DOCUMENT RESUME ED 239 570 HE 016 994 TITLE Graftate Education: A NationalInvestment in Knowledge. Proceedings of the Annual.Meeting of the Council of Graduate Schools inthe United States (Colorado Springs, Colorado,December 1-3, 1982). INSTITUTION. Council of Graduate Schools inthe U.S., Washington, D.C. PUB DATE Dec 82 NOTE <207p. PUB TYPE Collected Works Conferee Proceedings (021)-- Viewpoints (120) EDRS'PRICE MF01/PC09)Plus Postage../ DESCRIPTORS Biomedicine; Doctoral Programs; EduCational Opportunities; Females; *FinancialSupport; Graduate Students; *Graduate Study; HigherEducation; Humanities; *International Education;*Liberal Arts; Masters Programs; Minority Groups; -*Professional . Education; Researchers; *ResearchLibraries; School Business Relationship; TeacherEducation IDENTIFIERS United States ABSTRACT The national investment in graduateeducation is addressed in proceedings1$f the 1982 meeting of the, Council of 'Graduate Schools in the United States (CGS),'Proceedings of the4CGS business meeting are also included.The keynote address'by Howitrd.R. Bowen, "Educational-Possibilities forOur, randchildren," is provided. Transcripts of the conferencese lions are presented, including the.following: "Investing inGra uate-Education "Who Invest -s: Who Benefits?"; °IndUstry/UniversityCooperative Programs:L___ Strengthening the Relationships"; "Opportunitiesfor. Women Graduate Students "; "The Graduate School andTepcher Preparation: What Are the Graduate Schools Doing to Improve TeacherPreparation ? "; "What' Appears on the Horizon for Graduate Educationof Minorities?"; "International Education: What Are theIstues?"; "Professional Graduate Programs/Degrees?"; "ClosingPandora" Box: The Research Library in the Year "2000 "; "AnAssessment of Research Doctorate Programs in the U.S. Sponsored by the'ConferenceBoard of Associated Research Councils (Discussion of Report)";"Master's of Liberal Arts Programs/Masteros Degrees Institutions";"Graduate Education in the Humanities: Some Options for theFuture "; !'Science, Technology, and the Humanities";. "Financing Graduate Educafion";and "Graduate', Programs in Biomedical Sciences." (SW) a ***********************************************************************0 Reproductions supplied by EDRSare the best that can be made from the original document. **********k**********************************************************,:k V Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual.Meeting' r O LC\ COUNCIL OF GRADUATE SCHOOLS N THE UNITED STATES Fr\Icn w THEME, GRADUATE EDUCATION: A NATIONAL INVESTMENT IN KNOWLCDpE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DUCATION NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION n. CENTER (ERIC) document has been reproduced ga received from the person or organization originating it. y Miner changes have been made to improve reproduction quality. Points of view or opinions stated in Ms docu- ment do not necessarily represent official NIE position or policy. fJ v7r---r.77TT"'77-r,, "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCETHIS 17 MATERIAL HAS BEENGRANTED BY )\ et) TO THE EDUCATIONALRLSOURCES INFORMATIONICENTER (ERIC).- December-1-3, 1982' THE BROADMOOR a COLORA40 SPRINGS, COltaRADO ProceMings ().1 the Twentr-Second Annual Meiling COUNCIL C ZAt, rE SCHOOLS THE \IINITED STATES r, THEME GRADUATE EDUCATION: A NATIONAL iNVESTMENf IN KNOWLEDGE December THI~ BROAD OR C0,11,0 RAW SPRINGS, pLORADO 4 t. , r. The Council of Graduate .,.V.hools Board of Directors Or:session before the star the-annual meeting., C/ viV .0" n, ` '`' ', 4 ti. All photographs In theProceedingsare by, Merna Foss Pelczar. Discus:sing the' National, Center flit- Atmospheric Research.. A Case History in Graduate studies and Research is Wilmot Hoi;Natiohal Center fol.:, Atmospheric Resarclf. a xj _ 60' it I de 111 A view.al the autlience'at a plenary session. .4 ) Discussing I,egal Issues in Graduate Education is Virginia B. 1Nordby, ,Executive Assistatit to the President and Director of Affirmath.ee Action, University of Michigan. , .4 Contepts4 , 4 . .. , . 1 ,Keyno. te Acldri,.0...-:.::, '41' Presiding'. W. Dekter Wijiteheatl; 'Univers'i& of Virg iti;p Educational possibifities for:our:grandchildren ,.2. Howard R. Bowiln,cClaretimitt Gradliate'"C(litiol'. ; 11. Plenary Session I .., .. Presiding: Donald J. White,)3won College . Investing in Graduate EdUcationWhoInvest&:'Who Benefits? Panel: Robert Andringa, Educatioll'Commission oft,,he'States .. 11 Harrisoh Shull, Uiiiversity of Coloradbulder 13 . 'David Padwa, 4grigenetics&Corporat ion 14 ..Linda Wilson, tInr:sity of Illinois 1 10::' HOward R. Boiven, Claremont Graduatc.> School 18 . , Concurrent, Sessions . I Industry/University Cooperative Programs: Strengthening the Relationships Presiding' L. Evans Roth, University of Tennessee On Goldgh-Eggs - .4 John(Sanders, Eastman Kodak Company 23 . '1' ''.. II, Opportunities for Women GraduateStildents , Presiding: Eric Rude, University' of Wisconsi4-Madison .. Equality with Modifications , , Lilli S,Horiii., lisigiter Education Research Service .a, , . % . ° 30 . A Dangerous Experiment Becomes a HopefulExperim : Women and Graduate Education at the Unirrsity o Michigan (1$70-1982) Jan Shulert, University of Michigan .,, 35 Reshaping Self Image\ Susan Searbtrry, University of Colorado. Boulder 4 39 III. The Graduate School and Teacher Preparation: What Are The Graduate Schdols Doing to Improve Teacher Preparation? Presiding: Mary Ann Carroll, Indiana State Univcrsiit Forging a Joint Venture Carolyn Ellner, California State Uh emit; Na Strengthening Graduate Schools of Educatic Eva Galambos, Southern Regional Education boat (4 48 IV. What Appears on the Horizon)for Graduate Education Of Minorities? Presiding: Anne S. Pruitt, The Ohio State University Opportunity for Strengthening Graduate Programs at Historically Black Colleges and Univ&sities Melvin Thompson, National Science Foundation 52 Increasing the Admissibility of Hispanics WlioiTake the GRE Gary 6. Keller, Eastern Michigan University 56 International Education: Whathre the Issues? ii Presiding: Alison P. Casarett, COrnell University The Aliens Among Us: Who Are They and What do Tehey,Want? Robert B. (aplah, University of Southern California 64 Foreign Students: Benefit or Bane? Craufurd D. Goodwin, Dukeniversity 71 USIA's Office of Academic P ograms: Current Issues Christopher PaddackN. S.tifornuition Agency 74 Professional Graduate Programs/Degrees Presiding: Ju.ssi Saukkonen, Thomas Jefferson University Practical Categorization of Doctoral Degrees: The Experience of the NRC's Survey of Earned Doctorates Peter D. Syverson, National Resew!, Council 79 Role for Graduate Schools and Professional Doctorates S. J. Mussaehia, University of Louisville 84 Plenary Session II Closing Pandora's Box: The Research Library in the Year 2000 Presiding: James B. Bartoo, Pennsylvania State University Presenters: John B. McDonald, University of Connecticut 89 Warren J. Haas, Council on Library Resources 94 Deanna B. Marcum, Council on Librari, Resources 98 Business Meefirtg Presiding? W. Dexter Whitshead, University Virginia and Chairman, CGS Board (if Directors President's Report Michael J. Pelczar, Jr., Councii of Graduate Schools 103 Committee and Task Force Reports , 110 Resolutions 120 Financial Report 126 . ,iding: Jules B. La .he Ohio .S.tale CGS/University Microfilms International Dissertation Award Presented by: Robert F. Kruh, Kansas State University 128 Concurrent Sessions VII. An Assessment oV Research Doctorate Programs in the U.S. Sponsored by the Conference Board of Associated Research Councils (Discussion of Report) Presiding: D. C. Spriestersbach, The University of Iowa Robert F. Kruh, Kansas State UniversiV 124 o VIII. Masto's of Liberal Arts'Programs/Master's Degree Institutions Presiding: Vivian' A. Vidoli, California State University, Fresno Bernardi. Doyiney, Vi Ilanova University 132 William H. Maeffler., The University plOklahosna 136 IX. Graduate Education in the Humanities: Sgme Options for the Future Presiding: Reuben W. Smith, University oldie Pacific The Power and the Responsibility: A Proposal forAction ..Nancyancy Risser, CBSInc. 141 Plenty Sessio% IV I Science, Technology and the Humanities Presiding: C. J. Nyman, Washington State University A Firesh View of the Outlook for Support of Scientific and Engineering Research and Education John F. Slaughter, Nqtional Science Foundation -0 146 Plenary Session V Financing Graduate Education Presiding: Thomas J. Linney, Jr., Council of Graduate Schools The National Climate: Legislation and Fiscal Restraitit William Blakey, House. Subcommittee on Postsecondary Education 153 Special Session Graduate Programs in Biomedical Sciences, Presiding: Jussi J. Saukkonen, Thomas Jefferson University tkt Establistinient of New M. S. Programs in Health Professions Sheldon F. Gottlieb, University of South Alabama 160 Report of CGS/GREB 1982-83 Survey of Graduate Ern-oilmen Part I ' Officers and Coin, ,'s -l9'2 179 Regional Associations of Graduate Schools Affitfated with;. CGS 184 Constitution and Bylaws 186 List of il.lember'lnsr tutions 193 Keynote Address . Wednesday, Decemlcer 1, 1982, 9:10 'am. EDUCATIONAL POSSIBILITIES FOR OUR GRANDCHILDREN ,residing: W. Dexter Whitehead, University of Virginia Speakei: Howard R. Bowen, R. Stanton Avery Professor° of Economics and Education Claremont Graduate School .. Howard R. Bowen, Claremont Graduate School, presenting the keynote address at the 22nd CGS Annual Meeting. Howard R. Bowen My new book bear's the ambitious title, 4The State of the Naticin' and the Agenda. for Higher Education."
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