Broadmoor Hospital Broadmoor Hospital is a high-security psychiatric hos- for infanticide, on 27 May 1863. Notes described her as pital at Crowthorne in the Borough of Bracknell Forest being 'feeble minded'; it has been suggested by an anal- in Berkshire, England. It is the best known of the three ysis of notes that she was most likely also suffering from high-security psychiatric hospitals in England, the other congenital syphilis. The first male patients arrived on 27 two being Ashworth and Rampton. Scotland has a sim- February 1864. The original building plan of five blocks ilar institution at Carstairs, officially known as the State for men and one for women was completed in 1868. A Hospital but often called Carstairs Hospital, which serves further male block was built in 1902. Scotland and Northern Ireland. Due to overcrowding at Broadmoor, a branch asylum was The Broadmoor complex houses about 210 patients, all constructed at Rampton Secure Hospital and opened in of whom are men since the female service closed with 1912. Rampton was closed as a branch asylum at the end most of the women moving to a new service in Southall of 1919 and reopened as an institution for mental defec- in September 2007, a few moving to the national high tives rather than lunatics. During World War I Broad- secure service for women at Rampton and a few else- moor’s block 1 was also used as a prisoner-of-war camp, where. At any one time there are also approximately 36 called Crowthorne War Hospital, for mentally ill German patients on trial leave at other units. Most of the patients soldiers.[1] there suffer from severe mental illness; many also have After the escape and the murder of a local child in personality disorders. Most have either been convicted 1952 by John Straffen, the hospital set up an alarm sys- of serious crimes, or been found unfit to plead in a trial tem, which is activated to alert people in the vicinity, for such crimes. The average stay for the total popula- including those in the surrounding towns of Sandhurst, tion is about six years, but this figure is skewed by some Wokingham, Bracknell and Bagshot, when any poten- patients who have stayed for over 30 years; most patients tially dangerous patient escapes. It is based on World War stay for considerably less than six years. II air-raid sirens, and a two-tone alarm sounds across the The catchment area for the hospital underwent some ra- whole area in the event of an escape. It is tested every tionalisation of the London area in the early 21st century, Monday morning at 10 am for two minutes, after which a and now serves all of the NHS Regions: London, Eastern, single tone 'all-clear' is sounded for a further two minutes. South East and South West. All schools in the area must keep procedures designed to ensure that in the event of a Broadmoor escape no child is ever out of the direct supervision of a member of staff. 1 History Sirens are located at Sandhurst School, Wellington Col- lege, Bracknell Forest council depot and other sites.[2][3] Following the Peter Fallon QC inquiry into Ashworth Special Hospital which reported in 1999, and found se- rious concerns about security and abuses resulting from poor management, it was decided to review the security at all three of the special hospitals in England. Until this time each was responsible for maintaining its own secu- rity policies.[4][5] This review was made the personal re- sponsibility of Sir Alan Langlands, who at the time was Chief Executive of the National Health Service (Eng- land). The report that came out of the review initiated a new partnership whereby the Department of Health sets out a policy of safety, and security directions, that all [5] The asylum in 1867 three special hospitals must adhere to. This has resulted in upgraded physical security at Broad- The hospital was first known as the Broadmoor Criminal moor from approximately category 'C' to category 'B' Lunatic Asylum. It was built to a design by Sir Joshua prison standards. Higher levels of security than this are Jebb, an Officer of the Corps of Royal Engineers, and then placed around certain buildings. New standards have covered 53 acres (210,000 square metres) within its se- also been formulated to increase procedural security and cure perimeter. The first patient was a female admitted 1 2 5 BUILDINGS safety for the staff and other patients; these include pro- 4.1 Historically cedures and equipment for reducing the amount of con- traband smuggled into the hospital. From its opening, until 1948, Broadmoor was managed by a Council of Supervision, appointed by and report- In 2003 the Victorian buildings at Broadmoor were de- ing to the Secretary of State for the Home Department clared 'unfit for purpose' by the Commission For Health- (Home Secretary). Thereafter, the Criminal Justice Act care Improvement.. of 1948 transferred ownership of the hospital to the De- As well as providing patient care Broadmoor is a centre partment of Health (and the new NHS) and oversight to for training and research. the Board of Control for Lunacy and Mental Deficiency established under the Mental Deficiency Act 1913. It also renamed the hospital Broadmoor Institution. The hospi- tal remained under direct control of the Department of 2 Therapies Health - a situation which reportedly “combined notional central control with actual neglect”[10] until the establish- Broadmoor uses both psychiatric medication and ment of the Special Hospitals Service Authority in 1989, psychotherapy. with Charles Kaye as initial Chief Executive.[9] One of the therapies available is the arts, and patients Alan Franey ran the hospital from 1989 to 1997, hav- are encouraged to participate in the Koestler Awards ing been recommended for the post by his friend Jimmy Scheme.[6] Savile. His leadership was undermined by persistent ru- mours of sexual impropriety on the hospital grounds and One of the longest-detained patients at Broadmoor is he allegedly ignored at least three sexual assaults he was Albert Haines, who set a legal precedent in 2011 when informed about. his mental health tribunal hearing was allowed to be fully public, where he argued that he has never been given the In 1996 the SHSA itself was abolished, being replaced by type of counselling he has always sought; the panel urged individual special health authorities in each of the High the clinicians to work more collaboratively and clearly to- Secure Hospitals. The Broadmoor Hospital Authority wards his psychiatric rehabilitation. was itself dissolved on 31 March 2001.[11] 4.2 Currently 3 Misconceptions On 1 April 2001 West London Mental Health (NHS) Trust took over the responsibility for the hospital. The Because of its high walls and other visible security fea- trust reports to the NHS executive through NHS England tures, and the inaccurate news reporting it has received in London. Leeanne McGee is Broadmoor’s executive di- the past, it is occasionally presumed by some members of rector. the general public that Broadmoor Hospital is a prison.[7] Many of its patients are sent to it via the criminal jus- A new head of security was appointed in March 2013 - tice system, and its original design brief incorporated an John Hourihan, formerly of Scotland Yard for 30 years essence of addressing criminality in addition to mental and bodyguard to members of the British Royal Fam- illness; however, the layout inside and the daily routine ily.[12] are designed to assist the therapy practiced there rather Meanwhile the trust allowed ITV to film a two-part doc- than to meet the criteria necessary for it to be run along umentary within Broadmoor, the first time TV cameras [8] the lines of a prison in its daily functions. Nearly all had been allowed inside to broadcast.[13] staff are members of the Prison Officers Association,[9] as opposed to the health service unions like UNISON. Jimmy Noak, Broadmoor’s director of nursing in 2011, 5 Buildings in response to concerns about the amount of resources going into the treatment of those in the facility given the Much of Broadmoor remains Victorian-era buildings, harm some of them had caused to victims or their fami- fronted by a Grade 1 listed gatehouse with a clocktower. lies, commented, “It’s not fair, but what is the alternative? If these people committed crimes because they were suf- A new unit called the Paddock Centre was opened on fering from an acute mental illness then they should be in 12 December 2005 to contain and treat patients cate- hospital.”[2] gorised as having a “dangerous severe personality disor- der” (DSPD).[14] This was a new and much debated cat- egory invented on behalf of the UK government, based on an individual being considered a 'Grave and Imme- 4 Governance diate Danger' to the general public, and meeting some combination of criteria for personality disorders and/or 6.2 Violating patient confidentiality 3 high scores on the Hare Psychopathy Check list – Re- After the ITV1 documentary Exposure: The Other Side of vised. The Paddock Centre was designed to eventually Jimmy Savile was broadcast in October 2012, allegations house 72 patients, but never opened more than four of its of sexual abuse by Savile at the hospital and elsewhere six 12-bedded wards. The Dept of Health and Ministry were made by former patients and staff.[15][20][21] The of Justice National Personality Disorder Strategy pub- civil servant who proposed Savile’s appointment to the lished in October 2011 concluded that the resources in- task force at Broadmoor, Brian McGinnis, who ran the vested in the DSPD programme should instead be used in mental health division of the Department of Health and prison based treatment programmes and the DSPD ser- Social Services in 1987, has since been investigated by vice at Broadmoor was required to close by 31 March police and prevented from working with children.[22] 2012.
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