MINUTESOF THE FOURTHMEETING OF NEPAL.INDIAJOINT COMMITTEE ON INUNDATION AND FLOODMANAGEMENT IJCIFMI (January 10-,14, 201,1) The fourth meetingof Nepal-lndiaJoint Committeeon Inundationand Ftooo Management(JCIFM) was heldfrom January 10-14,2o11. The Indiandetegation was led by Mr' S. MasoodHusain, Member (Coordination), Ganga Flood Conircri Commission (GFCC),Government of lndiaand the Nepalesedelegation was lerj by Mr. K' R. Dahal,Director General of the Departmentof Water lnducedDrsaster Prevention(DWIDP), Government of Nepal.The Nepalesedelegation Wercon-r€i-. the Indiandelegation at Janakpur,Dhanusha on Januaryg,201j. The meetingof the Committeewas precededby joint fieldvisits to the compteteci ongoing and proposed embankmentsand flood protectionworks atong l-r.; Kamala,Bagmati and Lalbakeyarivers. The listof participantsof the meetrnqrs ;ri J Annex-1. EXTENSIONOF EMBANKMENTS A) FTELDVtStT OF ONGOTNGWORKS A-l Kamala River The Committeecarried out the fieldvisit of the Kamalariver on Januarytri 2011. The Committeevisited the rightbank startingfrom Ch. O.O0km 1,. the Nepal-lndiaborder and proceededupstream up to ch. 1g.g5km It was observedthat the embankmentwork along the right bank fro;r r.,;i 2'10 km to Ch' 5.50 km has beencompleted. The work from Ch 0 00 ir 2.10 km is also completed,except for 200 m lengthfrom the Nepat-inor;r border.The Committeeinstructed that this portionalong with Anti Fton,j J Sluice(AFS) be completedas per the contractschedule. The Comrnitr.. reiterated its earlierdecision that the constructionof embankmentshoriri be taken up on the Indian side to close the gap along both i).rr.,i:. appropriatelyby Governmentof lndia. In the package work from ch. 15.700to 16.000 km, AFS ancrsonri, revetment work remainto be completed.The Committeeinstructed that ilrc works be completedas per the contractschedule. lt also instructecjflrar remaining worksof dressingand turfingon the embankmentas per dFlsriril may be completed. Thereafter,the committeevisited the left bank from ch. 0 000 krn to ctr 10.550km. Approximately300 m partof the embankmentnear the Nrn,,, Indiaborder remains incomplete. The Committeeinstructed that ilre wor.: be completedas per contractschedule. lt also instructedthat remanrr-,: L works of dressingand turfingon the embankmentas per designmay be completed.The Committeeobserved that the slope of the embankmentat many locationswas not as per the designspecifications. lt was decided that the slope of the embankmentmay be rectifiedas per the destgn specification. A-ll Bagmati River The field visit to Bagmatitook place on January 11,2011' Duringthe (RBM) second meetingof JCIFM,GON had tenderedRiver Bed Material five work for nine work packagesout of which the Committeeapproved progress work packagestotaling 30.48 km, the work of which is piesentlyin to and near completion.During the third meeting,the Committeedecided 20 ?'2 approvethe remainingfour work packageson the rightbank totaling km of which GOI contributionis NRs 4.52 croresincluding contingencies on and excluding vAT. These work packages were to be initiated completionof the ongoing RBM work of 30'48 km approvedpreviously However,the Committeefound that RBM works of the four work packagcs approvedin the thirdmeeting had alreadybeen initiated. The Committee observedthat the slope of the embankmentat many locationswas not as per designspecification. lt was decidedthat the slope of the embankmentmay be rectifiedas per the design specification'The per Committeeinstructed that the differentwork packagesbe completedas contractschedule. A-lll LalbakeYaRiver The field visit to Lalbakeyaembankment works took place on January11. 2011. Some structuressuch as AFS at Ch. 0.40km from Nepal-lndta border,at NepalEastern Canal (NEC) breach point and at Ch' 5'075 knr from NEC and also ongoingwork of left bank Ch. 4.50km (PackageB) remainincomplete. lt was observedthat the slope of the embankmentat many locationswas not as per the design specification.The Committee directedthat the slope of the embankmentmay be rectifiedas per thc design specification.The Committee instructed that the different work packagesbe completedas per contractschedule' >V DECISIONSOF THE JOTNT COMMITTEEON INUNDATION& FLOOD MANAGEMENT(JCtFM) B) PROPOSEDWORKS AND RELEASEOF FUNDS B-l For Bagmati river Ongoing Works The Committeenoted that the initial50% of expenditureamount for three retenderedand one gap closingcontracted work packagesin Bagmatiriver of NRs. 2.43 crore has already been released. Since the utilization certificatesrelated to these works have been submitted,the balance50% i.e.NRs. 2.43 croreis recommendedfor release. The River Bed Material(RBM) work of 30.48 km approvedpreviousty rs ongoing. The works were inspectedby the Committee.The utilization certificateof 75o/oof funds may be submittedafter which the balance paymentof NRs.4.45 crorewill be released. Since the four work packagesfor RBM works on the.right bank totating 20.32 km have already been initiated,the Committeerecommends ilre releaseof 50% of Gol contributionfor theseworks i.e. NRs.2.26 crore.The bafancepayment would be made on receiptof utilizationcertificate of 7So/n I of fundsreleased and inspectionof the worksby the committee. The emergentworks carriedout duringthe monsoonfloods of 201Owere i inspected.The utilizationcertificates of the emergentworks amountingto NRs' 0.45 crorewere submittedto the Committee.The summaryof works is al Annex'll. The Committeeapproves the reimbursementof NRs 0 45 crorespent on the emergentworks of 2010 monsoonfloods. Further,the Committeerecommended taking up emergent anti-erosiori worksalong both banksof the riveras per detailsgiven at Annex-lllbefore, the monsoonof 2011. The GON will submit a report in respectof these emergentworks to GFCC for examination.After the approvalof reportbv GFCC, competentauthority of GON will invite tenders as per Financiat Regulationsof GON. The summary of tender evaluation along with recommendationof award of contracts shall be submitted to EOl, Kathmandufor the endorsementof the Indianside. Thereafter 50% of Gol contributionwill be released. New Works Duringthe thirdmeeting, the committeehad directedthe concernedficld officersto carryout the necessaryfield investigation including inundatror-r area and to collectinformation of damagesto see the necessitvoi (V ilD proposed embankmenton the leftbank from ch. 31.250to 42.sookm.The investigation reportsubmitted to GFCC was examinedby it and approved. Accordingly 5 work packages(Package nos. LE1 to LE 5) were tendered. the summary of which is at Annex-tV.The Committeeendorsed the tenders as approved by GON. The total Gol contributionfor these pacKages including contingenciesis NRs. 3.114 crore.The Committeerecommends the releaseof 50% of this amounti.e. NRs. 1.ss7 crore.The balance payment would be made on receiptof utilizationcertificate of 7S"hof funcjs releasedand inspectionof the works by the committee. Tenderswere also invitedby the Govt. of Nepal for the constructionof embankmentworks alongthe Jhanj river,a tributaryof Bagmatiriver. The Committee decidedto keep the endorsementof the tender on hold anct considerthe issueat the nextmeeting of JCIFM. B-ff Work along the Lalbakeyariver Ongoing Works As decidedin the secondmeeting of JCIFMthe embankmentworks of 12.2 km along both banks and Anti FloodSluice (AFS) along the rigiit bank of Lalbakeya are being undertaken.50% of the total Gol contributionr e NRs' 9.615 crore has alreadybeen releasedto GON. The utilizatron certificates for these works have been submitted,hence the balance amountof NRs.9.61s crore is recommendedfor release. The emergent works carriedout during the monsoonfloods of 2010were inspected'The utilizationcertificates of the emergentworks amountingfo NRs. 0'42 crore were submittedto the Committee.The summary of works is at Annex-V. The Committeeapproves the reimbursementof NRs. 0.42 crore spent on the emergentworks of 2010monsoon floods. Further, the Committeerecommended taking up emergent anti-erosion works on both banks as summarizedin Annex-Vlbefore the monsoonoi 2011' The GoN will submita reportin respectof these emergentworks rc GFcc for examination.After the approvalof reportby GFCC, competeni authority of GON will invitetenders as per FinancialRegulations of GoN The summary of tenderevaluation along with recommendationof awardof contractsshall be submittedto EOl, Kathmandufor the endorsementof the Indianside. Thereafter 50% of Gol contributionwill be released. New works Duringthe third meetingof JCIFM,it was decidedthat embankmentworks may be extended by 10.50 km on each bank and RBM works may bc carried out for a rengthof 6.40 km (0+000to 6+400 from NEC, Fatuwa Bridge) on both banks.Following tl'1e re-examination of the abovepr6posai y,v_l^ in consultation of GFCC,it was decidedto extendembankment works by 9.5 km on left bankand 11.5km on rightbank. Accordingry, 9 works packages(Package nos.18 to 25 and GRVI) weretendered p",.GoN financialregulations ", and approvedby the competentauthority of the Government of Nepar.Furthermore, 6 work packages were proposed to bc awardedto usergroups. The summary of worksis at Annex-vil. The Committee g endorsedthe tenderedwork packages.The totalGol contribution includingcontingencies for theseworks is Nns. 14.7gscrore. The Committee recommendsthe releaseof 50% of this amounti.e. NRs. 7 '397crore to GoN. The balancepayment would be madeon receiptof utilizationcertificate of 75% of fundsreleased and inspectionof the works bythe Committee. The Committeefurther decided that the 6 workpackages
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