-TridaiV,~ 9917- Continuous · 'ii~~~~~~~~~~~~ News Service .- .:Massachusetts~. , , .. _ : ..... Since 1881 - , i'..,"ebr ry-,,. 1:5 199 Volume 111, Number 5 I~~~~~~~..,w - -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!; Coi n ei d-dean By Brian Rosenberg direct impression [from different sILua±ion tnan Moses' Professor of Electrical Engi- Wrighton] that there would be appointment. [Smith] had been of Il neering and Comjputer Science, much student input [on the selec- acting dean, and the consensus Arthur C. Smith. has been ap- tion of a new dean]. It surprises people who interacted with him pointed to a two-year term as me that [Wrighton] would-make and myself was that he was doing dean for student affairs, effective a move like this without notifying a great job," Wrighton said. July 1.- Smith had been acting [the UA]. There's a great lack of "It's not the case that every ap- dean since July 1, 1990. communication here." pointment will, require, a lengthy Provost Mark S.'.Wrighton, Godfrey continued, "I have search process," Wrighton add- who made the appointment, said, had several meetings with ed. He said he thought "the ele- "Professor Smith has had a Wrighton concerning dean ap- ment of student input has been major impact on ,the Office of pointments, and I was always received in the level of enthusi- the' Dean for Student Affairs. very concerned that there would asm I've heard for Professor The role he has played as a facul- Smith." ty member, as an advocate for Smith agreed that different sit- "s'"agg-~< 4% the students, and as an adminis- uations. require different selection trator has been exceptional. I felt processes. "If we were talking it was appropriate to formalize about'a really long-term appoint- his role- as a leader at the ment, then I'd say there would Institute." have to be a search committee. Smith felt eager to begin his However, my appointment is term as dean. "There .a lot of essentially a short-term issues I'd like to address while arrangement. -dean,'" he said. "I'm really glad "I'm very much in favor of to see the Undergraduate Associ- search committees and student . ation and a number of fraterni- .participation on them. On the ties adopting their own alcohol- other hand, it seems foolish to policies. One of the major have a committee which would sources of negative incidents on have this result as something of a campus is the irresponsible use of Tech file photo foregone conclusion," Smith alcohol," he. continued. Arthur C. Smith said. Smith said he likes lAP "just Godfrey expressed concern about the way it is.... I would be student input [for the dean of that'the way Smith's appointment probably speak out against any student affairs] if not for the oth- was made could set a bad prece- Jonathan Kossuth/The-Tech change," Smith added. er deans. dent for other upcoming selec- Smith's appointment came as a "The UA considered this tions. Godfrey is scheduled to Tania P. Pinilla '92 (#23) takes a shot as Marion A. meet with Wrighton on Wednes- Casserberg '94 (#30) muscles her way inside for a re--: shock to the Undergraduate sacred," Godfrey added. "The Association. Hans C. Godfrey, academic deans don't have a di- day to discuss the search for a bound 'during, MIT's: last regular season home: game' new dean of science. "This deci- -against Babson College on TuoesdV, MIT lost 79-45.', chairman of the UA Governance rect effect on students' social _rL I_ I- - 7- -L=-i------·i--------------- committee,C said, "I was given 'a lives, but the -dean for student sion will certainly affect my affairs does. 1 am, however, meeting with the provost," he ~~~_O~~~M . v pieased ,'that the-new dean, is said.. [Smith]. I: wanted hini to be --.... _._C.. A P ?- ?'1. ;!.--'0 ~ ~ ~ dean," he said. Wrighton said he will "soon be Wrighton made a distinction conducting broader searches for Byy Joey arquez Walters defined a warning as -pose-of the policy is for student:S and new deans of the schools of Sci- .1 between Smith's appointment After one semester with the an expression of concern by the to avoid going into higher leve the recent naming of Professor of ence, and Humanities, Arts and new pass/no-reicord policy for Committee on Academic Perfor- material without properly learn Electrical Engineering and'Com- Social Sciences." He added that freshmen-in effect, 110 freshmien - :mance to a stu-dent who fails two ing fundamentals. puter Science Joel Moses as dean there will "certainly be student were given academic warnings - or more classes and as a result is Merritt defended the policy of engineering. "I think [the dean representation on the science more than double the, number given a limit 'of 48 units for the with the examples of the Depart y of student affairs] was a very advisory committee." given last year. following semester. ment of Electrical Engineerinl ~g According to Bonnie J. Wal- Walters, along withTravis R. and Computer Science and thete ters, assistant dean for student Merritt, associate dean for stu- Department of Aeronautics andId affairs, this hu/ge increase is a dent affairs, agreedthat the new Astronautics: Both ask student: ise_ goes01 result of a grading policy in ef- policy produced the increase. to repeat courses in which the: fect for the first tinie this year, Both also said that if the policy receive a D letter grade or lower, which raised the:,passig g rad had been initiated earlier, the 'Walters said that professors do to Super, or ourt from a D letter grade to a C. same increase would have proba- not want the burden of teaching By Andrea Lamberti placed on pretrial probation, that fundamentals which The increase in the number of bly ensued. students h Steven H. Baden '92 pleaded he stay away from all prosecution warnings given to freshmen this Walters said she was "not they should have learned in theirr innocent Wednesday to charges witnesses, and that he stay away year has no-bearing on the intelli- surprised by the outcome," and freshman year. of burning a dwelling and five from MIT during the trial, The gence of the freshman class as a 'said that freshmen should not see counts of armed assault with in- Middlesex News reported. whole, Walters said. -this "as a bad thing." The pur- (Please turn to page 2) tent to murder in connection with Both Baden and his attorney, Deborah Finkel, declined to com- ment on yesterday's court pro- Local union protests at MIT ceedings. According to The Middlesex By Karen -Kaplan MIT is hot a good neighbor and rarely intervene in the contrac- News, Assistant District Attorney Members of the Cambridge does not deserve to be treated as tor's decision" of which subcon- Crispin Birnbaum declined to Painters Local No. 577 de- one." tractors to hire. comment on a motive, but de- nounced MIT this. week -for em- Joseph "Duke" Carter, a busi- "Hawkins hires both union fense lawyer Eric Levine said the :'ploying a non-union contractor. ness representative of the Paint- and non-union subcontractors," prosecutors may allege that a The union members, including ers' District Council No. 35, said Brammer .said. "Hawkins does "previous altercation between Ba- one dressed as a rat wearing an this was not a "union versus non- lots of good work on this cam- den and another student over us- MIT T-shirt, began distributing union" issue. According to Car- pus, and this is the first problem ing the suite kitchen" had some- handbills in front of Building 7 ter, members of Painters Local we've encountered." thing to do with the fire being on Wednesday and in Kendall No. 577 are picketing to discour- Brainmer spoke to Carter set. 'Squ"are yesterday. age the hiring of non-union about the situation at the end of The other student was identi- The handbills, asserted that firms. last week. "Carter said he wished fied by some sources last month eMIT is not a good neighbor" The'contractor under dispute is we -would hire union shops, but I -William ChulThe Tech to be David E. Borison '91, because it approved of hiring an Gerald H. Berggren Company, explained that MIT hires both," Steven H. Baden '92 Baden's next-door neighbor in ."unfair contractor." The handbill which was hired by H. H. Haw- Brammer said. a fire in the "kosher suite" in Burton Suite 252 - the kosher ilso: called on peopile to let "our 'kins and Sons Company. Haw- The handbill distributed by Burton-Conner House Jan. 18, suite. elected city officials know that kins, in turn, was hired by MIT members of the Painters Local The Middlesex News reported The relationship between Ba- Physical Plant to renovate several No. 577 alleged that Berggren yesterday. den and Borison had been on math offices in Building 2; does not pay its employees Baden was arraigned in Mid- shaky ground for some time be- Berggren, a painting company, "'area 'standard' wages and dlesex Superior Court Wednes- fore the fire last month, sources employs non-union workers. Car- fringes." It also claimed that day, and a pre-trial conference said at the time. Borison and Ba- -ter characterized Berggren as an "Berggren has no bona fide ap- date was set for Feb. 28. Yester- den "quarreled often. It was a HASS-Ds draw crowds "unfair contractor." prentice training 'program which day, the case was dismissed from clear case of personality con- this, semrester. Page 2. Members of the local chapter, ,sould accord area youth the op- Cambridge District Court and flict," Shifra S.
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