Index Page numbers in italic refer to figures or tables. Acadian (mid-Devonian) deformation 37, 44, 49-50, Ballydavid Formationn 150, 154, 156, 158, 165, 192, 391 166-7, 168 Acadian Orogeny 33, 50, 52, 63, 185, 312 cyclic deposition 167 Acanthostega tetrapod remains 557-9, 561,564 fluvial-aeolian architecture 157, 165, 167, 169 Achanarras Sandwick Fish Beds 474, 479, 480 stratigraphy 166 aeolian deposition Ballyferriter Formation 132, 150, 188 Ballydavid Formation 166 Ballymastocker Basin 40, 109-21 Beenmore Sandstone Formation 172-3, 175 Ballymore Formation 150, 153, 187, 188, 206, 218 Farran Formation 161, 166 Ballynane Formation 150, 202 Kilmurry Formation 178, 179, 190, 207, 209 Ballyoughteragh Member, Farran Formation 154, Sauce Creek Formation 168 158, 165 Agda Formation (East Greenland) 558 Ballyroe Group 155, 188, 189 Aglaophyton major 454 BaUytrasna Formation 251 Aglaophyton sp. 449, 455, 456 Baltica 32-3, 47, 417, 505 Aiculiretusispora sp. 361 Barr Group 463 Aina Dal Formation (East Greenland) 558, 559-60, Battery Point Formation 35, 36, 62, 63-82, 63 560, 563, 564 Beaconites antarticus 376 Albertbreen Formation 570, 573 Bealtra Volcanic Breccia 277, 279, 282-3 Albion Sands Formation 352-3 Beara Peninsula 231-4, 303, 305, 306, 307-11, 308, Ambitisporites sp. 366 312-13 Ancyrospora ancyrea 477, 478,478, 479, 480 basin faulting 311, 312 Ancyrospora ancyrea cf. var. brevispinosa 478 Black Ball Head Pipe 309-10, 311,312, 313 Ancyrospora simplex 289, 325 Caha Mountain Formation 275 Ancyrospora sp. 476 crustal stretching 313 Andr6e Land Anticline 589, 591-2 depocentre 224, 233 Andr6e Land Group 35, 42, 46, 568-9, 573, 575-6, pipe-like intrusions (lamprophyre affinities) 309-10, 578-9, 585, 603, 605 6 312 Andr6ebreen Formation 571 sills and dykes 307-8 Aneurospora sp. 361,364, 366 Beenaman Conglomerate Formation 150, 154, 170-8, Anglo-Welsh Basin 37, 44, 51-2, 371,379 173, 179 Annascaul Formation 150, 187, 202 clast lithotypes 176 AOM (Amorphous Organic Matter) 326-7, 475, 479 Beenmore Sandstone Formation 154, 155, 170-3, 175, Archaeopteris hibernica 333, 340 176-8 Archaeozonotriletes variabilis 606 fluvial-aeolian sedimentation 173-7 Archanodon sp. 89, 93 Lower Member 173, 175 Archaoperrisaccus ovalis 291 Upper Member 173, 175 Archeosigillaris sp. 596 Beenreagh basalts 250, 277 Ardane Formation 249 Bellewstown Terrane 216 Ardaturrish Member 311 Ben Nevis Formation 571, 574 Arenicolites sp. 76, 78, 99-101 Benan Conglomerate 465 Argyll Group 111 Bennaunmore Volcanic Centre 272-4, 277, 294, 306 Armorica 32, 34, 51 Billefjorden Group 579 Arran, Lower Old Red Sandstone conglomerates 423 bioturbation Asteroxylon mackiei 454 Devonian rivers and coasts 88-9, 93, 99-101 Asteroxylon sp. 447, 449, 456 Moor Cliffs Formation 376-7, 381 2 astronomical rhythmicity (precession and obliquity Pantymaes Quarry 393, 397 cycles) 10, 520-1 Skolithos-type vertical burrows 393 Auchtitench Formation 428 Biskayerfonna Group 570 Auroraspora cf. hyalina 291 Biskayerfonna-Holtedahlfonna Horst 591,595 Auroraspora macromanifestus 478 Biskayerhalvoya terrane 570-1,575, 576, 580, 582 Auroraspora mieromanifestus 478 Blasket Islands 124, 124, 125, 127, 128, 130, 134 Boat Cove Member, Bull's Head Formation 132, 133, Ballinskelligs Sandstone Formation 188, 249, 275, 135, 141 276, 292 Bothriolepis sp. 270, 293, 298, 330, 558 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/4533524/9781862394285_backmatter.pdf by guest on 01 October 2021 612 INDEX Brandon Point Anticline 154, 170, 173 Chelinospora concinna 289, 290, 325,329, 479 Bray Group 202 Cheviot Hills lavas 420, 428 Bristol Channel Fault Zone (BCFZ) 403, 405, 406 Chloritic Sandstone Formation, Munster Basin 150, Bristol Channel Landmass 403 188, 250, 271,273-5, 277, 306, 328 Britta Dal Formation (East Greenland) 558, 559, 560, fluvial environment 294 561,564-5 miospore assemblage 289-91,290 Brownstones Group 35, 37 Chondrites sp. 130, 321 Bull's Head Formation 38, 132 3, 133, 134, 135, 140, chronostratigraphy, Old Red Sandstone (Devonian) 150, 188 23-6, 24 see also Devonian time scales lithofacies 134, 167 Chutkotka-Alaske Plate 580, 581 Bythotrephis sp. 334, 336 'Cirratriradites' avius 478 Cirratriradites elegans 607 Caha Mountain Formation 275, 276, 293, 312, 321 "Cirratriradites' monogrammos 477, 478, 479 Caherbla Group 35, 39-40, 218, 243, 246, 262, 298 Clear Island 320 1,321, 330 age determination 155, 180, 207 Clogher Head Formation 127-9, 130, 131, 132, geology 210 138-40, 150 palaeogeography 172, 178-80, 211 Clousta Volcanic series 473-4 stratigraphy 154-5, 170, 186-90, 190, 207 Cockburnspath Formation 486 Calamospora atava 478, 478 Comeragh Conglomerate-Sandstone Group 246-7 Calcrete morphology and karst development, Milton Contagisporites optivus 477, 478, 479 Ness 485-99 Converrucosisporites liratus 325 boulder calcrete 493-5, 494, 499 Cooksonia 379 calcrete accumulation rates 496 Cooksonia pertoni 356, 366 calcrete profile 487 Coolnahorna Volcanic Member, Coumshingaun Con- vertical zonation of pedogenic carbonates 487, glomerate 488, 499 Formation 251 carbonate dissolution rates 496 Cooscrawn Tuff Bed, Ballymore Formation 153, 180 distribution of Old Red Sandstone in Midland Coosglass Member, Farran Formation 154, 165 Valley 486 Coosgorrib Conglomerate Formation 150, 155, 156, geological setting 486-7, 495 158, 165, 168, 175, 180 hardpan calcrete 487 91,488, 492 Coralliferous Group 344, 352-3 clotted micrite 490, 491 Cornuodus cf. C. longibasis 463 displacive calcite growth 487-8, 490, 493, 494, 499 Corsewall Conglomerate 466 floating grain texture 487, 489, 490, 491, 493 Cosheston Group 37, 407, 412 microspar fringes on detrital grains 490, 491 Coumeenoole Formation 38-9, 135, 138, 150, 188, 206 pisolites 489, 490, 493 Coumshingaun Conglomerate Formation 251 silica laminations 489, 490 Couverrucosisporites sp. 291 karst solution cavities 485,487, 491-3,492, 494, 495 Cowie Formation 459 karst/calcrete association 495-6 Craighead Limestone 465 palaeocurrents 487 Crana Quartzite Formation 112, 115, 118 rhizoliths 485,487, 492-3, 496 9, 498, 499 Cranford Limestone Formation 112 river drainage systems 487 Crawton Basin 40, 49 calcrete nodules and horizons (pedogenesis) 393-4, Crawton Group 459, 461 396 9 Crawton Sub-basin 459 Lower Old Red Sandstone 406, 426 Crenaticaulis verruculosus 74 Caledonides 32-4, 33, 47, 49-50, 537-8, 552, 580-2, Crinan Subgroup 112 581 Cristatisporites mediconus 478 Calyculiphyton sp. 456 Cristatisporites triangulatus 479 Cap-aux-Os Member, Battery Point Formation 36, 62, Croaghmarhin Formation 131, 131, 140 1, 150 63-82, 63 Crossgate-Burnside sediment bars 426 8, 427 CarrigduffGroup 35, 155, 170, 173, 177, 188, 189, 244, Curlew Basin 40 257, 264 Cushendall Basin 40, 41, 49, 52 Carrigduff Volcanic Member, Coumshingaun Con- Cyclostigma kiltorcense 333, 334, 335, 338, 340 glomerate Formation 251 Cyclotites lenticulata 198 Castlehaven Formation 247, 248, 250, 251,263, 319 Cymatiosphaera sp. 327, 329 Catskill foreland basin see Devonian rivers and coasts, Eastern USA Dalradian basement 111-12, 420, 424, 425, 426, 461 Celsius Bjerg Group (East Greenland) 538, 558-9, 561, palaeomagnetism 116-17 564-5 sediment source for Lower Old Red Sandstone Central Terrane 216-17 basins 112, 114, 119, 420, 424-5, 430, 434 Chapel Point Calcrete 373 Dartmouth Group 35, 36, 51,242 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/4533524/9781862394285_backmatter.pdf by guest on 01 October 2021 INDEX 613 Dawsonites sp. 356 non U-Pb isotopic systems 5 7, 17 Decoroproetus? sp. 463 stratigrahically discordant intrusion ages 6 Deheubarthia sp. 355 stratigraphically concordant isotopic dates 3, 5 Densosporites 607 U-Pb zircon dating 7-8, 15 17, 16 Densosporites concinnus 477, 478, 479 miospore zonation 2 Densosporites devonicus 478, 479 recent data compilation 15-17 Derryreag miospore assemblage 291 time-scale construction methodology 8-10 Devil's Punch Bowl rhyolite 274 best-fit time line method 9, 9 Devonian (Old Red Sandstone) chronostratigraphy faunal evolution and biozone durations 10 23-6, 24 see also Devonian time scales graphic correlation technique 10 Devonian rivers and coasts, Eastern USA 85 104 orbital precession and obliquity cycles 10 bioturbation 88-9, 93, 99-101 scanning age procedure 9, 9 Catskill foreland basin 42, 85-104 Diaphanospore reticulata 325 coastal strata 95-102, 97, 98 Dictyotriletes craticulatus 289, 290, 325 cyclicity of sedimentation 85-7 Dictyotriletes perlotus 289, 325 environment of deposition 86-7, 86, 89 90, 93-4, Diducites sp. 337 99-102 Dingle Basin 38 40, 49, 51,216 18, 224-5, 228, 230, large-scale sequences 102-4 232-3, 235, 243, 246, 249, 264 lithostratigraphic correlation 87 palaeogeography 195 non-marine strata 87 95 sedimentological evidence of hinterland granite 233 main channel deposits 87-92, 92 Dingle Basin conglomerates, basin setting and prove- mathematical modelling 92 nance 185-218 overbank deposits 92-4 Glashabeg Formation 193, 202-6, 205 stratal geometry 88 clast composition 203-5 variations 94 5, 94, 95 depositional environment 203 palaeocurrents 88, 91-2, 94, 97, 98-101 palaeohydraulic scale 197, 203 palaeoshoreline 93, 94-5, 99 provenance 205 6 palaeosols 93-4, 100 sedimentary facies 203 palynostratigraphy 87 Inch Conglomerate Formation 207-16 plant remains 88-9, 93, 99, 100-1 clast composition 211-14 sandstone-mudstone sequences 101-2 depositional environment 179, 209 sea-level changes 42, 102-4 geochemistry (Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr isotopes) sedimentology of fluvial deposits 92 214, 215 stratigraphy
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