ACTA GEOLOGICA HISPANICA, v. 35 (2000), nº 1-2, p. 47-52 New beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera) from the Lo wer Cretaceous of Spain A. PONOMARENKO(1) and X. MARTÍNEZ-DELCLÒS(2) (1) Paleontological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Profsoyuznaya str. 123, 117647 Moscow, Russia. (2) Dept. Estratigrafia i Paleontologia, Fac. Geologia, Univ. Barcelona, 08071 Barcelona, Spain. E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Three beetles remains from the Lower Cretaceous lithographic limestones of Spain are described. We classified them into two new genus and three new species. One specimen named Tet r aphalerus brevi c a p i t i s n.sp. was placed in the Cupedidae, and both Me gac o p t o - clava longiurogom p h i a n.gen., n.sp. and Bolbonectus lithogra p h i c u s n.gen., n.sp. in Coptoclavi d a e . Keywo rd s : Coleoptera. Cupedidae. Coptoclavidae. Lower Cretaceous. New genus and new species. Spain. IN T RO D U C T I O N t wo families in Las Hoyas (see synthesis in Pe ñ a l ve r et al., 1999). Beetles from the Montsec outcrops (La The fossil beetles are abundant in the Lower Cretace- C a b rua and La Pedrera fossil sites) belong to many ous outcrops of Lithographic Limestones of Spain. families but only four, possibly five families: Bu- Ne ver theless even today, a few studies of these materials prestidae, Scarabaeidae, Belidae, Eccoptart h r i d a e ha ve been studied. and Curculionidea ? have been ve r i fied (Gómez, 1979; W h a l l ey and Jarzembowski, 1985; Mart í n e z - The more ancient coleopteran remains found in Delclòs, 1991b; A l e k s e ev, 1993; Zherikhin and Grat Spain came from the Ladinian (Middle Trias) of A l c o- s h ev, 1997). The fossil coleopterans from Las Hoy a s , ve r-Montral, but it is a poorly preserved specimen, h ave never been studied, only cited or figured by d i fficult to study (Vía and Calzada, 1985). Also, an M a rtínez-Delclòs (1989) and Martínez-Delclòs and isolated elytra of cupedoid has been found in the Ke u- Nel (1995). per of Novelda (Alicante) (Pe ñ a l ver et al., 1999, plate 1, fig. 2). Some beetles from the Cenozoic deposits of Spain were prev i o u s ly studied. Coleopterans was found in N eve rtheless, of the large number of beetles’ i n- rocks from the Oligocene (Cervera, Campins and Sa- d ividuals found in the Lower Cretaceous lithogr a p h i c rral), Miocene (Izarra, Bellver de Cerdanya, Ribesal- limestones of Spain, only five genera and species ha- bes, Rubielos de Mora, Bicorp and Libros (Pe ñ a l ver et ve been studied from the Montsec fossil-sites and al., 1999). 47 SY S T E M A TIC PAL A E O N TO L O G Y some oblique, divided at the metepistern and the base of the abdomen. The last abdominal segment a third longer Ord e r : Coleoptera LINNÉ, 1758 than the previous one. Legs are short. Su b o rd e r : Archostemata KOLBE, 1908 Fam i ly : Cupedidae LAPORTE, 1836 Di s c u s s i o n : Because T. brevi c a p i t i s n.sp. has flattened temporal protuberances it belongs to the T. bruchi - line GENUS Tet ra p h a l e r u s WATERHOUSE 1901 of genus. Th e y are mostly from Cretaceous beetles of this line and near to Recent T. bruchi HELLER. T. brevi c a p i - Type species: T. oligoc e n i c u s CR OWSON 1962, p. ti s n.sp. distinguished by unnarro w back temporal protu- 15 4 . berances on a shorter head, slight neck-form constriction and prothorax narro wed forward. It differs from the Cre- These beetle remains belong to the fam i l y and the ge- taceous T. verrucosus PO N O M A R E N K O and T. ocho t e n - nus because of a typical tuberculate body, elytra with si s PO N O M A R E N K O by the shape of the head and pro- ro ws of cells, and head with a temporal part as long as the thorax, and larger body. eyes . Su b o rd e r : Ad e p h a g a EMERY, 1886 Tet r aphalerus brev i c a p i t i s n. s p . Fam i ly : Co p t o c l a vidae PONOMARENKO, 1961 Figures 1.3 and 2.1 GENUS Me ga c o p t o c l a va n. g e n . Et y m o l o gy: Named after its short head in comparison with the other species of this genus. Type species. Megac o p t o c lava longiurogom p h i a n. s p . Ma t e r i a l : Holotype LC-037-EP, part and counter part Et y m o l o gy: A big Co p t o cl a v a , type genus of the well preserved. It is housed in the Department of Strati- fam i l y. Lower Cretaceous of China. gra p h y and Pal a e o n t o l og y , Faculty of Geology , Univer s i t y of Barcelona, Spain. Di ag n o s i s : La r va flattened, stone-fly- l i k e (Plecoptera) in appearance, with long legs and urogomphs. Head trans- Lo c a l i t y : Found in the La Cabrua fossil-site, in the versal with several stemmata without peritrems and man- Montsec Range, Lleida Province, Spain. di b les with long acute apical and molar teethes. Legs ver y long, crawling; fore legs possibly for catching. Th o r a c i c St ra t i g r aphic position: Be rr i a s i a n - V alanginian after se gments subequal. Abdomen with eight segments, the Brenner et al. (1974); possibly Uppermost Hauterivi a n - third one the widest and the last one the smallest with a Lo wer Barremian in age (Martín-Closas and López-Mo- pair of spiracles. Urogomphi ver y long with numerous rón, 1995). tr a n s v ersal segmentation. There are tracheal stocks with sclerotisated walls. De s c r i p t i o n : Middle sized flattened beetle with typi- cal cupedoid appearance (see Carpe n t e r , 1984). Length Di s c u s s i o n : The construction of mandibles, abdomen 9.3 mm, width 4.8 mm, length of elytra 6 mm, width 1.6 and tracheas allows us to include this larva in the fam i l y mm. Head wea k l y tapered from the temporal projection, Co p t o c l a vidae. The constitution of legs and urogo m p h i as long as broad, 1.8 mm long. Eyes located on the sides distinguished this genus from all others of the fam i l y. of head, temporal part of head as long as eyes; gena is sh o r t. Neck-like constriction weak. Ve rt ex with two flat- Re m a rk s : All known Jurassic and Cretaceous copto- ted protuberances, the same width as their hind part. An - cl a vid larvae were nectic carni vorous animals. Th e y tenna fil i f o r m, 1.5 mm long, goes up to the middle of the swam with their paddle-like middle and hind legs and pronotum. Pronotum as long as broad (1.4 mm), most of caught their victims, mainly larvae of midges, with the its width just below the base. The base of elytra is broader fore legs. Me gac o p t o c lava longiurogom p h i a n.sp. had than the base of the prothorax; the elytra 2.5 times as long long crawling legs as the Plecoptera and Ephemeroptera as broad, disk of elytra with rows of small cells. Metas- la r vae living on stones in fast flowing rivers. This new te r num twice as broad as long, tapered anteriorly, with pa- fo r m was able to live amongst the great charophyte com- ra c o xal suture. Metepisterns are broad, touching the me- munities, previ o u s l y found in the Las Hoyas fossil-site s o - c oxal cavities. Mesocoxae contiguous. Metacox a e (M a r tín-Closas and Diéguez, 1998), where it hunted on 48 Figure 1. 1.- Megacoptoclava longiurogomphia n.gen., n.sp. General reconstruction of the holotype. 2.- M. longiurogomphia n.gen., n.sp., detail of some parts: a) mandibles, b) basal part of the urogomphi, c) fore leg, d) mid leg, e) hind leg. 3.- Tetraphalerus brevi- capitis n.sp., holotype in ventral and dorsal view. 4.- Bolbonectus lithographicus n. sp. hind legs and abdomen of the holotype. Scale bar 1 and 2: 3mm; 3: 1.3 mm; 4: 1.8 mm. 49 Figure 2. 1.- Tetraphalerus brevicapitis n.sp., holotype. 2.- Megacoptoclava longiurogomphia n.gen., n.sp., holotype. 3.- Bolbonectus lithographicus n.sp., holotype. al g al-eaters just as some insects or crustaceans also found 19 9 1 a Co n c a p e r la jucaren s i s ; Martínez-Delclòs, fig.
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