THK Terseast M 0 . 8. IVnstasr' BartfnnI. 6,114 Bkoweia tonight ood lum ber of Dm Aadtt not moeh chaago tai Baieaa < M ANCHESTER — A Q T Y OF V H X A C E CHARiVi V0L.LVIL,N0.245 (CTasslfled AdvsrtM nc on Page 10) MANCHESTER^ CONN., MONDAY, JULY 18,1938 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENIt^ From PRESIDENT MAY QUEEN MARIE DIES^ TELLOFTODR IN ^ER 63RD YEAR; IN RAM O TALK AND REACHES IRELAND HAD BEEN Another “ Fireside C haf Of^ fers Opportunity To Sum- IN DELAPIDATED PLANE Dowager Qneen Of Rmnania FRANCO FORCES marize Objectives; No Who Directed Poshes Antiquated MacUqo HIT LOYALISTS Outright Attacks Expected Washington Officials Of Her Cowfair For A Acrost Ocean In 1}naa^ Washington, Jul.y 18.— (A P )-- GeneratkHrtasses Away. SERIOUS BLOW Well-informed persons considered it tioned Flight From Neir Increasingly possible today that Bucharest, July 18— (A P )—Dow- GoYenunent Army Breaks President Roosevelt would,make a York In A Little O n r ager Queen Marie of Rumania, who "fireside chat" about bis western Corrigan *s Success tour when he returns to Washing- helped shape the destiny of her . On Western Flank Of 45- ton. Such a speech, they said, 28 Honrs; Was Sorpriiq* country for'a generation, died today would give him an opportunity not Washington, July 18.— (AP) —Mulligan disclosed that Corrigan In he- eh^-thlrd year. ;onIy to recount his personal ob- made some "overtures" about ob- Mfle Front; (Rebels Take The Atlantic flight of Douglas P. The Queen mother, famed for her servations of American conditions taining a permit for the flight and Baldonnel Airport, Dal but also to summarize his political Corrigan In a home-made plane beauty, died at her palace at Sinaia, was discouraged. The chief sug- IrelaiuJ, July 18.^— (.AP)- 4 Towns; Italians Aedve. and legislative objectives. ' frankly flabbergasted the AJ** Com- gested Corrigan mad no formal ap- the royal summer residence, at 6:25 When he returned last September merce Bureau today. plication because he knew It would antiquated, single • mot p.pi. (11:25 a.m., es.t.). from a national tour that carried Officials were so astonished that be denied. American airplane flat him through tbe drought states,^ he they could not think Immediately The air commerce head also was Prime Minister Miron Crlstea, Hendaye, France— (A t the Span- made a radio report on his tri^.L . down here this^iaiternoon a ffif^ what to do about Corrtgaois hopping. worried about others trying the ish Frontier)—Jiliy 18 — (AP) — The political phase of Mi*. Roose- off without a permit. same thing. its owner, Sl-yeat-bld D velt’s present Journey has stopped Governmen t^ resistance along the One official said, "It ain't right." "We've got a--problem to -keep Gorrigan* had pushed it for the tlhie tolng while he goes Corrigan neither asked nor re- other youngsters from trying .It," he Teniel-Mediterranean highway vir- fishing in the Pacific, but It prob- the Atlantic in a surpriae, ceived a permit to fly to Europe. said.. tually collapsed . today as Spain's ably vrill be resumed August 9 when sanctioned flight from N «r ,' Regpilations provide for penalties Meanwhile, other bureau offlctals civil way swung Into Its third year he disembarks at Pensacola, Fla. ranging from a fine to revocation ot. checked Corrigan's record In prepa- York. Dispatches from Valencia and Bar- Against "Conservatism.** a pilot's license In such cases. ration for what Mulligan said prob- It taxied across the fleld i What sort of speeches he will celona admitted large numbers of Dennis P. Mulligan, chief of the ably would be the "gentle discipline” wheezed to a stop. Aatonial government militiamen were re- bake in the south remains to be that might be necessary when Cor- Air Commerce Bureau, said he had treating along the highway toward seen. The western portion of his postponed the question of punish- rigan returns. Irish airport officials trip, however, left no doubt that Sagunto, 15 miles north of Valencia. ment. The Irish legation said meanwhile to the machine saw a Insurgent warplanes flew over the for the remaining 30 months of his that Corrigan came down in Ireland "It's a great day for the Irish," pilot climb out. routed troops', bombing and ma term, Mr. Roosevelt would campaign he commented with a broad grin. apparently without an American vigorously for "liberalism" aa ‘T in Douglas Corrigan*’* chine-gunning them. Instead of worrying about Cor- passport, or an Irish visa, but'woiild against "conservatism" in the Dem- be welcomed Just the same. said. “ Just got in from An Insurgent communique said Painfully threading their way do'wnward through Jagged rock c.cratlc party. rigan's punishment. Mulligan said, an entire division had been caught right now I want to make every Tbe State Department passport York. chimneys like the one seen above, rescuers are 'shown as they brought Some pblitlclana have expressed in the rugged mountain passes Roger Carney to safety from the. iO.OOQ-rfoot .top,of.ML..Olynipua near_ effort. .to keep.. Wm.. ftom flylnjg division could not find any p ^ p o r t . “ I t took me.28. hours «nd:. the opinion- that- In-certain caaes-he lMue'd''iihder tiie'name iff Douglas southwest of Mora de Rubielos and Salt Lake City, Utah. Carney had fallen Into a 15-foot ravine and lay might prefer Independent, Progres- back." minutes.” virtuMly "annihilated'' by system' 18 hours with a compound fracture of the lower leg before , rescuera Although aghast at the flight Corrigan and tbe Iriab legation said sive or Rwubltcan liberals to con- without a permit. Mulligan's first it had given him no visa. Bod No Permit atlc aerial attacks. Mora de found him. Then they rigged the cradle-like stretcher shown above servative Democrats on the theory R u b le l^ to iu t of a salient the and laboriously carried Carney downward, sharing In shifts tbe back- question to reporters was whether Legation officials said, however, The plane came down frau.- that this Issue of liberality tran- the Irish would raise no difficulties. raln-etroaked aky at 3:30 p. government had held two months breaking and nerve-trying race against time and imminent danger of scends party lines. Corrigaii landed safely. infectiom Fine,” he rejoiced on news of They predicted he would to made (8:30 a. m. e.at.), 28 bourn IS i north of the Teruel road, was cap- Success In this undertaking would tured Satimlay. , Corrigan’s safety. heartily welcome. utes after Corrigan hod tok assure a presidential candidate of from Floyd Bennett oirptot Qneen Mane Repetitive Maneuver Roosevelt coloring in 1940, al- flight “to California"—and wttk Inaurgent operatlona during tbe though it would not neceosarilv. who also is patriarch of tbe Ru- permit for a trans-Atlontlo post tv;p days were a repetition in mean the President himself would Ing. .. manian Orthodox church, celebrat- miniature o f the aeries of campaigns seek a third term. THREE DEAD, 75 HURT LONG RANGE PLANS "By tbe way, where am I7*t ed mass In the palace Im'medlately that have given Generalissimo On his western trip Mr. Roose- after her passing. Previously he Francisco Franco control of 70 per velt took occasion to Indlcata that LATE NEWS filer asked the. gathering bad administered extreme iihcUon crowd. — cent of Spain since he raised the he wanted the re-election of Senate as death neared. red and gold baimer of revolt IN OIL TANK BLASTS Leader Barkley o f Kentucky and FOR HEALTH URGED The gaping Iriah looked « In . Bucharest all public buildings against the government July 18, Democratic Senators Bulkley of FLASHES! rigan, at bis plane and tCii immediately displayeq^gj;gg.,gt half 1936. Oklo, Thomas o^ Qklahatna and ompty goaollna tanks, then I the cheerful young pUot, draoMi-. staff. ' : After a week of steady hammer- Caraway of Arkonoao. He asked King Carol, her son, and Crowm outright that Senator McAdoo of MARKET PRICES RISE leather Jacket and trouMra. ing first in tbe center, then 6n one Over $5,000,000 Damage Is Preskient Sends Message To Prince Mihai and Princess Elizabeth Hank and then on the other by In LABOR DISPUTES CaUfornia be returned to tbe capi- New York, July 18,— (AP)—Tbe Broad smiles broke, and o f Orooeo were at the Queen’s bed- surgent planes and heavy artillery, tal. Stock Market resameo its recovery began. aide. H w lost illness found her in government forces, although su- Done By Explosions And Silence A.a to Some. Conference WMch Opens drive over a brosd front today with "Corrigan, eh ?" oskod the some' bed in which her husband, perior in numbers, suddenly broke GROWING SERIOUS The President’s kind words for shares of many leading industrial Dubliner. "Have a nice eras Bulkley, Thomas and Mrs. Caraway King Ferdinand died in 1627. under pressure on tbe western flank Fire In New York Plant; Arms m f e w cents jo about $3 high- "Not bad,” was Carrigan’s n The Queen had been dangerously cff'the 45-mile front. '' were less direct than' many of their Today Jn Nation’s Capital er, some at new hlghe for the year followers had hoped. "There was not much to it. I ill for most of'the post year. How- Insurgent- dispatches said ISO or longer. over the clouds all the tlitae andi:;l ever,' only Saturday she had ro- square mllee. Including four Impor- Flames Under Control.! Big Milwankee Local With The point about his speeches that Trading wna comparatively alow tumsd to Rumimla from Dresden tant towns and ndany villages, be surprised many politicians, however, Washington, July 18—President tbronghout the forenoon when the after m month in a sanatorium and was his omission of any toference to trend wna n Uttle ahalcy, but In the candidates who do not have full Roosevelt urged the National HealUi hod been welcomed home ceremoni- _ (Oontinned on Page'Two.) final boor buyers eoiine to the front ously.
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