St Nicholas’ School fleet • hampshire Information Booklet 2020-2021 St Nicholas’ School / Contents ---- StaffStaff ListList SeptemberSeptember 2020-212019 -20 1 Teaching Peripatetic Music Administrative Catering Maintenance Fees and Extras 2 Scholarships and Bursaries 2 The School Day 2 Nursery and Infant Department Junior and Senior Departments GGCSECSE rresultsesults fforor tthehe llastast efiveight yearsyears 3 Curriculum 4 - 5 Nursery and Infant Department KS1 (age 5-7) KS2 (age 7-11) KS3 (age 11-14) KS4 (age 14-16) Extra Curricular Activities Transport 5 School Contact Details English as an Additional Language 5 Correspondence to the School, the Chair of the School Council and/or the Headmistress should be addressed to: Admissions 5 St Nicholas' School, Redfields House, Redfields Lane, Church Crookham, Fleet, Hampshire, GU52 0RF, England. Policies 5 Telephone: 01252 850121 Facsimile: 01252 850718 Parent Contract 6 - 10 email: [email protected] St Nicholas’ School / School­Govenors­and­Staff­September­2020-212018-19 1 CCHAIRHAIR­ OOFF­ GGOVERNORSOVERNERS­ Lisamich Ruffellelle­St revens BBAEd HonsCNA ASurrey, QTS FoKeyund Stageation S2t a ge Lucy Sartori BSc Hons, Royal Holloway and Teacher RMrev Stephen­T­Hellin gMellors MA(Ed) JuliaTiley BA Hons Kingston, QTS Head of Foundation Stage Bedford New College, QTS Jane­Tomlinson BA Hons London, PGCE Teacher of Modern Languages HEADMISTRESS Nicola Smith - Dale BA Hons Surrey, PGCE Key Stage 2 Frances­van­Heerden BSc Natal, UED Teacher of Science DrHE AOlwenDmIS TWrightRESS PhD Winchester, MA, BA Hons, Headmistress Warren Sparrow Further Diploma in IT Head of IT Suzanne­Walch PGCE, QTS Julia Tiley BMA,A H BAons HonsOU, CKingston,ertEd QTS HDeputyead of C Head,urricu Infantslum Support Dr­O­Wright­ PhD Winchester, MA, BA Hons, PGCE Headmistress Steve­Warriner­ Forest School Leader SENIOR MANAGEMENT TEAM Jane Tomlinson BA Hons London, PGCE Teacher of Modern Languages FrancesCatheri nvane­W Heerdenilliams BBScA H Natal,ons S aUEDlford , QTS HHeadead o fof IT Science D T Canning FCCA Bursar and Clerk to the Governors SENIOR­mANAGEmENT­TEAm­ LouiseXinshe Wallaceng­Zhan g MBAEd York, Joha nPGCE,nesbu rQTSg SA TeCSac hTeacherer of Chinese Mandarin Caroline Egginton BEd Hons London Deputy Head - Academic / Steve Warriner Caroline­Egginton BEd Hons London HeadDepu tofy HMathematicsead (Pastor al) BA Hons Trent Polytechnic Forest School Leader & DofE Xinsheng Zhang MEd, BEd, BA Hons, PGCE Teacher of Chinese Mandarin Claire Huyton BSc Hons Liverpool, PGCE, QTS DirectorHead of Mofa Pastoralthematic Cares / (DSL) PERIPATETIC­mUSIC Johannesburg SA Christine­moorby BSc Hons Southampton, CertEd DesignatedDeputy He aSafeguardingd (Academic Lead) Head of Physics Eleanor­Bowyer PGC, Middlesex Extra Curricular Speech & Drama Head of Science PERIPATETIC MUSIC Lee Render MEd Buckingham, BA Hons, QTS Head of Infants & Juniors Wendy­Busby Tracy­Perrett BEd Sussex Head of Junior Department BMus Hons GSMD, CTABRSM Voice Eleanor Bowyer PGCE Drama, Middlesex LAMDA TEACHINGLee­Render MEd, Buckingham/BA Hons Surrey, QTS Head of Infant Department Tamasin­Cline PGDip, BMus Hons Trinity London Violin Wendy Busby BMus Hons GSMD, CTABRSM Voice Sylvia­Ellison Josephine Allen BA Hons, PGdip RCM Oboe, Bassoon & Theory DT­Canning BA Hons Bristol, QTS Key Stage 2 Tamasin Cline PGDip, BMus Hons Trinity London Violin FCCA Bursar Susan­Gillis PGDip Mtpp,ALCM LLCM Piano Florence Ayache BA Hons Glamorgan, QTS Teacher of Spanish & French Sylvia Ellison BA Hons, PGdip, RCM Oboe Claire­Hasted Helen Barnes BA Ed Hons Exeter, QTS Deputy Head, Juniors; Key Stage 2 Vanessa Gynn PBAGD Honsip Ad RRoyalCM, B CollegeMus Ho nofs KMusicings, L ondon PeViolinrcuss iTeacheron TEACHING Jenny Brackstone BA Hons Nottingham, PGCE Acting Head of English ClaireClaire ­HastedHickling BBMusMus HHonsons TKings,rinit yLondon/Royal London College of PiPercussionano, Flute SarahJoseph Carterine­Alle n BEdBA HHonsons BSouthamptonristol (W.E), Q TS KKeyey SStagetage 21 Oksana­maxwell LMusicTCL Post Grad Diploma Advanced (Distinction)Piano JanAlis Coombeon­Audin o BABEd Hons Hons Manchester Bath THeadeache ofr o Geographyf Food Preparation & Nutrition ClaireValerie Hickling­mitchel l LBMusRAM Hons Trinity College of Music CPiano,ello Flute Oksana Maxwell RebeccaFlorence ­CunliffeAyache BABA HonsHons Kingston,Glamorg aBTEC,n, QT SQTS TTeachereacher ooff SFoodpanis Preparationh & French Austin­Pepper ALTCLLCM BrPianoass & Nutrition Valerie Mitchell LRAM Cello Helen­Barnes BA Hons Exeter, QTS Key Stage 2 Rachel­Riordan Advanced Teaching, RSM Saxophone, Clarinet Josie Downer MA London Key Stage 4 Phase Leader / Austin Pepper Jenny­Brackstone ALCM Brass BA Hons Nottingham, PGCE THeadeach eofr oDramaf Englis h/ ELSA Elizabeth­Rockhill PGDip, LRAM, BMus Hons GSMD Violin Rachel Riordan Royal School of Music-Advanced Teaching Saxophone, Clarinet BarbaraSarah­C aEdwardsrter BABEd Hons Hon sSheffield, Southam PGCE pton KTeacherey Stag eof 1 English Rebecca Whittock BBA Hons, University of London Violin JoanneJan­Co oEdwardsmbe BA Hons Manchester, PGCE Teacher of Geography BA Hons Brunel, PGCE Head of History ADmINISTRATIVE/OTHER RachelNicola­ DFirthale BABA HonsHons BathSurre y, PGCE KTeacherey Stag eof 2 Textiles ADMINISTRATIVE/OTHER Darren­Arnold KatieDebo rFrancisah­Di­C arlo MABA HKingston,ons Cen BAtra l HonsSaint MNottingham,artins, PGC E TKeyeac Stageher o f 2A rt & Textiles IT Network Manager Darren Arnold IT Network Manager Josie­Downer PGCE, QTS michele­Axton BA OU Lab Technician and H&S Co-ordinator MA London Head of Drama Michele Axton BA OU, NEBOSH 2019 Lab Technician and H&S Co-ordinator Amy Franke MMus, BMus Hons Surrey Teacher of Music marcia­Barrington NVQ Childcare Lunchtime Supervisor Barbara­Edwards BA Hons Sheffield, PGCE Teacher of English Marcia Barrington NVQ in Childcare Teaching Assistant & Lunchtime Dianne Gair BEd Hons Wales, QTS Key Stage 2 Dawn­Brown Joanne­Edwards BA Hons Brunel, PGCE Head of History FInstAM, FGPA ExSupervisorecutive PA to the Headmistress Edwina Grosse BA Hons Trent, CertEd Head of Art Katie­Grace­ Amy­Franke BMus Hons Surrey, MMus Teacher of Music Dawn Brown BFInstAM,A Hons BFGPAuckin g hamshire MExecutivearketing & PA Ad tom isthesio nHeadmistresss Registrar Katherine Head PhD, BSc Hons Bristol, PGCE, QTS Head of Biology Edwina­Grosse Amandamaureen ­Bullockmullins CACHE Level 3 NVQ USchoolniform AssistantShop (2nd Hand) Laura Homer BA Hons Trent, CertEd Head of Art BA Hons Wales, PGCE Key Stage 2 Rio Elms Rosalie­Hague Tania­Neg us LBTECevel 3 LevelDiplo 2m ITa, E YFS TeInfrastructureaching Assista Techniciannt Hannah Hopkins LSABA H Levelons L3a nCitycast ander, P GGuilds,CE HLearningead of ESupportnglish Assistant / ELSA Katie Grace BA Hons, Buckinghamshire Admissions & Marketing Registrar Valerie­Helliwell NCFEBEng H CACHE,ons Live rLevelpool , 2P GCE Teacher of Mathematics & Exams Officer Deborah­Smitherman Dip Pensions & Payroll Payroll & Pensions Administration Tania Negus Level 3 Diploma, EYFS Teaching Assistant PilarLaur aKimber­Home r MABA HReadingons W ales, PGCE KTeacherey Stag eof 1 Latin & Classical Civilisation Sarah­Stokes BTEC National Dip Librarian Elizabeth Ramson BA Hons Chichester, QTS Activity Club Assistant JaniceNaom iR­J aKingckso n BScBA HHonsons LLondon,eeds, PG PGCECE DAlumniirecto rCo-ordinator of Sport Sarah­Watkins NNEB School Nurse/Secretary Deborah Smitherman Alexandra Lawrence Dip in Pensions & Payroll Management Payroll & Pensions Admin Pilar­Kimber MAMA Oxon,Readin PGCEg TKeyeac hStageer of 3L aPhasetin & C Leaderlassical C/ ivilisation Head of Modern Languages Sarah Stokes BTEC National Diploma Librarian Janice­R­King BSc Hons London, PGCE Head of Biology Lyndon Martin BSc Surrey; QTS Teacher of Mathematics SarahCATE WatkinsRING NNEB School Secretary / Medical Officer Alexandra­Lawrence Deborah Martin MA Oxon, PGCE Head of Modern Languages BA Hons Surrey, QTS Teacher of Mathematics / ELSA CATERINGChartwells Deborah­martin Julie Merker BABA OU,Hon sCertEd Surrey , QTS TTeachereacher ooff MSportathematics David­Clayton NVQ Level 3 Kitchen Management Chef Manager Chartwells WendyJulie­me Mollerrker BachelorBA OU, Cofe rEducation,tEd South Africa TFoundationeacher of P StageE David Clayton NVQ Level 3 Kitchen Management Chef Manager Helenmiche lMolloyle­morg an BANN HonsEB Ba Sheffield,singstoke PGCE, QTS N Headurse ofry CS / Examinations Officer mAINTENANCE Paul­Nicholls Sarah Moore BABA Hons,Hons UniversityLondon, Q ofTS the KKeyey SStagetage 21 Teacher MAINTENANCE Virginia­Pearson WestMRes ofSo Englanduthham pBristol,ton Pe PGCE,rf Cert QTSRAM Teacher of Music maurice­Readhead Nebosh Certificate, Health & Safety Head of School Maintenance & Grounds Michelle Morgan NNEB Basingstoke Nursery Timothy Hunt Midas Trained Morning Caretaker & Bus Driver Ben­Pont BMus Hons, RCM, PGCE Director of Music Paul­Rippingale Midas Trained Assistant Site Maintenance Officer Tanya Negus Level 3 Diploma, EYFS Teaching Assistant Trevor Mills Part-time Minibus Driver Joanna­Pont MMus, BMus Hons, LRAM String Tutor Robert­Crail Midas Trained Caretaker Paul Nicholls BA Hons London, QTS Director of Co-Curricular Activities / Maurice Readhead Nebosh Certificate, Health & Safety Groundsman Lisa­Ruffell Timothy­Hunt BA Hons Surrey, QTS KActingey Sta Directorge 2 of Sport Paul Rippingale MMidasidas T Trainedrained BuHeads Dri vofer Maintenance & Grounds VirginiaJane­Sta nPearsonsbury MResBEd C Southamptonambridge, Post GPerfrad CertSPLD RAM Kings ton CTeacherurricul uofm Music Supp ort
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