Cambridge University Press 0521228735 - Ritual and Religion in the Making of Humanity Roy A. Rappaport Index More information INDEX aborigines, Australian 29, 148, 199, 202, adornment in Maring ritual 80±1 206, 213±15, 460±1 Aeschylus 41 Abrahams, I. 190, 412 air as substance 163 Abrahams, R. 33, 34, 39, 47, 381 Akkad temples 37 Absolutizing the Relative MTillich) 443 alethia Mtruth) of Logos 349 acceptance 119±23, 134, 137, 201, 224 alienation 319, 448 audience 136 Altamira caves 258 and belief 395±6 alteration in consciousness 219, 220±2, 229, common acceptance of Ultimate Sacred 257, 258 Postulates 327±8, 339 alternatives, in language 17±22, 165, 321±2, coordination of individual acts of 226±7 415, 417 disparity between inward state and 121 Altman, S. 13 and the ground of sanctity 283±7 ambiguity 88±9, 91, 95, 102±3, 151, 279 and heuristic rules 291 amelioration of falsehood 15±17 intensi®cations of 339 Americans, liturgical basis of 284±5 Native 33±4, 92, 210±12, 298±9, 380 accuracy of sentences 280 see also names of groups Achehnese people 180 analogic processes, digital representation of acquaintance-knowledge 375 86±9 activities, temporal organization of 193±6, analysis versus performance 253±7 218 Ancient Tahitian Society MOliver) 433±4 actors versus celebrants 135±6 Andaman Islanders, The MRadcliffe-Brown) acts, 220, 226 and agents 145±7 animals, in ritual 241, 242, 249, 259±60 compared in drama and ritual 136 anticipation 174 and objects 147 Antigone MSophocles) 42, 44 adaptation 5±7, 7, 9, 408±10 apostasy 133, 327 adaptive systems, hierarchy of 7, 267±8 Apostolic Constitutions Mfourth century) 191, aspects of understandings 267±8 335 as maintenance of truth 410±11 Aranda people 148 maladaptation 441±3 architecture and ritual 258 religious conceptions in human 406±8, Arioi society of Society Islands 33±4 414±19 Aristotle 41, 177, 293 structural requirements of adaptiveness art and grace 384±8 422±5 articulation of unlike systems and ritual structure of adaptive processes 419±22 occurrence 97±101 truth and falsity 443±4 Ascher, R. 413 Adler, M. 203±4 Asha in Zoroastrian thought 356±60 519 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521228735 - Ritual and Religion in the Making of Humanity Roy A. Rappaport Index More information 520 Index athletic contests as ritual 38, 43±4 concept of 119±20 Attwater, D. 162±3 statements of 290 audience versus congregation 39±41, Bell, C. 24, 28 135±7 belligerency see Maring ritual, warfare auguries 320 Benedict, Saint 200 Augustine of Hippo, Saint 13, 154, 170±1, Beni-Israel of India 334±5 176, 232, 258 Bergin, T. G. 20 Austin, J. L. 8, 21, 49, 51, 57, 114 Bergson, H. 311, 400 performatives 121±2, 124±5, 132±3, Berlin, I. 20 278 Bettleheim, B. 149 and constatives 279 Bickerton, D. 4 authority, Bierstadt, R. 446 of conventions 125 binary aspect of ritual occurrence 89±97 and ef®cacy 274±5 biography 233 and liturgical order 118±19 birth and death, representations of 230±1 sancti®cation of 324, 446 blessedness of giving 205 auto-communication 51 Blest, A. D. 24 axes in ritual see Maring ritual Bligh, Captain William 34 axioms, cosmological 263±5, 269±70, 273, Bloch, M. 27±8, 49, 77, 118, 124, 151, 303 320 chant/song and invariance 332 axioms and Ultimate Sacred Postulates features of juncture 252 287±90 blood in ritual 260±1 Axon, W. E. A. 315 bluf®ng 12 Aztec Mexico 29 Bochenski, J. 290±1, 297 Azura Mazdah see Zoroastrianism body, use in ritual 146±7, 164 Bok, S. 13 Babcock, B. 256±7, 263 Bonding strength and frequency of ritual Babel as vice of symbolic transmission 54 225±6 Babylonian myth of creation 156±7 bonds see obligations Baikie, J. 354 Bourdieu, P. 304, 306 Bali, time-reckoning in 179, 180 Bourguignon, E. 227 ball game in Sioux ritual 362 Boyce, M. 359 baptism 35, 154 brain and mechanisms of ritual 228±9 barometer as an index 63, 65 breath as symbol of spirit 163 Basic Dogma and heuristic rules 291±2 Brenner, C. 99 Bateson, G. 6, 39, 51, 99, 108±9, 110 Brown, J. E. 34, 147, 277, 278, 298±9, 361 adaptation 410 Brown, N. W. 133, 325, 359 categories 171±2 Bruner, J. 401 creation of matter 156, 164±5 Buber, M. 13, 232, 322, 403, 417, 443, 448 deutero-learning 304±5, 307 Buchbinder, G. 327, 240 grace 383±4 Buchler, J. 3, 54, 59, 64, 65 problem of rational consciousness 401, Buddha and Buddhism 333, 334, 336 402, 403 Budge, E. A. W. 353, 354 responses to perturbations 420 buffering against disruption 101±6 Bateson, M. C. 31, 151 buildings for ritual performance 144±5 Becker, J. 180 Bullough, S. 200 Bede, Venerable 337, 339, 340 bullroarers in Gadjari rituals 159, 213 behavior 33 Bultmann, R. 349 categories of formal 34±5 Burks, Arthur 54, 59, 473n15 frequency of ritual 202±4, 209 Burns, I. F. 158 genetic determination of patterns 321 Bushmen, Southern Africa 199 relationship of convention to 126±7 stylization of 332 Caka system of time reckoning 180 Being 393, 398±9, 403 calendars 179, 180, 181, 196 belief, liturgical calendrical/non-calendrical and acceptance 119±24, 291, 395±6 cycles 188±9, 196±7 common 122 calumets see pipes, sacred © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521228735 - Ritual and Religion in the Making of Humanity Roy A. Rappaport Index More information Index 521 Calverly, E. E. 333 and numinous experience 380±1, 404 Campbell, J. 111, 148, 254±5 community, communication and sanctity canon, 326±8 de®nition of 224 compass and interpretant 62 and term/form de®ning performer's state complexity Msocial) and ethics 204±5 105±6 compliance with order accepted 201 Carleton, J. G. 192 comprehension, holistic 229 carnival 38, 46, 218, 257, 381 computation, Carnoy, A. V. 357, 358 analogic and digital 87 Carrington, R. S. 261 liturgical orders and time 216±17 Cartesian method see Descartes, Rene and rituals 96±7 categories, social processes in establishment concepts, cultural 10 of 174±5 conceptual, existence of the 397 categories of human understanding 172±5 conceptual capacity 3 Catholic ritual 200 conceptual power 5 see also Mass, Roman Catholic concrete, transcendence of the 5 Catlin, G. 300 Confessions MSt Augustine) 171, 176 cave paintings see paintings, paleolithic congregation versus audience 39±41, 135±7, celebrants versus actors 135±6 224 centers, signi®cance of 209±10, 212, 362 consciousness 172±3, 402 ceremony 34±5, 38±9 alteration in ritual 219, 229, 257, 258, certainty 21, 285±6, 291±2, 373, 451 386±8 see also unquestionableness God's 20 certum 20, 296 and religious experience 375±6 Chadwick, H. M. 337 and tempo 220±2 Chamula people 210±12 see also reason, conscious Chaney, W. A. 193, 339, 340, 435 constatives 279, 280, 344, 368 changelessness, absolute see eternity constraints in ritual 128, 331 changing and unchanging 176, 187±8, 225, Constructed Indices 63 269±70 contextualization of athletic contests and Ultimate Sacred Postulates 342±3 theatre 45 chanting 227, 259 contingency, relations of 270±2 Chapple, E. D. 228 contingent and fundamental elements charcoal used in ritual see Maring ritual distinguished 271±2 charity 205 continuity/discontinuity in liturgy 341 China, time-reckoning in ancient 177 control transduction 101 Christ, Jesus 162±3 convention, chronicles 233 acceptance of 137±8, 395±6 circumcision 92±3, 147, 148, 262 establishment of 22, 124±6, 205, 323 clay in ritual dancing see Maring ritual ritual and daily practice 126±31 clocks and sundials analogy 60±1 and formality 131 cloistered communities 199, 200 naturalization of 164±8 clowns 33 and ordinary usage 128±9 code, concept of 127±8, 251±2 political 38 Codere, H. 84 in ritual utterances and acts 114 coherence 102 violation of 129±31 commandments 318, 319 Coolidge, Calvin 443, 455 commissives 318, 320, 321 coordination, neurophysiology and communication, communitas 226±30 community and sanctity 326±8 Corballis, M. C. 463n3 non-verbal 139±40 correctness of performative enactment 116 ritual as 50±2 cosmogonies 158, 160±1 communicational capacity 3, 140 see also creation myths communion and substantiation 142, 154 cosmology and conduct 266 communitas 216, 219±20, 221, 257 cosmos, coordination and neurophysiology cosmic order and Logoi 359±60 226±30 and postmodern science 457 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521228735 - Ritual and Religion in the Making of Humanity Roy A. Rappaport Index More information 522 Index cosmos Mcont.) digital circuits and ritual occurrence 96±7 structure of 264±5, 268 digital representation of analogic processes see also axioms, cosmological 86±9, 340 Council of Nicea MAD 325) 192 digitalization 88, 101 Council of Trent 154 dimensions of liturgical orders 170 Crane, J. 25 direction and time 211±12 creation myths 155±60 directives 273±4 ancient Egyptian 157, 158 hierarchical organization of 425 Babylonian 156±7 and liturgical order 118±19 Greek 158 sancti®ed 318±19, 320 Jewish 161±2 of sancti®ed authorities 321 Mesopotamian 157 disconsonance between law and meaning and ritual 164±8 453±6 see also cosmogonies discontinuity in liturgy 341±2 creditability and the lie 15, 83 discourse, Creeds, Christian 263, 269, 277, 288, 289 analysis of religious 292 cricket as ritual display 45 sacred 282±3 Croon, J. H. 46 and sanctity 281±2, 345 Cross as Christian symbol 254, 299 disorder and alternative 17±18, 418 Cullen, J. M. 24, 50 display, cults 436±7 epideictic 83±4 culture, uniqueness of human 9 physical 24, 25, 50, 55, 81, 139±41, 332 Curran, C.
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