, but had not yet had an opportunity to install. Cllr Hawkins would pass the invoice to the Clerk for reimbursement (£45). Filed as pending. 1828. DEFIBRILLATORS: The Clerk had written to both residents to thank them for hosting the machines on their property. 1829. One of the defibrillators needed a replacement battery (cost around £140). This was not urgent at present, and as such the Clerk had filed it as a pending matter. 1830. Flytipping in Highview – two large barrels with oil had been left in one of the garage areas. The Clerk had been informed that these barrels had now been removed, it was not clear if Gravesham Borough Council had removed them, or if someone else had done so. 1831. FLYTIPPING (legislation): The Clerk was aware that other Gravesham Parishes had real issues with Flytipping, and as such she had emailed the Clerks to ask how they dealt with any issues on land that they were responsible for. Once a response had been received the Clerk would look at any legislation that may be of use to Vigo Parish Council. [Action: ongoing] 1832. Community Cupboard. The collection point would be moved to the village hall once lockdown had been lifted. Cllr Marsh may have some large plastic storage boxes that could be used to collect donations at the village hall. 197 Vigo Parish Council ~ Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 22nd / Tuesday 23rd June 2020 Cllr White thought that the poster on the front of the noticeboard at the top of Waterlow Road referred to donations being collected at the hall – this would not be possible until the hall had fully re-opened. The Clerk was to check who had put the notice up and if it had incorrect information on it. [Action: Clerk] 1833. VE DAY PHOTOGRAPHS: The Clerk had not received any more photographs since the last meeting, so would use the ones that had been supplied to make a montage for social media and the website. [Action: Clerk] 9] To discuss any tree, ground maintenance or grass cutting issues noted. a) Trees 1834. Conifers on Parish land to the rear of The Covert. The Clerk had written to the residents at 6, 7, 8 & 9 The Covert as agreed. It was noted that there were now also another two saplings here – the Clerk was to write again regarding this. [Action: ongoing] 1835. Bramblebank: Oak Tree to the side. This inspection was due to be carried out on Friday 3rd July. The Clerk had made a diary note and would let Mr Agley know. [Action: Clerk] 1836. TREES AND INSURANCE COVER: Cllr Banks had continued work on the draft Tree Risk Assessment – please see agenda item 16. 1837. TIMBERBANK: £120 charge for emergency tree works. This fee had now been received. 1838. Timberbank (Tree work request): The Clerk had updated the resident as agreed. 1839. TIMBERBANK: Mr Agley informed the Clerk that he had now cut back the overhang that had been affecting the Wendy House in the garden. The Clerk had emailed the resident to confirm this had been done. The resident still had a complaint about the height of the tree(s) to the rear and had sent photographs to illustrate this. The Clerk had asked Cllr Talboys (as Tree Warden) to have a look and report back. [Action: Cllr Talboys] 1840. CHESTNUT COTTAGE: Resident noted that a tree had snapped and fallen into the woods. Mr Agley had not had an opportunity to look at this but would do so as soon as possible. [Action: Highview Services] 1841. Clerk to arrange a site meeting after lockdown. [Action: Clerk] 1842. Ferndown: Cllr Talboys confirmed that some remedial work would definitely be required for this tree. He would speak to Mr Agley and agree the work, which would be carried out over the winter period. Clerk to update the resident. [Action: Clerk] 1843. Timberbank: complaint about large tall tree on Parish land near the property. Mr Agley felt the tree could do with some remedial work to balance out the crown 198 Vigo Parish Council ~ Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 22nd / Tuesday 23rd June 2020 and would do this when he could. In the meantime, the lady had temporarily cancelled her tv package as she was unable to receive any signal. [Action: pending] 1844. The Coppice: enquiry about tree that appeared dead. Cllr Talboys confirmed that this large tree was dead and needed to be removed (non-urgent). The Clerk had added this to the tree surgery list and updated the resident. 1845. Churchside: Silver birch to the side (diseased) to be removed and replaced with a new sapling. Clerk had updated Mr Agley, and also the resident. This was now filed as pending. 1846. Highview: concerns regarding trees to the rear, as the gardens are in permanent shade. Resident had spoken to Mr Agley who had advised the resident to contact the Parish directly. The Clerk would liaise with Mr Agley and Cllr Talboys regarding this and report back. [Action: Clerk] 1847. Highview: Concerns regarding an Oak Tree that the resident felt needed to be trimmed back. It was very large and blocking light from the house. The branches were encroaching on the house and in high winds were hitting the property windows. Clerk to ask Mr Agley to inspect and report back.
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