Mosquito Systematics,26( 1):19-24, 1994 Copyright 0 1994 by the AmericanMosquito Control Association, Inc. MOSQUITO SPECIES (DIPTERA: CULICIDAE) FROM LOMBOK ISLAND, INDONESIA ICHIRO MIYAGI ly2, TAKAKO TOMA,’ MOTOYOSHI MOGI~, MARTONO~, SUBAGYO YOTOPRANOTO~, ZAINAL ARIFIN~ AND YOES P. DACHLAN~ ABSTRACT. Mosquito larvae were collected in different areas on Lombok Island during December 199 1 to clarify the mosquito fauna. Approximately 300 larvae and adults belonging to 4 1 species in 11 genera were mounted and identified during this study. They include 24 new records for the island. INTRODUCTION vaya and JSPS (Japan Society for the Pro- motion of Science). In this connection, the There are few publications dealing with the authors visited Lombok Island December 2 l- mosquito fauna of Lombok Island, Indone- 28, 199 1, to make intensive larval collections sia. The most recent intensive study (Lee et throughout the island (Fig. 1). al. 1984) recorded 30 species collected in May 1978 and March 1979, with an additional 3 1 species considered as of probable occurrence MATERIALS AND METHODS based on their geographical distribution in Larvae were taken by dipper. A small suc- neighboring islands. tion pump was used for collection of tree hole Increased interest in the mosquito fauna of and crab hole mosquitoes. Larval habitats Lombok has resulted from the appearance of and their salinity (determined by hand re- malaria and the development of tourism on fractometer, Atago Co., Ltd.) were recorded. the island, which lies 38 km east of Bali, an Most of the larvae were reared to the adult area that is free of malaria and famous for stage and in some instances were reared in- sightseeing. Malaria eradication is one of the dividually to collect the associated fourth- most important programs for the Lombok instar larval and pupal exuviae for identifi- government. Epidemics of malaria have oc- cation. All emerging adults were mounted for curred sporadically, and since 1990 studies study, and some larvae were preserved in on malaria under the “Large-scale Cooper- McGregors’ solution. Identifications of the ative Research Project on Tropical Diseases” common species ofAnopheles,Culex, Urano- have been conducted on the island by the taenia, and Aedes were made using the keys Regional Office of Ministry of Health, West and descriptions by Knight and Laffoon Nusa-Tenggara Province in Mataram, School (1946), Knight and Marks (1952), Bonne- of Medicine of Airlangga University in Sura- Wepster (1954), Bram (1967), Knight (1968), Reinert (1970), Huang (1972, 1977, 1979), I Laboratoryof Medical Zoology, and 2 Research Center Sirivanakarn (1972, 1976, 1977), and Peyton of Comprehensive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Uni- (1977). Voucher specimens will be deposited versity of the Ryukyus, Nishihara, Okinawa 903-O 1, Ja- pan. in the Laboratory of Medical Zoology, Uni- 3 Division of Parasitology, Department of Microbiology, versity of the Ryukyus. Saga Medical School, Nabeshima, Saga, 849 Japan. 4 Department of Parasitology, Airlangga University School of Medicine, Jalan Dharmahusada 47, Surabaya, RESULTS Indonesia. 5 Regional Office of Ministry of Health, West Nusa- We collected 41 species, including three Tenggara Province, Matarum. unidentified ones, in 11 genera (Table 1). 19 20 MOSQUITO SYSTEMATICS VOL. 26, No. 1 Fig. 1. Lombok Island, Indonesia, showing mosquito collection areas. Twenty-four species are new to the Lombok COMMENTS ON SPECIES fauna: Anopheles(Cellia) minimus Theobald, Anopheles(Ano.) barbirostrisvan der Wulp. An. (eel.) sp., Topomyia (Topomyia) tipuli- Larvae were found commonly in fresh-water formis Leicester, To. (Top.) sp., Tripteroides ponds, streams, and paddy fields in associa- (Tripteroides) aranoides (Theobald), Toxo- rhynchites(Toxorhynchites) splendens(Wie- tion with An. vagus Doenitz, An. subpictus demann), Orthopodomyia anopheloides Grassi, Cx. vishnui Theobald, and Cx. tri- (Giles), Uranotaenia (Pseudojcalbia) obscura taeniorhynchusGiles. Salinity of a stream in Edwards, Aedeomyia catasticta Knab, Ar- which larvae were collected was 0- la/oo. migeres (Armigeres) malayi (Theobald), Ar. Anopheles(Ano.) sp. One adult female be- (Leicesteria) jlavus (Leicester), Aedes (Can- longing to the An. leucosphyrusgroup was craedes) indonesiae Mattingly, Ae. (Stego- reared from a larva collected from a rock pool myia) albolineatus(Theobald), Ae. (Finlaya) along a stream in the mountain forest, ele- notoscriptus(Skuse), Ae. (Fin.) saxicola Ed- vation ca. 600 m, Senaru District. The An. wards, Ae. (Diceromyia) iyengari Edwards, leucosphyrusgroup consists of at least six or Culex (Culiciomyia) nigropunctatus Ed- seven distinct species or subspecies, of which wards, Cx. (Cui.) sp., Cx. (Eumelanomyia) An. balabacensisBaisas is considered the most brevipalpis(Giles), Cx. (Eum.) foliatus Brug, important species for malaria transmission Cx. (Lophoceromyia) bandoengensisBrug, in Kalimantan (Soemarlan and Gandahusada Cx. (Lop.) bengalensisBarraud, Cx. (Lop.) 1990). We provisionally regard the species spiculosusBram and Rattanarithikul, and Cx. we collected as belonging to the An. leucos- (Lutzia) fuscanus Wiedemann. phyrusgroup. The larva was found associated MARCH 1994 21 Table 1. Mosquitoes collected on Lombok Island, Indonesia, 2 l-28 December, 199 1. Species Specimens examined and locality Anopheles barbirostrisVan der Wulp lQ, 2 1L, Batubolong, Obel Obel An. leucosphyrussp. gr.*l 19, Senaru An. minimus Theobald* lOQ, 108, lOL, Obel Obel An. subpictusGrassi 7?, 3OL, Krandangan, Telok Kombal, Kuta, Lom- bok, Aik Mel, Sekatong tengah An. sundaicus(Rodenwaldt) 59, 2L, Telok Kombal, Aik Mel, Kuta An. vagusDoenitz 13Q, 4L, Batubolong, Krandangan, Aik Mel, Kuta, Obel Obel Malaya genurostrisLeicester 33Q, 386, 9L, Aik Mel, Senaru, Obel Obel Topomyia tipuhformis Leiceste? 20, 26, 1P, lL, Senaru To. (Top.) sp.* 16, lP, Senaru Tripteroidesaranoides (Theobald)* 39, 46, Senaru Toxorhynchitessplendens (Wiedemann)* 3Q, I$, Senaru Orthopodomyia anopheloides(Giles)* 14L, Senaru Uranotaenia obscuraEdwards* 4L, Baun Pusuk Ur. bicolor Leicester 4L, Senaru Aedeomyia catasticta Knab* IL, Aik Mel Armigeres malayi (Theobald)* lOQ, 266, Aik Mel Ar. subalbatus(Coquillett) 16, Senaru Ar. flaws (Leicester)* lQ, 7L, Senaru Aedes albolineatus (Theobald)* lQ, 26, Baun Pusuk Ae. albopictus(Skuse) 5Q, 26, Senaru, Sendang Gile Ae. annandalei (Theobald) 10, 24 1L, Senaru Ae. indonesiaeMattingly* 59, 184 lOL, Krandangan, Lombok, Sekatong, Batu- kijuk, Sambelia, Tanjung Aan Ae. iyengari Edwards* 16, Aik Mel Ae. notoscriptus(Skuse)* 20, Senaru Ae. poicilius (Theobald) 1Q, I$, 2L, Senaru, Baun Pusuk Ae. saxicola Edwards* 16, 8L, Baun Pusuk, Sendang Gile Ae. vigilax (Skuse) lQ, 36, 18L, Batukijuk Culex bandoengensisBrug* 8L, Senaru Cx. bengalensisBarraud* 2L, Senaru Cx. bitaeniorhynchusGiles 3L, Obel Obel Cx. brevipalpis(Giles)* 4L, Senaru Cx. fuscanus Wiedemann* 30, Lombok, Kuta, Tanjung Aan Cx. pseudovishnuiColless 13L, Obel Obel Cx. quinquefasciatusSay SL, Mataram Cx. sitiens Wiedemann 35L, Krandangan, Telok Kombal, Lombok, Kuta Cx. tritaeniorhynchusGiles 5L, Batubolong, Krandangan, Lombok, Obel Obel Cx. vishnui Theobald 12L, Batubolong, Aik Mel, Obel Obel Cx. nigropunctatusEdwards* lL, Obel Obel Cx. foliatus Brug* 8L, Senaru Cx. spiculosusBram and Rattanarithikul* 3L, Senaru Cx. (Culiciomyia) sp.* 18L, Sendang Gile, Senaru, Baun Pusuk 1 * = new record for Lombok Island, Indonesia. with Cx. foliatus, Cx. bengalensis,Ai. saxi- bok, sometimes in association with An. bar- cola, and Ur. bicolor Leicester. No member birostris.This species has been recorded from of this group previously has been reported Java, Bali, Sulawesi, Kalimantan, and Pulau from the island. Laut (Soemarlan and Gandahusada 1990) in Anopheles (Cel.) minimus. Many larvae Indonesia. It is well known as the principal were taken from slowly moving fresh-water vector of malaria in the Philippines as well streams and springs with grassy margins in as Taiwan and Ryukyu islands. It should the forest near Obel Obel village, East Lom- therefore be suspected as an important vector 22 MOSQUITO SYSTEMATICS VOL. 26, No. 1 in the Obel Obel area, which is rich in streams Yunnan, China. There are, however, obvious and has a history of malaria. differences in the shape of the gonostylus, the Anopheles(CeZ.) subpictus. This is one of basal lobe of the claspette, and the ninth ter- the common species of Anopheles,inhabiting gum. a wide range of ground pool habitats with O- Tripteroides(Trp.) aranoides.Larvae were 29o/oosalinity in coastal areas. Many larvae commonly found in bamboo stumps in Sen- were taken in brackish ground pools, lagoons, aru. This species has been recorded from Bali. fresh-water streams, and irrigation ditches in Toxorhynchites(Tox.) splendens.One male coastal areas in association with An. vagus, and three females were examined. This spe- An. sundaicus(Rodenwaldt), Cx. sitiensWie- cies was collected in tree holes and bamboo demann, Cx. tritaeniorhynchus,Ad. catastic- stumps together with Cx. brevipalpis, Cx. ta, and Ae. vigilax (Skuse). Anopheles sub- bandoengensis,Ae. albopictus (Skuse), Ae. pictus is considered an important malaria annandalei (Theobald), and Orthopodomyia vector in the coastal areas of the island. anopheloides. Anopheles(eel.) sundaicus.This species is Orthopodomyia anopheloides.The imma- predominant in areas close to the coast. About tures of this species were common in tree 20 larvae were taken in brackish ground wa- holes at Senaru at an elevation of cu. 800 m. ter, concrete pools,
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