Vol. 31, BNo. 1 NDINGSSpring 2011 A Publication of New Ways Ministry Md.'s top leaders cross Catholic hierarchy on gay marriage By John Wagner starting Friday in the House of Dele- centage of Catholics than Maryland, The Washington Post gates, traditionally the more liberal which has 27 percent, according to a February 25, 2011 chamber on social policy. Supporters 2008 national survey. A similar percent- there say they remain a couple of votes age of Maryland legislators are Catho- Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley shy of a majority but were optimistic lics. regularly attends a weekday Mass and that they would pick up the backing. During the debate Thursday, Sen. has sent his four children to Catholic O'Malley (D) has pledged to sign Robert J. Garagiola (D-Montgomery) schools. the bill if it reaches his desk. Busch has said the bill would provide gay couples House Speaker Michael E. Busch said he will vote for it in the House. And the same rights he and his wife have (D-Anne Arundel) used to teach and although Miller voted against the bill in enjoyed since their marriage in a Catho- coach at his old Catholic high school in the Senate on Thursday, he had moved lic church 14 years ago. Annapolis. to head off a filibuster attempt by oppo- "It's an historic day for equal justice Senate President Thomas V. Mike nents so that it could move forward. under the law," he said. Miller Jr. (D-Calvert) grew up serving as Maryland, which emerged as a bea- Several of his colleagues countered an altar boy in the idyllic wood-frame con for Catholics during its Colonial that marriage should be reserved for cou- Catholic church his family helped build days, would join five other states and the Governor Martin O’Malley ples who can fit their definition of in Clinton. District in allowing same-sex couples to "procreation" and urged the Senate not to But the presence of three Catholics marry. chooses to fulfill, and rightfully so." broaden the bounds of traditional mar- at the helm in Annapolis hasn't stopped a In a recent interview, O'Malley said Mary Ellen Russell, executive direc- riage. same-sex marriage bill from wending its his Catholic beliefs serve as the under- tor of the Maryland Catholic Conference, Sen. Edward R. Reilly (R-Anne way through the legislature, triggering pinning for much of what he does in a leading opponent of same-sex mar- Arundel) read from a bulletin distributed deep disappointment among church public life. riage, said she has been distressed by the in churches by the Maryland Catholic leaders as it suggests a waning of Catho- But, he said, "the vocation I've cho- debate and the governor's decision. Conference recently that referred to "the lic influence in this heavily Catholic sen for these last several years has been "It's always troubling when someone unique union of one man and one state. a vocation that requires one to be of ser- in such a public position openly dis- woman." The legislation won final passage vice to others in an arena of compro- agrees with the church," she said, calling Beyond the power and influence of Thursday night in the Senate on a 25 to mise. It is a different vocation than the defeat of the legislation "a critically im- the Catholic Church in Maryland, there 21 vote, setting the stage for debate vocation that a bishop or a cardinal portant issue for the church." is another potent religious force in the A few hundred Catholic priests and state opposed to same-sex marriage: Af- laity lobbied lawmakers Monday night rican American churches. on same-sex marriage and other issues as Some of the most vocal opponents part of an annual event organized by the in Thursday's Senate debate were raised Maryland Catholic Conference. in Maryland's black churches. Maryland arguably wouldn't be the "Here's my question: Where does it most Catholic state to allow gay nuptials. stop?" asked Sen. C. Anthony Muse (D- Massachusetts, Connecticut and Prince George's), who is senior pastor of New Hampshire all have a higher per- (Continued on page 10) Book Makes Positive Catholic Case for Marriage Equality MOUNT RAINIER, Maryland— a 2009 poll indicates that the strong sup- Catholics‘ strong support for marriage port for same-gender marriage among equality for lesbian and gay couples is Maryland‘s Catholic population mirrors the thesis of a new book which examines national statistics for Catholics as well. this controversial topic from theological (A plurality of 49% of Maryland Catho- and political perspectives. lics favor legislative action that would Delegate Heather Mizeur explains a point to a participant at New Ways Minis- Marriage Equality: A Positive allow gay and lesbian couples to marry.) try’s conference in Baltimore. Catholic Approach by Francis DeBer- In addition to statistical information, nardo is published by New Ways Minis- the book makes the case, based on theo- try, a national Catholic organization logical evidence and church documents, which works for justice and equality for that the views of lay people are authenti- New Ways Ministry discusses lesbian and gay people. DeBernardo cally Catholic positions. It describes serves as New Ways Ministry‘s Execu- some of the ways that Catholic attitudes gay marriage during conference tive Director. about sexuality have been changing over Written in the past By Frederick N. Rasmussen State." question and s e v e r a l The Baltimore Sun Mizeur, a Roman Catholic lesbian answer format, d e c a d e s , February 20, 2011 who married her spouse, Deborah, five the book dis- with an years ago in California, said, "We will pels the myth e mer gi ng Several speakers voiced support for counter our opponents' extremism with that Catholic consensus marriage equality for Roman Catholic love, and that's why we're going to win." lay people that same- gay and lesbian couples during New The Maryland Catholic Conference, follow the g e n d e r Ways Ministry's all-day conference in based in Annapolis, is against the legisla- bishops‘ pub- r e l a t i o n - Pikesville on Saturday — a view not tion. lic opposition ships are shared by the Vatican. "We're opposed to Senate Bill 116," to sa me - holy and But the 70 attendees were buoyed by said Kathy Dempsey, the organization's gender mar- should be the hope that the amended version of the communications director, in an inter- riage. Quite legalized. Religious Freedom and Civil Marriage view. "We favor marriage between one the opposite is The main Protection Act, approved by a Senate man and one woman." true, with text of the committee Thursday and headed to the The Catholic Church's official stance Catholic peo- book is full Senate for debate, would soon make is that sexual activity between people of ple leading all inter- Maryland the sixth state to recognize the same gender is not permitted and it Christian de- spersed same-sex marriages. therefore opposes same-sex marriage. nominations in their support for lesbian/ with statements from Catholics, explain- New Ways Ministry, a Maryland- During the conference at the Pikesville gay rights. ing why they have taken a positive stand based national Roman Catholic organiza- Hilton, Mizeur related the anxiety and The book examines the particular towards marriage equality. Some promi- tion, proclaims that it works for justice pain she felt when she was in college and case in Maryland, where marriage equal- nent names include: Kathleen Kennedy and equality for lesbian and gay people. was fearful of telling a priest who was ity legislation is currently being consid- Townsend, former lieutenant governor of Keynote speaker Del. Heather Mizeur, a both a religious counselor and a close- ered by state lawmakers. With a popula- Maryland, and Sister Jeannine Gramick, Montgomery County Democrat, said, friend that she was a lesbian. tion that is 23% Catholic (the largest a pioneer in pastoral ministry to lesbian "Marylanders are fair-minded people, "I knew he'd go into a meltdown, denomination in the state), Maryland is a and gay Catholics. Lesbian/gay couples and they will stand up with us, and truly and when I told him, he withdrew from good barometer for the Catholic elector- and single people, and their parents, also make Maryland the Maryland Free (Continued on page 10) ate nationally. As the author points out, are represented. Page 2 BONDINGS Vol. 31, No. 1 B NDINGS Spring 2011 Vol. 31, No. 1 STATEMENT ON LGBT TEEN AND YOUNG ADULT SUICIDES Francis DeBernardo, Editor Board of Directors Staff of the 8th Day Center for Justice Mary Byers 8thdaycenter.org Frank O‘Donnell, SM January 2011 Rev. Paul Thomas The 8th Day Center for Justice mourns the number of Gay, Lesbian, Transgendered, and Bisexual teen and Board of Advisors young adult suicides that have been occurring over the past months. These suicides have been the result of Cornelius Hubbuch, CFX bullying from their peers in school and a society that prioritizes heterosexuality. We believe the teachings of Anna Koop, SL the Church and the behavior of some members of the Church hierarchy have added to this atmosphere of bul- Elizabeth Linehan, RSM lying and intimidation. Patricia McDermott, RSM Rev. Joe Muth Here are a few examples: Matthew Myers 1) The Catechism of the Catholic Church states, ―Homosexuality refers to relations between men or be- tween women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same Staff sex... Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition Francis DeBernardo, Executive Director has always declared that ‗homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.‘ They are contrary to the natural law.
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