The Christian RegisteredS in V. 8. Petentcience Office Monitor AN INTERNATIONAL DAILY NEWSPAPER COPYMOHT 1854 BY VOLUME 46 NO. 52 TUB CHRISTIAN 6CIENCE PUBUSHDiO SOCIETY TWO BOSTON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1954 ■ATLANTIC EDITION SECTIONS FIVE CENTS A COPY Huiles Hits Mtietl Plan Big Four Begin Uphill Trek By J. Emlyn Williams Soviet treaties with France and Central European Correspondent of W idely Divergent Views Britain had been concluded. The Christian Science Monitor The Soviet Union, as Mr. ®er,ln Molotov showed, is opposed to The Big Four conference here be left until understanding is earlier speech, but without any such a system of guarantees in has settled down to the long, P°^hle. sharp comment against the West. Europe as mentioned by British hard pull ,,of reconciling,. , , ,._____ where, uuuesDui, * inai“ at™the™Westb xne west, woumwould tactics+ ^ thi!during m“y b®.the just present Soviet earlier.For,eign Mlnister Anthony Eden possible, the widely divergent accept Moscow s agenda ap- maneuvering for position. But From the West’s standpoint, views of East and West. Eeais. t°. baYe surprised the Mr. Molotov’s reply to the there naturally arises as the first This basic phase of the con- Soviet delegation which also ap- Dulles speech also took on a question in this connection, to ferencp beean when the West’s Rf3,1, , . bave been convinced much more moderate tone than what extent does the Soviet terence began wnen tne wests that there was no such unanimity his own pronouncement on the Union need security guarantees? diplomats agreed to accept the among the three western Foreign previouS day, according to reli- From the Soviet’s viewpoint, the Soviet order of topics to be jisnm25heir opemn2 state" able information. first question is the whole issue taken up by the meeting. n*.,s r» * i t> • of the European Defense Com- thew double-pronged «, Soviet pro- proval from almost all western pT,r,!,r"Mr‘ Molotov repudiated ..... the If, as is today maintained in posal regarding measures to re- democratic circles. Even the Dulles comparison between the some circles here, the most hope- and German Social Democrats, who East-West Potsdam agreement *ul siSn of Moscow’s willingness duce international tension and are not gjven to prajse 0f Mr. nf Auenst iq4S -nd the vw-. to compromise appears in the to call a five-power conference Dulles and the the United States ... s_ ’ ’ “ Austrian state treaty question, —with Communist China join- European policy, strongly sup- sames treaty alter World War jt jE ajso ciear that there is still ing Britain, France, the Soviet Ported him. I. Mr. Molotov held that the much to be first cleared up. TT , r . I m * . mam significance of the Pots- Mr. Molotov has hitherto not W o n and the United States F a ctu a l T r e a tm e n t dam agreement was its demand stated whether an agreement on John ^Foster DuUet United Nobody was here left in doubt that Germany should develop •States Secretary of State pro- regarding Mr Dulles attitude along democratic and peaceful lem. But it is obvious that the j posed that no action should be toward the Chinese Republic, lines. Austrian peace treaty assumes taken on the Soviet suggestion since he ciearly stated he would This was as significant as ever, automatically the abandonment for a Big Five conference in not agree to j0jn «for the pur- he said, terming the Potsdam of the idea of Anschluss (union) He°urgede the conference to Pose of dealing generally with agreement the basis whereon of Austria with Germany, pass along to discussion of the peace of world.” But later agenda pointes two and three, he added that the United States the German settlement and the ,, , , , , , . ... ., United Pres» Austrian independence treaty. does not refuse to deal wlth “If we can solve these two where the occasion requires,” as Modern Turks Visit the United States problems, then and then only in the case of the Korean armis- Cclal Bayar, President of Turkey (center), beams as Richard l Mauretania. The Turkish Chief Executive will receivecan his weofficial stand before the world ^jce C. Patterson, chairman of the New York Mayor’s Reception Com- I reception at Washington following a flight from New York to as capable of assuming other ’ . , , .. Tr .. , mittee, shakes hands with Mrs. Bayar. The Bayars received a j the capital in President Eisenhower’s personal airplane.(Insight and heavier tasks. Then there It also is clear that the United warm greeting on their arrival at New York aboard the liner j on Mr. Bayar: Page 8.) will.be opened up vistas of new States would not object to deal- hope,” Mr, Dulles said. mg with Communist China in a conference for a specific object, U n d e r sta n d in g Sought. as- for example, a settlement in ,. ., , , Indochina. This is significant All indications are that heavy for prance Italy Regime Rocked by Extremists negotiating will surround Item And it is significant that the By Edmund Stevens verse situation obtains among toward government and lashes structive yet proposed by any One. As, however, the Western Soviet-controlled press has ' Chief of the the Social Democrats where out against Signor Fanfani with postwar Italian Government. Big Three stand united against been, up to now, quite factual Mediterranean News Bureau cf m its treatment of the Dulles The Christian Science Monitor Giuseppe Saragut, party secre- the same violence as the Com- -p0 begin with the Premier is a conference with Communist speech. If little of it was repro- Rome tary, has reportedly managed to munists. himself thoroughly familiar with China at this time, it may be dimed, it is equally true that The extreme cravitv of the ™PO.se his antigovernment line The main cause of this change- every aspect. His extensive pro- The extreme gravity of the despite the strong objections of over was Signor Fanfam s forth- _ f nublic works low cost possible to bring the issue to a comparatively little of Mr. Italian POhtlCal SltU8tl0n n°W -m e fellow, members of the right anti-Communist stand In « d l d d S head without undue delay and Molotov’s speech the day before has been further underlined. ~ . 4 , . cstrong t r n n f l tterms o r i n c Signor Fanfanif y-i i dde­ o w All indications point to an party executive. small peasant owners and other thus to dispose of it. pressglVen “ ^ “ early fall of the new govern- RarLPrs W o o ed nounced the recent “political t e m a m i c and ref0rm measures Indeed, some hope of this is ment of Premier Amintore Fan- DdCKel s " pseudo-truce whmh he charged to be financed b the state are drawn from the earlier remarks Press Banners jfani, Expectations that the left- had favored the growth of com- carefullv matched bv a finan- munism, an implied criticism of • , , ■ J f , ■ of Soviet Foreign Minister Naturally, the Communist Both to the right and the left wing Socialists under Pietro his predecessor; Clal program deSigned to insure Vyacheslav M. Molotov, who de- press banner-headlines “Soviet ofr hisr. Christian Democratic, , cen-. -Nenni.............. mighto— —at ------least ---------abstain While deploring what he fU? fS I dared t o t the Foreign Ministers Proposals Accepted,” as if sug- enouglf nfarei^a/suppor^tcftide during the forthcoming confi- termed the unduly alarmist con- ” holeS pro £ a m m ig h tb est be : bad not.come to make categorical gesting the first'conference tri- 0 » « vote wot »bmptly dte- »teph for M=K=w. if anything seemed dimmer than pelted by Signor Nenni himself, “i' ,,V , ‘ P Lure”—referrins ciIe signor Fanfam’s social re- those questions where an un- And the Jan. 26 Soviet Union previously. In an angry statement the left- 'r the ITnited States Ambassador iorm ideals with the “defense of derstanding is possible. Where press conference—the first yet The only group besides his wing Socialist chief declared _f , Communist henrhesl tbe bra” fiscal policy pursued by no understanding is possible —was devoted almost entirely Associated Press own party which has pledged that Signor Fanfani’s program , Droce , , w;thout mincing previous governments. momentarily, discussion should to a repetition of Mr. Molotov’s Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav M. Molotov Signor Fanfani its support is speech ruled out any further . that of the Republicans with attempt at rapprochement. ° di ^ hp tprmpH hp ^linn only five votes. Even the Lib- His party, Signor Nenni. add- ?.f ™hat i rah have reseiYed decision as ed, would continue to seek con- ldeo'°8y directed by a foreign Spain Misunderstands *»??<•:e-ey• w'if w ith the. ‘Catholic Left?’ P>?Wc r . p of the Nations: . <■1 . , , ... ................ ihe government or abstain. hut not through............. Signor¡nt&nfij ianiam in m n a o il ■»Iw » jr i ” -.TTL ■ a. In the Monarchist, camp, anti- —a clear indication that Signor vO m m u n is.S .. u r p r ise a ft It JOSEPH i f f , Special Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor Fanfani forces appear to have Nenni hopes Fanfani’s own fol- After the apathy and amazing gained the upper hand despite lowers may split away from the tolerance evidenced toward corn- Washington Immediately student riots Generalissimo Franco has be- on probation by the West. he can take Gibraltar or efforts of Alberto Covelli, party Premier. munism by the government in The Spanish Government broke out all over Spain. They haved so boldly. He was lucky And so long as he was kept on Morocco, or both, with Ameri­ secretary, who has been trying Concurrently, the Nenni press recent months this came as quite of Generalissimo Francisco were directed mostly at Brit- to keep his political seat at probation his behavior was can blessings.
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