Index Athens and Sparta are mentioned throughout this book: under their names topics are indexed but not events or individuals. Many entries are arranged chronologically, and for this purpose the fourth century (‘C4’) is treated as beginning in 404. Abdera: in Second Athenian League 269 Aetna Abydus: in Peloponnesian War 153–4 at Catana 81–2 Acarnania: in Peloponnesian at Inessa 83, 317, 318 War 108–10 Aetolia Achaea in Peloponnesian War 103, 110 390’s 246 C4 287 360’s 234–5, 254–5, 289 Agatharchus of Athens, painter 222 Acragas Agathocles, tyrant of Syracuse 328, temples 82, 219 330 tyrants early C5 78–81 Agesilaus II, king of Sparta 240–59; mid C5 82–4 cf. 225–30, 235, 282–3, 286, 384 and Carthage late C5 313–17 Agesipolis I, king of Sparta 245, 247–8 Ada of Caria 361–3, 409 Agis II, king of Sparta Aegeae (Vergina) 220, 222, 335, 360 in 418 135–6 Aegina at Decelea 147, 149, 159–60, 173 in First Peloponnesian War 48 Elean war and death 240 430’s 88, 91, 93–5COPYRIGHTEDAgis III, kingMATERIAL of Sparta 385–6, 396 in Peloponnesian War 107, 114, 115 Agyrrhius of Athens 263, 298, 304, Aegospotami: battle in 405 158 306 Aeschines of Athens 213, 346, 347–51, Alcibiades of Athens 352, 355, 375–9, 382; cf. 237, 303, early career 128, 133–7, 138, 163–5 333 Sicilian expedition 139–44, 146–7 Aeschylus of Athens, tragedian religious scandals 140–1, 166–7 in Athens 44–6, 212 later career 150–8, 169–78 in Sicily 81 in Aristophanes 179 in Aristophanes’ Frogs 179 Alexander I, king of Macedon 335 446 INDEX Alexander II, king of Macedon 288–9 Androtion of Athens: governor of Alexander III (the Great), king of Arcesine 275 Macedon 388–426; cf. 220, 222, Antalcidas of Sparta 224–5, 338, 356, 358, 359–60, in 392 227, 245 378–84 in Hellespont in 387 228–9, 246–7 Alexander, king of Molossis 330, 353, Peace of, in 387/6 229–30, 247; cf. 360 160, 196, 197, 231, 263–6, 282–3 Alexander, tyrant of Pherae 288–90; suicide 234 cf. 235, 272–3, 339 Antipater of Macedon 349, 360, 384, Alexandria: cities founded by 386, 411, 415, 423 Alexander 395, 396–7, 410–11 Antiphon of Athens: in 411 172–4, Alyzia: battle in 375 231, 250, 269 182, 213 Ambracia Antiphon of Athens, ‘the sophist’, in Peloponnesian War 108–10 sometimes identifi ed with the garrisoned by Philip 237, 357 above 182, 216 Ammon, oracle of Apelles of Colophon, painter 222 and Lysander 240 Apollodorus of Athens, painter 222 and Alexander 395, 417–19, 421 Arcadia Amorges, Persian rebel 119, 150–1 to 479 4, 24–5 Amorgus: in Second Athenian 470’s–460’s 25 League 275 in Peloponnesian War 105, 136 Amphipolis C4 233–5, 252–6, 271, 273, 288–91, Nine Ways 21–2 345 Athenian colony 75 see also Mantinea, Megalopolis, Tegea in Peloponnesian War 117–18, 120, Archelaus, king of Macedon 138, 286, 193–4 335 360’s 232–4, 271–3 Archidamus II, king of Sparta 30, 32, in reign of Philip 274, 276–7, 337–8, 92, 96–7, 107 347–8, 352 Archidamus III, king of Sparta 384–5; Amyntas III, king of Macedon 286, 335 cf. 259, 346 Amyntas of Macedon, son of Perdiccas Argaeus, claimant to throne of III 335, 340, 390 Macedon 274, 337–8 Anaxagoras of Clazomenae, philosopher Arginusae Islands: battle in 406 157–8, and associate of Pericles 72 177 Anaximander of Miletus, Argos philosopher 214 to 479 25, 26 Anaximenes of Miletus, 470’s–460’s 26–7 philosopher 214 in First Peloponnesian War 45, 47, Anaxilas, tyrant of Rhegium 78, 81–2 49–50, 57 Andocides of Athens in Archidamian War 101, 103, 105, on Peace of Epilycus 119–20, 150 115, 120 and religious scandals of 415 165–7, later in Peloponnesian War 132–8, 226, 304 140, 148, 164 on democratic restoration in 410 175 early C4 227–30, 245–7 and peace negotiations of 392/1 226, skytalismos in 370/69 252 227–8, 306 360’s 254 speech Against Alcibiades attributed Ariobarzanes, satrap of to 165 Dascylium 258–9; cf. 234, 254, Andros: in Second Athenian League 275 272, 289 INDEX 447 Aristides of Athens 19–20, 35–8 epheboi 61, 202, 380–1 Aristophanes of Athens, comedian 91, fi nance 51, 63–4, 73, 90, 97–100, 93, 119, 124–5, 139, 168, 179, 172, 299, 367–73, 380 191–2, 212, 263, 305 Four Hundred 168–75; cf. 152 Aristophon of Athens 308, 349, 374–5 generals 65–6, 374 Aristotle of Stagira, philosopher 214, lawcourts 41–2, 60–1, 64–5, 294, 217–18, 416–19 296, 299, 301–2, 368, 374 Athenian Constitution attributed to 8, laws and decrees 176, 294, 296–8 126, 168–75, 217, 293–6 ostracism, 5, 38–9, 41, 67, 71, Arrian, historian 389 164–5, 303 Artabazus, satrap of Dascylium 258–9, probouloi 168–9 275, 342, 354, 396 proedroi 299–301 Artaxerxes I, King of Persia 39–40 prytaneis 43, 63, 299–301 Artaxerxes II, King of Persia 256–9; secretaries 299–301 cf. 226, 240, 361 stipends 60–1, 170–1, 172, 298–9, Artaxerxes III, King of Persia 361–5; 368 cf. 259 Thirty 293–6; cf. 178, 181 Artaxerxes IV, King of Persia 363, 365 plague 430–427/6 104, 118–19, 128 Arthmius of Zelea 49 population of citizens and Arybbas, king of Molossis 338, 353 others 61–2, 161, 203–5, 296, 299 Aspasia of Miletus: mistress of see also Piraeus Pericles 72 Attalus of Macedon 359, 390–1 Astyochus of Sparta 151–2 Aulis: Agesilaus’ attempted sacrifi ce at Athenian League, Second 243, 282 foundation and history 263–78; cf. 160, 196, 197, 231, 232–3, 283–5 Babylon 395 introduction of syntaxeis 286 Bacchylides of Iulis (on Ceos) 81, after Leuctra 271–5; cf. 287 211–12 Social War 275–6; cf. 236, 267 Bagoas, grand vizier of Persia 364–5 Peace of Philocrates 268, 277, 348 Boeotia dissolved after Chaeronea 278, 357; in First Peloponnesian War 49–50, 57 cf. 237 in Peloponnesian War 103, 110, 115, Athens 116, 120, 132–4, 147, 149, 153 external affairs 14–23, 47–58, 73–5, imitation by Athenian oligarchs in 183–99, 261–78 411 171–2 internal affairs 34–46, 59–72, early C4 279–83; cf. 227–30, 240, 122–30, 163–82, 293–310, 367–84 244–8 buildings 370’s–360’s 283–91; cf. 231–2, 235, on acropolis 53, 56, 67–9, 90, 250–1, 266 128–9, 168, 179–81, 189, 218 settlements in 338/7 and 335 355, 391 in agora 43, 70, 129, 181, 302–3, 380 see also Orchomenus, Plataea, Thebes, long walls 48, 70, 159, 218, 262 Thespiae on pnyx 174, 181, 182, 303, 380 Boeotius of Sparta, possible Treaty stadium and theatre 218, 380 of 156, 196, 226 institutions Bosporan kingdom (Crimea) 75 archons 41, 59–60, 63, 64–5 Brasidas of Sparta 105, 109, 114, 116, assembly 62–4, 66–7, 296–9 117–18, 123, 185, 193–4, 420 council of fi ve hundred 41–3, 61, buildings 218–19; see also individual 62–4, 65, 172, 175, 176, 178 places 448 INDEX Byzantium Chares of Athens 273–5, 308–9, 339, 470’s 18, 21, 22, 29–30 343, 354–5, 356, 364, 374 supports Samos 440–439 73 Charidemus of Oreus and Athens 344, in Peloponnesian War 152, 155–6, 158 356, 377–9, 391 in Second Athenian League 264–7, Chersonese: C4 233–4, 272–3, 276, 273, 275, 289 339, 349, 353–4 ally of Thebes 288, 342 children 201–2 besieged by Philip 354 Chios in Delian League 73, 184 Callias of Athens: fi nancial decrees in Peloponnesian War 101, 114, 115, of 90, 95, 98 149–52, 185, 186 Callias of Athens: possible Peace of 17, in Second Athenian League 264–7; 53–4, 73, 184, 196, 197, 263 cf. 231, 273, 275, 289 Callicratidas of Sparta 157–8 and Mausolus 275, 362–3 Callippus of Athens: tyrant of and Alexander 393, 409 Syracuse 326–7 Cimon of Athens 21–2, 30, 37–41, 43, Callisthenes of Olynthus 389, 397, 413, 44–5, 47–51, 53, 60–1, 184 420, 421–3 Cinadon of Sparta 241 Callistratus of Athens 306–8; cf. 232, Clazomenae: and Peace of 270, 271–2, 285 Antalcidas 228–9, 263 Caria: Persian satrapy C4 361–4; Clearchus of Sparta 152, 239–40 cf. 257–9 Cleinias of Athens: tribute decree 54–5, Carthage 99, 184, 192 early interest in Sicily 78–9, 81 Cleombrotus I, king of Sparta 248–51; in Peloponnesian War 128, 139, 140, cf. 264, 283, 285, 286–7 142, 157 Cleomenes II, king of Sparta 251, 384, in Sicily after 413 313–30 386 Carthaginian proxenos of Cleon of Athens 52, 72, 103, 111, 114, Boeotians 289–90 117–18, 124–5, 126–8, 190–2 Carystus: in Delian League 21–3 Cleonymus of Athens 99, 128, 167, 185 catapults 318, 354, 407 Cleophon of Athens 155, 159, 164, Ceos: in Second Athenian League 235, 176–9 273–4 cleruchies Cephalus of Athens 305–7 in Delian League 56, 187 Cephisodotus of Athens, sculptor 220 in Second Athenian League 234, Cersebleptes, Thracian ruler 274, 276, 265–7; see also Chersonese, Imbros, 277, 339, 342, 349–50, 353 Lemnos, Potidaea, Samos, Scyros Chabrias of Athens 236, 245, 249–50, Clitus of Macedon 393, 397, 403, 413 257–9, 262, 264, 268–9, 271, Cnidus: battle in 394 227, 244, 245, 273–5, 306–9 262 Chaeronea Coenus of Macedon 411–14; cf.
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