UNITED STATES DEPARTM~NT'OF THE INTERJOR NATIONAL PA~ SERVICE PROSPEQTUS UNDER WHICH A CONC SSION CONTRACT WILL BE A W RDED FOR THE OPE" nON OF A FAMILY SPORTS C NTER WITHIN GA TEW A Y NATIONAL CREA TION AREA DATE ISSUED: May 7, 2001 PROPOSALSNATIONAL P.i\RKAND ANYSERVICE MODIFICA BY 4:00 TIONS P.M. ,j MUSTCLOSE BE OF RECEIVEDBUSINESS) BY ON THE September 4, 2001. MAIL PROPOSALS TO NA TIONAL PA SERVICE GATEWAY NATIONAL CREATION AREA BUSINESS MANAGE ENT OFFICE HEADQUARTERS UILDING 69 FLOYD BENNE T FIELD BROOKLYN, N 11234 (718) 338-4540 or (7~8) 338-4603 ADDRESS QUESTION~ BY MAIL TO: Ms. Kathleen illiams Business Manage ent Office Gateway National Re reation Area Headquarters Building 69, loyd Bennett Field Brooklyn, NY 11234 TABLE OF CONTENTS PROSPECTUS PAGEIOF2 TABLE OF C.QNTENTS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ED Stabilize and adapt historic hangars Suggested spon profit cemer~ Objectives for the busines~ Term of Contract THE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT GATEWAY NAT10NAL RECREATION ARE~ AND ITS MISSION DESCRIPTION OF PARK AND LOCATION Legislated Purpose and Significance of Park Compliance with Federal. State and Local L ws and Park Jurisdiction Park Management Structure Park Resource Management Issues .Park Interpretive Themes and Goals CONCESSION CONTRACT EXHIBITS Exhibit A: Leasehold Surrender Interest . Exhibit B: Operating Plan ,; Exhibit C: Nondiscrimination .." Exhibit D: Assigned Land and Real Property Improvements Exhibit E: Assigned Government Personal P openy Exhibit F: Concessioner Construction, Majo Rehabilitation. and Repair and Maintenance Project P ocedures Exhibit G: Leasehold Surrender Interest Exhibit H: Maintenance Plan Exhibit I: Insurance Requirements *** GATEWAY NATIONAL RIiCREATION AREA *** **** NORTHEAST REGION -NATI~NAL PARK SERVICE *** TABLE OF CONTENTS PROSPECTUS PAGE 2 OF 2 APPLICATION PROPOSALINSTRUCTIONS PROPOSALPACKAGE APPENDIX 1. Public Law 105-391 2. Concession Management Regulations, 36 Cf ~ 51 3. National Park Sef',ice ConcessionManageme t .** GATEWAY NAnONAL REtREATION AREA *** **** NORTHEAST REGION -NATIdNAL PARK SERVICE **** BUSINESS OPPORruNITY FLOYD BENNETT FIELD PAGEIOF7 BUSINESS OPPQRTUNITY INTRODUCTION This opportunity is at Floyd Bennett Field, in the lar~est unit of Gateway National Recreation ;\rea. the Jamaica Bay Unit. Brooklyn, NY. Floyd aennett Field is historically significant as New York's first municipal airport. The Field was h~st to record-breaking pilots such as Wiley Post, Howard Hughes. Charles Lindburgh, Amelia E~hart, Laura Ingalls, Col. Roscoe Turner, John Corrigan and John Glenn. Gateway National Recreation Area is composed of three Units, Sandy Hook Unit in New Jersey, a Staten Island Unit, and the Jamaica Bay Unit which includes the Breezy Point District. Visitor use for all units in 1999 was 6,813,607 visitors. The field has ready accessto flatbush Avenue betwelenthe Belt Parkway and the Gil Hodges Bridge. I The National Park Service determined in 1997 that it tN°uld be financially feasible for a concessionerto adaptively develop four of the Field'sihangars into a major family-oriented spons center that would be anchored by an ice skating facili~y. The business opportunity was announced in 1998, and received significant response~ In October 1998, the law that controls National Park SeT\,iceconcessions management was qhangedand caused the solicitation to be withdrawn until new regulations could be written, putilished and public comments considered. THE BUSINESS TO BE DEVELOPED AND OpERATED The successful applicant ~'ill be required to adaptivel)j develop an historic hangar complex into a major family oriented sports center. Snack bar(s) will!be required to provide users adequatetime at the facility without having to leave for food service.1Applicants may elect to additionally propose a full service restaurant, but snack bars are required. Although feasibility was decided on the basis of ice spprts being the primary attraction the National Park Service will consider other options. Alliapplicants are required to submit pro fonnas that demonstrateeffective stabilization invest~ent and cost of adapting the hangars to a sports center. Assuming the successful offeror emplo)1san adequate replacement reserve, Leasehold SurrenderInterest (see the draft contract) prpvides significant protection for investment capital. The National Park Service obtained a 1997 estimate of potential income that would support feasibility at the $11 million level of investment. ***GA TEW A Y NATIONAL REOREA TION AREA *** ****NORTHEAST REGION -NATIONAL PARK SERVICE**** BUSINES S 0 PPOR TUNITY FLOYD BENNETT FIELD PAGE20F7 Suggested secondary activities include: roller hockey fitness modules, swimming or lap pool, basketball. volley ball, rock climbing wall, indoor te .s, track and field, sport .simulators, aerobics classes, gymnastics, and associatedservices uch as meeting rooms. locker room services. etc. Active sports are preferred. Lessons,1linics and leagues and other associated services are acceptable. ri~ Sports simulators are acceptableas a +eans of increasing profitability per sq. ft. Examples of sports simulators .nclude: golf simulations that interpret results of ball strikes into a net rock climbing machines, virtual reality soccer and baseball that interp et interactive movements with sports equipment. air hockey, basket all shots, reduced size bowling, and other simulations that may be appro ed by the Superintendent on a case by case basis. Flight simulators may b approved; assuredly so, if they are visually based on Floyd Benne Field Provision of a soft play area for childrfn and other child entertainment is encouraged. ~ Other acceptableactivities include: Retail sale of sporting goods aid accessories Group programs such as sport day camps A sports medicine center for p ysical therapy and rehabilitation Bicycle rentals and a bicycle repair shfP may also be authorized. Rides,electronic garnes, videos and g~es of chanceare not allowed. It is desirable that the facility be capable of being tei porarilY converted to accommodate special events. The concessioner shall be required to provide the se ices and facilities to be finalized in ,Sections 3 of the attached contract. The detailed listi g of required services and facilities will be determined by the offer accepted by the National Par Service. Offerors are provided much latitude to propose conceptual plans and design. The National Park Service expectsthe successful O~:ti ror to operate the facilities without ***GATEWAYNATIONAL CREATION AREA*** ****NORTHEAST REGION -NATI NAL PARK SERVICE**** BUSINESS OPPORTUNJTY FLOYD BENNETT FJELD PAGE30F7 requesting authorization to use s'ubconcessioners. Objectives for the proposed businessare: Enhance the recreational mission of GatewaYiNational Recreation Area by providing varied, year round. recreationalopportunities! for all population~. Rehabilitate historic fabric where feasible; stabilize the remaining historic fabric. Respectfully use the rich history of Floyd Bennett Field to good advantage through architectural design that aesthetically capitaJites upon the underlying historical specimen. Provide exhibits and other infonnational media that educate users and remind of the national significance of the site. : THE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT The Floyd Bennett Field hangars front Flatbush A verlue, between the heavily traveled Belt Parkway and the Marine Parkway Bridge, also knov.1 as the Gil Hodges Bridge, Brooklyn, New York. On the opposite side of Flatbush A venue from the hangars is Gateway Marina. This marina is in the process of being completely rehabilit~ted. Adjacent to the marina is an outdoor sports complex containing a golf driving range, outdoor tennis, miniature golf and batting cages. The outdoor sports complex will be advertised for bi~ under a separateprospectus. The draft contract requires the concessionerto pay the National Park Service a fee based on annual gross receipts of the business. The minimum acceptable fee will be 2% of gross sales. The actual percentage may be higher, depending on t~at which is offered by the successful offeror. The nearest facility that is similar to that which is env~sioned for development is Chelsea Piers in Manhattan Island, N. Y. II The former administration building and,control towerjis adjacent to the area to be assigned to the concessionerand now serves as the Ryan Visitor Cen~er. Facilities The business will adaptively use two large adjacent buildings that fonnerly accommodated four hangars. The concessioner will cover the expense of doing so. The buildings are currently in ***GA TEWA Y NAnONAL RE~REA nON AREA*** ****NORTHEAST REGION -NATIdNAL PARK SERVICE**** BUSINESS OPPORTlJ"NITY FLOYD BENNETT FIELD PAGE40F7 need of extensive rehabilitation. Specifically, roofs d masonry walls require extensive rehabilitation. The following data was obtained by the National Par Service in 1996. The data is neither up to date nor represented to be accurate. Size. s9. ft. estima ehab. Subtotal ft Hangar 5 ] 6,820 Hangar 5 lean-to 8,400 Hangar 6 ] 6,820 Hangar 6 lean-to 8,400 enclosed space between hangars 5 & 6 ] 2.] 80 62,620 ~30.00 $1,878,600 Hangar7 16,820 Hangar7 lean-to 8,400 Hangar8 16,820 Hangar8 lean-to 8,400 enclosedspace between hangars7 & 8 ~ 58,240 $~O.OO $1,747,200 The outside open area between the two pairs of hangars measures 150 feet by 350 feet. The Park separatelypenn its special events. These evfts have attracted 15 to 20 thousand participants for weekend special events with a maxim of 10 thousand participants per day. No special events are scheduled
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