School of Distance Education UNIVERSITY OF CALICUT SCHOOL OF DISTANCE EDUCATION BA SANSKRIT (2011 Admission) I SEMESTER COMPLEMENTARY COURSE HISTORY OF SANSKRIT LITERATURE QUESTION BANK 1. What is the meaning of Veda? a) Knowledge, b) Song, c) legend (a) 2. Which is not included in Vedatrayi? a)Rg, b)Yajus , c) Atharva (c) 3. Vedangas are in………….. numbers a) Six, b)Three, c)Two (a) 4. Which is the oldest vedic samhita? a) Sama, b )Rg, c) Atharva (b) 5. Sama means …………. a) Music, b) rituals , c) Black magic (a) 6. Vedas are in ………… numbers a)Two, b)Three, c) Four (c) 7. Rgveda have ………… mandalas a) Ten, b)Two, c) Three (a) 8. The History of Sanskrit Literature falls into …… main periods a) Three, b)Two, c) Five (b) 9. Which is the distinct class of literature in Sanskrit? a) Veda, b) Sutra, c) Classical (b) 10. …………… means laudatory stanza mainly in praise of Gods. a) Rg, b )Sama,c)Yajus (a) 11. ………….. means propitiation (by chants) a) Sama, b)Rg, c) Yajus (a) 12. ……………means Sacrificial prayer or worship. a) Rg, b)Yajus, c)Atharva (b) History of Sanskrit Literature Page 1 School of Distance Education 13. Which is called the first stage of Vedas? a)Smhita, b)Aranyaka,c)Upanishad 14. How many stages are mentioned in Vedic development? a) Two, b) Four. c)Three 15. ……. Is the first vedic samhita a) Sama b) Yajus c) Rg 16. Which is the first vedic samhita? a) Sama b) Yajus c) Rg 17. What is an example of excellent Lyric poetry? a) Rgsamhita, b) Sama,c) Yajus 18. …………….is an example of excellent Lyric poetry a) Rgsamhita, b) Sama,c) Yajus 19. Which is the vedic portion discuss the practical direction for the conduct of sacrifices? a) Brahmana, b) Aranyaka, c) smahita 20. What is called theologically speculative? a) Brahmana, b) Aranyaka, c) Upanishad 21. …………….is the name of Rgvedic priest a)Hota, b) Udgata, c)Brahma 22. …………….is the name of Samavedic priest a)Hota, b) Udgata, c)Brahma 23. …………….is the name of Yajurvedic priest a)Athariyu, b) Udgata, c)Brahma 23. …………….is the name of Atharvavedic priest a)Brahma,b) Hota, b) Udgata 23. How many recensions are there for Rgveda smhita? a) Five b) Two, c) Three 24. Kausheetaki Brahmana is attached to………..Upanishad a) Mandukyopanishad b) Chandogyopanishad,c) KausheetakiUpanishad 25. KausheetakiAranyaka is attached to………… Brahmana a) KausheetakiBrahmana.b) Mandukyopanishad, c) Chandogyopanishad 26. Divisions of Sama veda are………. Numbers a) Two,b) Three,c) Five 27. What are the two parts of Samaveda? a) Uttarachikam and Purvarchikam b) Sukla and Krishna, c) kanva and Madhyadhina 28. What is called Ganam in Sama veda? a) Philosophical books, b) Sacrifice books,c) Musical books 29. …………….is called Ganam in Sama veda? a) Philosophical books, b) Sacrifice books,c) Musical books History of Sanskrit Literature Page 2 School of Distance Education 30. Samaveda smhita is divided into ……portions a)Three, b) Two, c)Five 31. Which is considered to be the most important of the Upanishad in Samaveda? a)Isa,b) Mundaka, c) Chandogya 32. Yajurveda have ………… branches a) Two, b) Three,c) Five 33. What are the two branches of Yajurveda? a) Sukla and Krishna, b) Uttarachikam and Purvarchikam, c) kanva and Madhyadhina 34. In Which veda the fullmoon sacrifice mentioned ? a) Yajurveda,b)Samaveda, c)Rgveda 35. Shuklayajurveda has the Shatapathebrahmanam of……….. chapters a) 19, b) 36,c)100 36. Which of the vedas mention the story of Sakunthala? a) Yajurveda, b)Samaveda, c)Rgveda 37. Which of the vedas mention the stories of Janamejaya? a)Samaveda, b)Rgveda c) Yajurveda 38. Which of the vedas mention the story of Urvasi? a) Yajurveda, b)Samaveda, c)Rgveda 39. Which of the veda mention the stor yof Bharata? a) Yajurveda, b)Samaveda, c)Rgveda 40. Which is the longest and important Upanishad? a)Brhtaranyaka b)Isa,c) Mundaka 41. Which is the smallest and important Upanishad? a)Brhtaranyaka b)Isavasyam, c) Mundaka 42. The Samhitha of Atharvaveda is preserved in………. recensions a) Two, b) Three.c) Five 43. What are the two recensions of the Athrvaveda samhita? a) Saunaka and Pippalada, b) Kanva and Madhydina,c) Krishna and Sukla 44. Samhitha of Saunakasakha contains………. Hymns a) 108,b)246,c) 730 45. …………… Veda does not have any Aranyaka a) Yajurveda,b)Rgveda, c) Atharvaveda 46. What are the most important of the Atharvan Upanishads? a) Prasna, Mundaka, & Mandukya,b) ) Chandogyopanishad,& KausheetakiUpanishad c) Chandogyopanishad,&Isavasyopanishad 47. Vedas has to be divided into ………… periods a)Four, b) Two,c) Three 48. Vedic suppliments, are divided into …………. Classes a)six, b) Two,c) Three History of Sanskrit Literature Page 3 School of Distance Education 49. Which Vedic suppliment, is known for Phonetics? a) Siksha , b) . Vyakaranam . c) Chandas 50. The origin of Kalpa is to be traced to the ……….. a) Siksha , b) . Vyakaranam c) Brahmanas 51. The subject matter of the Kalpa Sutras is classified under ……. heads a)six, b) Two c) Four 52. Which is the of the Kalpa related to mathematics ? a) Srautha,b) Grihya,c) Sulba 53. …………. Sutras treat the worship of the three fires a)Srautha , b) Grihya,c) Sulba 54. The Grihya Sutras deal with the ceremonies from…………. To………. a) Garbhaadhaana to Upanayana b) Upanayana to Vivaha, c) None of these 55. ……… sutras mention the duties of a teacher, a) Sulba b)Grihya c) Srautha 56. …………. sutras mention the duties of a pupil a)Grihya b) Sulba c) Srautha 57. ………….sutras mention the duties of the marriage customs a) Grihya b) Sulba c) Srautha 58. …………. sutras mention the panchamahayanja a) Sulba b) Srautha c)Grihya 59. …………. sutras mention funeral ceremonies a) Sulba b) Srautha c)Grihya 60. The Dharmasutras deal with…………. a) law, b) finance, c)Rituals 61. …………Sutras are practical manuals giving the measurements necessary for the construction of the Vedi, a) Srautha b)Grihya c) Sulba 62. which was the oldest Indian mathematical works? a) Sulba, b)Srautha, c)Grihya 63. Each Kalpasutra is attached to a particular ……….. a) Srautha b)Grihya, c) Sulba 65. Which of the sutra discuss the construction of vedi? a) Sulba ,b) Grihya, c) Srautha 66. To the Samaveda there are……… Srauthasutras a) Four, b)Two, c) Three 67. Sambhavya Grihyasutram belongs to…….Veda a) Rg ,b)Sama, c) Yajus 68. Draahyaayanasutra is connected with the………….. Sakha. a) Thatya b) kautuma, c) Ranaayani History of Sanskrit Literature Page 4 School of Distance Education 69. The chief Grihyasutra of the Samaveda is the………… a)sambhavam, b) rebhilam, c) Gobhilagrihyasutram 70. which is the one of the oldest Grihyasutra of the Samaveda a)Gobhilagrihyasutram, b)sambhavam, c) rebhilam 71. Sambhavya Grihyasutram belongs to the Kausheetaki Brahmanam of the……. veda. a)Rg, b)Sama, c) Yajus 72. Kalpasutras of Apasthambha and Baudhayana, both are attached to the………. Sakha a)TaithireeyaSakha b) Ranayaneeya ,c) Kautuma 73. Manavasrauthasutra belonging to Krishnayajurveda………….. Sakha a)TaithireeyaSakha b) Ranayaneeya c)Maitrayaneeya Sakha 74. Vaikhaana Srauthasutra attached to the ………..sakha a) Krishnayajurvedataitireeyasakha., b) Ranayaneeya ,c) Kautuma 75. Srauthasutra of……….. strictly follows the sacrificial order of the Sathapathabrahmana. a) Katyayana b) Ranayaneeya ,c) Kautuma 76. Grihyasutra of Par askara is attached to …………veda a) Yajus, b)Rg, c)Sama 77. Srauthasutra of Katyayana strictly follows the sacrificial order of the……….. a) Vaikhanasa b) kautuma c) Sathapathabrahmana. 78. Kausikagrihyasutram is attached to …veda a) Atharavaveda b) Rg, c)Sama 79. ……………deals with the magical and other practices specially connected with Atharvaveda. a) Kausikagrihyasutram b) Vaikhanasa c) kautuma 80. ……………. Is the famous Dharmasatra of manu a) Manusmrti, b) Siksha, c) Naradasmrti 81. What is siksha? a) accents,b) quantity c) meaning 82. ………….. is containing directions of vedic recitation and correct pronounciation a)Siksha b) Kalpa ,c) Vyakarana 83. Which siksha text is attributed to Narada? a) Naradasiksha,b) Naradakalpam, c) Naradasmrti 84. Which siksha text is attributed to Saunaka? a) Naradasiksha,b) Naradakalpam c) Saunakasiksha 85. Which siksha text is attributed to Gautama? a) Naradasiksha,b) Naradakalpam c)Gautamasiksha 86. Which siksha text is attributed to Parasara? a)Parasarasiksha b) Naradasiksha,c Naradakalpam 87. Which siksha text is attributed to Yanjavalkya? a)Yanjavalkyasiksha b) Naradasiksha,c Naradakalpam History of Sanskrit Literature Page 5 School of Distance Education 88. Which siksha text is attributed to Vasishta a)Yanjavalkyasiksha b) Naradasiksha c) Vasisthasiksha 89. Which is the representative of vedic phonetics? a) Pratisakhyas b) Naradasiksha c) Vasisthasiksha 90. ………are directly connected with the Samhitha and the Padapata. a) Naradasiksha b) Vasisthasiksha, c) Pratisakhyas 91. Rigveda is attached to the………. pratisakhyam of Saunaka a)Rgveda pratisakhyam b) Naradasiksha c) Vasisthasiksha 92. Which pratisakhyam text is attributed to Saunaka? a)Rgveda pratisakhyam b) Naradasiksha c) Vasisthasiksha 93. Which pratisakhyam text is attributed to Katyana? a) Vajasaneyi pratisakhyasutram b) Vasisthasiksha, c) Pratisakhyas 94. Which pratisakhyam text is related to the Krishnayajurveda? a) Taitireeyasakha b) kautuma, c) Ranayaneeyam 95. Which of the Vedic branch is considered as the origin of Vyakarana? a)Pratisakhyam b) Naradasiksha c) Vasisthasiksha 96. Saunakasakha of Atharvaveda belongs to the…………. pratisakhyam a)Atharvaveda pratisakhyam b) Naradasiksha c) Vasisthasiksha 97. ……………have exercised their influence on the growth of grammatical studies of the later period. a) Naradasiksha b) Vasisthasiksha c) Pratisakhyam 98. …………….developed into a separate supplement of the Vedas a) Pratisakhyam b) Naradasiksha c) Vasisthasiksha 99. Which Vedic branch is attributed to Saktayana? a) Grammar, b) Meaning c) sytax 100. Which Vedic branch is attributed to Grgya? a Meaning c) sytax c)Grammar 101. Which Vedic branch is attributed to Glava? a) Grammar b) Meaning c) sytax 102. Which Vedic branch is attributed to Yaska? a) Grammar b) Meaning c) sytax 103. Who is the author of Nirukta? a) Yaska , b) Narada,c) Parasara 104.
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