SUNDAY,NOVEMBER10,2019 ASPECIAL REPORTONTHE MARSHALL ISLANDS AMERICAN FALLOUT Just afterthe dawn of the AtomicAge and during the height of the Cold War, the United States conducted67nuclear tests in the Marshall Islandsofthe central Pacific. It has since left this island nation with plutonium and other radioactive remnants of those tests buried under a concretedome on alow-lying atoll. Rising seas nowthreaten to destroy thatdome. RogerViollet Getty Images U2 SUNDAY,NOVEMBER 10 ,2019 LATIMES.COM LATIMES.COM SUNDAY,NOVEMBER 10 ,2019 U3 AMERICANFALLOUT:THE MARSHALLISLANDS JOSEPHINE NOLA and her son Jules, 6, walk from Ejit Island to Majuro. In addi- tion to nuclear arms, the U.S. tested bioweapons on the islands, The Times learned. Photographs by Carolyn Cole Los Angeles Times “THE MARSHALL Islands is avictim of the twogreatest threats facing humanity DURING THEHEIGHT of the Cold Wa r, the U.S. tested hydrogen bombs and other weapons of mass destruction on the Marshall Islands. On Enewetak Atoll, radioactive waste nowrestsinaU.S.-built concrete dome thatMarshallese call “the Tomb.” —nuclear weapons and climate change,” an expert says.Above,Majuro, thecapital. Decades after U.S. bombed their home, adisaster looms and Fukushima. Airlines Flight 154, startsatHono- The nuclear detonations over homes, contaminating their skin, SomeMarshalleseseek compensation; others,justasafeplace to live.Onthis Suchdiscoveries could give lulu,makingstops in the Marshall waterand food. Marshallese leadersfresh ammu- Islands at Majuro and Kwajalein the Marshall Islands According to Josephand gov- nition to challenge the 19 86 com- before heading west towardthe Mi- ernment documents, U.S. author- Pacific island nation, whereclimate changethreatens to unearth a‘tomb’of pact, whichisupfor renegotiation cronesian islands of Kosrae, Pohn- ities came to evacuatethe Ronge- Taongi in 2023, and also to press the pei and Chuuk, and finally termi- lapesetwo days later.Bythat time, ColdWar radioactive waste, the UnitedStatesgovernment has turned itsback. United Statestohonor property nating in Guam. 150MILES some islanders were beginning to and healthclaims ordered by an in- The next day,itdoubles back. Enewetak Bikini sufferfromacute radiation poison- ternational tribunal. As it approaches Majuro,the ing —their hair fell outinclumps, Atoll Atoll Bikar The tribunal, established by the blue-scape of the ocean is broken Rongelap their skin wasburned, and they By SUSANNE RUST Rongerik twocountries in 1988, concluded by an oblong necklace of white- Utirik were vomiting. reporting from majuro, marshall islands theUnited States should pay coral-beached islands, dottedwith Taka The Castle Bravo test and oth- Ailinginae Alluk $2.3 billion in claims,but Congress coconut, pandanus and breadfruit ers in the Marshall Islands helped Jemo Taka ivethousandmiles west of of the environmental catastrophe and U.Scourts have refused.Docu- trees. Wotho Likiep the U.S. establish thecredibilityof Ujelang Kwajalein Los Angeles and 500miles it leftbehind, and theyclaimU.S. ments showthe U.S. paid just The Marshall Islands’ atolls are Wotje its nuclear arsenal as it raced Ujae Erikub northofthe equator,ona authorities have repeatedly de- $4 million. the remnants of ancient volcanoes MARSHALL Maloelap against its Cold Waradversary, the far-flung spitofwhitecor- ceived themabout the magnitude The U.S. position is that it has that once protrudedfromthese ISLANDS Lae Soviet Union,todevelop newatom- Lib Aur F Jabat al sand in the centralPa- and extent of that devastation. alreadypaid morethan $600 mil- cerulean seas. Theyweresettled ic weapons.But the testing came Namu cific, amassive, aging and weath- ATimes reviewofthousandsof lion for the resettlement, rehabili- 3,000years agobythe ancestors of Majuro at ahorrible price; Joseph and ered concrete dome bobs up and documents, and interviews with tation and radiation-related present-day Marshallese who Ailinglaplap Arno other Marshallese ended up be- Majuro JAPAN down with the tide. U.S. and Marshallese officials, healthcarecosts of communities crossed the ocean on boats from Jaluit coming human guinea pigsfor U.S. Hereinthe Marshall Islands, found that the American govern- affectedbythe nuclear testing, Asia and Polynesia. radiation research. Detailed Mill Runit Dome holds morethan ment withheld keypieces of infor- said Karen Stewart, the U.S. am- ForAmerican officials in the PAPUA HAWAII Namorik Three years afterCastle Bravo, NEW Kili 3.1millioncubic feet —or35 mationabout the dome’scontents bassador to the Republic of the mid-19 40s, this 750,000-square-mile GUINEA U.S. authorities encouragedJo- Olympic-sized swimming pools — and its weapons testing program Marshall Islands.She said infla- expanse of ocean, nearlyfivetimes Ebon seph, her familyand her neighbors Equator of U.S.-produced radioactivesoil beforethe twocountries signed a tion bringsthe number closer to largerthan the state of California, to return to Rongelap. and debris, including lethal compact in 1986 releasing the U.S. $1 billion. must have seemed likeanear-per- AUSTRALIA U.S. government documents amounts of plutonium.Nowhere government from further liability. “The United Statesrecognizes fect spot to test their growing from the time showthat officials else has the United States saddled One example: The United States the effects of its testing and has ac- atomic arsenal. weighed the potential hazards of anothercountrywith so muchofits did not tell the Marshallese that in cepted and acted on its responsi- “The MarshallIslandswerese- Enewetak Atoll: 43 tests radiation exposureagainst “the nuclear waste, aproduct of its Cold 19 58, it shipped 130tons of soil from bility to thepeople of theRepublic lected as ground zerofor nuclear current lowmoraleofthe natives” More than 30,000 kilotons detonated 5MILES Waratomic testing program. its atomic testing grounds in Ne- of the Marshall Islands,” Stewart testing precisely because colonial and a“risk of an onset of indo- Between 19 46 and 19 58,the vada to the Marshall Islands. said in astatement. narrativesportrayed the islands as lence.”Ultimatelythey decided to United States detonated 67 nucle- U.S. authoritiesalso didn’t in- In September,the Marshallese small,remoteand unimportant,” go forwardwith the resettlement ar bombs on, in and above the Mar- form people in Enewetak, where parliament, the Nitijela, approved said Autumn Bordner,aformer re- so researchers could study the ef- shall Islands —vaporizing whole the wastesiteislocated, that anational nuclearstrategy,which searcher at Columbia University’s 15,000 kT Mike fects of lingering radiation on hu- 10,400 kT islands, carving craters into its they’d conductedadozen biolog- calls for arisk analysis and envi- K=1Project, which has focused on 10,000 man beings. shallowlagoons and exiling hun- ical weaponstests in the atoll, in- ronmental survey of Runit Dome, the legacy of nuclear testing in the Oak Runit “Dataofthis type has never dreds of peoplefromtheir homes. cluding experimentswith an an assessment of legal options for MarshallIslands, and noware- 5,000 8,900 kT been available,” Merrill Eisenbud, U.S. authorities later cleaned aerosolized bacteria designed to its cleanup and anew attemptto search fellowinocean lawand pol- aU.S official with the Atomic Ener- 1,000 up contaminatedsoil on Enewetak kill enemy troops. securethe $2.3 billion ordered by icy at UC Berkeley’s Center for gy Commission, said at aJanuary Atoll, wherethe United Statesnot U.S. Department of Energy ex- the tribunal. Law, Energy &the Environment. 100 19 56 meeting of theagency’s Bio- only detonatedthe bulk of its perts areencouraging the Mar- Last month, Marshall Islands NerjeJoseph,72, wasawitness logyand Medicine Committee. weapons testsbut, as The Times shallese to move back to other lawmakers called on the interna- to the largest thermonuclear bomb “While it is true that these people has learned, also conductedadoz- parts of Enewetak, where650 now tional communitytoreduce green- tested by the United States: the do not livethe waythat Westerners en biological weaponstests and live, afterbeing relocated during house gases causingwhat they Castle Bravo detonation. She was do, civilized people, it is nonethe- Medren dumped 130tons of soil from an ir- NERJE JOSEPH, left, was 7when the United States conducted the Castle Bravo test, then the the U.S. nuclear tests during the declared to be a“national climate 7years old at the time,livingwith less also true that they aremore radiated Nevada testing site. It world’s largest thermonuclear explosion. It contaminated the islands her familyhad called home. Cold War. But many Marshallese crisis.” her familyinRongelap Atoll, 10 0 likeusthan the mice.” Bikini Atoll: 23 tests thendeposited the atoll’smostle- leaders no longertrust U.S. assur- China is taking an increasing in- miles east of Bikini Atoll—atropi- Enewetak The resettlement proved cata- thaldebris and soil intothe dome. ances of safety. terest in the Marshall Islands and cal lagoon commandeered for nu- More than 70,000 kilotons detonated strophic for the peopleofRonge- Now the concrete coffin, which shall Islands, said in an interviewin nation’s 29 low-lying atolls. Islands, wheretheydocumented “Wedidn’t knowthe Runit otherPacificisland nations, in part clear testing. lap. Cancer cases, miscarriages locals call “the Tomb,” is at risk of her presidential office in Septem- “Morethanany other place, the extensivecoral bleaching, fish kills Dome wastedump would crack because of their strategic location On
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