Sarja B 197 Series ______________________________________________________ Pavel Filippov, Grigory Dudarev, and Alexey Osipov ENERGY3: RAW MATERIALS, PRODUCTION, TECHNOLOGY Competitive Analysis of Northwest Russian Energy Cluster ETLA, The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy Publisher: Taloustieto Oy Helsinki 2003 Cover: Mainos MayDay, Vantaa 2003 ISBN 951-628-382-9 ISSN 0356-7443 Printed in: Yliopistopaino, Helsinki 2003 FILIPPOV, Pavel – DUDAREV, Grigory – OSIPOV, Alexey, ENERGY3: RAW MATERIALS, PRODUCTION, TECHNOLOGY; Competitive Analysis of North- west Russian Energy Cluster. Helsinki: ETLA, The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy, 2003, 210 p. (B, ISSN 0356-7443; No. 197). ISBN 951-628-382-9. ABSTRACT: Energy industries in Russia and in Northwest Russia in particular are of the utmost importance and occupy the largest shares in the total industrial produc- tion and exports. Northwest Russia is developing into the major export hub for the Russian energy exports. It means that the appropriate infrastructure and potential to establish processing facilities are created in this area. Energy industries play also an important role as essential suppliers for many local producers. As many Northwest Russian manufacturing industries are still very energy consuming, energy efficiency and energy cost will have a strong effect on their profitability. The so-called energy complex created in the Soviet period in Russia and in Northwest Russia was based on the command economy, not market principles. Therefore, the transition to the mar- ket economy led to profound changes in the industry structure and allocation. These changes need to be assessed in order to adjust the business and industrial policy- making to changing circumstances. Analysis of the Northwest Russian energy cluster consisting of oil, gas, coal and peat production and processing, power generation and power engineering industries as well as supporting industries and associated services (prospecting, maintenance and transport, etc.) was aimed to serve this purpose. The analysis was carried out basing on trade and industrial statistics, company data and interviews. As a result the growth prospects and competitive advantages and disad- vantages of the energy cluster are identified and described. KEY WORDS: Northwest Russia, energy, industrial complex, cluster, regional ag- glomerations, growth, competitive advantage, industrial policy. FILIPPOV, Pavel – DUDAREV, Grigory – OSIPOV, Alexey, ENERGY3: RAW MATERIALS, PRODUCTION, TECHNOLOGY; Competitive Analysis of North- west Russian Energy Cluster. Helsinki: ETLA, Elinkeinoelämän Tutkimuslaitos, 2003, 210 s. (B, ISSN 0356-7443; No. 197). ISBN 951-628-382-9. TIIVISTELMÄ: Energiaraaka-aineiden ja energian tuotanto ovat Venäjälle ja erityi- sesti Luoteis-Venäjälle erittäin tärkeitä. Tuotannon määrässä ja viennissä mitattuna energiaklusteri on tärkein teollinen klusteri. Luoteis-Venäjästä on muodostumassa Venäjän energiaviennin keskus. Tälle alueelle rakennetaan tarvittava kuljetusinfra- struktuuri ja mahdollisesti myös jalostuskapasiteettia. Energia on tärkeä tuotanto- panos myös monille Luoteis-Venäjän energiaintensiivisille teollisuudenaloille, ja vai- kuttaa oleellisesti niiden kannattavuuteen. Neuvostoliiton aikana Luoteis-Venäjälle luotiin ns. energiakompleksi, joka perustui suunnitelmatalouden periaatteisiin. Siirty- minen markkinatalouteen on johtanut ja johtaa perustavanlaatuisiin muutoksiin ener- giateollisuuden rakenteissa ja sijoittumisessakin. Näitä muutoksia on huolellisesti ar- vioitava ja mukautettava liiketoiminta ja elinkeinopolitiikka uusiin olosuhteisiin sopi- vaksi. Luoteis-Venäjän energiaklusteri koostuu öljyn, kaasun, hiilen ja turpeen tuo- tannosta, sähkön ja lämmön tuotannosta sekä energiateknisestä teollisuudesta ja niitä tukevista toiminnosta (öljyn ja kaasun etsintä, kunnossapitopalvelut ja kuljetukset). Näiden aloja ja niiden muodostaman klusterin kilpailukykytekijöiden analyysi ja tule- vaisuuden kasvunäkymien ennakointi on tutkimuksen keskeistä sisältöä. Analyysi pe- rustuu tilastolliseen tarkasteluun, yritysten antamaan aineiston sekä haastatteluihin. AVAINSANAT: Luoteis-Venäjä, energia, teollinen kompleksi, klusteri, alueellinen agglomeraatio, kasvu, kilpailuetu, elinkeinopolitiikka. Preface Europe needs energy. Russia, on the other hand, lives on exports of en- ergy and energy raw materials. Russia’s unexploited reserves will generate huge business opportunities also in the future. The features of business activity in the energy sector are, however, more diverse than this. Euro- peans have learnt to conserve energy and use it efficiently. Energy is in- creasingly being produced from biofuel or generated by wind power. Technologies are highly advanced – Finland is a good example of this. With the help of our energy technologies, Russia could profit much more using a smaller amount of raw materials. On the other hand, Russia has its own expertise in the field of energy, concentrated on the other side of the Finnish border in St. Petersburg. Lenin defined socialism as the electrification of the whole country. Therefore, huge amounts of money were devoted to power production and technological development, and the most important decisions were made in the Central Committee of the Communist Party. Universities and research centers, however, were where the knowledge was created and the technology developed. One of the biggest questions involving Russia’s energy sector is whether its R&D and production of technology will survive in condi- tions of market economy. Foreign companies could be of great help in this respect, and incentives to do so abound. These companies would get an opportunity to utilize the country’s research institutes, the production capacity of Russian manufacturers and their customer relations with en- ergy producers in Russia and developing countries. The role of Northwest Russia in the world’s energy business is grow- ing. Russian shipments of crude oil and oil products via the Baltic Sea are increasing manifold. The prospect of building a gas pipeline under the Baltic Sea to Europe appears to be growing. Indeed, greater shipment activity of energy products poses a risk to the environment. It is high time to start developing common ground rules and environment-friendly technologies together with Russia. This book deals with the Northwest Russian energy cluster. We hope that the fresh approach of our Russian researchers and the substantial data material will offer new ideas to decision-makers in Russia and in Western countries. Helsinki, February 2003 Pentti Vartia Authors’ Preface This study is done in the framework of larger research project devoted to the analysis of current and prospective competitiveness of industries of Northwest Russia. This project aims to assess important issues and development trends for the newly emerged clusters of economic activi- ties in this region. The project implies the separate analysis of the five industries most important to the economy of this region: forest, energy, metallurgy and metalworking, ICT and food, and preparation of a con- cluding study devoted to laws of development and future prospects of the Northwest Russian economy. The research was carried out by a con- sortium of participants, including: The Center for Strategic Research (www.csr.ru), a leading Russian think tank that prepared a current action plan and strategy for the Russian Government; ETLA (www.etla.fi) – the Research Institute for the Finnish Economy, a leading Finnish economic research institute; and Solid Invest (www.solidinvest.com), a St. Petersburg research- based consulting company. We are happy to express our appreciation of valuable help, understanding and support provided by these organiza- tions in our research. The informational and analytical base collected in the course of the research could be very important for the decision-makers at different corporate and governmental levels both in Russia and the neighbouring areas, and Finland primarily. The methods and analysis approaches, used in this study, are quite new to Russia and worth to be used wider in the framework of gov- ernmental industrial policy and corporate strategies development. This particular publication deals with the largest and most successful cluster of the Northwest Russian economy – the energy cluster. It is im- portant to follow the tendencies of its development because this cluster for many reasons is able to become one of the effective vehicles for eco- nomic growth in the region. Development of new oil and gas fields, ex- pansion of export infrastructure and increasing demand for power engi- neering products and related knowledge generate a plenty of opportuni- ties for Russian and foreign investors to capitalize on it as deeper market reforms are implemented. We would like herewith to express our gratitude to the pool of Finnish companies and institutions ABB Oyj, Fortum Oyj, Finergy, Gasum Oy, Kvaerner Pulping, National Emergency Supply Agency, Vantaan Ener- gia, Wärtsilä Oyj that ordered and supported this study and the Steering Group members Mr Kari Salminen (Gasum Oy), Mr Pertti Petänen, Mr Kari Kuukkanen and Mr Jari Ekholm (Kvaerner Pulping), Mr Markku Rekola († 12.12.2002) and Mr Mika Purhonen and (National Emergency Supply Agency), Mr Jouko Helenius (Vantaan Energia), Mr Harry Lindroos (Wärt- silä Oyj), Mr Antero Hietaluoma (ABB Oyj) and Mr Jaakko Tusa (Fortum Oyj). We would also like to thank other experts involved in the project Mr Harry Viheriävaara and Anna-Maria
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