Ursinus College Digital Commons @ Ursinus College Ursinus Weekly Newspaper Newspapers 10-30-1975 The rsinU us Weekly, October 30, 1975 Ruth Von Kummer Ursinus College Robert A. Searles Ursinus College Barbara Broadbent Ursinus College James Grosh Ursinus College Barbara J. Grider Ursinus College See next page for additional authors Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly Part of the Cultural History Commons, Higher Education Commons, Liberal Studies Commons, Social History Commons, and the United States History Commons Click here to let us know how access to this document benefits oy u. Recommended Citation Von Kummer, Ruth; Searles, Robert A.; Broadbent, Barbara; Grosh, James; Grider, Barbara J.; Stetler, Alan; Brant, Robert; Saraco, Joseph; and Fritz, Warren, "The rU sinus Weekly, October 30, 1975" (1975). Ursinus Weekly Newspaper. 44. https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/44 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. It has been accepted for inclusion in Ursinus Weekly Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Authors Ruth Von Kummer, Robert A. Searles, Barbara Broadbent, James Grosh, Barbara J. Grider, Alan Stetler, Robert Brant, Joseph Saraco, and Warren Fritz This book is available at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College: https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/44 Non·Profit Org. U. S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 40 (!Thc lltrsinus Brchly Collegeville, Po. Volume LXXV THURSDA Y, OCTOBER 30, 1975 No.4 16 lh C. Seniors Named to "Who's Who" By BOB SEARLES the Pre-Medical Society. RUTH von KUMMER, daughter This year sixteen notable seniors J@AN OTTAVIANO, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. von have been selected to represent Ur­ of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ottaviano Kummer of Wallingford, Pa., is an sinus in "Who' s Who Among Stu­ of Downing town, Pa., is secretary English major interested in writ­ dents in American Universities and of both USGA and the senior class ing. She has been involved in the Colleges." They were sel.ected on and is interested in teaching or Ruby, Spring F estival, Om ega Chi, the basis of the student's scholar­ para-legal work as a career. A French Club, and the Weekly of ship; his participation and leader­ political science major, Joan is also which she is currently the Editor ­ ship in academic and extracurricu­ a member. of Tau Sigma Gamma In-Chief. lar activities; his citizenship and Sorority, the Student Activi ties GREG WEIGARD, an economics service to the school and his pro­ Committee, the Spanish Club, and major and son of Mr. and Mrs. E . mise of future usefulness. freshman orientation. B. Weigard of 162 Aberdene St., KARLA POLEY, Health and Center Valley, Pa., is undecided as JOAN ARIZINI, daughter of Mr. Pl:ysical Education major and to his future' plans. Greg has par­ -and Mrs. Ralph Arizini, Jr. of 2416 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Karl ticipa ted in Sigma Rho Lambda, St. Denis Lane, Haverford, Pa., is Poley from Collegeville, is active in the Economics Club, and the var­ a math major who plans to teach field hockey, basketball, and la­ sity basketball team. He is also and coach. She has played a var­ In front: Chuck Reese; L. to r.: Dick Gaglio, Sue Benner, Ruth von crosse. Karla was a member of a member of Omicron DE' Lta Epsi­ iety of sports: hockey, volleyball, Kummer, Steve Prociv. the 1975 U. S. Lacrosse squad and lon, the honorary economic society, basketball, badminton, and lacrosse. year. SHERRIE HARDEN, daughter captain of the Ursinus team. She and Pi Gamma Mu, the honorary Joan has been active in Tau Sigma CHARLES WHITFIELD CAMP- <>f Mr. and Mrs. Rowland R. Harden has served on the Inter-Sorority social science society. Gamma, W AA, and the Outing BELL, JR. is a biology major from of 205 Ardmore Avenue, Haddon­ Club in addition to serving as a field, N. J., is a physical education Bordentown, N. J. Son of Mr. and Wrestling Statistician, a resident major. Her athletic activities in­ assistant, Vice . President of Whit­ Mrs. Charles W. Campbell, Sr., he clude hockey, badminton, lacrosse, ians, and on the Student Teacher intends to go to medical school at and basketball. She has been a Co-op Dinner Organizing Commit­ either the University of pittsburgh biology lab assistant, resident as­ tee. or Temple University. He has been sistant, a waitress in Wismer, and SUSAN AILEEN BENNER hails a steady member of the baseball is treasurer of Tau Sigma GamT!la. from 107 East Buttercup Rd., Wild­ and football teams, served as proc­ Sherrie won the WAA award for .. wo'od Crest, N. J. Daughter of Tho­ tor of Curtis Hall, and is a social the class of '76. She is headed for and Doris Benner, Sue is a member of Sigma Rho Lambda a career as a physical education instructor on either the elementary or secondary level. ELAINE LEHECKA, a biology major from Westfield, N. J., plans to attend graduate school in pur­ suit of a career in medical research. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. to r.: Paul Marion, Elaine Lehecka, Whit Campbell, Greg Weigard. W. Lehecka, she has been a very active member of both Meister­ Council and has been Social Chair-.,---------- --- - ­ singers and Messiah Chorus. Elaine man and Vice President of Tau has served as President and Secre­ Sigma Gamma. She has also been Prof. Presides tary of Pi Nu Epsilon, the national involved in W AA, Education Club, honorary fraternity. She has also Songlest, Spring Festival, and in­ Dr. William T. Parsons, profes­ participated in the Brownback­ tramural volleyball. sor of History, presided at the re­ Anders Premed Society and the STEPHEN PROCIV, son of Mr. cent dinner meeting of the Pennsyl­ Beardwood Chemical Society. Elaine and Mrs. George Prociv of 64-13 vania Historical Association in is currently the corresponding sec­ Woodbine St., Ridgewood, New Cambria County. The two day con­ L. to r.: Karla Poley, Jill Thomas, Ken Miller. retary of Alpha Sigma Nu. As a York, has lettered and been captain ference, held at Loretto and Ebens­ biology major who plans to attend fraternity. biology major, she has been a bi- in football and track since his hurg, was designed to stimulate graduate school upon completion of RrCHARD GAGLIO, son of Mr. ology lab assistant and librarian freshman year and was selected scholarly activity in Pennsylvania her studies at Ursinus. She has and Mrs. Nicholas Gaglio of 1721 of the biology department. MVP on defense in 1974. Steve r.istory and arouse popular interest participated in many activities: Woodrow St., Metairie, La. is a PAUL MARION, son of Dr. and has been very active in the Student in all aspects of the subject. cheerleading, Spring Festival, the Philosophy and Religion major who Mr~. Milton G. ~arion of 410 S~uth Union. He was chairman of the Dr. Parsons, a member of the Ruby, Energy Advisory Committee, has been active in many areas. He ~'am St., ~enmngton, N. J., IS a Coffeehouse and Concert Commit­ IJ rogram committee introduced Dr. Student Activities Committee, and has served as President and Chap- I bJOI~gy maJor who ~lans to attend tee and was responsible for getting E. McClung Fleming, research as­ intramural volleybalL Sue is a lain of Alpha Phi Epsilon frater- medIcal s~hool. He IS a. member of Bruce Springsteen to appear here sociate at the duPont Winterthur member of Omega Chi and has nity, President of Alpha Psi Omega Alp~a PhI Omega and IS currently during his sophomore year. Steve Museum, Delaware, and featured served as Vice President and His­ t'he national honorary dramatic ~ervmg a~ treasu~er. He has. been was Treasurer last year and is cur­ speaker at the 44th annual dinner meeting. Dr. Fleming presented torian of the sorority. She has fraternity, and President of Pro- I~volved In .Messlah and Melster­ rently Chairman of the College Un­ also demonstrated leadership as she theatre. He has also been involved ~lngers and IS at prese.nt ~he Pres­ ion. He was also Business Mana­ an illustrated lecture, "Early sym­ was class treasurer freshman year, in Christian Fellowship, 'Central Ident of Choral Orgamz~tJOns. In ger of the Ruby and a member of bols of America; the Search for dorm 'Vice president and Lorelei Coorditlating Committee (CCC), the p.ast he has been a ~JOlogy and the Economics Club. Identity," and discussed such sym­ chairperson sophomore year, U.S. U.S.G.A., the baseball and football chemIcal laboratory assIstant. Paul CHARLES A. REESE, son of bols as the Indian Queen, Liberty, G.A. Women's Vice-President and teams. Richard has been on the ;-~~ · ~rn[:;~:--------_-J Minerva, the rattlesnake, the bald was, in addition, Sigma Rho Lamb­ Dean's List three times and was eagle, Uncle Sam and Brother J on­ da's Homecoming Nominee this also a bi,ology lab assistant. athon. Dr. Isaac Asimov U. C. Founder's Day Named Speaker Dr. Isaac Asimov, bio-chemist, educator and author, will be speak­ To Honor Church ing at the commencement exercises for the Ursinus class of 1976. Born , By BARBARA BROADBENT berger Hall Auditorium from 10:00 of Jewish parents in Russia in a.m. to 12 :00 noon on Saturday, 1920, Asimov came to the United Founders' Day Weekend at Ur­ November 1. sinus College will be held on N 0- States at an early age. He had an Saturday afternoon entertain­ avid desire both to learn and to vember 1 and 2, 1975. On this oc­ ment is the football game.
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