■ — '■ ■J ' ■ ■ V t ■ ^ v ': ' v' 'i v r '•■■- ’ "•?’■ ■■•••■' j— i | § u’si. c:.-TY. i-T. .. 9 ET ~ \ l e s ^ w t TTwoDKiflH^EdstdM>Q/9?nlyear^ No.. 22 1 8 . „ . T h u r s d aay, y A ugust 6, 1998 IhCKSlTW , -rv'-G qopiviota«N IN G A linfetij — -WESTrEJER ■ t l o n ^g l a s t w i n s • v A ■ 1'nla id a y r - liirrp soi^ MbSibstfe • ' " I '- • ■ 'I &DCw^ ■ Jrrry ~ -o tb s m m A e a ^ . w i i ^ _ - n , , , .-*. _ i 'j „ l \ . - : ____i . - . : . ! ^ ii*»»ent o w ti«irta---.---‘. ------ md'MadonDa,:Oprah7 as a naire victim — a mm* ereintem and- ------.• — HBOTmgiib-Higfcyt99LMbst- -: -------------- ~ ~ l^9|Ey , wm d O J.. , «cu^ry babj- boomei^ daugfcu g h te r— to a p e r- By QreirsSnry Hahn Ik'dkuirtbni^t:. LoLow 64.. wAsimnINGtON -iW e think, we knocnoW' • 1For all of .the pre- hapst knowing s ^ u a re scs s willing« to vam p . Thnpi-ymewswTttet ‘ ITirtn A9' hashas appeared in our. living rooa . SUIaimed knowledge about forf photcK in one of thee sstone tablets of almoCT evrefy er n i^ t this yew, a stream « tid-iiStxikii^fewAicef- cc!ebcit>v< Vanity Fair maga:» g a ^ BOIf)ISE -.Demcicnittc-Sttnaa-.aii• rmiriiHilli- . ' ' broadcastt irimages. Wearing party, d resses' ^ icticasA' h a v e e v e r e v e n . Type her name mto thbe e Internet ! search . b LU M^Iatlk's campiit;3i.lm.uiKimi»m i^w aufU ■ ilue beret Receiyinfi.those ore tieard the voice of 25- > <c n g i^ Yahoo! and a finstt rreference is to a bumpip ir thciw d tliis n'KCk. MLxoc\1\ll• L] E Y ' ugs with adoring eyes. W ai^ ^ear-old Monies Samille ffazdcal conftontatian betwirtween Monica and sooton iiher :lK:ginniii(;'ht5>mn.iiiinjiiT Jh r< r isly down the stTmt. Shoppin;i z K Lewinslqr. T hat small dr* Mr.: T. Her personal ap]approval rating. arouridrid ihe state inn _________ l ier law yi^ agiuTaridfii^ih.” " dew ffl ecpcmd today Ifr^——accordingto ; one-poIVis 7ypi p e r p n t:— ---------------liifliT; lyellow schiiori isaee fiurtfe&usbaib a n iia a H jernamime t is now Ukfened to that of.of.a.: ISas ex p eaed ,'sh e appears Sbe b too oU to be Lolinluta, but seems too bus.-N•Mauk* distov-l fflTM^^j^trTfewr-tTpnreach. case. weII4aiownlm brand. In m age where celebilebri- - Mottfca Lewtoskyto tts 6 f y b ^ o re a feder- young: lo have tbe powerr tcto determ ine th e • ^ re dI iiVi illegal.to i p^rfn IM or has takertea OR a deddedly mixed meainean* •. algrandjuiy.a l 1 1fate of a man wbo ded a vtvrfy d won two elec*. d riv e ,.around this ■ ing^shehaslas joined the dght clutch 6iff tlthe Lewinsky’s imagege has traveled a turbu- ' f iri a little vel. I ^ojwc'tnc*tncitatD- •, Pteaseseeli6ia«r^.PaeeA2 famous knoinown by one name, like Michaichael . .lent trajeao^, froqoqi Ibe early depiqioos school bus. : •yeiiov/.bu&eius-fiymy- I t»«f' ... »■»« ■ — ^ ■>--m ■iiiQpaiiiiiuii^cUiBCET J he Aiaaluk heralded liis onisteiauimflUonp I ' . ' imtitD j • ■ iWhgTn-TB n g y K g g p s “ grossiss'root.s 'cam-: otioui.amtic •psthe I..-.. ■ / . paign”n” with a pres.s i loaminorc.t!>rc.aniu! Ilm iinHniTB*!', jj;ii ipo£ r office< * “ W : : T E S T .^ erencc in Boi^* i ;Bai MauKt2iKtSenfltt .. & U ^ '. ' . '■■ [ arid a page on his; .cainp a^.Tjn.TjD"tD site-compltfU' ■nop-JtwMi.(w.-. I ' a flu^hmu rnanicvallm*Mi^V'Xsrr • SPOGSTiS V . .-YEU. h.cnitiic ~ headline- Bm ■ Rkiccr. V gntecU tssSrGrC M inal a Mauk-wmclj«T I ■ ■ ’sTnpfTREerMaiic - . caugiitj« the violation -----, ' ' and seisentanmionymoasllettcntp/TTti>777tt7T»JT»- Sw nra -w o k ------------------- a i f i g3 e » < ^ o £ t ■■■■M' pens'ai'and state agendes.. ' ■ b tic M : s • . : < “WhVhei) 1 took'thc bu.s-tu:liiL^a)inxl)i;)Al(UIBmi ri^pfawlacemeiit. ’ W^. Moi[otur Vchide.s:n)'be!UctfiuttU.m U.(OTU: i01, Robert thcir• employees came oui:toiinfl»Eii^iectittihui ' Klfttm s :r said an.vthiiij; aboutitiieirdltsiiortiiahin . ragBoX inpnMSMdttie VkTOtlg,lg,** Mnuk saidin.aiTtUuusi.-.'*:^ GEOtw knevew, M'e were in comi^leteinmiomRliimnfe- ' m t h ithcbw" t ' .1. ______ I__ « part oFliialio’s :motiTr \viiiiidaiidssioiUf l a s cnsportedly e ; .Wk sa y sstsAool buses sold.'andntoilDiiftlonjasriusldl . a m vsibrntthe: ic ---------- SootlMm fo r tnnmsponiiiR i smdcnEs“ iiullIiltfiIliKipdtnttdi m am w TtiMdm a coioilor other tltan sdtobllliusidmiHinnut:;Biilj. nigbt An " all ^ool bus marlcingS'SliulltlKidiiiiidiJIiiimu- ■. |M V « > ed .'’ sid&bCD'COine D : . Ve*\«been aiU ingiir^iH seulncun.‘UittiL' oaol tlM QU2XC1^^^33SBD^BZX1*-■ '■,.... 'iloiii ”* said.Mauk’sicainpni{tnnniimunuiKST. Et tdw d-' - ■.•■■■ I ' Jam eses Jhi Toit,-wiio said.'MaUknUa tobecbi “ obliuiterate" immediattaytdifliwi):wi)“£iia ' n ll ' ■' • . ' nU to'. '.agns painted on’tiicfnmL-aiiiiimiiiibicik.' .. ityirg ciionr«Wm»>rgBid?^ —— .......■■■ f ■ ■ ' ; a painting'pan) *** f'^iascsecOUSPlU S H ^ v r '• . .! • ------- • . ' ^ ' 1 'A Ih s k s t w e ^IWC'' ^ , ^ (|>nW ^rBiiwrT^rfaniU T m gffifr m E l ) t o sting f'■ b f m a t; changges * ^iK^oambeaisuisublinie. by2001 or.scaiart their studiei e s a n e w WAiASmNGTOK— CUno)!?^iUdiitci;itt> ss Idahcloans rriust finis(ish diplomas t • 'w eatittion'75:years.ago.ipan<ofitlu:itlurUoBfisn. d 530 complete it. mmem oil reserve-.woiUtitlKiin^Matfpsuellto* '■'CI^^ ■ ByJentdferfer Sandmann' ’ be^'ibe.'program*and.S rrpg tM^iJclrti ^Vhile tbe completioQ nrate t has improved dnllmj m buiimUsi' M ariteB3fe6meci^colle^' ..TlnwNewwWwrttef . ■ . 'annually, the numberr olof students who - a P‘aian :thc‘CIinton ^odniihmznii ■ d o n cn 6 E O tiU « .ca| •' h. ,annouiiunoe!Ihursdz!i>’. ■ w?Viira rm iiw;fwp«»-vwniwuld -TWmF>FALLS - F olia w orking on^ thi dao*lfinIsfa remains lii^L itheir- iHM CoUvofScSoutoetriUito*8AcadHiiie:; tes are in Idaho’s ke drilling!pnqiusul.ttDliteitmYiunvimedUs.- Dol general equivdency diplon - The majority df ^ te s ifiie^tsd^ hieh sdiool lomas ;ER?om«i|inentCBi>ntwat73M654,Gl... ■ ' - {MtioD, said Joan Auduchter, executive Imenorior Secretary i3run:IBdlibiti.itsci.ic>ox{)icinT . , . , ;: 1P g g j^ A S - -'otustGnishsh them within the next .few yci .': •■•:'2534;'0f l«to«80-00274. - „ , ■ d Ir e « b r.^ ;th^e- GEp Tes o.fcdl. shonVof vw to i ^ t oiliUiiniius^^' ir V '"' oring'cT ^^ they, already Ha - W«ddngtOQ,lXC . :■' .■■‘■, ■■.•earned.' -'• ng wildlifelbabitdt^IButtmTOin being In the .Magic VValley, Jenkins said, GEb t^ ts emeriged^d in 1942,:’w er'e' ted in ( G ED curnifri^um and tests are bei revamped in 1977 and agai«aininlS88.lhtbe “»»”n e sdll questioning;tiHEinnvt‘4i ^InEauD) . : u p d a te dL'to ’tc c o rresp o n d w ith ed u cati'lation “There are htmdrereds out there who hare a time ttor *fthe worliiisai^i» ^ c ii» o iir aisbied.".-. _____..._pas«. p ^ le son w prJ^in g fo r t h w ^plo^ refbnitftn*tmeeping-the country .-Thes n<new - - started and notf uiia Ve UKpect.ii'willipleasentihtiK --^^ttalicdlkltqililmitKliaff'” require GEDs to b e cotD- mas did not k»e creditsswheiidiidian^^^ wi ■ fo r m a t - jyet to be finalized - wouvould Idaho d oes n ot re Tnt<»ri<«r. uildkuiliinj-(I w3TlfwnThTfgg r-g p n p cirii?« pletedinaspedfietied pericia. But if students occurred. .. increase th e im portance of applying ski . But this dme, diangKs wwill b« sgnificant who ■ ddeclined tto < ciahorate ifurtiusliisrionttiiL' wS&ifiieI!Jinte{£NaNaoims^he t o r ^ . u ffe e ssituations. don’t finish their, mwork by the time the new 1 except'to.call!it.*?nrTeusmulinulilk-.ibUl- loans,G E D tests'are introT o d iK ^ in 2001, nooe ^ ' eDQugb to ccmfttse scoringing if students %vere: . I important issiie for Idahoai 5 tw tn rK o'yufcw fnrm • a n CCOsdproposaL" ' ‘ .■-._..-SlSK^'.l._,.___ ,-.d th e ir- 'it will co u p L ;-- "-'-'allowed^ cany-credits u som e o f wlwhom’ began Workington th< t students already • inserva'donistsliaverBT^ii^Uiiisiinuna- lib G E I^ .inI theth 1970s, said Veneta Jenkiinkins. The majonty ofif people who start tlieir m at. A u ^ te r But si o f'thle e reserve' should >t>u-tleY<ilqpeIqiKU^tHtsit ief examiner a ^ ^ e College!ce of GEDs at CSI finishsti m tb in a year, J e n l ^ se^CED.PageA2 ' there’:e’s jilens''of r oil • worldvmif.Hii.•.andrpraag. r n i^ jy Kati 785 students . P f e ^ s tenrDaNBX'SEs e c t i o n ^ S i g j»Mutin. g • said. In 1997, the a axe.chAeapJ)riUmRin:tiuKTBern.-vvi SodfimA cmrwmnintty habitat • of-'mfliiooS' of inii^mtointff^'lhitiis. T^' !SiSstfbwl,. caribou ;nnd rpdlarliKOiiieoi5,4isnir' , 'Hmsm .....2 ! “ >s* y if allowedimitlieiTeservtoects'esdioptaU- Mialoin ....,.3 £ I* "* investorrs sit tigl;ht after s5 l i d e sisitive nortiism CD0$0iI;iUain.'lin; S;:?,;inddividual i le oil k,iioBmtitc awton _...sr - an esdmated ^4X;mIl!iania>1iiQ>OtiiIIlbni ^ > > > .......S ThaAnocU . aScbwabbrakerinNewfYoric Yc wbo had time — 'M aa>........-iS to d u t because no ooe wasivaswattiDg to trad e.— b arrelels —xanbcTecnvergd'willinudtauiisndmt- ------ Across s t ^ at Q tibat a ^ ^ ^ i e r e wsB no, g « i nng s wildlife orrthe.nrciiciecotfdv^ntsmll^' •n riWim H ^ Adantsnta. Robert Brennan held ontoto'the t w hai.‘ \ tine for an mrcsDoent coun gthelatest-tcchnolo^-.. ^ a n B SececaCHtU hluedupstt stodcs he’ll start cashing ta ^ Ml and.gas amibe'cxtxacteil.—il.-.\witiinui s later this month. In C edar 'FFa] an ^ . SciiWab, tbe Vanguardn i GI roup o f V alley “ Oil aimiK-„...I$ -ownIddoors ...1-4 h e retires b Forse, P&, die Janus FUadmds of Doiw, and harmn to'loc^iC^ andvwildlifcniqT .......................
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