H2922 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 2, 2011 Mr. Speaker, Micheal always gave bers of our intelligence community The Chair recognizes the gentleman more than his share back to his com- who have spent nearly 10 years hunting from Illinois. munity. When he did have time away down the mastermind behind 9/11, are GENERAL LEAVE from his duty, he would often visit his much like Specialist Phillips, brave Mr. HULTGREN. Mr. Speaker, I ask high school to speak with students and and courageous individuals who sac- unanimous consent that all Members encourage them to pursue their goals. rifice so much and risk it all, keeping may have 5 legislative days within Never without a smile, Micheal us safe and preventing the bad guys which to revise and extend their re- fought for his country, his community, from harming more innocent people. marks and include extraneous material and his family with valor and with I have the utmost respect for each on H.R. 362. honor. He wanted others in the world and every person in our Armed Forces The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there to have the freedoms and opportunities and intelligence community, and I objection to the request of the gen- that we enjoy here in the United would like to express my sincere grati- tleman from Illinois? States, and he risked his life to achieve tude for what they do and have done. There was no objection. that end. They truly make me proud to be an Mr. HULTGREN. Mr. Speaker, I yield Like many who have made the ulti- American. myself such time as I may consume. mate sacrifice, Specialist Micheal Phil- Again, I urge Members to join me in H.R. 362 would redesignate the Fed- lips leaves behind loved ones, friends, support of H.R. 1423. eral Building and Courthouse at 200 and comrades in arms who treasure his I yield back the balance of my time. East Wall Street in Midland, Texas, as memory and honor his service. Micheal The SPEAKER pro tempore. The the George H.W. Bush and George W. is survived by his parents, Steven and question is on the motion offered by Bush United States Courthouse and Angelia Phillips; his brothers, David the gentleman from Oklahoma (Mr. George Mahon Federal Building. and Anthony; and his sister, Barbara— LANKFORD) that the House suspend the I would like to take this opportunity all of Ardmore, Oklahoma. He also rules and pass the bill, H.R. 1423. to thank the gentleman from Texas leaves behind a Nation and a commu- The question was taken. (Mr. CONAWAY) for introducing this leg- nity that will never forget his courage, The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the islation. I also want to thank the bill’s his sacrifice, and his devotion to duty. opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being 25 cosponsors, who all represent var- Mr. Speaker, I urge the passage of in the affirmative, the ayes have it. ious districts throughout the State of this legislation. Mr. LANKFORD. Mr. Speaker, on Texas. Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I note that I demand the yeas and nays. The former Presidents George H.W. that we are honoring Specialist Phil- The yeas and nays were ordered. Bush and George W. Bush have honor- lips the day after we learned that the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ably served this Nation for many dec- Nation has met its commitment to kill ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the ades. or capture Osama bin Laden. We could Chair’s prior announcement, further President George H.W. Bush dedi- not have known when this bill was proceedings on this motion will be cated his life to public service. His pub- placed on the calendar that it would postponed. lic service began when he was just 18 come at a time like this when we honor f and enlisted in the Armed Forces. He men and women who have served in became the youngest pilot in the Navy Iraq or Afghanistan. We cannot help GEORGE H. W. BUSH AND GEORGE when he earned his wings and flew 58 but be grateful for their service, espe- W. BUSH UNITED STATES COURT- combat missions, receiving the Distin- cially today. HOUSE AND GEORGE MAHON guished Flying Cross for bravery in ac- I yield back the balance of my time. FEDERAL BUILDING tion after getting shot down by anti- Mr. LANKFORD. Mr. Speaker, this Mr. HULTGREN. Mr. Speaker, I aircraft fire. weekend I spoke with Specialist move to suspend the rules and pass the Later, he was elected to Congress as Micheal Phillips’ mom. She reminded bill (H.R. 362) to redesignate the Fed- a representative from the State of me that Micheal was the first student eral building and United States Court- Texas and served in this Chamber for in 10 years to sign up for the Army house located at 200 East Wall Street two terms. Subsequently, he served in from Ardmore High School. He was rec- in Midland, Texas, as the ‘‘George H. various other public service positions ognized as the Distinguished Member W. Bush and George W. Bush United critical to our Nation, including as am- of the Regiment because of his capac- States Courthouse and George Mahon bassador to the United Nations, as ity to keep up morale among his peers. Federal Building’’. chief of the U.S. Liaison Office to I would like to leave the House with The Clerk read the title of the bill. China, and as Director of the Central two quotes from Specialist Phillips. The text of the bill is as follows: Intelligence Agency. He was elected The first comes from a letter that Spe- H.R. 362 Vice President in 1980 and stood by cialist Phillips sent to the assistant Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- President Ronald Reagan’s side for 8 principal at Ardmore High School. resentatives of the United States of America in years, contributing to the policies that Phillips wrote, ‘‘I am doing this for my Congress assembled, brought the Cold War to an end, and in family, for you, for everyone, for Amer- SECTION 1. REDESIGNATION. 1988 was elected as the 41st President of ica, to protect it from the bad guys.’’ The Federal building and United States the United States. The second, as recalled by his moth- Courthouse located at 200 East Wall Street During his term in office, he skill- er: ‘‘He said terrorism was like a virus. in Midland, Texas, known as the George fully navigated the diplomacy with It had to be stopped. It had to be con- Mahon Federal Building, shall be known and new nations created following the tained.’’ designated as the ‘‘George H. W. Bush and breakup of the Soviet Union, and Mr. Speaker, in light of yesterday’s George W. Bush United States Courthouse helped to overthrow and bring to jus- and George Mahon Federal Building’’. events in Pakistan with the death of tice the corrupt Manuel Noriega re- Osama bin Laden, these words, both SEC. 2. REFERENCES. gime in Panama. Any reference in a law, map, regulation, spoken and written by Specialist Phil- document, paper, or other record of the A few months ago, in February, lips, couldn’t be more timing or fitting. United States to the Federal building and President George H.W. Bush was This young man’s passion was to pro- United States Courthouse referred to in sec- awarded the Presidential Medal of tect this country from the bad guys, tion 1 shall be deemed to be a reference to Freedom by President Obama. This the terrorists who then and now want the ‘‘George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush award is the highest civilian honor to do us harm. United States Courthouse and George Mahon given for an especially meritorious Specialist Phillips ended up making Federal Building’’. contribution to the security of the na- the ultimate sacrifice, combating ter- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- tional interests of the United States, rorism, protecting the country that he ant to the rule, the gentleman from Il- world peace, cultural, or other signifi- loved. For that, Mr. Speaker, I am linois (Mr. HULTGREN) and the gentle- cant public or private endeavors. eternally grateful and so is his Nation. woman from the District of Columbia In 2000, his son, George W. Bush, fol- The soldiers who carried out the op- (Ms. NORTON) each will control 20 min- lowed in his footsteps when he was eration yesterday, as well as the mem- utes. elected the 43rd President of the United VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:41 May 03, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K02MY7.008 H02MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE May 2, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2923 States, after serving 6 years as the of the U.S. Liaison Office of the Peo- hard to promote. This courthouse will Governor of Texas. President George ple’s Republic of China and Director of be a symbol of the triumph of law over W. Bush led our Nation in response to the Central Intelligence Agency. In violence, the triumph of free minds the worst terrorist attack on our soil. 1980, President Bush was elected Vice over the iron wills of dictators. He helped to unite the Nation after the President of the United States under From the dissolution of the Soviet 9/11 terrorist attacks and, under his President Ronald Reagan. He was re- Union to the liberation of Kuwait, and leadership, led the reforms of our intel- elected Vice President in 1984.
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