RESEARCH PAPER Education Volume : 5 | Issue : 1 | Jan 2015 | ISSN - 2249-555X Government-Private Disparity in Relation to the Senior Secondary Student’s Academic Achievement academic achievement, senior secondary school students, private and government KEYWORDS senior secondary schools. Bilal Ahmad Bhat Research Scholar, Department Of Education, A M U, Aligarh, U P, 202002, India. ABSTRACT School is the basic foundation of knowledge being imparted to a child. It gives an opportunity to chil- dren to acquire knowledge on various fields of education, such as people, literature, history, mathematics, politics, and other numerous subjects. They shape the students and helps in bringing about all round development of the students. The modern world has made the role of schools even more significant. The success of schools depends on the quality education or quality output. The study was carried out to compare quality output i.e., the academic achievement of private and government senior secondary schools students of Kulgam district of Jammu and Kashmir state. The sample of 200 senior secondary school students was selected using stratified random sampling technique from each educational zone of Kulgam district. Aggregate pass marks percentage of those students of 11th and 12th classes was collected by giving them information blank. The collected data was analyzed by using mean, standard de- viation and t- test. After analyzing the data it was revealed that there is a significant mean difference between private and government senior secondary school student’s academic achievement. Introduction 14 to 18 study in this section. These schools are be affiliat- The word achievement means something that has been ed to national boards/ Councils like Central Board of Sec- done or achieved through effort and academic means ondary Education (CBSE), Council for the India School Cer- ‘of schools or education’. Thus academic achievement tificate Examination (CISCE) or National Institute of Open means achievement in education or we may say that it is Schooling (NIOS) or various state level boards. In Jammu the performance of students in the schools. It indicates and Kashmir the senior secondary schools are affiliated to how much an individual is able to understand the lessons Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education (JKBOSE). he has been taught and how much skills he acquired that has been given. Academic Achievement is the learning Need and Importance outcome of education, the extent to which students have Academic achievement is the prime concern of psycholo- achieved their educational goals. Academic Achievement is gists, educators, learners as well as parents. Achievement commonly measured by examination or continuous assess- is of key importance at the senior Secondary level since it ment. Academic achievement is the excellence in all aca- provides a base for higher studies which is inevitable for demic disciples. admissions of various medical and engineering professions. It is the academic achievement of a student that decides A.Biswas and J.C. Agarwal (1997, P-7) define academic the selection of future subjects of study and that in turn achievement as the knowledge acquired and skills devel- decides the specialisation of a person and develop the in- oped in school subjects, generally indicated by marks ob- terests of a person accordingly and determine the occupa- tained in tests. tion of the person. The occupation of the person gives him the social status. Hence academic achievement is of ut- Academic achievement of the senior secondary school most importance. So, academic achievement at this stage students in Kashmir is measured by the examination con- has to be scrutinised in order to have understanding of ducted by Jammu and Kashmir board of school educa- why there is differences in academic achievements. Keep- tion (JKBOSE). The marks gained by the students in this ing in mind the variations in academic achievement of stu- examination is of vital importance as they play a major role dents, the investigator got interest to study the academic in selection of subjects in coming studies and ultimately achievement of government and private senior secondary for higher education and for professional and vocational school students. courses. That is reason of most importance, the result of this examination is prime concern for the student and it Objectives further determines that how much a student will achieve in The objectives of the study are:- the later stages as it acts as the subject determiner for the students. • To study the academic achievement of government and private senior secondary school students. Standards from XI to XII are called as Senior Second- • To compare government and private senior secondary ary School or Higher Secondary School or Junior col- school student’s academic achievement. lege. Some states refer to Standards IX and X as High • To compare government and private science senior School, while XI and XII are termed as Intermediate. Other secondary school student’s academic achievement. states refer to VI, VII, VIII, IX and X standards as Second- • To compare government and private arts senior sec- ary school and XI and XII standards as Senior Secondary ondary school student’s academic achievement. School or Higher Secondary School. Students from ages Hypotheses 152 X INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH RESEARCH PAPER Volume : 5 | Issue : 1 | Jan 2015 | ISSN - 2249-555X The following hypotheses have been formulated for the fore the hypotheses no.1 which reads as “Government and present study:- private senior secondary school students differ significantly on academic achievement.” stands accepted. • Government and private senior secondary school stu- dents differ significantly on academic achievement. Table: 2 • Government and private arts senior secondary school Showing significance of mean difference between private students differ significantly on academic achievement. arts and government arts students on academic achieve- • Government and private science senior second- ment ary school students differ significantly on academic achievement. STAND- LEVEL OF Population ARD t- VAL- GROUP N MEAN DEVIA- UE SIGNIFI- All the private and government senior secondary school TION CANCE students of district Kulgam was the population of the pre- Private sent study. arts stu- 50 dents 70.25 6.2 significance Govern- Sample 7.17 at 0.05 ment level The study was carried on a sample of 200 senior second- arts 50 60.72 7.1 ary school students, in which 100 were from government students and 100 from private schools. Among the 100 govern- ment school students, 50 were science and 50 were arts students. Similarly among 100 of private were 50 arts and Table 3 shows the mean comparison of government and 50 science students. The sample was drawn by first select- private senior secondary arts students on Academic ing the schools from all the educational zones of district achievement. The above table reveals that the two groups Kulgam randomly. From these schools the students were differ significantly on Academic Achievement as the calcu- selected by using stratified random sampling technique. lated t-value (7.17) is greater than tabulated t-value (1.98) at 0.05 level of significance. The mean difference favors Tools used the private arts students which confirm that private higher Academic Achievement of the senior secondary school secondary students are higher on Academic Achievement. students was collected by giving them self- constructed It further indicates that private senior secondary arts stu- information blank in which they had to give the ag- dents have excelled in academics. It further states that the gregate marks of 11th and 12th standards. difference between two groups is not due to the chance error. Therefore the hypotheses no.2 which reads as “Gov- Method ernment and private arts senior secondary school students Descriptive survey method was used by the investigator differ significantly on academic achievement.” stands ac- to collect the relevant information for research. Descriptive cepted. statistics are used to describe the main features of a col- lection of data in quantitative terms. Table: 3 Showing significance of mean difference between private Analysis and interpretation of data science and government science students on academic The data was analysed by using mean, standard deviation achievement and t- test. STAND- ARD t- VAL- LEVEL OF In order to achieve the objectives set for the present study, GROUP N MEAN DEVIA- UE SIGNIFI- the data collected and analyzed has been tabulated as un- TION CANCE der Private science 50 13.2 students 79.99 Table: 1 significance Showing significance of mean difference between private Govern- at 0.05 ment level and government students on academic achievement science 50 64.10 12.5 6.18 students STAND- ARD t- VAL- LEVEL OF GROUP N MEAN DEVIA- UE SIGNIFI- TION CANCE Table 3 shows the mean comparison of government and Private private senior secondary science students on Academic students 100 75.12 12.0 significance achievement. The above table reveals that the two groups Govern- differ significantly on Academic Achievement as the calcu- 7.14 at 0.05 ment 100 level lated t-value (6.18) is greater than tabulated t-value (1.98) students 62.41 13.2 at 0.05 level of significance. The mean difference favors Table 1 shows the mean comparison of government and the private students which confirm that private higher sec- private senior secondary students on Academic achieve- ondary science students are higher on Academic Achieve- ment. The above table reveals that the two groups differ ment. It further indicates that private senior secondary sci- significantly on Academic Achievement as the calculated ence students have excelled in academics. It further states t-value (7.14) is greater than tabulated t-value (1.97) at that the difference between two groups is not due to the 0.05 level of significance. The mean difference favors the chance error. Therefore the hypotheses no.3 which reads private students which confirm that private higher second- as “Government and private science senior secondary ary students are higher on Academic Achievement.
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