STAGE PRICE 10 RADIO SCREEN CENTS MUSIC Only Theatrical Newspaper onlthe Pacific Coast ESTABLISHED 1924 EDITED BY JACK JOSEPHS Entered as Second Class Matter, April 29, at Vol. XI 1927, Post- Published Every Saturday at 800-801 office, Los Angreles, Calif., Saturday, May 10, 1930 Warner Bros Down- under Act of March 3, 1879. town Building, 401 West Seventh St., Los Angeles, Calif. No. 19 PHONEY SONG CHISELERS UNDER POLICE SCRUTINY PUBLIX JOINS NEW VERSION r IN RETURN TO A OF OLD S0N6 WEST i $ AM | racket; tried Paramount - Publix this Through the medium of week joined in the land- 1 daily newspaper and slide toward stage shows mag- azine advertising, in picture and vaudeville com- bined with other come-on class houses, which got its JL. stunts, a crop of initial momentum in Hol- fake song experts has lywood with the proposed followed in the wake of return of Grauman’s Chi- the themie craze in Hollywood. nese to a lavish prologue And the policy and the announced boys are prof- iting no little opening of the new Pan- from the sudden tremendous tages theatre with big flood of publicity stage productions. that has at- tended the Four big coast houses, the swift rush of Parahount, here; Paramount, San the song-writing game to Francisco; Paramount, Seattle, and one of the country’s Paramount, lead- Portland, are slated to ing return to the stage support policy industries. Around within the next month, it is un- song writing and the at- derstood, with the productions be- tendant fabulous salaries has been ing built in San Francisco, Pub- woven of late, myriad yarns, suf- lix coast headquarters. ficient to place the “tin pan alley” art on a par Organization of a production de- with the stock mar- ket in the public partment is now under way under consciousness. And wherever the direction of Ralph Crabill, you have a bait like that, the coast head. Former eastern pro- suckers are sure to flock. duction men with additions from Fake School the coast organization will take Gags charge of the work when the plan Schools are being formed to gets fully under way, It is re- teach lyric and melody writing; ported. Harry Gourfain, eastern contests, an old lure to tease the producer for Publix, suckers, will join the are being held, and all coast the staff. familiar time tested tricks that Complete details will be an- featured the early capitalization on nounced by Crabill immediately scenario writing aspirations are be- ing organization plans are perfected. hauled down from the shelf R-K-0 officials this JAMIE and dusted off for new customers. week ad- ERICKSON Many mitted that the change of coast PREMIERE ORGANIST— complaints are already re- CALIFORNIA THEATRE—SAN DIEGO ported picture houses back to stage BROADCASTING DAILY—RADIO STATION to have reached local au- shows will force R-K-O to return KFSD thorities, who are rumored start- ing to “big time” vaudeville on the an investigatory drive with the coast within the purpose of testing how near future. The close to the new Pan, in Hollywood, BERNICE CLAIR ILL PATIO swindle line the fake Warners were reported still REMODEL EL music wiz- opens on May 29 with the Marion ards are sailing. adamant in a decision to stick to the Davies picture, Grab all-talkie programs, but in- “The Floradora Overwork and failure to proper- El Patio Ballroom here, col- _ Chicken Feed side reports had the Girl,” elaborate Grabbing Warner or- F. and M. aug- ly heed an incipient attack of in- legiate and clerks favorite, closed off all the fat profits ganization scouting about to pro- mented “Ideas” in sight, ranging from and “Slim” Martin fluenza brought Bernice Claire, for the summer season Saturday $500 and tect themselves if the stage a little show directing higher, the boys are re- landslide the orchestra. musical comedy star, now featured night, the gains expected propor- management announc- ported not averse to snatching tions. by Warner Brothers, down this ing plans for remodelling the place, chicken feed in tens and twenties, Meanwhile “Hell’s Angels” has SAN week. Miss Claire was reported one of the largest and most suc- if the gullible ones can muster only been definitely FRANCISCO, May 8.— cessful spots in that much. set to world pre- in a serious condition Southern Califor- Sol Levis, early this miere at Grauman’s Chinese on proprietor of the Strand nia. Fifty thousand dollars will One of the lads even took a week. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. May 27 with a lavish Grauman Theatre, died last week be laid out for the revamping, with 1923 model Chevie from an after a Adolph Johnigan, eager prologue in support. rushed here reopening scheduled for Septem- aspirant for teaching him long illness. from their tuneful home in Oakland. ber 19. (Continued on Page 13) YOU’LL SEE IT IN FACTS I ; JTAGE TWO INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1930 ILL STREET Studio Officials Told New Contract Must Be Lived Up To By Executives By A. H. FREDERICK The idea, long advanced by In i CHISELING TALK side Facts, that the forcing out of William from Fox the production Lowell Vere Calvert, for the field would be the final step toward “The motion picture industry past five years general manager of the complete Wall Street-ization of doesn’t need to outsmart any Educational Pictures, has been ap- the picture industry, men, women or children,” Jack seems to be pointed manager of recording op- generally accepted now as marking Warner told 400 casting directors, erations of RCA Photophone, Inc., assistant directors, production the next event of importance in to succeed H. L. Sommerer, who executives and Hollywood. returns actors at a meet- to RCA-Victor Corpora- ing It is currently all up to lay down the law on and down tion as managing director of that the letter and spirit of the Boulevard, and at other spots . the new company’s activities in Japan, ac- minimum contract for screen where picture people gather, that cording to an announcement by players, Wall Street has moved forward in held Monday night, May Charles J. Ross, executive vice- 5, at the Roosevelt Hotel under a steady advance toward the one president of RCA Photophone, the sponsorship of the aim of bringing the picture indus- Inc. Academy try toward the same systemization of Motion Picture Arts and Sci- Calvert will assume control of as big business ences. puts into its other the recording operations of RCA enterprises. First there “The success of the was the Photophone’s two studios on the new con- handling of the Equity strike, tract depends on the feeling sec- West Coast, the Gramercy studio of ondly there was one man toward another in giv- the aftermath of in New York City and the RCA- the non-strike ing him a square deal,” clause in the new Victor plant in Camden, N. Warner standard J., continued, in emphasizing contract, and now there as well as being the company’s that has been the elimination of the high executives have determined representative in its contact with one to halt chiseling of minor biggest and most outstanding Educational Pictures, Mack Sen- em- independent. With Universal con- ployees and over-zealous unfair nett, Pathe, Tiffany, RKO and all centrating on roadshow-calibre practices in the casting end of pic- other RCA Photophone licensees. LAFE PAGE tures, and with R-K-O reportedly the industry. in a deal which will No individual align Colum- Off Rhythm and Tap Expert examples were bia with them, the industry now MASQUER REVEL named at the meeting but the has nothing in the way of becom- Former Vaudeville Partner of J. Francis Haney casting angle in general was ing one of the time-clock punchers. MIDNIGHT SAT’D “IN HOLLYWOOD—NOW” strongly emphasized. Workability Question Other speakers were: Acad- This will be With a heavy quite an innovation advance sale AS ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR OF THE emy President William de Mille, rolled in show business, and whether it up, the annual Masquers’ who acted as chairman Irving BUD MURRAY SCHOOL FOR STAGE AND SCREEN ; will work to the best advantage of Revel, scheduled this year for a Thalberg, M. C. Levee and Fred midnight the public is problematical. It is, show Saturday at the Beetson, representing the pro- in fact, very doubtful. The artistic El Capitan. Hollywood Henry ducers; Conrad Nagel and Sam Duffy temperament may be sufficiently House, is all set to go. ORANGE Hardy, representing the actors Addition to GROVE subject to being tamed to make it the show is Lon Fred Niblo, William Conklin and Murray, come within the rules for clerks, stage director, going back YIDDISH PLAYS Clinton Wunder. bookkeepers and to make-up for first time in eight shopgirls, but The meeting was called at the whether it can flare years. Murray staged two num- to as great A group of Yiddish players are joint request of the Academy heights under bers : “Honolulu,” with eight male these circumstances scheduled to open at the old Or- Contract Committee and the As- remains to stars doing Hawaiian femmes; and be seen. Doubtlessly ange Grove Theatre (recently sociation of Motion Picture Pro- “Go Into Your Dance,” featuring one result of a too systematized known as the Actors), on Grand ducers to insure that Billy the execu- industry, and this despite any Sullivan. tive mon The I. A. T. S. E. benefit show, Avenue within the next week or forces of the studios are in- etary inducements that can be of- billed as “The Biggest Show on two.
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