STRAIGHT AND LEVEL •• October 1-5, 1980 are the dates of th e 2nd Annual of th e Arnold Engineering Develo pment Center. Leav­ EAA National Fly-In at Tullahoma, Tennessee. If you ing at th e main ga te of th e Fly-In in tour buses, you missed it in 1979, you misse d a great one. Plan to at­ will be sh own through these facilities which encom­ tend in 1980 and you can look forward to a fantastic pa ss about 40,000 acres of Tennessee wooded country­ experi en ce. side. Thi s complex contains th e most comp lete set-up To b e sure, there were problems during th e 1979 of wind tunn els, high altitude jet and rocket engine Fly-In, the most se riou s being the weather, but the t es t ce ll s, space environmental ch ambers and bal­ Geographically, Tullahoma is within o ne day's fly­ overall reaction to the event was very posi tive. Many li sti c ranges in the free world. It has been es timated ing time for more than half of th e U. S. population small problems pop up during a " first time" fly-in , that th e employment of sc ientists and technicians will and with th e beautiful fall weather th at normally ex ists such as traffi c coordination between vehicles and be approximately 6000 by th e end of this year . La st in that part of the country in ea rly October, th e Fly-In pedestrians, but these were analyzed and corrected year th ere w ere no signs of res ea rch of any li ghtplane should be a tremendou sly popular event. Th e Ten­ as they occurred. The unavoidable rain wa s so m ething projects o r those relating to simple fli ght characteris­ nessee cou ntrys ide is gorgeou s, th e atm osph ere is else! The low pressure system called Henri blew and tics, but th e space oriented projects you will see will fantasti c, th e Sou th ern hospitality is everywh ere, and thrashed its way across the Gulf of Mexi co and then tingl e your imagination . the Conven ti on is first rate. Don 't miss Tullahoma '80. decided to run its course as a tropi ca l depres sion up Th e Jac k Daniels and George Dickel distilleries wel­ the west side of the Blue Ridge Mountains, edging come visitors daily to tour their fa cilities. Eve n though through Tullahoma . On Wednesday ni ght it began to samples aren 't distributed , your visit with either or rain , and rain , and rain , and rain. There were no high both will be an interesting excursion while learning winds, just solid rain in a continuous downpour. Did about th eir processes and manufacturing meth ods. this stop th e fly-in? No Sir! Availabl e concrete park­ Also near by are two stat e parks th at offer rec rea ­ ing was utilized for incoming traffic, whi ch kept the tional activities including boating, ca mping, fishing, aircraft off of th e soggy terrain. Seeing was believ­ hiking and oth er park-oriented activities. ing ... there w ere the EAAers sloshing around in rain­ On th e Tullah oma Convention site are the Sta gger­ / / ( 4.. ,.....,.. y\ coats and umbrellas and looking at th e aircraft. The wing Museum facilities. Static di sp lays of th e various 4 ". _ interest d efinit ely was there. Beech m odel 17 aircraft and Travelairs are placed Being an EAA National Fly-In, Tullahoma '80 has a within a complex of noteworthy interest. Original fac­ ~~ lot to offer. Th e Antique/Classic parking area aga in tory photos and photos of currently res to red Stagger­ ~~~ C(,f. · will b e assigned th e g ra ssy field on th e southwes t cor­ wings and Travel Airs are placed through o ut the build­ / ~ DlVIS~N~~e ner of th e showplan e area. Shade trees border th e ings and va ri o u s d es ig n features of the aircraft are area and a registration booth is close by. Also in thi s displayed . For a mu seum which displays o nly two area is a small stream of clear water which adds to th e types of aircraft , none ca n approach th e effort s and bea uty of th e setting. accompli shments of th e Staggerwing Clu b members For those ca mping, many improvements have been and enthusiasts. Cl~ 1 made since th e 1979 Convention. The basic ca mping Daily forums are conducted at Tullahoma covering '­ TM area has been expanded, a registration booth has been a wide variety of subjects. Evening entertainment is added, and th e main road in the ca mping area has been scheduled with programs that appeal to all age g roups. graveled. La st year th e camping area was th e scene Of interes t to all is th e commercial exh ibit area with of much activity ea rly before th e fly-in began, and disp lays by suppli ers, manufacturers and oth er avia­ thi s year it will probably be th e sa me. ti on o ri ented groups. A n expansion of th ese areas is Activities outside th e Tullahoma Fl y- In site are many sch eduled for Tullaho ma '80. and varied. Of interes t to many will be the guided to ur Editorial TIl~ VI~TAt7~ AIVVLA~~ Staff OFF ICIAL MAGAZINE EAA ANTIQUE/CLASSIC Publisher DIVISION INC. Paul H. Poberezny of THE EXPER IMENTAL AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION Editor P.O. Box 229, Hales Corners, WI 53130 Gene R. Chase CopyrightC 1980 EAA Antique/Classic Division , Inc., All Rights Reserved . (Ph oto by Ted Kos ton) 1948 Piper PA- 14 Fa mily Cruiser owned by H erma n }. SEPTEMBER 1980 VOLUME 8 NUMBER 9 Sko k, Chicago, IL. (On Th e Cover . 1928 Wa co ASO owned by Ron Frank, Pierre, MI and flown to Sun 'N Fun '80 by Jim Kimba/J. Photo by Gene Chase.) Associate Editors: H . Glenn Buffington, Edward D . Williams , Byron (On Th e Back Cover . .. A Fairchild KR-21 A, pow ered by a 100 hp Kinner K5 engine on the ramp at Bel­ (Fred) Fredericksen, Lionel Salisbury lanca Field in 1930. See story on page 5. ) Reade rs are en co urag ed to submit stori es and photog raph s. Assoc iate Ed itorships are ass igned to those writers wh o subm it five or more articles wh ich are pu bli shed in THE VINTAGE AIR· TABLE OF CONTENTS PLANE during the current year. Associates re cei ve a bound vol ume of THE VINTA GE AIR ­ PLANE and a free one-year membership in the Divi sion for th ei r efforts. POLICY-Opinions Strai ght and Level by Brad Thomas , . , , , , .. .. ... , . , . ..... , . , . , ....... , . .. 2 exp ressed in articles are so le ly those of the authors. Responsibility for acc uracy in reporting A /e N ew s Compiled by G en e Chase . .. 4 rests entirely with the cont rib utor. Directors Du Po nt Airport 1926 b y Jo hn M cC. M o rgan . , . ... , , . " . , . 5 Claude L. Gray, Ir. Arth u r R. M o rga n The D es ig n O f Th e Georgi as Sp ecial b y Orville Hi c kman .. ,.,' , . , ." . 17 PRESIDENT 9635 Sy lvia Avenue 1744 North 51st Blvd. N Orlhridge, CA 91324 Milwa ukee, W I 532 16 Borden 's A ero plan e Post er s From Th e 1930's b y Lionel Sa lisbury . , .. .. ,., . 20 W . BRAD THOMAS, JR . 213/349·1338 414/44 2· 3631 An Inter es ting Comparison Of Two Tri-Moto rs . ... .. ... .... , . .... 22 301 DODSON MILL ROAD PILOT MOUNTAIN, NC 27041 Mort o n W. l este r Ri chard H . W agner Letters ... .. ... , .. ..... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. 23 P.O. Box 3747 P.O. Box 181 Cal e n dar O f Events .. .. .. .. .. .. , , . ... ... , . .. .. .. , , , .. .. .. 27 919/368-2875 Home M ar tinsville, VA 24"11 2 l yons, W I 531 48 919/368-2291 Office 703/632·4839 414/7 63·201 7 VICE-PRESIDENT Da le A. Gustafson Jo hn R. Tur gya n JACK C. WINTHROP 7724 Shady Hill Drive 1530 Kuser Road ROUTE 1, BOX 111 I ndianapoli s, IN 462 74 Trento n , N) 08619 609/585·2747 EAA ANTIQUE/CLASSIC DIVISION MEMBERSHIP ALLEN , TX 75002 317/293-44 30 2141727-5649 ' AI Kelch o NO N-EAA MEMBER - $22.00. Includes one yea r membership in the EAA Antique/ 6& W . 622 N . M adison Av enu e Class ic Divisio n, 12 mo nthly iss ues o f THE VINTAGE A IRPLANE; o ne yea r mem­ SECRETARY Cedarb urg. WI 530·12 41 4/377·5886 bership in the Ex perimental Aircraft Associati on and se parate membership ca rds. M . C. " KELLY" VIETS SPO RT AVIATI O N magazine not included . 7745 W . 183RD ST. Advisors STILWELL, KS 66085 o EAA MEMBER - $14.00. Includes o ne yea r membership in the EAA Antique/Class ic Rob ert E. Kesel 913/681-2303 Ho me John S. Copeland Gene M orris Divisio n, 12 monthly iss ues o f THE VI NTA GE AIRPLANE AND MEMBE RSHIP CA RD . 9 Joa nne Drive 27 Cha nde ll e Dri ve 455 Oakridge Drive (A pplica nt must be current EAA member and must give EAA membership number.) 913/782-6720 O ffice Westbo rough , MA 01581 Hampshire, Il 60140 Ro ches ter, NY 14617 TREASURER 617/366·7245 312/683·3199 716/342·3170 E.
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