Rangjung Yeshe Chantbook This collection of chants has been compiled from the traditional chants used in practice CHANTS FOR THE MEDITATION SESSION sessions by Kyabje Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche, passed down from his own gurus, and from 1. Refuge the chants of Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche used in the Kagyu and Nyingma lineages for 2. Bodhichitta teaching. 3. Supplication In addition, we have included supplications for the longevity of our precious teachers. 4. Visualization for Receiving Empowerment The liturgy accompanied by a star * is translated by and reproduced with the kind 5. Dedication of Merit permission of the Nalanda Translation Committee. 6. Ema Nyönpa, the Final Words of Senge Wangchuk The translations herein, with the exception of that copyrighted by the Nalanda 7. Lamp Aspiration Translation Committee, may be freely reproduced if not for commercial purposes. 8. Aspiration for Rebirth in the Ultimate Pure Land © Rangjung Yeshe Translations & Publications, Feb. 2013 9. Düsum Sangye, Supplication to Padmasambhava Photocopies can be freely made when not for resale. 10. Orgyen Rinpoche, Supplication to Padmasambhava CHANTS FOR THE TEACHING SESSION 11.The Seven-Line Supplication 12. The Four Dharmas of Gampopa 13. Supplication to the Dakpo Kagyüs * 14. Künsang Dorsem, General Lineage Supplication 15. Damdzin Namtrül, Supplication to the Lineage of Chokling Tersar 16. Ogmin Chökyi, Supplication to the Root Guru 17. Mandala Offering 18. Request to Turn the Wheel of Dharma 19. Dedication of Merit 20. Aspiration for the Karmapa’s Activity to Flourish 21. Aspiration for Chokgyur Lingpa’s Activity to Flourish ADDITIONAL CHANTS 22. Supplications for the Long Life of Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche’s reincarnation 23. Short Supplication for the Long Life of Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche 24. Supplication for the Long Life of Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche 25. Short Supplication for the Long Life of H.E. Chokling Rinpoche 26. Supplication for the Long Life of H.E. Chokling Rinpoche 27. Supplication for the Long Life of Tsoknyi Rinpoche 28. Supplication for the Long Life of Phakchok Rinpoche 29. Longevity Supplication for Four Sublime Tulkus 30. Request for the Teacher to Remain as the Vajra Body, Speech, and Mind 31. The Final Words of Gyurme Dorje and other extra chants 32. Prayer before Meals 36 1 Rangjung Yeshe Chantbook Rangjung Yeshe Chantbook CHANTS FOR THE MEDITATION SESSION 32. Prayer before Meals 1. Refuge !R/- 0- ]- 3J.- ?%?- o?- <A/- 0R- (J, ,*R2- 0- ]- 3J.- .3- (R?- <A/- 0R- (J, ,:SJ/- 0- ?%?- o?- (R?- .%- 5S$?- GA- 3(R$- i3?- =, ,L%- (2- 2<- .- 2.$- /A- *2?- ?- ]- 3J.- .$J- :./- <A/-0R- (J, ,*2?- $/?- .!R/- 3(R$- $?3- =- 3(R.- 0<- 3(A, ,2.$- $A?- .A/- ?R$?- 2IA.- 0:A- 2?R.- /3?- GA?, ,:PR- =- 1/- KA<- :2=, , ?%?- o?- :P2- 0<- >R$ , Tönpa lamey sangye rinpoche Sangye chödang tsogkyi choknam la Kyobpa lamey damchö rinpoche Jangchub bardu dagni kyabsu chi Drenpa lamey gedun rinpoche Kyabney könchog sumla chöpar pul Dag gi jinsog gyipey sönam kyi Drola penchir sangye drubpar shog To the Precious Buddha, teacher most supreme, May the Buddha, Dharma and the noble Sangha To the Precious Dharma, refuge most supreme, Be the refuge till we reach enlightenment. To the Precious Sangha, guidance most supreme, To the triple refuge gems, we offer this. By the merit made from giving and the others, May the Buddha’s state be reached for beings’ sake. /- 3R; <A$?- !/- H2- 2.$- ]- 3- eJ; .%R?- P2- :L%- $/?- ;A- .3- z ; 2<- (.- !/- ?J=- 3#:- :PR:A- 5S$?; l- 2- $?3- =- *2?- ?- 3(A; Namo, rigkün kyabdag lama je Ngödrub jungney yidam lha Barchey künsel khandrö tsok Tsawa sumla kyabsu chi Namo. May the guru encompassing every family, May the yidam who brings forth accomplishments, May dakinis, the removers of all hindrances, May our refuge always be the triple roots. /- 3R: %R- 2R- !R%- 0- (R?- GA- {; <%- 28A/- $?=- 2- =R%?- ,R.- mR$?; ,$?- eJ- $- 5S$?- 3=- {- =; L%-(2- 2<- .- *2?- ?- 3(A; Namo, ngowo tongpa chökyi ku Rangzhin selwa longchö dzog Tukje natsok tülku la 2 35 Rangjung Yeshe Chantbook Rangjung Yeshe Chantbook Radiating welfare and happiness beyond rising and setting, Jangchub bardu kyabsu chi Eminent sustainer who makes the lotus garden of the Namo. May the dharmakaya that is empty essence, teachings and beings bloom, May sambhogakaya’s nature, cognizant, May you shine for an ocean of aeons. May nirmanakaya’s manifold capacity 31 Be our refuge till we reach enlightenment. The Final Words of Terdag Lingpa Gyurme Dorje and other extra chants 2. Bodhicitta $%- P$?- <A$- $?3- z- }$?- (R?- {:A-%%- , , @R; 3#:- 3*3- :PR- 2- 3- =?- 0; ?%?- o?- ?- =- 2!R.- 0:A- KA<; mR$?- 0- {- .%- ;J- >J?- <R=- 0<- :L3?- [?- 0, , (J/- 0R:C- 3/- %$- $A?; <%- <A$- (R?- {- gR$?- 0<- L; 92- $?%- i=- :L<- (/- 0:- *3?- =/- = Hoh, khanyam drowa malü pa R J A J , , Sangye sala köpey chir .LJ<- 3J.- ,$?- GA- ,A$- =J<- <R- $&A$- >R$ , Dzogpa chenpö man ngag gi Nangdrag rigsum lha ngag chökui ngang Rangrig chöku togpar ja Kudang yeshe rolpar jamley pa Hoh. So that every being, like the sky is infinite, Zabsang naljor chenpoi nyamlen la Be established in the state of buddhahood, Yermey tugkyi tigler rochig shog May we through the teaching of the Great Perfection Sights, sounds, knowing—deva, mantra, dharmakaya— See the dharmakaya’s knowing of itself. Play of kayas, wisdoms, boundlessly unfold. 3. Supplication In this deep and secret practice of great yoga, Be they of one taste, nondual sphere of mind. .0=- w/- l- 2:A- ]- 3-<A /- 0R- (J, ,2.$- $A- ,A- 2R<- 0E:A- $./- =- 28$?, *J- 2- !/- +- ;%- .$- ]- 3- .%- , ,:V=- 3J.- (R?- GA- .0=- =- =R%?- ,R.- &A%- , ,?- ,2!:- SA/- (J/- 0R:C- |R- /?- eJ?- 29%- !J, ,{- $?%- ,$?- GA- .%R?- P2- 2)=- .- .%- =3- IA- ;R/- +/- <2- mR$?- /?, ,hR- eJ- :(%- $A- $R- :1%- M<- ,R2- >R$ , $?R=, , Kyewa küntu yangdag lama dang Palden tsawey lama rinpoche Drelmey chökyi pal la longchö ching Dag gi chiwor pemey den la shug Sadang lamgyi yöntan rabdzog ney Kadrin chenpö goney jesung te Dorje changgi gopang nyurtob shog Kusung tugkyi ngödrub tsaldu sol In all our lives may we never be apart Root guru, glorious and precious master, From true teachers, Dharma’s splendor to enjoy. Sit upon the lotus throne above our heads. Completing all the virtues of the bhumis and the paths, With your kindness, beyond limits, please accept us. May we swiftly reach the Vajradhara’s state. Give the siddhis of your body, speech and mind. 34 3 Rangjung Yeshe Chantbook Rangjung Yeshe Chantbook Gakmey sung gi dorjei zhabten sol A, ,]- 3- 3HJ/- /R, ,A, ,]- 3- 3HJ/- /R, , Ah. Lama khyenno. Ah. Lama khyenno. Your unobstructed vajra speech, audible and yet empty, Voice of the profound and secret teachings, endowed with AH guru, hear us, AH guru hear us. sixty qualities, 4. Visualization for Receiving Empowerment Is the sambhogakaya manifested to accord with the inclination of beings. .0=- w/- ]- 3:A-{- ;A- $/?- 28A- /?; :R.- 9J<- L%- 2- 2.$- $A- $/?- 28A<- May your life be firm as the unceasing vajra speech. ,A3; {- $?%- ,$?- .%- ;J- >J?- hR- eJ- ;A?; LA/- IA?- 2_2?- /?- .2%- 28A- ,R2- <A$- !R%- *J- :$$- $/?- V=- hR- eJ:A- ,$?, ,92- $?=- ;J- >J?- (R?- !/- :L%- 0<- I<; 2:A- .LA%?, ,H2- 2.$- o=- 2:A- ~A%- 0R- (R?- GA- {, ,:O=- 3J.- ,$?- GA- hR- eJ- Palden lamey ku yi neyshi ney Öser jungwa dag gi neyshir tim 82?- 2g/- $?R=, , Kusung tugdang yeshe dorje yi Rigtong kyegag neydrel dorjei tuk Jingyi labney wangshi tobpar gyur Zabsal yeshe chökün jungwey ying Kyabdag gyalwey nyingpo chökyi ku From four places of the splendid guru’s body Trülmey tugkyi dorje zhabten sol Rays of light stream forth, dissolve into ourselves. Blessed by vajra body, speech and mind and wisdom, Your vajra mind beyond arising, dwelling and ceasing, We have here received the four empowerments. cognizant and yet empty, Profound and luminous wakefulness, the sphere from *2?- $/?- !/- :.?- ]- 3- *A.; .IJ?- 0- (J/- 0R?- <%- =- ,A3; which all dharmas arise, <%- ;%- !/- $8A- 3- 2&R?- 0:A; %%- =- ;A.- /A- :6B/- 0- V=; i3- .$- 3R?- V=- Is the all-pervasive lord, the dharmakaya essence of the victorious ones. (R?- GA- {; (R?- GA- {- =- $*A?- ?- 3J.; May your life be firm as the unmistaken vajra mind. Kyabney kündü lama nyi Gyepa chenpö rangla tim !/- H2- 3#:- =- UA/- =?- *A/- 3R<- LJ., ,:(<- /2- ;R%?- V=- 1/- 2.J:A- $%- Rang yang künshi machö pey 2- &/ 2!/- :P:- 0.- 5=- o?- 0:- *<- :5- 3($ 2{=- 0- o- 35<- <2- Ngangla yini dzinpa drel , , R A A J R R , S Namdag trödrel chökyi ku +- $?=- I<- &A$ , Chökyi kula nyisu mey Künkyab khala trinley nyinmor jey Guru who embodies every refuge object Charnub yongdrel pendey nangwa chen With the greatest joy dissolves into ourselves. Tendrö peytsal gyepey nyertso chok Kalpa gyamtsor rabtu salgyur chig In the all-ground’s state that is without contrivance, From all kinds of clinging now our minds are free. Sun of buddha activity in the all-pervading sky, 4 33 Rangjung Yeshe Chantbook Rangjung Yeshe Chantbook May the masters’ lives, the teachings’ splendor, remain firm. The perfect dharmakaya, without concepts, May the holders of the teachings spread to fill the world. Dharmakaya is beyond duality. May the teachings’ sponsors prosper in domain and wealth, At this point, remain in the meditation state of shamatha and vipashyana according to the oral instructions you have received. So the teachings’ goodness will continue to remain. 30. Request for the Teacher to Remain as the Vajra Body, 5. Dedication of Merit Speech, and Mind (Composed by Terdag Lingpa.) L3?- .%- ~%- e- K$?- 3.- :L%- 2- .%- ./- .3- z/- &$- *?- 0:- ;- >?- / A J R J R , , R A J A J J A, <- A- 3- <- EA- 6B- 7_A- ;J- J- @, ,$%- !R%- 2.J- (J/- $8R3-
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