Supplement fl3o. 2. to Œbe Palestine <Sa3ette fl3o. 425 of 8» flDarcb. 1934. POLICE ORDINANCE, 1926. ORDER, NO. 57 OF 1934, BY THE HIGH COMMISSIONER. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 5 (2) of the Police Ordinance, 1926, the High Commissioner has appointed Inspector J. W. F. MACKENZIE to exercise the powers of a Superior PoHce Officer specified in section 17 of the said Ordinance so long as he is acting as second in command of Acre Division. By His Excellency's Command, J. HATHORN HALL 1st March, 1934. Chief Secretary. (O/303/31) TOWN PLANNING ORDINANCES, 1921-1929. ORDER, NO. 58 OF 1934, BY THE HIGH COMMISSIONER. I WHEREAS a scheme known as the Modification of the enacted Katamon Town Planning Scheme, in the matter of the alignment of the Roads in the vicinity -of Aziz Dajani's land at the Greek Colony, within the Town Planning Area of Jerusalem, was provisionally approved by the Central Town Planning Commission on the 12th September, 1933, and a Notice of the deposit of the Scheme at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem, was published in the Palestine Gazette, No. 398, •of the 26th October, 1933. — 198 — AND WHEREAS no objections against the Scheme have been lodged and the Central Town Planning Commission have applied to the High Commissioner for authority to put the Scheme in force; AND WHEREAS the Scheme with the plans annexed has been produced to the High Commissioner and signed by him; Now, therefore, it is hereby notified in accordance with section 17 of the Town Planning Ordinances, 1921-1929, that the High Commissioner has approved the scheme and the plans, and has ordered that the Scheme shall come into force fifteen days after the publication of this Notice in the Palestine Gazette, and notice is hereby given that the Scheme and plans have been deposited and are open for inspection at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem. By His Excellency's Command, J. HATHORN HALL 26th February, 1934. Chief Secretary. (Z/l 74/33) WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION ORDINANCE, 1927. ORDER, NO. 59 OF 1934, BY THE HIGH COMMISSIONER. IN EXERCISE of the power vested in him by section 9 of the Workmen's Compensation Ordinance, 1927, the High Commissioner has appointed the medical practitioners named in the schedule hereto to be medical referees for the purposes of the said Ordinance. The orders made by the High Commissioner and published in the Gazette of the 16th April, 1927, and in the Gazette of the 16th June, 1930, are hereby cancelled. — 199 — SCHEDULE. MEDICAL REFEREES. Jerusalem Haifa Dr. Taufiq Canaan Dr. Elias Auerbach Dr. A. Feigenbaum (Eyes) Dr. V. Costero Dr. G. Garry Dr. Habib Kattan Dr. Y. Hajjar Dr. A. A. Shehadeh Dr. Edward G. Joseph Dr. J. H. Thompson Dr. Helena Kagan Dr. Hillel Yoffe Dr. V. H. Kalbian Dr. G. F. MacLean Acre Dr. C. Mancini Dr. N. S. Cottran Dr. M. Salzberger (Ear, Nose Nazareth & Throat) Dr. W. E. Thompson Dr. Emile S. Farah Hebron Nablus Dr. Ahmed 'Abdel 'Al Dr. W. 'Abdel Hadi Dr. Sami Shihab Dr. N. A. Hamzeh Bethlehem Tiberias Dr. J. J. Abularrage Dr. H. W. Torrance Dr. M. Malouf Dr. H. M. Torian Ramallah Safad Dr. I. Haurani Dr. M. Baghdassarian Dr. H. A. Kassees Dr. A. T. Sternberg Beersheba Gaza Dr. Suleiman Saleem Dr. D. Boulos Dr. M. Waheed Jaffa Dr. J. S. Bordcosh Ramleh Dr. F. Dejani Dr. A. Halabi Dr. A. S. Aranki Dr. H. S. Khalidi Dr. S. G. Bodossian Tel-Aviv Dr. F. Danziger Dr. B. Hirshovitz Dr. M. S. Krieger Dr. M. Le\ontin Dr. M. S. Lourie Dr. R. Oplatka Dr. E. Stein By His Excellency's Command, J. HATHORN HALL 1st March, 1934. Chief Secretary. (1/236/34) — 200 — IMMIGRATION ORDINANCE, 1933. ORDER, BY THE HIGH COMMISSIONER UNDER SECTION 14. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 14 of No. 38 of 4933• the Immigration Ordinance, 1933, the High Commissioner is pleased to order and it is hereby ordered as follows:— Citation. 1. This Order may be cited as the Immigration (Overtime Fees) Order, 1934. Director may 2. The Director, Department of Immigration, may permit permit overtime WOrk on public holidays or outside the hours prescribed by the wor ' notice dated the eleventh day of September, 1933, and published Np. 388. in the Gazette the fourteenth day of September, 1933, made by the Director, Depaiiment of Immigration, under section 13 of the Immigration Ordinance, 1933, or any notice substituted therefor. Overtime fees. 3. Fees as under in respect of overtime shall be paid by the agents or owners of vessels and other means of conveyance for the services of the Department of Immigration on public holidays or outside the hours prescribed by the notice dated the eleventh day of September', 1933, and published in the Gazette of the fourteenth day of September, 1933, made by the Director, Department of'lmmigration, under section 13 of the Immigration Ordinance, 1933, or any notice substituted therefor: — Rate per hour for each vessel or means of conveyance. A. For attendance in connection with vessels and Mils. other means of conveyance disembarking pas­ sengers :— 1. Where the number of passengers does not 300 ־ ־ - ־ exceed 75 2. Where the number of passengers exceeds 75 350 and does not exceed 150 3. Where the number of passengers exceeds 150 400 and does not exceed 225 4. Where the number of passengers exceeds 225 450 B. For attendance in connection with vessels and other means of conveyance embarking passengers 60׳- irrespective of the number of passengers — 201 — Rate per hour for each vessel or means of conveyance. Mils. For attendance in connection with vessels and other means of conveyance embarking and Rate as applicable at disembarking passengers simultaneously A (l)-(4) Provided that the minimum charge shall be:— (a) when work is performed as for half an hour (b) when work is not performed, but provided that notice that attendance is not required is given by the applicant before the expiry of the first hour - as for such hour (c) when work is not performed but notice that as for such hour and attendance is not required is not given by the as for each half hour applicant before the expiry of the first hour or part thereof up to the time of such notice. Where more than 4. When the overtime services of the Department of Immig- one vessel, etc., aation are required during the same period in connection with desires overtime services at the mere than one vessel or means of conveyance, the fees set out same time. in the last preceding paragraph shall be paid in full by each agent or owner in respect of each such vessel or means of conveyance. By His Excellency's Command, J. HATHORN HALL 1st March, 1934. Chief Secretary. (1/308/31) CUSTOMS ORDINANCE, 1929. ORDER BY THE HIGH COMMISSIONER UNDER SECTION 44. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 44 of the Customs Ordinance, 1929, the High Commissioner is pleased to order and it is hereby ordered as follows:— 1. This Order may be cited as the Prohibition of Importation Citation. (Plant Diseases) Order, 1934. — 202 — Conditions ot 2. No living insect, insect bacterial, fungus or other pest or importation of disease of plants or insects shall be imported into Palestine plant diseases. unless the written permission of the Director of Agriculture and Forests is obtained at least seven days before the date of importation. Power of Director 3. The Director of Agriculture and Forests may grant or refuse to impose permission to import such living insects, insect bacterial, fungus conditions. or other pest or disease of plants or insects and if he grants such permission may impose such conditions as he may think fit. By His Excellency's Command, J. HATHORN HALL 26th February, 1934. Chief Secretary. (A/43/31) PLANT PROTECTION ORDINANCE, 1924. ORDER BY THE HIGH COMMISSIONER UNDER SECTION 3. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 3 of the Plant Protection Ordinance, 1924, the High Commissioner is pleased to order and it is hereby ordered as follows:— Citation. l. This Order may be cited as the Plant Protection Order (No. 2), 1934. Import of plants. 2.—(1) All plants not included in the schedules to this Order may be imported into Palestine provided that they are first inspected by a Plant Inspector at the place of entry into Palestine. (2) All plants included in schedule I to this Order may be imported subject to the provisions of paragraph 5 of this Order. All plants included in schedule II may be imported subject to the conditions set out in the schedule or by the written permis• sion of the Director of Agriculture and Forests in accordance with paragraph 5 of this Order. Import of manure 3. No organic manure and soil except:— and soil. — 203 — (a) special potting soil or manure, and (6) soil from Trans-Jordan, may be imported into Palestine: Provided that this prohibition shall not apply to manufactured organic manures, guanos and "poudrettes". 4. All plants which on inspection are found to be infected Disposal of with any virus, bacterial, fungus or other disease or harbouring infected plants, any insect pest whether or not they are accompanied by a free of disease certificate may be destroyed or reconsigned to their place of origin or be subjected to disinfection at the discretion of a Plant Inspector. If re-export is ordered it shall be effected within seven days of the order being given. If exportation is not effected within the time specified the plants may be destroyed.
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