D^y-Crittehden Wedding temamw «t tlM I Mtaa Mary tHentha Crittenden. am) HSttard flia-l 1 daughter of Mr. and Mn. David fat tha vamtm pa j Benton Crittenden of .Gilead. >he- jcame the bride of Frank' Billings OLD SPICE AFTER SHAVE LOTION .................................$1.00 TTaaamllmi tot ttia lunebfon o f : ;,pay, son of Mr and Mrs. Theodore tilt Laitaa Aid Sectaty of Uia‘ ;W. Day of Peppcrell. Mesa. gat- WILUAMS AQUA VELVA.................................... Sfe and 9fc iBifeBaa] iJuUtaran Church to be iurdsy In lh» South Windham MENNEN'S SKIN BRACER............ .............. 40e aed S1.00 ftaM nett thuiartay at the Altna I Baptist Cbwrrh In .South Wind- > Velfh rimold ba mada with either' I ham. VI.- The bride U the giand- j SPORTSMAN AFTER SHAVE LOTION .. .................. ... $1.00 lira. Anna KJaUaon or Mr* rior> daughter of Mrs. James Stuart j anea Okadlait no later than Sun­ Neill of Gilead, and the late R 'v .' YARDLEY COLOGNE FOR MEN . $1.50 day. Can wtU laan from the Mr. Nelli, who was rector of . St. ’ Dalai Lama Seeks dhurch at noon. Mary's Epiacnpal Church fot 25 ; SEAFORTH AFTER SHAVE LOTION . sieo years, and Mr. and Mrs W aller' SI .95 Survives ICemban of Lakota Council, tie- E. Crittenden of New Haven and ; NEW GILLETTE RAlOR .. .............. gn a of Pocahontaa, nill meet in a Columbia Lake ELECTRIC RAZOR, Naw Styl#.......... $24.95 Chou, Nehru Talks V^^^ body at the kolmea FHineral Home, The r-ercmony wa» perform* i by j $1.OOtaS7.S0 at l;30 tonight to pay reapecta to : the Rev. John W. Brush of Neiv- SHAVING BRUSHES.......................... a a • a • In Crisis W«shingtoii. .lupp 20 (/T)— ICn; Sadie Howard, a member. jton Center. Maas. Mtsa Jane Ca>’. 1 ....................11.00 1 sllne Crittenden was her slate-'a | OLD SPICE SMOOTH SHAVE Miwsoori*. India. June 20T‘"to Bnglish and copies distribuied I Eor till* sixth time since Pres­ Buenos Aires, June 20 (/P) The PoUah American Club will jniatd of honor. The-he.I man wa«-| (JP)— The self-exiled Dalai to newanten ident Eisenhower took office ba open Saturday at 1 o'clock in I Ruaeell Donnelly of Peppei ell, I -------^Arturo Frondizi remaina autlng that the preaent Tibetan in 195,3, the House hss pas.aed i Bid for Sum m it Talk Lama of Tibet^aaid today he the aftentoon during the aummer Ma.as. I president of Argentina after t-eglme wiia 'mothing but a derep. ^ hill raising the ceiling on' Would welcome a . meeting be­ tive government with all powera in montha. The hnde Wore a gnwTi .if white surmounting-—at least tempo­ chiffon over satin, with a-, deep, tween Prime Minister ‘Nehru the handa of the Chineae." the Da-* national debt. yoke, of Bruasrla lace fashioned 1 rarily—the gravest crisis of lai I.«ma declared "we the people This time It is a peacetime lop Tha aaaeutti’e board and mem- of India and Premier .Chou of .7295 billion. That^waa exceed­ ben of the Ladiaa of St. James ] from her maternal grandmother's', his l4-month administration. of Tibet wtil never recognize it." En-lai o f Red China to thresh ed onl.v by a tempora’fy ceiling of will meat tonight at 8 o'clock at jgown. A traditional long veil o f ' But the pHce he paid remain* He pledged he wo\ild,return to $.100 billion during World War II. West Reich Election the F. Tierney Funeral silk Illusion flowed from her esp ' to be *eeh. , out a solution to the Tibetan his capital city of Lhasa only I of Bnissela lace,.from her .paternal . FnUoWthg ' .yvavee of tension problem. when he obtains “the rights and hut the actual debt then was Homo to pay reaperts to Mn, smaller than it is today. Sarah Morlarty, mother of Miss : grandmother's gown. She carried | touched oW by wilUtary plotter*, a The fugitive god king told his powers which Tibet enjoyed and -a bouquet of lilies of the valley. meeting of top army bra*a laat first news conference since he ar­ exercised prior to 19.50." Gnimbllng and blame-laying, Mary Merisrty, who is a member House members y^terday sent the of the erganlntion. Her maid of honor wore a bnl- i night voted confldedie In the pres­ rived tn India two months ago that The Dalst Lama said the' pup­ May Boost Tension : lerina-length gown of blue chiffon, ident'* war mintatty. thereby pet Panchen Lama. Installed by debt-increase hill to the Sennte he was undecided about his future by s vote of 2.55-117. There it 2 Polish NaiiensI Alliance. Orotip with a matching blue headband breaking up any thought of an but would not stay tn India lb<Je- the Chinese a* token head of ! and blue shoes. .She carried a hnu- immediate coup d'etat. Tibet, has been under Chinese in­ is expected to run into further op- 1988. will hold Its last meeting of flnllely. poatfion. hut pass in the end. (lenevn. .June 20 (/P)-—The Bijr Four fnreigTi ministerB tn- the season at t o'clock tomorrow ;quet of yellow margueritca. Frondizi, grim faced andHired, The Dalai Lama said he was fluence since his bo.vhood. The mother of the bride wore a met newsmen to aay he w*a »tin ‘•He ha* no alternative iiSBefepti The aurprisingly heav.v House da,v recenaed their conference uhtil .hily 13 without breaking night at 77 NbrUi St. pleased that India, hia host coun­ opposition , represented protests horizon blue silk shantung sheath performing his presidential duties.. try. had championed Tibet'* caune. to carry out' the oi-ders of the the East-Weal deadlock on Berlin. Adwtlawnent— I dress with white accessories, and But he did not indicate what con­ Chine.se, because he ha* no po\Vi within both P.epubllcan snd Dem- a^ it did that of Algeria, Morocco ..(peratic parties over increased gov­ Western officials forecast a new Soviet drive (or* the the brldegi-oom-if mother choose a cession he. made the militarists for arid Tunisint ' ers." the Dalai Lama sa'd. Vlalt Aahford Lg|ke this week- 60 gauge dark seam sheer nyjons. ernment borrowing at a time when aummil following the failure of the talks. The.v said Soviet moaa green silk di-eas. A recep- ■ their support. H«\*aid he i*’ould ' welcome a Tlie exilt blasted the Peiping n d —36 milea east of Manchester tlrm-waa held at-Hie Crittenden's' All first quality with reinforced Announcement also was made government for trying to achieve the'<bitdget alread.v is $11 billion Premier Khru.ahchev is trying tn frighten the western powers —off Route 4i. Tel. MI 3-5440. summit meeting between Nehru in the red, Vermont home. West Valley Farm, heel and toe for extra wear. Tan- that two alleged leaders of the and Chou En-lal "if the actual the "final extermination" of the into a summit conference Instead p f offering conceesions on in West Windham. For their plot had agreed to submit to de­ Buddhist religion 'and culture in House leaders, who backed the honeymoon, the coupls chose a tone and beigetone in sizes 9 to 11. events tn Tibet were' considered in bill noted that some nhy voter* ■Berlin a.* a lure to the West. tention on sedition charges. I Tibet by planning to settle five canoeing trip in Maine. their true perspective." were cast bV members who have U.S. Secretary of Stale Christian A. Herter and other The.v were Rear Adra. Arturo The .Dalai Lama he would also j million Chineae in tht Himalayan western diplomats are repoited to have decided two weeks The bride, a graduate of the ■ Rial, hero of the revolution 'that j roiinti.v. been among the"strongest support­ Northlleld School for Girls, ta now I welcome "the "jiupporl of all ers of big spending measures, ago that this was Khrushchev’s strategy. Western interest L T. WOOD CO. or^rthrew ex-dictator Juan Peron, countries of the world, including i flpeaking through an interpreter attending Middlebury College. Her i and retired I.t. Gen. Arturo Os- ".Some of the feljowa wanted to in breaking off the negotiations here dates from thal; time. ICE PLANT husband, a graduate of Middle- Soviet Russia," for the Tibetan "on the agreement signed by the claim at least one economy vote 91 BISSELL ST. sorio Arana. ’ The government cause. ] Tibetans and Red Chinese after The West came to Genevg believing it held, one trump card bury, is an assistant in the col. Need a ordered their arrest Wednesday, on their record." one DemncVatle Icge'a Chemistry department where Some 100 newsmen, photogra­ the take-over of hia country, the leader observed. — Khrushchev’s desire for a summit meeting. Cuhttt^rushed’Block* but aecurity forces had been un­ Brvwn Phoio, firnulphoro, he Is working for his master’s de- I pher* and recording technicians Dalai I.jima said his representa­ It was the third time in Hie In Hei'tsr's' view, th* foreigirl-- MRS. FRANK BIIJJNGS DAY able to find them.' gathered at this Himalayan' sum­ tive* signed the agreement "itndet oilnistsrs' ronferenca took s bad glee in chemiStr>’, Informed sources said Rial and past 18' months that 'President. mer resort for the conference. the threat of fitrther operation* F.isenhower has requested a ri.se turn about two weeks ago when Oasdrio Arana led a milkary group The Dalai' Lama read hi* atate- Ugainat Tibet by the invading ar- Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A.
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