Esperanto English - watch, turn on, preserve, undress, move, present -a - -ful -e - -ly -edo - -oid abako - abacus abata - abbatial abata jurisdikcio - abbacy abateco - abbacy abateja - abbatial abatejo - abbey abatino - abbess abato - abbot abceso - abscess abderano - fool; Gothamite abdiki - abdicate, resign abdiko - abdication abdomena - abdominal abdomeno - abdomen abduktoro - abductor abelejo - apiary abelisto - bee-keeper abelkulturo - bee-keeping abelo - bee abelujo - beehive, bee-hive abelvakso - beeswax aberacii - deviate aberacio - aberration abio - fir abiogenezo - abiogenesis abisena - Ethiopian, Abyssinian Abisenio - Ethiopia, Abyssinia abiseno - Abyssinian, Ethiopian abisma - abysmal abismo - abyss, chasm abiturienta diplomo - academic high school diploma, leaving-certificate abiturienta ekzameno - final examination ablativo - ablative abnegacii - abnegate, deny oneself abnegacio - abnegation abnorma - abnormal abnorma¼o - abnormality(2), abnormity abnormeco - abnormality(2), abnormity aboco - ABC, alphabet aboli - abolish, abrogate abolicii - abolish, abrogate abolicio - abrogation, abolition abolo - abrogation, abolition abomaso - rennet-stomach abomena - abominable, dreary(2), hideous, ghastly, dismal(3) abomena¼o - abomination abomeni - loathe, abominate, abhor abomenigi - repel, disgust; deter abomeninda - horrible, awful, hideous, abhorrent, abominable abomeninda¼o - abomination, atrocity, horror abomeno - horror, abomination, abhorrence abonanto - subscriber aboni - subscribe abono - subscription aborigeno - aboriginal, native(3) aborti - miscarry, abort(2) abortigi - abort(2) abortigisto - abortionist abortigo - abortion aborto - abortion Abrahamo - Abraham abraziiøi - wear away, abrade abrazio - abrasion abreviacio - abbreviation abrikoto - apricot abrogacio - abrogation abrupta - abrupt abrupte - abruptly absceso - abscess absciso - abscissa absejli - abseil absinta¼o - absinthe absintlikvoro - absinthe absinto - wormwood; absinthe absoluta - absolute absolute - absolutely absolutismo - absolutism absolvi - absolve absolvo - absolution absorba - absorbent absorbi - absorb absorbilo - absorbent absorbita de - absorbed in absorbo - absorption abstemio - teetotalism abstinado - abstinence; abstention abstinenco - abstinence, teetotalism abstinenculo - total abstainer abstini - abstain abstrakta - abstract(2) abstrakta¼o - abstraction abstrakti - abstract(2) absurda - absurd absurda¼o - absurdity absurdeco - absurdity abunda - abundant abunde - abundantly abundeco - abundance abundi - abound abundo - abundance, plenty abundokorno - cornucopia abutmento - abutment, buttress ab¶aza - Abkhazian Ab¶azio - Abkhazia ab¶azo - Abkhazian ab¼uri - abnegate, abjure ab¼uro - abjuration acerba - acerbic acero - maple acetato - acetate acetileno - acetylene aceto - acetic acid acetono - acetone acida - acid, tart, sour acida æerizo - morello acido - acid Acoroj - Azores Adamo - Adam adapti - adjust(2), accommodate, fit(2), adapt adapti por orkestro - score, orchestrate adaptinto - adapter adaptita - adapted adaptiøemo - adaptability adaptiøi - adjust(2), become adapted adaptiøo - adjustment, adaptation adapto - adaptation adaøa - slow, leisurely adaøo - adagio ade - continually adekvata - adequate adekvateco - adequacy Adelaido - Adelaide Adena Golfo - Gulf of Aden Adeno - Aden adepto - adept, supporter adhero - adhesion adi - keep, continue, keep on adiaý - good-bye, farewell, bye adiaýa - goodbye adiaýi - take leave of, say goodbye to adiaýo - good-bye, parting, farewell adicii - add(2), add up adicio - addition Adisabebo - Addis Ababa adjektiva - adjectival adjektivo - adjective adjudiki - put out to tender, invite tenders for adjunkto - assistant adjutanto - adjutant, aide-de-camp administra - administrative administra aparato - machine of government administra jaro - financial year administra ofico - stewardship administracio - management, administration(2) administrado - management, administration administrantaro - management, administration administranto - manager administri - administer, manage administristaro - administration(2), management(2) administristo - administrator administro - management(2), administration admira - admiring admiralitato - admiralty admiralo - admiral Admiraltoj - Admiralty Islands admirantino - admirer admiranto - admirer admiri - admire admirinda - admirable admoni - admonish, scold admonletero - dunning-letter admono - exhortation, admonition ado - -ation, -ing adobo - adobe adoleskantino - adolescent, teenage girl adoleskanto - adolescent, teenage boy adoleskeco - puberty adolto - adult(2) adonido - pheasant's eye Adono - Adonis adoptado - adoption adoptaj gepatroj - foster-parents, adoptive parents adopti - adopt adoptita - adopted adoptito - adoptive child adopto - adoption adoptulo - adoptive child adorado - adoration, worship adorantino - adorer, worshipper adoranto - adorer, worshipper adoratino - adored one adori - worship, adore adorinda - adorable adoro - worship, adoration adrenalino - adrenaline adresanto - shipper, sender adresaro - address list adresato - addressee adresi - address adresiga maþino - addressograph, addressing machine adresigilo - addressing machine adresito - addressee adreslibro - directory adreso - address adresþanøo - change of address Adriatiko - Adriatic Sea, Adriatic adstringa - tart, astringent adstringilo - astringent adulteri - adulterate adulti - commit adultery adulto - adultery adultulino - adulteress adultulo - adulterer advento - advent adverba - adverbial adverbo - adverb adversa - adverse adversulo - adversary, antagonist advokataæo - pettifogger, shyster advokato - advocate, lawyer aera - ethereal; overhead, airy aera rezisto - air-resistance aerdefenda artilerio - anti-aircraft guns, ack-ack aerdefendo - anti-aircraft defence, air-defence aereskadro - air squadron aerfiltrilo - air-filter aerfloto - air-fleet aerkavo - air-pocket aerklapo - air-valve aerklimatizita - air-conditioned aerkuseno - air cushion aerlinio - airline aermalpurigo - air-pollution aermalsana - airsick aermalsano - airsickness aerme¶anikisto - flight engineer, flight mechanic aero - air aerodromo - airfield aerogramo - aerogramme aerohaveno - airport aerolito - meteoric stone aeroplano - plane, airplane, aeroplane aerostato - air-balloon, balloon aerpafilo - air-gun, air gun aerpirato - skyjacker aerponto - airlift aerpoþtmarko - air-mail stamp aerpoþto - airmail aerpremo - air-pressure aertubo - tube aeruma krado - air-grid aerumi - ventilate, air out aervojo - airway aerþipo - air-ship afabla - affable, good-natured, kind, friendly afableco - affability, kindness afablega - most charming afazio - aphasia afekcii - affect; move, touch afekciita - affected; moved, touched afekcio - disorder, affection afekta - artificial, affected afektado - affectation afektema - affected afekti - put on airs, pose, attitudinise afektita - inflated afekto - affectation afektulo - poseur, attitudiniser aferkoncerneco - relevance afero - business deal, business, matter, thing, affair aferþarøito - charg‚ d'affaires afgana - Afghan afganino - Afghan woman Afganio - Afghanistan afgano - Afghan afido - aphid afikso - affix afineco - affinity afiþi - post up, placard, post(2) afiþkolono - advertising pillar afiþo - poster, placard, notice afiþtabulo - notice-board, bill-board afliktado - trial, ordeal, affliction aflikti - grieve, afflict afliktita - afflicted, sad afliktiøo - affliction, sadness aflikto - affliction aforismo - aphorism afranki - prepay, put on stamps afrankita - post-paid, stamped afranko - postage afranktarifo - postal rates afrika - African afrikano - African afrikansa - Afrikaans afrikansa lingvo - Afrikaans language, Afrikaans afrikanso - Afrikaner, Afrikander afrikazia - Afro-Asian Afriko - Africa Afrodito - Aphrodite afrodiziiga¼o - aphrodisiac afto - aphtha afusto - carriage, gun-carriage agaca - irritating; tart agaci - irritate, set on edge agado - activity, action Agamemno - Agamemnon agaragaro - agar, agar-agar agariko - agaric, mushroom agato - agate agavo - agave agema - active agemo - activity agendo - memo book, appointment book, agenda agentejo - agency agento - agent agenturo - agency agi - act agi laý - follow, observe agita - agitational, inflammatory agitado - commotion, agitation agitanto - activist, agitator agitgrupo - action committee, action group agiti - stir up; shake, incite, agitate agitiøo - agitation, commotion agito - disturbance, commotion, excitement, agitation agla nazo - aquiline nose aglibero - elbow-room, leeway aglido - eaglet aglo - eagle aglomera¼o - agglomeration aglomeri - agglomerate aglonaza - beak-nosed aglutina - agglutinating agnoski - recognise, acknowledge agnosko - acknowledgement ago - action, act agonii - be near death agonio - agony, death throes agorafobio - agoraphobia agordi - tune agordiøemo - tractability, manageability agordo - agreement agoro - agora agrabla - enjoyable, agreeable, pleasant, nice agrable - agreeably, pleasantly, comfortably agrableco - pleasantness agrafa fermilo - hooks and eyes agrafi - clasp agrafo - clasp, hook agrara - farm, agricultural agregacio - agr‚g‚ [French academ.degree] agregato - aggregate agrega¼o - aggregate agresa - aggressive agresema - aggressive agresi - aggress agresiva - aggressive agreso - aggression agrikultura lernejo - agricultural school agrikultura produkta¼o - agricultural product agrikulturista ligo - farmers' union agrikulturisto - agrarian, farmer(2) agrikulturo - agriculture, farming, tillage agro - field agrokulturisto - farmer(2) agrokulturo - agriculture
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