MON TH富子MA6AZIN8・OF・ C/町HOLIC ・ CHVRCH & SCHOOLMVS[C.臆■ REM寡NISCENSES OF DOM GREGORY HUGLE. O.S.B. ● THE STuDY OF HARMONY AND 肝S∴RE」A〒冒ON TO GREGOR書AN∴e円A閏丁 Rev. F. 」os. KeI!y, Mus. Doc GREGORiAN CHANT FESTIVAL AT FRIBOuRG Rev. CharIes Dreisoerner, S. M. TH各 CATHOLIC INFLUENCE ON BACH Dr. Caspar Koch 1937 CHRiS丁MAS PROGRAMS M. MAuRO-COTTONE OBITUARY CONTR!BUT書ONS OF THE BENEDICTIN岳S IN THE ORGAN WORしD Dom AdeIard Bouv帖ers, OS B, Mus. Doc. N0. 10 CHOICE MELODIES from the MASTER COMPOSERS Å Collection for Elenent卿y SchooI Orchestras Orchestrated by R. E. HILDRETH All String Parts BoWed and Fingered Con tents BEETHOVEN BRÅ櫨MS .…… 亨脱誤誼ぷ鵠 GLuCK Ma重Chioness GRETRY 蝿ÅNDEL M祉ket Day ORATE FRATR要S HÅYDN Consぬ皿音t血ople MENDELSSOHN Canzの皿eくくa A Review Devoted to MOZÅRT M狐quis the重昂urgical Apo§tOlate PuRCE工L Scotぐh Åむ RÅMBÅu Tambou重in SCH uBERT Åspむa(ion SCHuBERT .……... ..…‥ Shepherd Dance 聖霊書○霊三豊嵩詰ニ SCHuMÅNN....…. On an Åp重i賞Mo皿血g TSCHÅIKOWSKY Legend Pation in the liturgical life of the INST R uMENTÅTION Church, Which Pius X has called “the 1st Violin (lead) Bass○○n Violin AA (ad Lib.) … … lst Clarinet in Bb Primary and indispensable source of Violin A (obligato) …. .. 2nd Clarinet in Bb the true Christian spirit.’’ Secondarily Violin B (obligato).…. Eb Alto Saxophone it also considers the liturgy in its lit- 2nd Violin ….……………. Bb Tenor Saxophone 3rd Violin (Viola sub.〉 、. 1st Trumpet in Bb erary, artistic, muSical, SOCial, educa・ 2nd Trumpet in Bb tional and historical aspects. Cello.….…. lst and 2nd Horns in F String Bass Ist and 2nd Eb Homs Tub a Trom. or Bar., B. C. Fγの7♭ A Le枕eγ S匂伸ed bu Flute Trom. or Bar., T. C. H冶 Em祝e仇ee, Cαγ脇の! Gα8pαγ毒 Oboe Conductor ~ Piano “The Holy Father ‘is greatly PRICES Pleased that臆St. John’s Abbey Cbn血ICtOr・Piano….65 - All o血er books, eaCh…..35 Note: All numbers also obtainable separately. is continuing the glorious PRICES: Small Orch.…….75 _ Full Orch…….l.10 traditionタ and that there is emanating from th率abbey an Every Lesson a Tune. ‥. Every Tune a Lesson inspiration that tends to ele- MELODY. FIRST BAND BOOK Vate the piety of the faithfu] Å unisonal Instructor for ÅLL Band Instruments by leading them back to the by FORTUNÅTO SORDILLO . pure fountain of the sacred Assistant Director of Music, Boston Public Sch∞ls PRICES 事itu重9y.’’ Each bu血,.30; Piano Åcc. and Teacher,s Guide, ◆60 MR. BAND INSTRUCTOR: Published every four weeks, beginning With MELODY-FIRST BAND ,BOOK, there are no uninterested players, because (with two excep- With Advent, twelve issues the year. tions, and these players∴Can be assigned altemative Forty-eight pages. Two dollars the books) every book is a nrdody book. You can send a student home with something that he wi皿practise year in the united States. Write for 嘉:S;蕊書芸盈誓篭悪書霊聖霊 sample∴COPy and descriptive leaflet. ‡諾霊霊謹言盤㌔謹露盤豊藍 Accompaniment・ -Which makes even the playing of the scales a truly musical experience. THE LITuRGICÅL PRESS Collegeville Minnesota Supervisors′ B・ 8 O・ Teachers and OrganizlerS, only$ To富eCdve FREE □ lst Violin book of ``Choi⊂e・Melodies’, □ Co重皿et bo弧o重`’Melo重曹競t’, regdr edition, Wi瓜strikin9 COVer・design, check in Square ProVided, dip, and mall to us with yo調name, na細説Of sIChool or organization, and your musical WALTER JÅCOBS, INC. 120 Bdylston Street Boston, Mass. Entered as second dass mat_ ter, October 20, 1931, at the Post O航ce at Boston, Mass., under the Act of March 3, 1879. 軸p他派章描執 Formerly published in St. Francis, Wisconsin. Now is・ sued monthly, eXCePt in July. MonthIy M∂gaZine of CathoIic Chu「ch Subscription: $2.50 per year, and §chooI Mu§ic payable in advance. Single copiesタ3与c. Vol. 6与 October 1938 No. 1O C ON丁倍NTS REMINISCENSES OF DOM GREGORY HUGLE, O. S.B....…. 328 THE STUDY OF HARMONY AND ITS RELATION TO GREGORIAN CHANT ……………..……… 329 Rev. F. Joseph Kelly, Mus. Doc. GREGORIAN CHANT FESTIVAL AT THE UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG Rev. Charles Dreisoemer, S. M. RECENT NEWS WHAT OTHERS ARE DOING 3 3 まJ 3 -ヽノ /o CHOIR PROCEDURE AT LOW MASS CATHOLIC INFLUENCE ON BACH Dr. Caspar Koch 328 355 OUR MUSIC THIS MONTH QUESTION AND ANSWER BOX Rev. Gregory Hugle, O. S. B. 35635936 1 OBITUÅRIES SOME OF LAST YEAR’S CHRISTMAS PROGRAMS.……….... DR. MAURO.COTTONE DEAD CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE BENEDICTINES IN THE ORGAN WORLD Dom Adelarc] Bouvilliers, O. S. B.. Mus. Doc. Rev. Gregory Hugle・ O・ S. B・, St. Francis Hospital, Maryville, Mo・〆Consulting Editor; Wm. Arthur Reilly, 100 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. - Business Mgr. McLAuGHL霊N 8 REILLY CO・, 100 Boylston St・タBOSTON, MÅSS.● u◆ S◆ A◆ Pub腿hers Price $2・5O pervear Single Copies. 35 cents 328 THE CAECILIÅ 瀦 �豪華 □圏 蓮壬 �ロ -i-i--i † EDITORIAL PÅGE By DOM GREGORY HUGI,E, 0.S.B. REMINISCENSES OF On hearing the Abbey choir? Coming from DOM GREGORY HuGLE, 0. S、 B. a five・year PO量yphone surrounding Dom Now Chaplain of St・ Francis Hospital Gregory was surprised to hear a group of M脚叩i重賞e, Mo. youthful rponks singing the Gregorian mel- Odies with unusua=ightness and .皿笥in申h。ithe t Having spent餅ty-three years at Concep- With freedom and expression such tion Abbey’Dom Gregory Hdgle was as・ had not heard in Europe; by and Signed to the chaplaincy at St. Francis Hos〆 daYned on him that the secret Iay Pital, Maryvi量le, Mo・ exclusive and intensive concentratibn upon It was on August 30, 1885 that a caravan this one kind of music. Abbot Frowin never Of twenty-eight arrived in the prairies of fai重ed to set forth the principles of monastic northwestem Missouri. This caravan con〆 Orientation・ “It is our privilege:, he would Sisted of four students, eight candidates for Sayタ“tO Study and practice incessantIy the the brotherhood, four Benedictine Sisters SaCred chant of old; SeVen times a day we and twelve candidates for different con_ Chant the divine praises, and as for mgh VentS・ The founder of Conception Abbey, Mass I sincerely and firm量y hope that jn the Rt. Rev. Abbot Frowin Conrad, had at_ this beautiful Abbey Church, the Gregorian tended the Council of Baltimore and from melodies will never be replaced by poly- there crossed the Atlantic to revisit his Mother Abbey Engelberg, Switzerland. Be~ Phony・ Le=he big choirs in cities sing Part・muSic, but let us remember that in the mg SOrely in need of material he]p and of monastic choir stalls the monks in their Candidates he extended his trip into Ger~ flowing garments are the o航cial singers: it many▲ and Austria and gamered the ma量e would be a crime to condemn them to COntingent of the above∴CaraVan. Of the silence.’’ trip we recall one curious feature・ Having arrived in New York it so happened that a “wild-gOOSe~Chase’’was on between the rail, The books used for the Divine O億ce were the venerable folios of Einsiedeln Way COmPanies; it was a haphazard sport and St. Gall; for the Mass the Rheims. Of shipping immigrants for a nominal fee to Cambray was used first, and since 1883 any part of the∴COuntry, and as good luck WOuld have it, Our CaraVan rOde from New the Solesmes edition. For theory the Mag・ ister Choralis by Haberl, the Choral・Sch山e York to St・ Louis for a dollar a piece・ by Ambrose Kienle, O.S.B.タ and Dom Pothier’s Gregorian Melodies were in con・ During the fifty-three years, Father stant use. “Caecilia’’ wasノthe faithfuI Gregory had always been organist at the month重y magazine which was read with Abbey, uSing a reed organ till 189l, P]aying great attention; Musica Sacra; Gregorius a Schtilke pipe organ for forty-five years, Blatt, and others came in gradua11y. Abbot and receiving as a golden jubilee present Frowin gladly gave pemission for anything a beautiful Wicks three-manual organ in that might be a help towards improving the 1936. In the∴COurSe Of time the number of divine service. It is needless to say that with Organists increased and at the time he took the coming of the Vatican books the Sol~ Charge of the Hospita量 there were four esmes editions were withdrawn. The o億. Priests and one・deric organists. What were cial monastic Antiphoner appeared in 1934. the first impressions Dom Gregory received (Continued on page 334) こ=二二三三三三三斗臆臆喜一__二二Å竺一二二二〇____」臆臆 _ 書聖 冒he Stl晴dy o重HaI.mOmy a皿d its鵬e案atio皿 宣o Gおe答oおiaⅢ C血a血書 REV. F. JOSEPH KELLY, Mus. Doc、 Who possesses a knowledge of this price~ T諾。誌議書嵩h詰ま ]ess art, Will be forever thankfulタfor it the practical value of the study of harmony SaVeS him hard work, muCh time, and deli. to vocal and instrumental pupils・ It is nothing less than an absolute necessity・ But when we consider the study of Har一 That there are a great many persons,高ho teach vocal and instrumental music, Who are 芸霊。誓書詩語隷書。誓豊 not aware of this necessityタis due to their mony js the very foundation of the art of OWn deficiency in the knowledge of this modem music. The chords of which it most important phase of music study・ The treats, are built on the tones of the two Study of harmony has been much impeded modem scales, the major and the minor. by this lack of knowledge on the part of those who attempt to enlighten others in 畠謹書nC悪霊S謹霊誓書 the divine art・ From a scientific standpoint,, the old Gregorian melodies, neVer dreamt it is a great help to sight~reading and to Of hamonizing these melodies・ In the料rly ages of the Church, the Chant was never 霊露語聴音霊宝霊宝。葦 harmonized. It was not until the advent of PerCeive the art of music in an entirely new POlyphonyタthat we meet with the harmon_ light when the knowledge of harmony il・ izing of Chant melodies. The modem 1umines the way・ Without this knowledge, SenSe demanded that the Chant be accom.
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