The Municipality of Dysart et al AGENDA Regular Council Meeting Monday, December 17, 2018 9:00 A.M. Page 1. ADOPTION OF AGENDA 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETING 5 - 29 4. DELEGATIONS 30 - 40 9:30 a.m. - Greg Weeks, President and Ed Kennedy, Vice President, Harcourt Park Inc. 5. FIRE DEPARTMENT 41 - 42 Fire Department Report - November 2018. 6. PARKS AND RECREATION 43 Parks and Recreation Operational Report. 44 - 45 Recreation Programming Update. 7. MUSEUM AND GLEBE PARK 46 - 47 Museum Director's Report. 8. PUBLIC WORKS 48 Roads Department Update. 49 Pre-approval for a Tandem Axle Dump Truck with Snow Plow Equipment. 50 - 53 Request for Additional Snowplowing - Bowen Road. 54 - 57 Request for Additional Snowplowing - Kennaway Road. 58 - 60 By-law No. 2018-84 - Being a By-law to Authorize the Execution of a Winter Maintenance Services Agreement with the County of Haliburton. Page 1 of 156 Page 61 Landfill Cover, Compaction & Maintenance Services Request for Proposals. 9. BUILDING AND BY-LAW 62 Building Permit Report - November 2018. 63 - 64 By-law Department Report - November 2018. 10. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 65 - 69 P1. By-law 2018-79 - Shore Road Allowance, Adjacent to the Lands of Harcourt Park Inc. (Alvey), Allen Lake, Township of Harcourt. 70 - 77 P2. By-law 2018-80 - Shore Road Allowance and Authorize the Execution of an Agreement, and Deeming By-law 2018-81, Adjacent to the Lands of Skinner, Haliburton Lake, Township of Harburn. 78 - 80 P3. Bylaw 2018-82, Delegate the Responsibility for Public Hearings to the Municipality of Dysart Public Meeting Committee and Appoint Members to the Public Meeting Committee. 11. CULTURAL RESOURCES 12. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 81 - 82 Harvest Haliburton Re: Financial Request from Harvest Haliburton to Support Food and Agriculture Economic Development Forum for Haliburton County. 13. ENVIRONMENT AND CONSERVATION 83 - 85 AMO Policy Update Re: Ontario Government Releases New Environment Plan for Consultation. 14. REPORTS FROM LOCAL AGENCIES, BOARDS AND COMMITTEES Haliburton Village B.I.A. Harcourt Community Centre. 86 - 87 Rails End Gallery and Arts Centre Re: November 2018 Report. West Guilford Community Hall Board. Community Policing Advisory Committee. 15. FINANCE DEPARTMENT 88 - 89 November 2018 Cheque Summary. 90 - 92 Financial Report - November 30, 2018. 93 - 95 2019 Benefit Renewal. Page 2 of 156 Page 96 - 97 2019 Insurance Renewal. 98 Metered Sewage Readings Report - November 2018. 99 - 100 s.357 Tax Adjustments. 16. ADMINISTRATION Notice of Passing - Procedural By-law. Notice of Passing - Appointment By-law. 101 - 125 Municipal Cannabis Policy. 126 County of Haliburton Re: Appointment to Land Division Committee. 127 Accessibility Initiatives Undertaken for 2018 Municipal Election. 128 - 131 Appointment of Integrity Commissioner. 132 - 141 Ministry of Indigenous Affairs Re: Settlement of Williams Treaties Land Claim. 142 - 145 Haliburton County Transportation Taskforce Re: September 25, 2018 Minutes. 146 Haliburton County Public Library Re: Circulation by Branch with Totals 2017-2018. 147 Ontario's Highlands Tourism Organization Re: The Caboose Achieving the OHvation Customer Service Leader Designation. 17. CLOSED SESSION To discuss matters pursuant to Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended pertaining to: • personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees for the appointment of public members to various committees; • a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or the local board in the Township of Dysart; • a trade secret or scientific, technical, commercial, financial or labour relations information, supplied in confidence to the municipality or local board, which if disclosed, could reasonably be expected to prejudice significantly the competitive position or interfere significantly with the contractual or other negotiations of a person, group of persons, or organization; • litigation or potential litigation including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board. 18. REPORT FROM CLOSED SESSION 148 - 155 By-law 2018-83 - Being a By-law to Constitute, Appoint and Empower a Committee of Adjustment for the Municipality of Dysart et al. 19. CONFIRMING BY-LAW Page 3 of 156 Page 156 20. ADJOURNMENT Page 4 of 156 AGENDA ITEM # Dysart et al Council Minutes Tuesday, November 27, 2018 The Council of the Corporation of Dysart et al convened a meeting on Tuesday, November 27, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. in the Dysart et al Council Chambers with the following in attendance: Council: Mayor Murray Fearrey Deputy Mayor Andrea Roberts Councillor Nancy Wood-Roberts Councillor Dennis Casey Councillor Tammy Donaldson Councillor Susan Norcross Councillor Walt McKechnie Staff: Tamara Wilbee, CAO Cheryl Coulson, Clerk Jeff Iles, Director of Planning and Land Information Sue Harrison, Senior Planner Barbara Swannell, Treasurer Mike Iles, Fire Chief Rob Camelon, Director of Public Works Andrew Wilbee, Manager of Parks & Recreation Andrea Mueller, Recreation Program Coordinator Karl Korpela, Chief Building Official Kate Butler, Museum Director ADOPTION OF AGENDA Motion # 18-225 Moved by: Councillor Nancy Wood-Roberts Seconded by: Councillor Dennis Casey Be it resolved that the agenda for the meeting of the Council of the Municipality of Dysart et al held on November 27, 2018, be approved as presented. CARRIED Page 5 of 156 AGENDA ITEM # DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST Councillor Tammy Donaldson declared a direct pecuniary interest regarding Planning item P-15 as she is the applicant for the severance proposal. ADOPTION OF MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the September 24, 2018 Regular Council meeting were circulated for review. Motion # 18-226 Moved by: Councillor Dennis Casey Seconded by: Councillor Nancy Wood-Roberts Be it resolved that the minutes of the September 24, 2018 Regular Council meeting be adopted as circulated. CARRIED DELEGATIONS Rusty Rustenburg, Haliburton Highlands Outdoor Association Re: Restoration Project of Gould's Crossing. Rusty Rustenburg provided an overview of the recent work on the Gould’s Creek culvert replacement which was done to facilitate the reintroduction of brook trout in Gould’s Creek which flows into fish hatchery ponds. The organization is requesting financial support towards this project over the $3000 aggregate contribution already made by the Municipality. It was agreed that this would be a 2019 budget discussion as they need about $25,000. It was suggested that we can review again in December and potentially draw on current reserves and pay it back through 2019 budget. FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Department Report - October 2018. Mike Iles reported that call volume is up again. It was noted that the recent change in double hatter legislation was a welcome change for the department as we have lost valuable members in the past for fear of losing their full time jobs. It was noted that the truck build may take quite a while due to backlogs in manufacturing. AMO Policy Update- Welcome Fire News. Council reviewed the AMO Policy Update regarding draft legislation introduced by the province pertaining to protect double hatters and fire services arbitration and considered it information. PARKS AND RECREATION Page 6 of 156 AGENDA ITEM # Parks and Recreation Operational Report. Andrew Wilbee reported that the wooden stairs at York and Cedar have begun rotting and should be shut down for the winter. He recommended concrete steps to replace them, but we could make them narrower. Sidewalk concrete and sealer will help with longevity. Tennis court cracks were sealed temporarily until spring and then will be looked at further as the cracks are very deep. Eagle Lake and West Guilford privies will be completed this week and park equipment will be finished in the spring as the snow came too early. The heating units at the Medical Centre had to be replaced recently which was not expected or budgeted for. Councillor Norcross raised a question about the Christmas lights in West Guilford noting that the contractor was advised to install new lights in West Guilford but a resident convinced him to install the old refurbished lights instead. Council directed that the new lights be installed. Motion # 18-227 Moved by: Councillor Nancy Wood-Roberts Seconded by: Councillor Dennis Casey Be it resolved that Council approves the staff recommendation to close the wooden stairs at York and Highland Street until further notice and that staff budget to replace the stairs in 2019. CARRIED Recreation Programming Update. Andrea Mueller reported that the booking software will be going live soon. Andrea will be training staff and then various board members on how to use the software to book events. The 6th Annual Ugly Sweater run was successful. They will be changing the name to the Jolly Jog going forward. The Frost Festival has some new additions this year that should be of interest to all ages. Looking for more volunteers to assist with this. Looking into a program that runs from March to June for after school programming. Page 7 of 156 AGENDA ITEM # Deputy Mayor Roberts asked that the revised Park Use Agreement come to the December meeting with a note that event coordinators must use recycling containers and they must clean the privies during the event if they want to include them in the required toilet count. Recreation Advisory Committee Re: Minutes of June 12, 2018 Meeting. Council reviewed and adopted the minutes of the Recreation Advisory Committee held on June 12, 2018. Motion # 18-228 Moved by: Deputy Mayor Andrea Roberts Seconded by: Councillor Nancy Wood- Roberts Be it resolved that Council adopts the minutes of the Recreation Advisory Committee meeting held on June 12, 2018. CARRIED MUSEUM AND GLEBE PARK Museum Director's Report. Council reviewed the Museum Director's report for October. Kate Butler reported that the Day of the Dead programming was a great success as were the other Hali Halloween Programs. It is anticipated that programming for Halloween may be spread out over two weekends next year.
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