
122 CONGRESSIONAL . RECORD-HOUSE JANUARY 18 The resolution <H. Res. 476) was read MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE PERMISSION TO ADDRESS THE HOUSE as follows: A message from the Semite, by Mr. Mr. MARTIN of Massachusetts. Mr. Resolved, That the House has heard with Frazier, its legislative clerk, announced Speaker, I aslc unanimous consent that profound sorrow of the death of Hon. JOSEPH that the Senate insists upon ~ts amend- . my colleague the gentleman from Mas­ W. ERVIN, .a Representative from the State of ments to the bill (H. R. 2348) entitled sachusetts [Mr... GIFFORD], who has a spe.:. North .Carolina. "All act to provide for the coverage of cial order for 15 minutes today, may be Resolved, That the Clerk communicate these resolutions to the Senate and transmit certain drugs under the Federal narcotic permitted to proceed for an additional a copy thereof to the family of the deceased. laws," disagreed to by the House; agrees 15 minutes. ResolVed, That is a further mark of re­ to the conference asked by the House on The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there spect the House do now adjourn. the disagreeing votes of the two Houses objection to the request of the gentle­ thereon, and appoints Mr. GEORGE, Mr. man from Massachusetts? Mr. BAILEY. Mr. President, on behalf WALSH, Mr. BAILEY, Mr. LA FoLLETTE, and There was no objection. of my colleague [Mr. HoEY] and myself Mr. TAFT to be the conferees on the part I submit the resolution which I send to ENGLAND GENERAL HOSPITAL, ATLANTIC of the Senate. CITY, N.J. the desk, and I ask unanimous consent The message also announced that the for its presept consideration. s~nate insists upon its amendments to Mr. VOORHIS of California. Mr. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The the bill <H. R. 3603) entitled "An act to Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to ad­ resolution will be read. provide for the sale of surplus war-built dress the House for 1 minute and to re­ The resolution (S. Res. 217) was read, vessels, and for other purposes," dis­ vise and extend my remarks and include considered by unanimous consent, and agreed to by the House; agrees to the a letter. unanimously agreed to, as follows: conference asked by the House on the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Resolved, That the Senate has heard with disagreeing votes of the two Houses objection to the request of. the gentleman profound sorrow the announcement of the thereon, and appoints Mr. RADCLIFFE, Mr. from California? death of Hon. JoSEPH W. ERviN, late a Rep­ BAILEY, Mr. OVERTON, Mr. BREWSTER, and There was no objection. resentative from the State of North Caro­ Mr. HART to be the conferees on the part Mr. VOORHIS of California. Mr. lina. Speaker, on Monday I addressed the Resolved, That the S~cretary ·communi­ of the Senate. cate these resolutions to the House of Rep­ The message a1so announced that the House calling attention to an article resentatives and transmit a copy thereof to Senate disagrees to the amendments of which had appeared in the Washington the family of the deceased. the House to the bill (S. 1405) entitled Daily News stating that the England General Hospital, now located in one of · Mr. BAILEY. Mr. President, as a "An act to authorize the Pre.sident to retire certain officers and enlisted men the hotel buildings at Atlantic City, further mark of respect to the .memory of the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast where a number of seriously disabled of the deceased Representative, I move Guard, and for other purposes"; requests veterans have been cared for, was going that the Senate. take a recess until 12 a conference with the House on the dis­ to be closed. I quoted the article, which o'clock noon on Monday next. agreeing votes of the two Houses there­ stated that pressure had been brought to The motion was unanimously agreed on; and appoints Mr. WALSH, Mr. TYD­ bear on the Army to do this. I stated in to; and (at 3 o'clock and 36 minutes INGS, and Mr. ToBEY to be the conferees my remarks that I earnestly hoped the p. m.) the Senate took a recess until on the part of the Senate. · report was not true, and that any at­ Monday, January 21, 1946, at 12 o'clock The message also announced that the tempt to get disabled veteran;:; ·moved out meridian. President pro tempore has appointed Mr. of a community would be reprehensible BARKLEY and Mr. BREWSTER members of · in any community where it took place, the joint select committee on the part in my own district or anywhere else. In HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of the Senate, as provided for in the act the 3 days that have followed, I have of August 5, 1939, entitled "An act to received a large number of letters from FRIDAY~ JANUARY 18, 1946 provide for the disposition of certain rec­ people living in Atlantic City, including ords of the United States Government," · the mayor of the city, assuring me of The House met at 12 o'clock noon, and for the disposition of executive papers in their desire to have the veterans' hos­ was called to order by the· Speaker pro the following Departments and agencie-s: pital continued. This is most encourag­ tempore, Mr. McCoRMACK. 1. Department of Agriculture. ing and is just what I would have ex­ The · Chaplain, Rev. James Shera 2. Department of Commerce. pected from the people of an American Montgomery, D. D., offered the following 3. Department of the Interior. community. prayer: ' 4. Department of the Navy. On yesterday the gentleman from New Our Heavenly Father, we praise Thee 5. Department of War. Jersey in whose district Atlantic City is for the world's purest Teacher, who hast 6. Alien Property CUstodian. located addressed the House and took ex­ revealed unto us the peerless depths of 7. Federal Security Agency. ception to my remarks, or; more exactly, eternal truth; · who hast given us the 8. National Archives. to the newspaper article I quoted. May will to believe, the will to live, and the 9. National Housing Agency. I point out that the whole purpose of my will to work. Enable us to pursue these 10. Office of Price Administration. speech was to try .to prevent removal of realities with the reasoned conviction 11. Selective Service System. these disabled veterans from their pres­ that all men have the high privilege of 12. The Panama Canal. _ ent location, which they like s.o much. enjoying these blessings. 13. United States Maritime Commis­ The response to my remarks from that Create within us a passion to preserve sion. point of view has been all on the positive· the glorious freedoms on which our Re­ 14. United States Maritime Commis­ side. The fact remains, however, that public was founded. Reveal Thyself in sion and War Shipping Administration. the order for closing the hospital has the wondrous mercies of our homeland, 15. United States Railroad Retirement apparently been issued and still stands. and inspire us to labor for the perpetuity Board. I hope it will be rescinded. I have a of a government of the people, by the 16. War Shipping Administration. letter here from some of the veterans 4 people, and for the people. I\1 quietneSS EXTENSION OF REMARKS located there protesting very much and meditation, help us to do the right against it, and I shall include it in my re­ and deal justly with all men, filled with Mr. DOUGHTON of North Carolina marks, since it may shed some light on asked and was given permission to ex­ the whole matter. In every communtey perfect trust and freedom of spirit. 0 tend his remarks in the RECORD and in­ control and sustain us as we dedicate in this whole country, including Atlantic ourselves to those rights with which we clude a letter addressed by him to the Ci~Y. the majority of the people stand have been endowed. Blessed is he who Honorable Chester Bowles, Administra­ ready to do whatever they can fol' the can go through the thunder of life's tor of the Office of Price Administration, disabled veteran. But in every com­ protesting against the r.eiling price on munity I am afraid there are a few who battle and keep spotless the garment cotton, and his repiy. ' of his character. In the name of our take a different attitude. And in the Redeemer. Amen. Mrs. LUCE (at the request of Mr. i.nstant case I find the Washington News MARTIN of Massachusetts) was given per­ stating today that they have verified The Journal of the proceedings of yes· mission to extend her remarks in the their original story and that pressure· terday was read and approved. RECORD and include excerpts~ · was brought to bear upon the War De· 1946 CONGRESSIONAL~ RECORD-HOUSE 123 part~ent to release this hotel. I only alone the ne~ds of the American armed hope that the efforts now being made, forces, but, also the needs of our allies. Percentage both in and out of Atlantic City, to let Evidence presented to the Ways and Arnori· Apparent these veterans stay where they are will Means Committee, and not contradicted· Year can pro-Imports consump- Do· duction tion mestic Foreign prevail. by anyone, shows that the watch fac­ produc- made The letter from the veterans follows: tories of Switzerland, controlled by the tion WOUNDED-PARALYZED-LIMBLESS VETERANS APPRE• German-Swiss cartel, supplied the tim­ -- - - -- CIA'l'E YOUR HELP TO KEEP THOMAS M.
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