AnnuAl RepoRt electRomobility model Regions bmVbs tRAnspoRt And infRAstRuctuRe HydRogen pRoVision stAtionARy eneRgy supply speciAl mARkets AnnuAl RepoRt RepoRt AnnuAl now magazinE annual REpoRt 2011 NOW MAGAZINE 3 FoREwoRd by dR. pEtER RamsauER d r. peter Ramsauer, member of the bundestag Federal minister of transport, building and urban development Questions concerning energy efficiency and climate pro­ Our motto on our course to electromobility is: the pro­ tection are without a doubt among the most challenging motion of open technology. Only in such a manner can in regard to transport and housing policies. The Federal we also gather experience in the area of hydrogen and Government has set itself the target to develop Germany fuel cells to help attain our goals. We are supporting as the leading market for electromobility by 2020. Sub­ this area within the framework of the National Innova­ stantial efforts have already been undertaken on the tion Programme for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology path to achieving this goal. The Federal Government and (NIP), which runs until 2016. The mid­term review in this in particular the Federal Ministry for Transport, Building past year has been positive: the fuel cell has proven itself and Urban Development (BMVBS), have been suppor ­ technically for the supply of power and heat in house­ ting research in the electrification of transport for many holds. This technology is bringing us a giant leap forward years. We simultaneously wish to ensure that mobility for energy efficiency in buildings. Fuel cell vehicles from remains affordable – and electromobility plays a decisive the Clean Energy Partnership have also been technically role to this end. It is within this context that the Federal tried and tested. Hydrogen technology also plays a key Ministry for Transport, Building and Urban Development role in the current transformation of the energy sec­ supports comprehensive programmes for the advance­ tor – especially in regard to the storage of energy. NOW ment of battery as well as hydrogen and fuel cell techno­ also coordinates and manages the so­called »performing logies. Initial results can already be seen in the electro­ energy – Bündnis für Windwasserstoff« (Wind Hydrogen mobility model regions and research in these showcases Alliance), in which industrial companies, research insti­ of electromobility all around the country are continuing. tutions as well as organisations from the areas of en­ Our funding activities aim to ensure long­term planning vironment and technology funding have joined forces. horizons for companies and promote the market pre­ Through the introduction of hydrogen to the transport paration of promising solutions. The suitability for daily sector as both a storage medium for energy and a fuel, use has been supported with 130 million euros of funds the aim of the alliance is to put an end to our reliance for the electromobility model regions. Links between on finite sources of energy. The very encouraging results partners from industry, science and local municipalities of the funding programmes to date instil me with confi­ were established to enable concerted efforts for the dence that politics, industry and science will together expansion of electromobility – in local public transport, reach the ambitious goals set in the future­oriented intra­urban delivery services or in so­called carsharing battery, hydrogen and fuel cell technologies. mo dels. Furthermore, the National Organisation Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology (NOW) facilitated the regular exchange of experiences between the model regions to enhance learning. For this, my special thanks go out to all involved. NOW MAGAZINE 5 FoREwoRd by dR. Klaus bonHoFF d r. Klaus bonhoff, managing director (Chair), now gmbH national organisation Hydrogen and Fuel Cell technology transformation of the energy sector of experiences between the regions and project partners Rhine ­Westphalia, Baden­Württemberg and the State of in which these highly­efficient fuel cell heating systems The development of hydrogen and fuel cell technology that is regularly undertaken as part of the trans­regional Hesse. Over the next years, focus will be placed on im­ (with 30 percent less CO2 emissions than conventional along with battery technology are key components thematic platforms. proving production technologies and reducing the cost units) are assisted beyond the initial hurdle of cost, in the overall context of achieving climate goals and of vehicles through series production. A sufficient refill­ en abling them to be commercially established. for the transformation of the energy sector. Already 2011 – Halftime in the ten-year nip programme ing infrastructure must also be in place when vehicles today, many products bearing an energy efficient or low 2011 represented halftime if the ten­year NIP programme. are brought to market in 2014 / 2015. At the beginning, Fuel cells as back-up systems for the supply of power carbon emission label have been developed using such Projects amounting to 689 million euros (subsidy 357 such filling stations will not be operating to full capacity. Around 70 German firms from the fields of IT, tele com­ technologies. The National Innovation Programme for million euros) have been approved since its inception. It is therefore important that industry and government munications, industrial process automation and control Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology (NIP) of the federal Last year alone, projects valued at 87 million euros (sub­ find a way to jointly overcome the question of initial systems, traffic­control systems as well as energy sup­ government and the electromobility model regions of sidy 42 million euros) were newly approved. The outflow investment risks. ply, see immense potential in using fuel cell systems the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban of BMVBS funds in the NIP during 2011 was more than 94 in the area of uninterruptible power supplies. Several Development (BMVBS) provide the central framework million euros. If one assumes that relatively high budgets Hydrogen for storage – linking the energy and transport sectors projects were already commenced in 2011 and activities for the comprehensive testing of such products under will be necessary 2011 – 2014, and lower funds called upon The search and development of suitable energy storage are expected to expand further in 2012. real conditions to prepare for successful market entry at the beginning and end of the programme, the NIP is options goes hand­in­hand with the expansion of renew­ in the coming years. running in line with expectations (the total 2006 – 2016 able energies. For the long­term storage of large amounts With its coordinating role for the NIP and electromo­ budget amounts to 1.4 billion euros). Since the NIP was of energy, hydrogen is unrivalled. For this reason and bility model regions, NOW considers itself as the inter­ Electromobility model regions with thematic trans-regional established, hydrogen and fuel cell products in several within the framework of the NIP, the foundation was laid face connecting politics and business. Only with the platforms application areas could be brought significantly closer in 2011 to commence with projects within the context of concerted efforts of politics, industry and science can Over 200 individual projects across eight electromobil­ to commercial market readiness. This applies, in particu­ large­scale wind­hydrogen systems. Linking the energy efficient and low­emission technologies be developed ity model regions were executed with funds from the lar, to fuel cell vehicles and stationary fuel cell heating and transport sectors through hydrogen as an energy that are real alternatives – which ultimately can con­ sec ond German economic stimulus package »Konjunk­ systems. In the near future, the questions of market storage medium is especially significant for the future­ tribute to reaching set climate goals, developing new tur II«. The BMVBS allocated 130 million euros for expan­ validation for these areas of application will need to be orientated transformation of the energy sector and the markets and creating jobs. sion of electromobility in areas such as infrastructure, tackled in detail to assess the conditions necessary for a development of new value­added chains in Germany. vehicles and public transport as well as intermodal trans­ successful commercial start­up. port or public transport links. Project partners included power and heat from the fuel cell cities, transport services, automobile manufacturers, mobility with hydrogen As part of Europe’s largest field trial, fuel cell heating sys­ Yours, energy supply companies and suppliers from various From a technical perspective and that of customer com­ tems for the generation of power and heat in the home areas – among which were many small and medium­sized fort, road behaviour, range and refilling time, hydrogen were tested within the framework of the NIP. Insights firms. Besides the formation of alliances and fostering as a fuel for the use in fuel cell vehicles is market ready. gathered from these trials provide manufacturers the the growth of knowledge locally, the hallmark of the This was proven by comprehensive tests conducted basis to prepare for market entry from 2014. Here too, model regions is the scientifically supported exchange under everyday conditions in Berlin, Hamburg, North it is necessary for government to develop a framework NOW MAGAZINE 7 NOW and its pRogRammEs NOW is … t he Electromobility
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