or lR, 19B I .. ............ ,;.;;;;;; n L the alrkst college newspaper in. the Un,ited Sta.tes. estu,blish r1 ,l826 rty aid. e 119, Nunl -r 13 :Mia: i University, Oxford, Ohio rterba ·1 J:im lis houlder , half of last 11 ntral nt lth 1 s 0 ford, stud nts tud nt prot -st ty 'ame off M Ih )1'8·14£ r 79 tu~~ltt -'ftnHlontinu d fur t;hlHI v r .l y prtlgTfUl1 baC'k up. ovon if you :am tying by Sa.ra.h Monol , t b rti nc nt STUDENT .rib r III ntnlly hllndi ·UPP ~\fl. but dup. pURfl 1\ levy. doP/m 'I, h 1\ Plwn ll VU llli,.:ht, " . pb omenal Lo pl' io,T'i1.i)', iUf;:·, prU/-fr11UW no'i. cIS ' t)Uflty . Ol'ullif:ll WQI' u 10. ''1., ho suiel . '''Wo h flVo to l' ' 1' (.l1lP I.hl1 1 tudents tten.d :l srty I nows Hutl r ro~jdQnt will iu.ld oesom vote Nov, 5 aD a fi y Ill', $1.5 Hnl l poi n1,o l out I.h IWol'o 's iOlwl w hicl mllY tn ko ~ . t d i.mPOl'\.Ufl ULI Lll'th~1 1.!wI Dv · rmlll 011ll1.0tlll't10YlltH·R til do," 11I1 ati rotest, one arr 11 . vontuaMy million IXI . nLal htll'l l.th J vy 1,0 fund. spat. in r AHe, fl1-lpp JI:l tl'H1n t und would P () 'id . ' Hud f) el , 1-------------------------1 f) oplo ,Inn I' i 11 d i I'\ wt 01' n!, ( II"Cl tll( I' out 1.h re," uA1,uin In rrLa] h altl OLu'e of all "About ,000 p ' in !~'L11JI.I' HltIl, , Cllmnt.y cO \lld bcmuflt. rrlllTl tho M itlmi /H'I Ml\nl1~ (\ nlUlll , in ;'1'1 hi t.6Jl1ffi, I\~e /if) O,\PS, MilUl j stud nt- . hould bllvn It l'IV. ," h ~l AHJd • lltlrniHu/I "" hl 'h (l I'UVicJlI H . Hf1' I~ . o\, J A l , h!,tl1\~ (f nf!t,\.tiwor'!.hm P~' 01 ,~ fltQtl!l, it:)c::h.\di ft IiIQIDe Mlmni velilted lut \:'6\. 1. ill goa ~ bUll1an llll~ (l H I , ioI1L llll l'U I'llI' t hlll1l ll i1 Lt dl v 4 I1d olll.::, 'un/1'11111 ,1;,1 pl111 0.' dul'\ \1'1' UI p,l'n ' L,(~ llt Wridtl.v J;lnti t'l 1~ 1 , L1 'dAY Rerv ie Oli, HC 'oraing til .l in .lll~ ,\J , diHllb.ll1d" uid Iw I,hbdu; 1 , lll l I I1V~ • ad: JUl iell' l·rI, Plnl11Hld 1'L1I"flFd,llOnd'. t'lI h"l1I b ~i.b Cl1mpllel l CimtAr1rl o inl'linl1I'\i,i, communlt,Y r lutinus dh'l I t or' of 11\ " l-h.1I,\ul'Uoll,nLy',· u l dli~y l.o lHl lj, wtMcMiUan If pit. sed., the Jev. 'rho })l'o'l,nA1,{)l"R inoh~d( cl rnllmbol'liI of tb, nlili,\O))'t1) Op vll,tion tl tll ut:l l' 'Qunty ~ I ntn! H 1111 h ItHoll'," 'In)/tlf' a" tJ,fl would P l'O - ide $6.4 1~ .utW W l HlId '1'1'1" '~II~CI H OFIO UO, H lo C!,td o't:t'lII hoo'\.oJ'OY.H fl'\;'\ul'lliNIlIU , JlQftl'd. \1oLh 111l 11 1111d i'1i1mH' i l'il.lI l.ho 11'l1l eRJ.l I ~in~t m illjon oyor fiye yefll'fi 'I'ho 01 '1 IIlli zlIl,illl1 ham PI'0C1Ull (1d nr~1.lfl11f\ 1 ,neclifl at1,(Iln l,iclf) (QI;' itM ''''tudlmtR Uttrrl.Cl I.u Mhlfni I llv ~' lind illlPI'1l nll'll!. ill lIitlll I.Il I 1'11. eL k . ',YOI'll ill hnrl'i(,/\(lin~, ubor\,iun 'Ul'li'R' mo t n" .fmtly ~n Wl.ullitJi, l nivl l'Ri1iY Jhm1 1-111 QVI1I' I,b to mo, ,t.al 1 a .J t.h 11 'e II olol l'l,h Uill'u fl H II I, "NH"lll.l n l At (I I' "fl, country p ttil)g' n ufu p ine" II l't1J,uiUUu.' in. Butler in iI11)1l'Oving- ~ I lll 1111t.lm· () 0!1111. ~1 1'lwtini punl,H in t.h o Jlt1 QlnnFI1:i prn1lcll'Il. n1 , 1. ~\mpl.l~ d 1,0 r by 1 flUy I Ill"n.ing ll1:mmlphor ' ,Th ly !'IUm l 'lllTI)) lUI Iity, Uount, " hltH'lmd(\ Lho unCi ii!!'t) "I' Rl, hilChd i d 1;lhUl ' ~illll puLl.lm'I'hl ltv usinn t.tl Xp( uti n ·,,'t llin l' fl!1' i.ml 11 ~ oj' '''1'1'111 Invy I ii lin ill Vil Hl. lIlt lllL rill' I.llnil' IlDdi llR IIH b UI'I' lr l ' ~ (,0 '1.1 10 o1l:nlc'J!I fhmt dOOl'R, ' lilt l'vl 1'1, lind th l)/ uro It)l~1 llotH I'U!' LH' LlI\III11i(' dllvuIOl,I I1('"!.," Hllicl j 1'1 two .1'(11' AI\Ulll'dilll{ \.lIli,on (}'L r IlI'JI, PI'Oi\ (li'1I1.0l'M ilirlli 1Il (h,.ljil. 1'C'Jf.ftIRht, man i. I t'i')/;\l1'lIn \ witb thUR ,thiul.lH In tlHlI lUJ1Jtlt H," " I"tlr I.bll 1,(\ nllg'1I iffOUP Hlm,lll, ~ itl tlC' l , " (1t)/lc! , 1Wi1l 1 IIfl l'"i(lfi A Ii i,( UU I wi t.b Thif1 l.n l ,i fN, HI'VII Il Miu!I')l 1. 1c\ lIfli,1\ Nflrtl lnvnlv din 1.I ~lf pf'ol,(IIlt.. On n1' j qy Ii bu t hlnl fl a PllUt tho .HI1I1 Hltid, H'JO (H'\\ ~ U ~' U 'ut' I'ITlLJy h"d "g' jllLl Idll /I hO/l I"" y WI1I'I, 1'111'[10 . onundl rId 'I.h ll 'P flitll,n.OIl LR Willi 11 1'1'0 i,on, now I. !-I\lO of '1'IIl' ~ ~tl td,{ nl .. I r PIIRMI eI , tbtl 10".\' WO\l] d , lH '\l£1 d," hu fi lddl:l d ." n IlHtimnL{ d I Ill, IlIoliHP Intll\ 1'01' ('111)111111111110 1'1 tmukhli PI r • III I,d, I"or'd, II Mlnml n" " ' \.o;V~IIU' hl ~tfll'Y llllftjor, w nR onCl uf 't4 RI f\d i ll l1 \lUm pUR Heot.lol) und Iwtw itiH $(i .5 mi1lillll il.l I\md Ii 11101,I UU.lHi 111101'1 I.u un . llI'\lud. 111,/1 g'1)0l/ l1 u!'IHl liOI'vll·(l II." Pl'ol.o 1.0 \'11 who Wfl l'lI m 't'W 1.1\ (\ IIllci ctJ l!l l' f.fu d with crimhml , 0 Wb,{t. tlJJ t.hCl HI t' I>I Umhll{ if! UVl1:rth U l)1 1,1.1 n;V(\UI'R t.IHllO nl f~ 1 'I'lli' \( \\1>' wt1~l ld nllllw I \1U)1n Ll Hm "MIIIII,1I1 hllldtl1ll1 ll '11 1l llll!1lWI lii I ju 1. plc:lyin 1,I'Illl\lllHHIIIH, ubQut. b,to1l,lItb ~U l'O fll UiilLl l t, hI 8~IL l l\ l' hiliI', l·tH() II t1 HI1H, I.u lin HUl ' VIIU ," 'l li n IIIlVIt'(ll1l1HlIl L, " Hldd II III\' ,G I'utltbnll," 11' rwnv It\l,(ld , l ,lQy'd ~mdd bo fllm1,(.jrH oa '\'0 II jltH !,(\)'r 1.)1' l1p to 4m i OUll'Ly , UIlI(.)\UI U IlR tll !.1 ,:)~) Ill. '1'110 l"IIH I~Jt. H 01' t.ho Illv wLl'l ti d " 11 0011 10 WU Il!- 1\ IN lld Il vl lll{ d,I.VH Illld l'IIII'd ~IP ~ o $,1()( . fl r wuul lnut' I~ , l i.u pu .Id~ (l LH' 1101, hll ill,lImdi/.li l ,11,1111 llid, nl,"HiI phLl'l l, '1'\llIy WIIIIL Lu 1'1 11,1 1"m'tI Hll iel Hho HPf til, I,wo dll.Y ~ .II') I,h llurnll1m1'()\l n1iy ./ml'bj, 'iii t,UXI • "Wo hllV (l1I ~.t' l Ll y IiftlUl.1nil ul,lIl IlId'u1.), H'llln/{ 0111.111 11 11 ," ( :I\ n 1.1 \' l'lt ll owh;! hili' IIf'PIIII'I.. I hI Hl'dd /1)10 plf lid n llL J.fI'lUl:y 1n1,hl ~J \ hl 1u t th.t'(.\(1 Jl1 ! ul,lIl bOII,lt.h IIlIu l1,l pnlK'I' llIl1 in 1II1.I Im·(JOIIl1I,y: 111111 il/ dd In LJ l'l ll lrll lfl in IIl'fllI ('1111 1'(. fl UHf I II-I IlwnlLlprl hf I' hnu 1" I"~1 ' I(w l 8 fll Uud l,tl PWif! ,'( Hull,lrlf{ 1.1.1 1'1LlWtlVOI', If wfl ('1m'\. 1.'11.111'111., il' wll IlIl vlIY'l.y find 111111111/11 11111 1111111 t' lll/lt! i\ IIlllr.pt'lIt'lt'lil'f)nri Ilfl'llU Hl.jCl, Inl'l.-wlng J)nm onr nl., fm d nwmb/" ~j' !~ !'dJ'lllUu~llJ irnpl\llt." ill lo! \ll,lw' fl l iminll1.n fund A, \VII I mil 1'IIIIIIII.il'n\lmI.III hllIlILilpl'II I1 I' 11I11,11 'tl'Llflty, uflfllH'dlnH tu liuU . I 'pOl t.i I," hll Huld. " l d ~llldh ,1 1 U wLlrp Lu ~I P '1/Im llll\l,,,II , ~_H_(J (~ AHOlt'l'IO,l"l', [If.lKO H ~----------------------------~~ ___ .!..::=====:..::=====:.:-..... _ hi hoy! I 0 - w ucc ful voy nd t 1'l1dl/ l' lld \.0 t hl' ! !Ull1 l1clltiilnK nOlll' l,n('1'i LI Pillli Itnd 1'.1 II w[)m ul\ ~h)" tll~ h II I III I),JILIIl"widll Iml'lltm, =:re 'k m Mut h.l1" Mlmnj WI II 'u rr~l d I QllW "I'htl ! l.h ji( ItHO LILlI UII W ),'1) h n lWI WI ,lUll II,U Will I mlClIl IIIUI11111 <' flUHl [J 11,;1 H HI PIlf'IIY i \ tnt ion 11't):tii Tile Mhm~i r I' tel bm'll ~I t Hf.i1 Hul.1t d InLu 1h uJ r hll.l'l (U' I'm' I,hl Ill) 1'.lIflllining' 1.111 ('Hiltlidl d.!ll'l, 'Itllrt \,0 O$tJ del'lpltu l~f';" U ! 11 ,IVII by ()h if'! ftcgrut;h HtU111 (l ,minR 1!;)U1 .
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