~*^~ m Vol. XIII.. No. 2 Mercyhurst College, Erie, Pa. November 13, 1942 flemish Art Illustrated Seniors Sponsor I. On November 19, the 2nd lecture of the school year, will room ance be presented by Baron Van Der Elst. His lecture, entitled "Flemish Art of the 15th Cen­ Tomorrow Night Sees First Large Danc e tury," will be highlighted by the projection of full color Come one! Come all! Join the fun!{ Herejis the?first big photographs of the master­ Mercyhurst dance of the year—your first opportunity to pieces of Flemish Art. Baron show your school spirit. And what's more—this dance will Van Der Elst is a connoisseur determine the dances to come. For the Freshmen, this will and patron of art who delights be their first Mercyhurst dance; for the Sophs, it will be their in bringing to others a fresh last|Opportunity to cooperate^with their "big sisters"; for view of the Flemish masters. "How To Be Different" \ W the Jrs.,|they will look for­ ward, land backward, and listen to this! The music will He has several of the origi­ know what fun awaits them. be furnished by Lucille Sea- nals in his own private collec­ iStressed At Institute So let's not miss*this oppor­ brooke and her Music Makers tion. I tunity, but turn out 100%. | —a man's band with a woman \ leader. Novel? You bet! Good I The autumn Prom will be \ To him, art, especially that music? You know it! A good of his native Flanders, is a "How to Be Different" was stitute were Rev. Herbert held Nov. 14 atrthe Y.W.C.A. the subject of an Institute O'H. Walker, S. J.; managing —a convenient spot for every­ floor?—the best! ?Ybu see, living force identified with everything adds up to the every essence of culture and sponsored by thejErie Sodali­ editor of The Queen's *Work, one. If you happen to be won­ ty Union at 8 p. m.,November national Sodality magazine, dering about the orchestra— promise of a typical Mercy­ civilization which the free 8, 9, and 10 in the ballroom of hurst dance. men of America and the world and Miss Dorothy Willman, This will be aLjait different are fighting to preserve. the Lawrence Hotel. The two parish editor. Both speakers DANCE TONIGHT speakers conducting the In- are prominent members of the from the past dances, because The Baton, served in the this is the first informal facuKJr" of the Sodality Sum­ f This ^is' just a reminder Mercyhurstf dance. But, Belgian army during World mer School of Catholic Action. that the funlyoufhad at the War | earning for himself due to transportation^ and The Institute followed a meet­ first A. A. Fun Night on Octo­ other wartime "must do with- distinguished service medals. Sodality Reopens ing of Erie Sodality 'Union ber 17 is being repeated every outs" the Seniors felt that la Baron Van Der Elst, now Book Nook leaders with Father McMana- Fridayfnight. It's a sure cure formal dance at* this ftime serving the Belgian govern­ man, diocesan moderator. |i for week-end doldrums! would be both unpatriotic and ment in exile, is located in the! The purpose of the Institute impractical. So —Ithe^dance New York office of the Bel­ The Book Nook, located on was to discredit the modern will be informal. This does the college floor, features books slogan "Be Natural," empha­ gian Embassy in the capacity of Catholic fact! and fiction RATIONING DOES NOT not mean that the spirit of of Counsellor. 1 chosen for interest and enjoy­ sizing to Sodalists that? they the dance will be any different ment. These books are for you must adopt as their motto "Be HALT BRUNCH ** from that of fthe past. Not to read—entirely if there is Supernatural." They should at all! Where Mercyhurst t'"me; in part, if there is not. be distincJtlyy different from girls are,^there is a "Mercy­ They are designed to enable you the average man or woman BThe Junior Class will enter­ to read briefly but consistently tain their little ^sisters! at a hurst time." $• I I Posture Contest every day. The Book Nook will with whom they "rub elbows" It The price, because of this help you get acquainted easily because their lives are moti­ brunch on Saturday, Novem­ change, is only $1.65, tax in­ with Catholic literature and will vated by the |principles of ber 14, in? the student dining cluded. Do youi realize what For two weeks collegians encourage a new viewpoint room.! 4« 4* M Hp received instructions for cor- towards things Catholic. Christ at home, atiwork, and that means? Imagine, a col­ ect at recreation. At first it was thought that lege prom for $1.65—where J : Posture in preparation Currently^ featured are tjie the traditiona 1 m Freshman - ior Posture Week. Many made lives of the saints. Robert Spe- ^An official letter of an­ could you find any better bar­ a Junior Brunch would have to real effort towards sett­ a'ght, after enacting the role of nouncement to members of gain—especially now? improv Thomas,^ a'| Becket for three be abandoned because of food 3 lement. The results years, has written the biogra­ the Sodality Union stated that rationing, but now the ap­ Let us all get behind our are shown by the number of phy JSaint Thomas ?of Cante- the Institute would " ^ . give proval l has been*given * and Seniors and behind our school, ^ored silhouettes still in- bury from his unusual experi­ an opportunity of learning |a plans fori it fare? underway. and *De out to fthe autumns 1^- Percentages must be ence. MytSaint Patrick by Alan way of living for Christ, planj, Adele Trippe, Ann Klan, Anne Prom 100%-. It will be a greatl jecked for accuracy, but it M. Buc£Jgives a human and ning for Christ and seeing the ev vivid portrayal of Ireland's Johnson, Eva Jacobs, Elayne time for|everyone, and you f,- "fent^-from remaining hero* Others also are waiting world as Christ's." IB Tormay, and PatoDuffy are in don't want to miss it —| to come to life through your ef ?V at a sharPly contest- charge of ^arrangements. | do you? V, v°r.v was in_ progress. reading. ( ning c a8s Pamphlets on all phases of re­ eiLTO DUFeT with * can receive lief on and morality likewise are PnJf. pnde their well-earned displayed for your use at the Fos Book Nook. LE CERCLE FRANCAIS | Sunday Blue Room Concerts Held ture Banner. As French artJwas the theme of the French Club meeting of Oct. 27. Kay Monroe opened the$ meet­ Is there a symphony you've always wanted to hear—an ing with a prayer-to St. Luke, nneratic aria you love? Then you are cordially invited to the p£t"on of artists. The new officers — 'President/ Kay Monroe ^Vice- Bkie Room Concerts arranged by Sister Helen Mane every ane Walsh Elected Vice Pres. President, Jeanne Gough; Secre­ Sunday afternoon from 4:45 to 5:45. Mimeographed program tary, Regina English; Treas­ notes will supplement your enjoyment of the recorded music. urer, Kay Dineen—were formally, Briniyour knitting, finish that letter you were writing or inducted. Sister Angelica, JguesV W Lake Erie Region C. S. P. F.speaker , lectured on outstanding just relax. The first program on Nov. 15 is as follows: ^ contribut'ons of French art from I (Rigoletto), J"-- the sixteenth century to the pres­ "Caro Nome" Jane Walsh was elected tion. The highlights of this ent day. J. Gough and K/ Monroe Verdi. Lily Pons. School Calendar l^-President of the Lake theme found a logical conclu­ presented a clever French skit. The "H nome vostro ditemi" n of the sion in the inspiring address meeting concluded with an fin- (Rigoletto), Verdi. Lily Pons Friday, November 13— frudenf P° Catholic formal discussion of French Art. Current Events Forum. the ri+v ,ace Federation of of Dr. John Armstrong, L1..-L). and Giuseppe DeLuca. 0 0 ; THE S.lo. S. Saturday, November 14— taW*. " Association for Dr. Armstrong advocated, not "II lacerato spirito" (Sim- 11 Senior Dance and Freshman- onal the hierarchy of nations for At the first meeting of the one Boccanegra), Verdi, Alex­ Junior Brunch. fifth nual Peace atrthe S. 0. S.^jNov. 2, members voted to at st p convention h( Id world peace, 1 but the hier­ join the Nat'onal and State Asso- ander Kipnis. j|| Sunday, November 15— ^- conaventure College. archy of values ^through the ciat'ons of Dieticians. At the sug-1 i Blue Room Concert. Th v Selections from "The Heart v. theme of the Peace Pope's Peace Plan. gestion of Nora Jean Stephens. Jo f the Symphony." Thursday, November 19— Next year the group will Senior members planned to enroll Lecture—Baron Van Der Elst. Jwas concerned in the Red Cross canteen course. A Selections from "Porgy and Wednesday, November 25— !*ftiean• th e Four Freedoms, their meet as the guests of Villa Bess," Gershwin. Thanksgiving vacation begins! i n£ and thei r preserva- Maria College, Erie, Penna. (Continued on page three)| Novemh lb Page 2 THE MERCIAD SUCCESSES RELATIVE Published semi-monthly by the students of Mercyhurst College. Effort changes slowly to strength l „n ha railed the dream mind, of judgment, of character Success may very well be caiieoi lfi „„„ w. JSfxSV Assistant Editors wlt scale of values an "85" *~~— Editor P&$u*ti*r\ which youth pursues S,-tl » Smile. Cer-rf frequently rep» T,r ±x '*• TT * I fSflTfliw I Anne Johnson which old age remembers with a.
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