ARDS AND NORTH DOWN BOROUGH COUNCIL 23 June 2016 Dear Sir/Madam You are hereby invited to attend a meeting of the Ards and North Down Borough Council which will be held in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, The Castle, Bangor on Wednesday, 29 June 2016 commencing at 7.00pm. Yours faithfully Stephen Reid Chief Executive Ards and North Down Borough Council A G E N D A 1. Prayer 2. Apologies 3. Declarations of Interest 4. Mayor’s Business 5. Mayor and Deputy Mayor Engagements for the Month (To be tabled) 6. Minutes of Meeting of 25 May 2016 (Copy attached) 6.1. Minutes of Annual Meeting of 2 June 2016 (Copy attached) 7. Minutes of Committees (Copies attached) 7.1. Planning Committee dated 7 June 2016 7.2. Environment Committee dated 8 June 2016 7.3. Regeneration and Development Committee dated 9 June 2016 7.4. Corporate Services Committee dated 14 June 2016 7.5. Community and Wellbeing Committee dated 15 June 2016 8. Minutes of the Holywood Town Steering Group dated 10 June 2016 (Copy attached) 9. Request for Delegated Powers 9.1.Approval of Financial Statements – Request for Delegated Powers (Report attached) 10. Consultation Documents 10.1. Consultation about Reduction in Opening Hours in Bangor Carnegie Library (Report attached) 11. Conferences, Invitations etc. 11.1. Open Forum Events - UK Onshore Oil and Gas: Planning and Environment Summit – 6 July 2016 – Manchester Conference Centre (Copy information attached) 11.2. Royal British Legion Invite to National Launch of New Independent Living Service – 5 July 2016 at Belfast (Copy correspondence attached) 12. Transfers of Rights of Burial 13. Sealing Documents 14. Notice of Motion Status Report (Report attached) 14.1. Amendments to Standing Orders (Report attached) 15. Programme for Government 2016-2021 (Report attached) 16. Request from Seafarers UK to Fly Red Ensign on 3 September 2016 (Report attached) 17. Flying of Union Flag – Somme Commemoration Events on Council Property (Report attached) 18. Applications for Outdoor Entertainment Licence (Report attached) 19. Application for Entertainments Licence (Report attached) 20. Application for Marriage Place Approval (Report attached) 21. Food Service Plan 2016/2017 (Report attached) 2 22. Notices of Motion 22.1. Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor T Smith “That this council writes to the Minister for Communities asking him to consider bringing in a temporary ban of election posters for the next round of elections due in 2019. This should be followed up with a full appraisal after the elections to determine what affect, if any, the ban has had on the electoral process.” 22.2. Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor T Smith “This council calls on the Minister for Infrastructure to ensure that sufficient resources are provided to Transport NI to ensure the cutting of grass verges and weed spraying are carried out as and when needed throughout the year.” 22.3. Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor T Smith “That this council writes to the Justice Minister and to the Lord Chief Justice highlighting the concerns of many in our country over the unduly lenient sentences being handed down by Judges in cases of animal cruelty. We would urge both the Minister and the Lord Chief Justice to do all they can to ensure that appropriate sentences are given to those convicted of these despicable crimes.” 22.4. Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Walker and Councillor Muir “That this Council reconfirms its commitment to making our Borough the best place to live, visit and invest in Northern Ireland by continuing to provide exemplary services to our residents and visitors. As such, we condemn the Department of Infrastructures continued decision to ignore the need for maintenance of the grass verges on our highways and the removal of weeds from our footpaths which degrades the value of our service delivery and in particular instances creates dangerous driving conditions. We agree to write immediately to the minister to express our disappointment in the strongest terms. And further that we instruct our officers to develop a contingency plan by which we might undertake the work required ourselves and to investigate the possibility of retrospective repayment for such from the Department.” 22.5. Notice of Motion submitted by Alderman M Smith, Alderman Henry, Councillor McClean, Councillor Brooks and Councillor Chambers “That this Council recognises the adverse impact that the reduced grass cutting and weed spraying is having on the appearance of roads and footpaths within the Borough. Given the importance of tourism to our local and national economy we propose that this Council writes to the Minister of Infrastructure and calls on him to increase the current schedule of one cut per season of roadside verges to at least the previous minimum of five cuts per season. We further call on the Minister to instigate a regime of weed spraying that will prove effective in clearing the streets of the Borough of the current blight of weeds. Council should remind the Minister that the Draft Programme for Government has an outcome to improve our attractiveness as a destination and point out that the present state of 3 roadside verges and weed covered footpaths will not contribute to this Executive aspiration.” 22.6. Notice of Motion submitted by Alderman Fletcher and Alderman Henry “That this Council, in support of local food producers and Northern Ireland Year of Food, endeavours to use local products and menus for Council sponsored Civic functions and considers other ideas for promotion of local and artisan food.” 22.7. Notice of Motion submitted by Alderman M Smith “Bangor Drama Club has given two excellent deputations, both to the Regeneration & Development Committee and to the Community & Wellbeing Committee. Both were well received with questions being asked by various Councillors. The reason for the presentation was to inform Councillors of the initiative they had taken as a Club to create and manage, through volunteers, a viable and highly cost effective, theatre/performance facility accessible to all in the town. As is usual after the deputation the Drama Club representatives were thanked, however, since the deputations and at no stage has was there been a debate on the request from the club regarding financial assistance. I would now request that the Drama Club's presentation notes are copied to the appropriate committee at which this Notice of Motion will be discussed and that their request is given time for consideration through a debate”. 22.8. Notice of Motion by Alderman M Smith “Following a meeting at Breezemount Community Centre and the problem highlighted regarding the renting of the centre. It is recognised that Council facilities such as Breezemount are valuable assets for Council and local residents. They were built to facilitate the local community by providing much needed accommodation for the various needs of the community. Therefore, in order to maximise the use and value of Council's community facilities and to map any patterns of increased or decreased use, I request that a quarterly report on the use of the Council community facilities be presented to Councillors to include: Facility Name and Location, Current Opening Hours and Staff Present, Confirmation of Hourly Charge for different organisations - community rates, statutory and private rates etc. for rooms. Monthly income - broken down into a number of hours of use for statutory, private and community bookings across the month and what organisations the facility is being used by (for how many hours per month)”. 22.9 Notice of Motion by Councillor T Smith “Donaghadee Sports Hub: That this Council requests the relevant officers to continue to support the development of this sporting community initiative, to assist where possible the sports hub committee in seeking out potential funding sources, and work with them in accommodating them in relation to land required where feasible.” 4 ***IN CONFIDENCE*** 23. Extension of Sick Pay (Report to follow) 24. Update on Replacement Ards Leisure Centre Main Contractor Procurement (Report attached) 25. Public Analysts Services (Report attached) 26. Payments to Councillors 2015/16 (Report attached) 27. Queens Parade Development - Update (Report to follow) 28. Report of the Corporate Projects Portfolio Board Meetings held on 19 April 2016 (Copy attached) 29. Report of the Corporate Projects Portfolio Board Meetings held on 17 May 2016 (Copy attached) Circulated for Information (a) Minutes of a Public Meeting of the SEHSCT Board held on 23 March 2016 (Copy attached) (b) Play Board’s Weekly E-play (Issue 1) (Copy attached) (c) The Transport Regulation Unit Northern Ireland – Applications and Decisions (Copy attached) (d) Letter from Jim Shannon MP (Copy attached) (e) LGTG Elected Member Development Steering Group - Meeting Report and Action Notes (Copy attached) (f) Public Health Agency – Annual Report for 2015 (Copy attached) (g) Correspondence from Education Authority (Copy attached) MEMBERSHIP OF ARDS AND NORTH DOWN BOROUGH COUNCIL Alderman Carson Councillor Cummings Alderman Fletcher Councillor Dunne Alderman Gibson Councillor Edmund Alderman Girvan (Mayor) Councillor Ferguson Alderman Graham Councillor Gilmour Alderman Henry Councillor Kennedy Alderman Irvine Councillor Leslie Alderman Keery (Deputy Mayor) Councillor Martin Alderman McDowell Councillor McAlpine Alderman Smith Councillor McClean Councillor Adair Councillor McIlveen Councillor Allen Councillor Menagh Councillor Muir Councillor Armstrong-Cotter Councillor Roberts 5
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