!,, ,5B$- 2./- $?R=- :.J2?- .%- :VJ=- 2:A- ]- 3:A- i=- :LR<- LA/- _2?- (<- :2J2?- 28$?- ?R, ,, [1 The Shower of Blessings, a guru yoga developed from the Seven-Line Prayer. !, , 3#:- :PR- 3%- 0R- 2{R<; HJ.- GA- eJ?- ?- 2.$- 212- GA; LA/- IA- 2_2?- KA<- $>J$?- ?- $?R=; $- <- 0E- ?A:A- >; KHANDRO MANGPO KOR CHER CHI JEHSU DAGDRUB CHI JINJI LAB CHIR SHEGSU SOL GURU PEMA SIDDHI HUNG by your entourage so that I may accomplish please come to grant A ? $* of many dakinis, such as you, your blessing. 3 o=- !/- 2*J.- ;3- (R?- .LA%?- !/- 29%- 3R, ,2R.- :2%?- *R2- 0:A- 3- &A$- SA/- 3R- (J, ,.%R?- P2- 3(R$- )R=- 2.J- (J/- 3#:- Two [ JALKUN CHEHYUM CHOYING KUN ZANGMO BUHBANG CHOBPAI MACHIG DRINMO CHEH NGODRUB CHOG TSOL DECHEN KHA Mother of all Buddhas protector of Tibetans, bestow the supreme accomplishments. dharmadhatu Kuntuzangmo, mother of great kindness, Principle of the blissful dakinis, LA/- _2?- (<- :2J2?- :PR:A- $4S, ,;J- >J?- 35S- o=- 82?- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, ,KA- /%- $?%- 2:A- 2<- (.- 8A- 2- .%- , ,]- 3:A- {- 5K- 2g/- 0<- LA/- IA?- DRO TSO YESHE TSOJAL SHABLA SOLWADEB CHI NANG SANGWAI BARCHEH SHIWA DANG LAMAI KU TSEH TENPAR JINJI to Yeshe Tsogyal Pacify outer, inner and grant your blessing that the I supplicate. secret obstacles, Lamas life remains steadfast, _R2?. ,/.- 3$- 35S/- 2{=- 8A- 2<- LA/- IA?- _R2?, ,L.- 1<- jR.- $+R%- 8A- 2<- LA/- IA?- _R2?, ,5K- .0=- >J?- <2- o?- 0<- [4 LOB NEHMOOK TSONKAL SHIWAR JINJILOB JEHPUR BUHTONG SHIWAR JINJILOB TSEPAL SHERAB JEHPAR grant your blessing that this age of grant your blessing that negative grant your blessing that life, sickness, famine, and warfare be pacified, forces and powers are pacified, prosperity and knowledge The Shower of Blessings of Shower The !, ,$- <- <A/- 0R- (J:A- 5B$- 2./- $?R=- :.J2?- 28$?, >; A-o/- ;=- IA- /2- L%- 353?; 0E- HUNG ORJEN YULJI NUBJANG TSAM PEMA Guru Rinpoche’s At the North-Western border upon A $ $& Seven Line Prayer: in the land of Orgyen, $J- ?<- #R%- 0R- =; ;- 35/- 3(R$- $A- .%R?- P2- 2fJ?; 0E- :L%- $/?- 8J?- ?- P$?; :#R<- .- One [2 GESAR DONGPO LA YA TSEN CHOG GI NGODRUB NYEH PEMA JUNGNEH SHEHSU DRAG KHOR DU the stalk and anther wondrous, supremely famed as the Lotus-Born, encircled of a lotus flower, accomplished one (Padmasambhava) Homage to Guru Rinpoche and Yeshe Tsogyal. !, ,LA/- IA?- _R2?, ,2?3- 0- z/- IA?- :P2- 0<- LA/- IA?- _R2?, &J?- 0- :.A- :%- ;J- >J?- 3#:- :PR?- 2*%?- 2:A- 2- 3#:- H2- hR- eJ?- VA?- =- .$J- JINJILOB SAMPA LHUNJI DRUBPAR JINJILOB increases, grant your blessing that our This prayer was composed by the boy nurtured by the wishes are effortlessly fulfilled. wisdom dakini, Khakyab Dorje (15th Karmapa, 1871-1922) =$?- :1= .%- 0- *2?- ?3?- / $?3 J J , R J A, /- 3 ]- 3- 2.- $>$?- :.?- 0:- { .!/- 3($- $?3- I- <%- 28/- = 2.$- .%- :P- S$- ?3?- &/- R; J J A ; R R A A ; R J NAMO LAMA DESHEG DUHPAI KU KUNCHOG SUM JI RANGSHIN LA DAG DANG DRODRUG SEMCHEN Firstly, turn the To the Lama, in whom the who is the very nature I and all beings of [5 mind to refuge: Buddhas are assembled, of the three jewels, the six existences, Three i3?; L%- (2- 2<- .- *2?- ?- 3(A; =/- $?3, ?J3?- 2*J.- :PR- 2- !/- .R/- .; ]- 3- ?%?- o?- 212?- /?- /A; $%- =- $%- :.=- UA/- NAM JANGCHUB BARDU CHABSU CHI SEMCHEH DROWA KUNDUN DU LAMA SANGJEH DRUBNEH NI GANGLA GANGDUL TRIN take refuge until Three Generating the mind may I accomplish as may my enlightenment. times. to benefit of all beings, the lama, the buddha, activities !, ,:R.- s:A- [R%- /?- 2.J- (J/ -$9A- LA/- :2<, :#R<- .- l- $?3- o- 35S- 3A/- v<- $+A2?, LA/- _2?- ,$?- eJ:A- (<- :2J2?- 2.$- O-NGAI LONGNEH DECHEN ZIJIN BAR KHORDU TSASUM JAMTSO TRINTAR TIB JINLAB TUGJEI CHARBEB DAG blazing in the midst of five-coloured an ocean-like entourage of the through your compassion lights - shining blissfully with blessings, three roots, gathered like clouds, rain down blessings =- $9$? o=- !/- %- 2- :(- 3.- ;- >?- {< $.%- >$?- S$- 0?- ..- K$- g$- +- :5= =?- .%- =%?- ,.- .?- $?3- .$- 2:- 5$? 28A A , R R A J J J , R , R R J A S ,, LA ZIG JALKUN NGOWO CHIMEH YESHE KUR DUNGSHUG DRAGPOE DEHCHAG TAGTU TSAL LUDANG LONGCHUH DUSUM GEWAI TSOK and watch Essence of all Buddhas, who possesses with a powerful longing and fierce My body, enjoyments, the [7 Four over me, the deathless wisdom body. faith, I continuously prostrate, accumulation of merit of the three times !/- 29%- 3(R.- 0:A- 3A/- .- .3A$?- /?- :2=, ,R$- 3J.- /?- 2?$?- #A$- v%- 3- =?- 2>$?, Y?- 2&?- o=- 2- !/- IA- ;R/- +/- IA, KUNZANG CHUHPAI TRINDU MIGNEH BUL TOGMEH NEHSAG DIGTUNG MALU SHAG SEHCHEH JALWA KUNJI YUNTEN JI like Kuntuzangpo’s offering clouds I confess without exception the sins and All of the qualities of the I visualize and offer. faults accumulated since beginningless time bodhisattvas and buddhas, H2- 2.$- $&A$- 0- 3$R/- 0R:A- i3- ,<- =, ~A%- /?- ;A- <%- ..- 0?- $?R=- :.J2?- >A%- , 92- o?- (R?- GA- (<- (J/- :2J2?- 0<- 2{=,, CHABDAG CHIGPU GONPOI NAMTAR LA NYING NEH YIRING DEHPAE SOLDEB SHING ZABJEH CHOCHI CHARCHEN BEBPAR KUL are shown in the sole presiding I rejoice from the heart may a great rain of vast LA/- _2?- (<- :2J2?- master’s complete liberation, (life story), with faith and supplicate, and profound dharma fall. <%- $8/- .$J- 2:A- .%R?- 0R- !/- 2#R3?- /?, :PR- #3?- o-3 5S- )A- YA.- $/?- GA- 2<, 3$R/- 0R- HR.- GA- i3- ,<- eJ?- ~J$?- +J, 3#:- H2- RANGSHEN GEWAI NGOPO KUNDOM NEH DROKHAM JAMTSO JISI NEHCHI BAR GONPO CHOHCHI NAMTAR JEH NYEG TEH KHACHAB Gathering all the merit for as long as the ocean lord, following the example I dedicate it [8 of myself and others, of realms of beings remains, of your liberation, to guiding :PR- 2- :SJ/- 0:A- .R/- .- 2}R- , *2?- $/?- !/- :.?- 3HJ/- 2lJ:A- $+J<- (J/- 0R, .?- %/- ~A$?- 3:A- *2?- 3(R$- <A/- 0R- (J, s- 2.R:A- o.- DROWA DRENPAI DUNDU NGO CHABNEH KUNDU CHENTSEI TER CHENPO DUH NGEN NYIGMAI CHABCHOG RINPOCHE NGADOI JU sentient beings The great treasure, omniscient, loving, the supreme precious refuge Because I Blessings of Shower The limitless like the sky. in whom all sources of refuge are found, in these bad, impure times. propagate =?- GA?; :PR- 2- 21=- 2<- .3- 2&:- :R; 8J?- =/- $?3- 3,<, A: <%- =?- 3,:- 3=- $/?- 0:A- 3./- 3#:- <, AR- o/- SA- 3J.- K- /- !R- LEH CHI DROWA DRELWAR DAMCHAH OH AH RANGLU TAHMAL NEHPAI DUNKHA RU ORJEN DRIMEH DHANA KO tame and lead beings to liberation, Repeat At the borderlands is Orgyen’s stainless LA/- _2?- (<- :2J2?- this is my commitment! three times. before me in the sky, Lake Dhanakosha, >:A- 35S, $+A%- 92- ;/- =$- 2o.- w/- (?- $%- 2:A, .2?- ?- <A/- (J/- 0.- #R%- :.2- o?- !J%- , *2?- $/?- !/- :.?- AR- o/- hR- eJ- :(%- ,, SHAI TSO TINGZAB YENLAG JEHDEN CHO GANGWAI U-SU RINCHEN PEHDONG DABJEH TENG CHABNEH KUNDU ORJEN DORJE CHANG deep, full of water that in it’s centre, upon a sits the embodiment of all sources of refuge [6 possesses the eight qualities, precious lotus of eight petals Orgeyn Dorje Chang, (Guru Rinpoche), 35/- .0J:A- .0=- :2<- 35S- o=- ;3- .%- :OA=, K$- $;?- hR- eJ- $;R/- 0?- ,R.- 23- 2$3?, .<- .%- <A/- (J/- <?- 0:A- o/- IA?- 36K?,, TSENPEI PALBAR TSOJAL YUMDANG TRIL CHAGYEH DORJE YUNPAE TUHBUM NAM DARDANG RINCHEN RUPAI JENJI DZEH with the major and minor marks blazing in in your right hand a dorje, dressed in silks and Blessings of Shower The splendor, embraced by the consort Yeshe Tsogyal, left a skull-cup with vase, precious bone ornaments, !, ,0?- 3/<- >A%- $.%?- >$?- GA?, $?R=- :.J2?- 2- =- 2lJ-2?- ,$?- GA?- .$R%?, .$R%?- 0:A- [R%- /?- ,$?- eJ:A- l=- K%?- PAE NARSHING DUNGSHUG CHI SOLDEB BULA TSEWAE TUGCHI GONG GONGPAI LONGNEH TUGJEI TSAL CHUNG continuous torments I pray you watch over me like your invoking the power of compassion and sufferings, only child, with loving kindness, from amidst your mind, =. 3R?- w/- 2.$- $A- ~A%- =- LA/- IA?- _R2?, g$?- .%- 35/- 3- M<- .- !R/- 0- .%- , 3(R$- .%- ,/- 3R%- .%R?- P2- )=- .- $?R=, >; s LA MUHDEN DAG GI NYINGLA JINJILOB TAGDANG TSENMA NYURDU TUNPA DANG CHOG DANG TUNMONG NGODRUB TSALDU SOL HUNG 9 having devotion, may the signs and marks bestow the supreme and Five [ please bless my heart, quickly arise, ordinary accomplishments! AR- o/- ;=- IA- /2- L%- 353?; 0E- $J- ?<- #R%- 0R- =; ;- 35/- 3(R$- $A- .%R?- P2- 2fJ?; 0E- :L%- $/?- 8J?- ?- P$?; :#R<- .- 3#:- ORJEN YULJI NUBJANG TSAM PEMA GESAR DONGPO LA YA TSEN CHOG GI NGODRUB NYEH PEMA JUNGNEH SHEHSU DRAG KHOR DU KHAN At the North-Western border upon the stalk and anther wondrous, supremely famed as the Lotus-Born, encircled in the land of Orgyen, of a lotus flower, accomplished one (Padmasambhava) by your !, ,.%- :VJ=- 2:A- 5S$?- 3(R.- .0=- IA- 23- 29%- 28$?- ?R, >- (%- ?R$?- &A- :LR<- 2:A- .3- m?- 2>3- =, >, A- =?- (R?- .LA%?- .%- 3*3- !- 0- HUNG AH LEH CHOYING DANG NYAM KAPA seven vajra lines called, Arrange whatever samaya substances, meat, ‘Ah’ becomes the dharmadhatu ‘The Glorious Excellent Vase’ beer and so on, that are available, then: and a simultaneous-liberating =< - =?- $%- Y.- :..- ;/- 5$?- ?- 2>3? - $?- 2.- (/- ;- >?- <=- 0<- 2+< Z ;?- l- $?3- z- 5$?- .I?- 0- 2{%- - S$ . < A R R S R , > A J J J J R , A: A S J , <= LAR OM LEH NANGSI DOYUN TSOGSU SHOM HUNG GI DECHEN YESHE ROLPAR JUR HRI YI TSASUM LHA TSOG JEHPA KANG OM AH skull- ‘Om’ becomes desirable things of cyclic by ‘Hung’ this becomes the through ‘Hri’ the host of deities of the Six [11 cup, existence arranged for the feast-offering, play of bliss and wisdom, three-roots rejoice and are satisfied.
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