Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-13292-4 - Genoese Trade and Migration in the Spanish Atlantic, 1700–1830 Catia Brilli Index More information Index Accinelli, Juan, 178 Ardizzone, Tomás Eustaquio, 64, See also Adriatic Sea, 31 Pedemonte Ardizzone, firm Aegean Sea, 5 Areco, 95 Africa, 98 Argentinian Confederation, the Agnese, Gerónimo, 114, 144 commercial treaty with the Sardinian Agnese, Pablo, 182–3 kingdom, 170 aguinaldo, 77, 79–80, 87, 256 Ley de Aduana, 185 Aguirre, Agustín Casimiro, 96, 99 Sardinian emigrants, 170 Aguirre, Juan Pedro, 100 Armenians, 8 Alberdi, Juan Bautista, 182 Armitage, David, 16 Alberoni, Giulio, 27 Asia, 8–9 Alberti, Josef, 43, 55, 73 trade, 8 Alfonso the Learned, 190 under British rule, 9 Algiers, 139 Assereto, Giovanni, 162 Alicante, 35 Asunción, 91, 173 Alphonse X, 22 Atlantic history, 17 America Avanzini, Pietro, 83 discovery of, 22 Amigos del Orden battalion, 198 Badaracco, family, 198 Ancona, 29 Bailyn, Bernard, 13 Andalusia, 22, 27, 81, 149, 209 Balbastro, Isidro Josef, 97 paper production, 44 Balbi, family, 85 Añeses, Josef, 63 Baldovino, family, 128 Angenelo, Benito, 130 Balerga, Antonio, 112 Antonini, Santiago, 150–1 Balerga, Juana, 112 Antonini-De Lorenzo, firm, 187 Balerga, Luis, 113 Anzani, Francesco, 200 Baltic Sea, 32 Apennine Mountains, 5 Banco de San Carlos, 64, 68 Aragon, 7 Banda Oriental, 148, 153, 165, 168 Araldi, Gabriella, 6 Baquero, Francisco, 121 Arboré, Count of, 71, See also Prasca- Barajas, Ignacio, 190 Arboré, firm Barbary corsairs, 10, 31 335 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-13292-4 - Genoese Trade and Migration in the Spanish Atlantic, 1700–1830 Catia Brilli Index More information 336 Index Barcelona, 35, 55 bans against foreigners, 101–4, 132 Baring, House of, 168 Barracas, 174 Bechi, Antonio María, 59 blockade, 184, 199 Belando, Ignacio, 113, 270 British invasion, 148, 150, 167 Belás, Lucas, 180 City Council, 101–2, 109, 112, 117–21, Belastegui, José, 97 149–50 Belgium commercial code, 193 navigation treaty with the Sardinian Compañía de Buenos Aires, 94 kingdom, 162 confraternities, 124 Belgrano Peri (Pérez), Domingo, 107–9, economic expansion, 167 117–18, 124, 127, 152, 270 exports, 167 Belgrano, family, 128, 153 foreign merchants, 15 Belgrano, Francisco, 118, 125 foundation of, 90 Belgrano, Joaquín, 118, 181 guilds, 106, 111, 116, 118–23, See also Belgrano, Manuel, 118, 122, 125, 151–2, Consulado 181 Junta de Gobierno, 118 Belgrano, María Florencia, 108 Junta Superior de la Real Hacienda, 105 Belloc, Carlo, 170 La Boca, 174, 195 Benvenuto, Antonio Maria, 58 Primera Junta, 145, 152 Beresford, William, 149 recruitment policies, 154–5 Berthelar, Josefa, 115 religious institutions, 123–4 Bertorelo, Gaetano, 127 retailers. See retailers Beruti, Antonio Luis, 126, 152 Sardinian consulate, 170 Beruti, Pablo Manuel, 126–7, 152 second foundation, 91 Bianqui, Bartolomé Domingo, 118 shoemakers, 118–22 Bianqui, family, 153 silversmiths, 116 Bianqui, Gerónimo, 114–15, 118 Tribunal de Cuentas, 151 Bianqui, Juan Domingo, 115, 118 wheat processing industry, 111–12, 116, Binono, Juan, 74 183–5 Biscay, 149 Bulgaria, 6 Black Sea, 5–6, 9 Busatto, Cayetano, 55 Boasi, Juan Bautista, 174 Buso, Francesco, 59 Bonaparte, Joseph, 137, 144 Buti Gilbert, 176 Bonaparte, Napoleon, 137–9, 148, 151–2 Byzantium. See Constantinople Bonelo, Antonio, 95 Bordeaux, 182, 192 Cachón, Juan Baptista, 102 Bourbon, house of, 53 Cadiz Bozo, Antonia, 60 1794 census, 37–8 Braco, Nicolás, 111, 126, 130, 270 aristocracy, 71 Braudel, Fernand, 5 as hub of the Carrera de Indias, 21 Brazil, 91, 101, 103, 153, 157, 168 as hub of the Spanish fleet, 26 Genoese emigration, 194 as market of Genoese ships, 45 intercolonial trade, 92 British merchants, 65 Bribo, José, 129 Carraca arsenal, 27, 45 Brown, Guillermo, 198 City Council, 48–52, 72–3, 106 Bruno, Fiorentino, 115 commercial jurisdiction, 77, 86 Buenos Aires, 74, See also Province of Comprobacíon del Catastro de Ensenada, Buenos Aires 68 Alcalde de Hermandad, 109 consulates. See foreign merchants and the comercio libre, 95 convent of San Francisco, 76 and the slave trade, 91, 94 demographic growth, 26, 36 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-13292-4 - Genoese Trade and Migration in the Spanish Atlantic, 1700–1830 Catia Brilli Index More information Index 337 Dutch merchants, 65 Carrara, 29, 161 Escuela de Guardia Marinas, 27 Cartagena, 22 Flemish merchants, 65, 76 Genoese trade interests, 100 foreign population, 36 Cartagena de Indias, 74, 144 free port, 159–60 Casa de la Contratación, 27, 66–7, 86, 92 French merchants, 65, 68, 76 Castelli, Cayetano Saturnino, 143 Genoese chapel, 76, 78, 81–2 Castile, 7 Genoese institutions, 74–88 Catalan, Pierre, 27 guilds, 42, 119, 278 Catalonia, 31, 149 Hanseatic merchants, 65 insurrection, 33 hospital. See Saint John of God paper production, 44 Italian emigrants, 36 Catamarca, 91, 165 Italian women, 38 Cattaneo, Bartolomé, 150 paper production, 41–2, 44 Causa, Juan Bautista, 61 Portuguese merchants, 65 Cavour (Count of), Camillo Benso, 163 retailers. See retailers Centurión, family, 153 Spanish merchants. See Spain/Spanish Centurione, Bernardo, 90 textile production, 41, 43–4 Centurione, Juan Ambrosio, 90 Calamaro, Francisco, 196 Cerreti, Estevan, 180 California, 9, 161 Cerruti, Domingo, 43 Callao, 153 Ceuta, 55, 245 Cambiaso, family, 96 Cevallos, Pedro de, 95 Cambiaso, José María, 96–7 Charles III, 33, 44, 190–1 Campbell, James (Company), 74 Charles IV, 53, 137, 142, 144 Campomanes, Pedro Rodríguez de, 151 Charles V, 22 Camuso, Carlos, 98, 114–15, 274 Chascomús, 95 Camuso, José, 114 Cheirasco y Vico, Juan Bautista, 43, 146 Canal, Bonifacio, 114 Chiappe, Pietro Giuseppe, 64 Canary Islands, 25, 35, 74 Chichisola, Esteban, 173 Canaveri, Juan José, 151 Chichisola, Juan, 173 Canepa, José, 119–20, 268 Chile, 91, 98, 113, 131, 153 Caneva, Andrés, 112–13, 125 Chios, 6, 272 Caneva, Juan, 113, 281 Cisneros, Baltasar Hidalgo de, 145 Caneva, Romualdo, 113 Cisplatine War, 167–8, 177, 197 Canevaro, Andrés, 129 Civitavecchia, 29 Cantabria, 149 Claveli, José, 177 Capanegra, Agustín, 130 Codevilla, family, 85 Cape Horn, 93, 101, 161 Codevilla, Juan Bautista, 74 Cape of Good Hope, 148 Cohen, Abner, 7 capellanía, 123 Colombo, Cristoforo, 14, 160 Caprile, Santiago, 197 Colombo, Domingo, 45, 58, 74, 97, 144, carato, 30 248 Carbon, Antonio, 177 Colombo, Domingo Jr, 74 Carbonari’s uprisings, 2 Colombo, Francisco, 74, 98, 144 Caribbean, 92 Colombo, Pablo, 97–8, 144 Carli, Domingo, 54 Colonia do Sacramento, 92–3, 95, 102, 105, Carlo Felice, king, 141 259 Carlota Joaquina of Spain, 152 colonna, 30 Carnilia, Antonio, 103, 112, 262 comercio libre, 39, 42, 47, 68–9, 86, 95, 97, Carnilia, Francisco, 111, 262 108, 117, 165 Caroline islands, 158 commenda, 31 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-13292-4 - Genoese Trade and Migration in the Spanish Atlantic, 1700–1830 Catia Brilli Index More information 338 Index Compañía Gaditana de Negros, 72 de Vértiz y Salcedo, Juan José, 96 Congress of Vienna, 139, 152 Degassan, Enrique, 192 Consejo de Castilla, 46, 49–50, 191 Degassan, Marcelino, 192 Consejo de Hacienda, 52 Degola, Antonio, 58 Consejo de Indias, 25, 27, 103, 132, 145, Degola, Gio Paolo, 58 186, 188 Departamento de Ingenieros, 187 Consejo de S.M. de la Contaduría de Devoto, Fernando, 3 Cuentas, 72 Doria, Andrea, 90 Constantinople, 6 Doria, Andrea (Admiral), 22 fall of, 5, 22 Dorrego, Manuel, 197 Consulado Dotto, Guillermo, 74 clashes between Buenos Aires and Duarte, Manuel, 109 Montevideo, 167 Durazzo, family, 99–100 in Buenos Aires, 117–18, 122, 151, 183, Durazzo, Giacomo Filippo, 99 185–94 Durazzo, Marcello, 99 in Lima, 117 Dutch East India Company, 8 in México, 117 Dutch, the, 14 in Santander, 64 in Asia, 8 in the Spanish monarchy, 117–18, 190 in Cadiz, 65 Consulado de Cargadores a Indias, 24, 27, in the Río de la Plata, 15, 92 66–8, 73, 80, 86, 88, 96, 143 model of commercial expansion, 23 Genoese members, 69 Conti, Josef, 43 Egypt, 138 Corallo, family, 85 Elliot, John H., 15 Cordoba, 74, 91, 165, 167 Enrile, Gerónimo (Marqués de), 72 Corrientes, 91, 122, 165 Enrile, Gregorio, 84 shipbuilding sector, 174 Enrile, José María, 72, 94, 252 Corsica, 29, 31 Enrile, María de la Paz, 72 Corsican merchants Enrile, Pascual, 72 in the Río de la Plata, 103 Ensenada Costa, Domingo, 174 shipbuilding sector, 174 Costa, family, 153 Entre Ríos, 165 Crimea, 6 Eritrea, 216 Cromwell, Oliver, 92 Espíndola, family, 153 Crosa, Ángel, 60 Espínola, José, 150 Cuba, 63, 72, 161, See also Havana Espinosa, Julian Gregorio, 108 Genoese trade interests, 93, 100 Espora, Tomás, 153 Cumaná, 144 Esquesa, Anna, 194 Cuneo, Giovan Battista, 200 Estayola, Manuel, 94 Curtin, Philip, 7–8 Ezpeleta, José de, 72 Dañino, Bartholomé, 111 Facie, Gertrudis, 62 de Álzaga, Martín, 149 Facio, Juan, 196 de Alzaybar, Francisco, 103 Fascie, José, 43 de Cevallos, Pedro, 95 Ferdinand II, 25 de Garay, Juan, 91 Ferdinand III, 22 de Hevia Bolaños, Juan, 190 Ferdinand VI, 33, 79 de la Rosa, Vicente, 104, 125, 270 Ferdinand VII, 137, 144–5, 152, 158 de Lezica y Torrézuri, Juan, 111 Ferrari, Esteban, 95 de Llanes, Agustina, 110 Ferrari, family, 128 de Mendoza, Pedro, 90 Ferreyra, Ana, 113 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-13292-4 - Genoese Trade and Migration in the Spanish Atlantic, 1700–1830 Catia Brilli Index More information Index 339
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