CANALICULAR INFECTION CAUSED BY ACTINOMYCES 1. HUSSAINJ, R. E. BONSHEKJ, K. LOUDON2, M. ARMSTRON02 and A. B. TULLOl Manchester SUMMARY PATIENTS AND METHODS We present 7 cases of canalicular involvement with Actin­ Of 7 patients presenting between 1988 and 1992, 2 were omyces collected over a 5-year period. All patients had male and 5 female (Table I); 4 were affected on the left involvement of one canaliculus, upper or lower, with lac­ side and 3 on the right; 4 had lower canalicular and 3 had rimal drainage patent to syringing. Curettings obtained upper canalicular involvement (Figs. 1,2). In all patients by incising the involved canaliculi yielded Actinomyces syringing of the lacrimal drainage system on the affected species (5 cases) and Arachnia propionica (2 cases), typi­ side proved patent before surgery. The diagnosis was con­ cally in association with a mixed bacterial growth. Our firmed by bacteriological examination of the concretions results show that these patients often remain undiag­ (Fig. 3). These were obtained by incising the canaliculi nosed for months or even years, and are treated in­ onto a probe with a blade, or by directly introducing one appropriately for their recurrent symptoms. Despite blade of a fine scissor and cutting the canaliculus. The sensitivity of Actinomyces to a broad spectrum of anti­ organisms were isolated by culturing the specimen anaer­ biotics, medical therapy alone does not eradicate the obically on 7.5% horse blood columbia agar plates disease, and surgical evacuation of all concretions is (Oxoid, Basingstoke, UK) for up to 5 days. Enrichment essential to achieve a cure. culture in Fastidious Anaerobic Broth (Lab M, Bury, UK) The generic name Actinomyces was first used by Harz in was also carried out. 1 1879 to describe organisms seen in lesions of cattle. They Identification of Actinomyces was by gram film (Fig. 4) occurred as masses that resembled fungal mycelia; these and biochemical profile using ATB 32 A (bioMerieux, mycelia were arranged in a radial pattern, hence the name Basingstoke, UK). The profiles obtained for Actinomyces Actinomyces (ray fungus). israelii, Actinomyces meyeri and Arachnia propionica all Infections of the eye with this organism have been gave excellent identification. Sensitivity testing was by described in the literature under a variety of names such as the disc diffusion method on blood agar plates incubated streptotrichosis, leptotrichosis and actinomycosis. Actino­ anaerobically. myces species are now recognised as gram-positive bacilli RESULTS which can occur singly, in pairs or in chains and are non­ Before surgery was performed, 6 of 7 patients were treated acid-fast, non-motile, obligate or facultative anaerobes. with various antibiotics (Table I). The antibiotics used, Characteristically they are seen as branching filaments on either topically or systemically, were generally effective gram staining. They are members of the bacterial flora of Actinomyces both man and animals and normally exist in a commensal against even when actinomycosis was not 2 relationship with their host, growing particularly on teeth considered in the differential diagnosis. Only in cases at a later date was specific treatment for Actinomyces started and other surfaces in the oral cavity including the tonsils. Chronic granulomatous infections involving various parts before surgery. Typically this produced a temporary improvement, after which symptoms recurred. of the body can occur and spread is usually by direct Actinomyces species were grown from 5 of our cases extension, producing sinus tracts and characteristic sul­ and Arachnia propionica (a related genus within the Acti­ phur granules. nomycetales) from the remaining 2 cases. All except one Various forms of ocular infection by Actinomyces have been described: conjunctivitis, canaliculitis, lacrimal sac of the surgical specimens we obtained yielded other Actinomyces 11). involvement, keratitis and endophthalmitis.2-7 We report 7 organisms in addition to species (Table cases of canaliculitis caused by these organisms, and DISCUSSION emphasise how easily the diagnosis may be overlooked. All our patients presented with a history of chronic irrita­ From: 'Royal Eye Hospital, Manchester; 2Manchester Royal tion and discharge or/and epiphora. Only 5 patients had a Infirmary, Manchester, UK. Correspondence to: Mr. A. B. Tullo, Consultant Ophthalmologist, canalicular swelling on presentation, the other 2 develop­ Royal Eye Hospital, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9WH, UK. ing it during the course of their disease. The disease Eye (1993) 7,542-544 CANALICULAR ACTINOMYCES 543 Table I. Patients with Actinomyces canaliculitis No. of Time between 1st Patient no. Sex/age (yr) visits" Treatment prior to surgery" visit and op. (months) F/24 2 Ampicillin (oral) 4 2 F/56 6 Chloramphenicol (top.), septrin (oral), tetracycline 2 (oral + top.) 3 F/29 3 Chloramphenicol (top.) (listed for incision 8 and curettage of cyst) 4 M/63 10 Ampicillin (oral), chloramphenicol (top.), 33 tetracycline (oral + top.) 5 F/65 9 Ampicillin (oral), penicillin (top. + oral), 6 chloramphenicol (top.) 6 M/41 6 Genticin (top.) (Nicholas), Fucithalmic (top.) (Leo), 5 indomethacin (oral), penicillin (top.) 7 F/7l 3 Zinc and adrenaline (top.) 96 top., topical. "No. of visits = all clinic/casualty visits before surgery. "Treatment given in most cases without considering Actinomyces as the diagnosis. affected only one canaliculus in all our cases, but in the lit­ punctum of long duration and patency to syringing, Actin­ erature simultaneous involvement of both upper and lower omyces should be considered. Patients may or may not canaliculi has been reported. 3.8.9 present with a canalicular swelling. The duration of symptoms before these patients first Actinomyces are usually difficult to grow from routine presented to us averaged 13 months. All had a patent lac­ conjunctival eye swabss and therefore they are not ideal rimal drainage system on syringing. Despite the chroni­ specimens. Indeed, although in 4 of our cases a pre­ city of symptoms and typical patency of the lacrimal operative swab was taken with a specific request to culture drainage system to syringing,S,IO,11 the diagnosis of Actino­ for Actinomyces, in only 1 case was a positive identification myces canaliculitis was overlooked. We feel that in any possible (patient 5). Therefore, as much discharge as poss­ patient with epiphora, irritation, and discharge from the ible should be placed in a sterile pot and transported to the Fig. 1. Upper canalicular involvement with Actinomyces. Fig. 2. A pouting punctum and discharge, with patency to syringing, is typical of Actinomyces canaliculitis. Fig. 3. A canalicular concretion (approx. 9 x 5 mm). Fig. 4. Gram staining showing filamentous Actinomyces, x40. 544 I. HUSSAIN ET AL. Table II. Microbiological results Associated bacteria Actinomyces Antibiotic Patient no. grown with Actinomyces species sensitivity Eikenella corrodens. Haemophilus parainjfuenzae, A. israelii Not known Peptostreptococcus sp. 2 Peptostreptococcus sp., Haemophilus injfuenzae Not known Not known (�-Iactamase producer) 3 Peptostreptococcus sp. A. meyeri Penicillin, tetracycline, erythromycin 4 Streptococcus mil/eri, Corynebacterium sp., Pep­ A. israe/ii Penicillin, tetracycline, erythromycin, tostreptococcus sp. chloramphenicol 5 Fusobacterium sp., E. corrodens, Corynebacterium Arachnia propionica Penicillin. erythromycin, tetracycline, sp., Peptostreptococcus sp. chloramphenicol 6 Fusobacterium nucleotum, Bacteroides corrodens Arachnia propionica Penicillin, erythromycin, tetracycline 7 None A. israelii Penicillin, chloramphenicol, erythromycin microbiology department without delay, to ensure optimal direct inoculation by saliva12 or some other means, as Acti­ conditions for isolation of Actinomyces species. nomyces are not found as normal commensals19 of the lac­ Various forms of treatment have been recommended for rimal drainage system. this condition in the past. Medical therapy includes irri­ Key words: Actinomyces, Canaliculitis. gation of the involved canaliculus with penicillin,9,10 but REFERENCES this has not been found to be effective. Indeed this was 1. Harz CO. Actinomyces bovis: ein neuer Schimmel in den performed in patient 5 with little benefit. Simple mechan­ Geweben des Rindes. Dtsch Z Tier-Med 1879;5(suppl): ical expression of concretions or curetting them after dila­ 125-40. tation of punctum can be ineffective in removing all the 2. Ridley F, Smith C. Leptotrichosis conjunctivae. Br J Oph­ concretions, as some are fairly large. 10 thalmol 1952;36:328-9. 3. Theodore FH. Streptothrix as a cause of follicular con­ In our experience the most effective approach is to slit junctivitis and other obscure conjunctivitides. Am J Oph­ open the canaliculus and curette. out all the concretions thalmol 1950;33: 1225-30. carefully, followed by appropriate topical and/or systemic 4. Greeves RA. Streptothrix conjunctivitis. 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