10 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. DECEMBER 2, UNIFORMS .AND PAY OF DISCHARGED SOLDIERS. A.RKANSAS. Thaddeus H. Caraway. Henderson M. Jacow!y. Mr. ASHURST . I introduce a bill and ask that it be read and William A. Oldfield. Samuel M. Taylor. referred to the Committee ·on Military Affairs: John N. Tillman. William S. Goodwin. The bill ( S. 5050) to grant to every honorably discharged Otis Wingo CALIFORNIA. soldier, sailor, and marine the uniform he is wearing at the Clarence F. Lea. John A Elston. · time of such discharge and to provide pay for 90 days after Charles F. Curry. Charles H. Randall. such discharge was read the first time by title, the second time Julius Kahn. Henry Z. Osborne. at length, and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, as John I. Nolan. William Kettner. follows: COLORADO. Benjamin C. Hilliard. Be it enacted, etc., That every soldier, sailor, and marine in the Edward Keating. Army, Navy, and Marine Corps of the United States, upon receiving Charles B. Timberlake. Edward T. Taylor. an honorable discharge, shall be entitled to keep and retain as his own CONNECTICUT. property the uniform he is wearing at the time of such discharge from Schuyler Merritt. the service, and no charge nor debit whatever shall be entered against James P. Glynn. the account of any such discharged soldier or sailor or marine by reason of his retaining said uniform ; r:nd there shall be paid to every such DELAWARE. soldier, sailor, and ma.rine full pay for the 90 days next ensuing after the date of his honorable discharge. (At large.) Albert F. Polk. PROMOTIONS FOR MILITARY SERVICE. FLORIDA. Mr. McKELLAR submitted the following resolution (S. Res. Herbert J . Drane. Walter Kehoe. 359), which was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs: Frank Cia rk. Resolved, That the Secretary of War. be, and he is hereby, requested GEORGIA. and directed to furnish to the Senate full information in reference to James W. Overstreet. Gordon Lee. promotions in overseas service. Frank Park. Charles H. Brand. Also full information as to promotions already made of officers who Charles R. Cr1sp. Thomas M. Bell. have not seen overseas service; also any plans he may have of equaliz­ W. C. Wright. Carl Vinson. ing promotions, to the end that those who have become entitled to IDAHO. promotions by reason of service-abroad or at home shall be accorded (At large.) such promotion. Addison T. Smith. Burton L. French. ADJOURNMENT. ILLINOIS. Mr. MARTIN of Virginia. I move that the Senate adjourn. Martin B. Madden. William J. Graham. On a division, the motion was agreed to; and (at 2 o'clock James R. Mann. Edward J. King. William W. Wilson. CWford Ireland. p. m.) the Senate adjourned until to-morrow, Tuesday, Decem­ Adolph J. Sabath. Joseph G. Cannon. b~r 3, 1918, at 12 o'clock meridian. James MrAndrPws. William B. Mt!Kinley. Thomas Gallagher. Henry T. Rainey. Fred A. Britten. Loren E. Wheeler. George E. Foss. William A. Rodenberg. Ira C. Copley. Martin D. Foster. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Charles E. Fuller Thomas S. Williams. John C. McKenzie. Ed ward E. Denison. MoNDAY, December 2, 1918. INDIANA. This being the day deSignated by the Constitution for the Oscar E. Bland. Albert H. Vestal. annual meeting of Congress, the Members of the House of Rep­ William E. Cox. Fred S. Purnell. Lincoln Dixon. Willlam R. Wood. resentatives assembled in their Hall for the third session of Everett Sanders. ?1-lilton Kraus. the Sixty-fifth Congress, and, at 12 o'clock noon, were called Richard N. Elliott. Louis W. Fairfield. to order by the Speaker, who on taking the chair was greeted Merrill M.oores. Henr~ A. Barnhart. with general applause. IOWA. PRAYER. Charles A. Kennedy. Cassius C. Dowell. Harry E. Hull. Horace M. Towner. Rev. Earle Wilfley, pastor of the Vermont Avenue Christian Burton E. Sweet. · William R. Green. Church, Washington, D. C., offered the following prayer: James W. Good. George C. Scott. Almighty and most merciful God, who dost inhabit eternity, . KANSAS. Guy T. Helvering. and in whose hands are the destinies. of nations, for this moment ~gufr<~/c!'itt~~n. William A. Ayres. we stand before 'l'hy throne to supplicate Thy pardon for aH our - P P KENTUCKY. wrongdoings and to ask Thy blessing and guidance for the days Alben w. Barkley. Arthur B. Rouse. to come. David H. Kincheloe. J ames C. Cantrill. If, as a Nation, we have sinned or come short of Thy will, Ben Johnson. William J. Fields. we pray that the record may be made clean this morning by Swagar Sherley. Caleb Powers. Thy divine forgiveness, and that we may stand with a clear LOUISIANA. record before Thee. · H. Garland Dupr~. Riley J. Wilson. 1 Ladislas Lazaro. 0 Lord, the world is bathed in tears, and precious lives have ro~~~~ \fat~~~in. James B. Aswell. been snuffed out. Wrecks are on every hand, and we pray, MAINE. 0 God, that Thy love may manifest itself to us in divine and Louis B. Goodall. John A. Peters. fullest measure. We pray Thy blessing upon our beloved coun- Wallace H. White, jr. Ira G. Hersey. try and all its righteous interests, upon the Congress assembled, MARYLAND. upon all in authority, for the Army and Navy, and every part Jesse D. Price. J. Charles Linth~rum. Sydney E. Mudd. of the Government service. Give us open eyes to see, ears to 8ii~~~; f: ~;:J~.n. Frederick N. Zihlman. hear aright, and the fullest understanding of duty and privilege. Especially we pray, 0 God, that upon the President of the MASSACHUSETTS. Allen T. Treadway. Frederick W. DalUnger. United States may rest the fullest, largest measure of Thy holy Frederick H. Gillett. P eter F. Tague. spirit. In this momentous hour may be speak not only the Calvin D. Paige. George Holden Tinkham. words of truth and soberness, but speak with wisdom, justice, Samuel E. Win low. Jame A. Gallivan. John Jacob Rogers. Richard Olney, 2d. and coura~; and as we hear, may it be with hearts ready to Willfred W. Lufkin. William S. Greene. discern the truth and wills highly purposed to ·do the right. Michael F. Phelan. Joseph Walsh. In this supreme hour, 0 our God, we crave Thy guidance, Thy MICHIGAN. blessing, Thy forgiveness, and Thy love, for Thy name's sake. Frank E. Doremus. Joseph W. Fordney. Amen. Samuel W. Beakes. James C. McLaughlin. Edward L. Hamilton Gilbert A. Currie. ROLL CALL BY STATES. Carl E. Mapes. Frank D. Scott. The SPEAKER. The Clerk will call the roll by States, to Patrick H. Kelley. MINNESOTA. ascertain the presence of a quorum. Andrew J. Volstead. The Clerk proceeded to call the roll by States, when the fol­ ~b~[ls ttd:6~.;>i~: Clarence B. Miller. lowing Members responded: Carl C. Van Dyke. Hal vor Steenerson. ALABAMA. Ernest Lundeen. Thomas D. Schall. Oscar L. Gray. John L. Burnett. Harold Knutson. S. Hubert Dent, Ir. Edward B. Almon. MISSISSIPPI. 1 George Hudoleston. Ezekial S. Candler. Pat Harrison. f.eT iro~as S:f:&~~· William B. Bankhead. Hubert D. Stephens. Percy E. Quin. WilHam B. Oliver. Thomas U. Sisson. James W. Comer. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. --------- -----------------------------------------------.---------------------------------~--------------------- MISSOU'RI. 'TEXAS. :Milton A. J:omjne. Dorsey W. Shackleford. Eugen e Black. James l?. Buchanan. 'Villiam W. Rucker. Champ Clark. -James Young. James C. Wilson. Charles F. llooher. Frederick Es ~ en. Sam Rayburn. Marvin Jones. WilHam P. Borland. Leonida s e. Dyer. Rufus Hardy. James L. Slayden. Clement C. Dk kinson, Thomas L. Ru)}ey. Alexander W. Gre~. J"ohn N. Garner. ·Courtney W. lla:mtin. Joe H . Eagle. Thomas L. lnanton. M<l NTANA. Joseph J. Ia n fi ~ld. (At large.} (At large.) John 1\l. Evan . J elF : McLemore. NEBRASKA.. UTAR. Charles F. Reavis. Charles IL l~an. James H. Mays. Charle-s 0 . L ohec-'k. Ashton C. ShalleTI~rg~r. VERMoNT. -nan V. Stephen . Moses P. Kinkaid. Frank L. Greene. NEVADA.. VlllGlNU. (At larg().) Schuyler Otis Bland. • . Carter Glass. E. E. Roberts. Edward E. Holland~ Thomas W. Ha1·rison. Andrew J. Montague. C. Eascom Slemp. · NIJW HAM'PSlHRE. Walter A, Watson. Henry D. Flood. : she rm:~.n E. Burroogh. Edward lL Wason. Edward W. Saunders. NEW JERSEY. W ASHJr GTON. ·william J. Browning. Dow H. Druk:ker. John F. Miller. William L. La Follette. l . aac lla~haracb. Edward W. Gray. Lindley H. Hadley. c. c. Dill. Thomas J. Rcully. Richard Wayne Parker. Albert .Johnson. Elljah C. Hutcbinson. Frederick R. Lchlbach. WEST VIRGl~tA. WiUiam F. Bil'ffl. ·George M. Bower . Harl"y C. W OOdYa.i'd, John R. Ramsey_. }~~~/ :A~tf:!:m. Stuart F. Reed. Edward Cooper. NEW YORK. WISCONStN. Fr<:> uerick c. Hicks. Jerome F. Donovan. · Henry Allen Cooper. Edward E. Browne. Chas. Popf' Ca ldwE"ll. Anthony J. Griffin. William J. Cary.. David G. Classon. Harry H. Dal1'. Daniel 'C. Oliver. William H. Stafford. Jame-s A. Frear. Frederidl:: W. Rowe. Benjamin L. Fairchild. J'obn 1. Esch. John J. Delalll'y. Edmund Platt. William E. Cleuy. 'Charles B. Ward. WYO~U~G. Oscar Wm. =~'Wilft. Rollin B. Sanford. (At large.) Reuben L. Hask-ell. J-ames S. Parker. Frank W. Mondt>ll. Daniel J. Rlor<Uln. • Bertrand H . .Sncll. Meyer London.. Luther W. Mott. The SPE.AKER. On this roll call 354 Members, a quorum, "Christopher n. ~ulli :1 • Holru'r P. Snyder. Fiorello R. LaGuardia. Walter W. Magee. have answered to their nnmes. ~homn 11'. Smith. Norman J. Gould. J"ohn F. Olt·ew. Harry H. Pratt. SWEARING tN ()];' MEMBERS. Walter Chandler. M.. Archi~ D. Sanders. l\Ir. Mr. P. Repre~ Isaac Siegel. Charli:!S M .
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