Index Aaliyah, 25 syllabus for, 105 definition of, xvii Aliya, 52t, 53 syllabus for, 104 Allama Sayyad Muhammed Yousuf Afghanistan Banuri Town, 26 militant, terrorist infiltration into, Andrabi, Tahir 71–72 research on madaris Pashtun refugees in Pakistan, 8 data collection effort, 33 suicide attacks in, 70, 71 madrassah enrollment, Taliban leaders, education and utilization, 6, 7, 11 support of, 57 validity of data, 8, 9 Aga Khan University, 16 Armed Forces Board for Higher Ahl-e-Hadith Education, 121n definition of, xvii Arqam Academy, 20 tradition, 58–59 Ahmad, Khalil Baharia Foundation, 23 opposition to government reform Barelvi efforts, 89 definition of, xvii Ahmed, Khurshid, 115n origin of movement, 58 Al Badr, 59 Barelvi, Ahmed Rida Khan, xvii Al Huda, 20, 49, 125n Bergen, Peter al Qaeda, 59, 60 on link between madaris and al-uloom al-aqliya (rational sciences), militancy, 5 53, 54 Binnori, Khalid definition of, xvii on madrassah reform, 87 al-uloom al-naqliya (transmitted boards of intermediate and secondary sciences), 53 education (BISE), 121n definition of, xvii Brelwi, Sayyid Ahmad, 58 Ali, Saleem research on madrassah links to Census of Population 1998 violence, 6 as a data source, 7 Alim course, 25, 26, 51 enrollment data, 35t condensed for girls, 52 limitations of data collected, at Dars-i-Nizami, 53 117n–18n as a requirement for teaching at long forms, short forms, 123n madaris, 60, 61 political implications of, 7–8 subjects included in, 53 Alimiyah, xvii, 21, 25, 52t, 53 Dalrymple, William definition of, xvii on link between madaris and equivalency to M.A. degree, 54 militancy, 4–5 133 134 TheIndex Madrassah Challenge Dar ul Uloom Sarhad dawa, xviii faculty hiring requirements, 61 Deobandi, xvii Dars-e-Quran (Quran study circles), definition of, xviii 49 Islamist political party JUI, 62 definition of, xvii madaris Dars-i-Nizami, 25, 51. See also Alim role in educating, supporting course Taliban, 57 Arabic texts used in, by subject, origin of tradition, 56–57 107–14 sectarian violence, 77 Adah (literature), 110 Dihlawi, Waliullah, 58 Aqaaid (theology), 110 Falsafa (philosophy), 113 education Fun Manaazara (polemics), decision factors 113 for girls, 99 Hadith va Uloom-e-Hadith household income, 30–32, 31t (Hadith and the Study parents’ education level, 44 of Hadiths), 108 school supply, 37 Hait-wa-hindsa (astronomy, enrollment, attainment trends, arithmetic), 113 100 Ilm-e-Maani wa Beyaan (study across sectors, 27–29, 30t of meaning, exegis), data on, 28–29 112 girlsvs. boys, 29 Ilm-e-Mantaq (logic), 112 socioeconomic status, 30–35, Ilm-e-Urunz (poetic forms), 31f, 32t 112 National Education Policy, 27 Ilm ul Nahv (grammar), 111 parental schooling decisions, 29, Ilm ul Sarf (grammar), 111 36–39 Quran Studies, 107 research Tafseer, 107 delay in data collection efforts, Tareekh (history), 114 101 Tibb (medicine, medical), 113 on household schooling Uloom Fiqh (jurisprudence), decisions, 36–39 109 part-time madrassah definition of, xvii attendance, 10 subjects included in curriculum, surveys, limitations on use of 53 collected data, 6–7 Darul Uloom at Deoband, 57 supply of schools as a school Darul Uloom Islamiya, 21–22, 44 decision factor, 37 faculty hiring requirements, 61 education for girls, women levels of, 21 Al Huda, 125n program length, requirements, 53 attainment, enrollment rates, 28, daura, xvii, 49 29 Index 135 condensed Alim course for, 52 foreign students decision factors for, 99 attending madaris, 90 improving school supply for, 99 izzat, 37 Gangohi, Rashid Ahmed, 57 at madaris, 12, 41 general elections regional differences, 29 educational requirement for shortened Dars-i-Nizami course candidates, 54–55 for, 52, 126n Ghazi, Mahmood Ahmed, 63, 118n vs. boys, 29 government schools. See also public education reform. See also madrassah schools; worldly education reform PIHS enrollment data, 29, 30t, international support for, 100 31t Musharraf’s efforts toward, 12, 81, religious education in, 15 87, 91 Green Crescent Trust, 21 suggested improvements, 48 Education Sector Reform (ESR), 40 Hadith, xviii educational trusts hafez, 16 schools run by, 18–22 definition of, xviii English education importance of attaining status of, importance of, 42 42 English-medium schools, 15. See also Hanafi, xviii private schools Hanbali, xviii Evans, Alexander Haq, Eijaz ul, 82 on link between madaris and Haq, Sami ul, 57 militancy, 5 Haq, Zia ul, 54, 82 Hashmi, Farhat Naseem, 125n faculty Hifz-e-Quran, 21 political attitudes of, 76t definition of, xviii quality, availability of female Hizbol Mujahadeen, 59 teachers, 37, 38 Farangi Mahal, xvii, 51 Ibtedai (primary religious education) Fauji Foundation, 23 description of, xviii, 24 fauqani, xviii, 25 Ibtidaiyah (primary religious Federal Board of Intermediate and education) Secondary Education equivalence to nonreligious (FBISE), 121n school, 52t Federal Islamabad Board syllabus, 85 syllabus for, 103 Federally Administered Tribal imam, 42 Agencies (FATA) India intensity of madrassah conflict with Pakistan, 4 enrollment, 7 Institute for Conflict Management, 2 fiqh, xviii Institute for Peace Studies (IPS), 2, 136 TheIndex Madrassah Challenge 115n Jamia Binoria International Crisis Group (ICG) program for, 53 report on madaris, 4 Jamia Hafsa, 12, 87 Iqra Rozatul Itfal Trust (IRIT) Jamiat-ul-Ulama-i-Islam (JUI), 57 schools, 18, 44, 49 Jamiat ul Uloom I Islamiyah, 26 fees, 120n Jhangvi, Haq Nawaz, 77 founding of, 19 jihadis madrassah section, levels of, 19 Pakistan reliance on, 97 structure of schools, 19–20 Kamia Binoria SITE, 41 Islam Khan, Ahmed Raza, xix, 58 application of, in government Khan, Vakil Ahmed curriculum, 17 on madrassah reform initiatives, role in public life regulations, 82–86 Pakistani opinion of, 46–47, Kher-ul-Madaris, 22 48, 93 faculty hiring requirements, 61 Islamic education program length, requirements, 53 changing direction of, 93–94 decline of, 90 Lahore University of Management formal vs. informal, 49 Sciences, 16 funding trends for, 40–42 Lal Masjid (Red Mosque), 12, 87, general Sunni curriculum, 51 119n increased family valuation of, 42– Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, 96 43 Lebanon, 70 standard program for, 24–25 literacy rates, 28 Islamist militants Lokshin, Michael education, backgrounds of, 67, 69 research on parental schooling Islamist political parties, 57 decisions, 29, 36–39 Islamiyat (Islamic Studies), 15, 47 London bombings definition of, xviii and link to Pakistan, 40, 81 requirement for, 17 Ittehad-e-Tanzimat Madaris-e- Macaulay, Thomas B., 43, 125n Diniya (ITMD), 82, 83 madaris (madrassah). See also administration of exams, 85 madrassah reform political pressures on, 86 certificates from, 52t, 56 izzat, 37 equivalency to those of nonreligious school, 54 Jaish-e-Muhammed, 4 curriculum, 65 Jamaat-i-Islami (JI), 21, 115n government restrictions on, definition of, xviii 83–84 link to militants, 59–60 texts used in, 54, 56, 107–14 political party, 59–60 deeni madrassah, 81, 130n suprasectarian claims, 127n defense of, 12 Index 137 definition of, xix link to sectarian violence, 90, 91, enrollment in, 6, 7, 10, 47, 93, 94 118n literature, documentation on, 3–6 “extreme madrassah quality of study data, 5 enrollment,” 36 non-Islamic educational products, family considerations for, 75 45 intensity along Pakistan- number of, problems with Afghanistan border, 7 tracking, 50, 51 parent rationale for selecting, opposition to government reform 11 efforts, 87–90 patterns, trends, 34–36, 35–36, political importance, 65 35t possible influence on norms, 11 PIHS data, 29, 30f, 35t program levels, correlations to possible socioeconomic factors nonreligious school, 52t for, 30, 31t, 32 proposed regulations for, 84–85 vs. makatib, 26 in Punjab, 9 wafaq, 58t rational sciences component, establishment of private, public currency of, 53, 54 schools by, 22 registration of, 83, 84 expansion of, by province/area, research on, 5–7 (See also 50t education research) family preferences for, ideological role, influence in Islamic parties, reasons, 33–34, 38, 39, 2 47–48 sectarian diversity of, 58t, 65, 77– family selection for ideological 78, 95 reasons, 33–34 Shia, 60 financial incentives, assistance to, student profiles, 10 38, 93 Sunni, 56–60 financial reporting by, 84 madhab, 56 foreign students at, 90 madrassah faculty for girls, women, 12, 41 attitudes of, 11, 76t government models, 40, 41 hiring requirements, 60–62 government registration of, 51 Madrassah Nizamia, 51 inclusion of worldly subjects, 88– madrassah reform, 12. See also 89 education reform international concern regarding, 1 deeni madrassah, 81 link to militant groups, violence, funding from education ministry, 2–5, 10, 57, 67, 78, 90, 86 91, 97 government efforts, 81–87 recruitment venue for, 68–69, Islamic scholars’ view of, 90–91 70 madaris’ view of, 87–90 research areas, 117n Musharraf’s efforts, approach, 95– 138 TheIndex Madrassah Challenge 96 Marhala Kuliya, 21 opposition, resistance to, 13, 92, Marhala Mutavassata, 21 94 markaz, xix Pakistani opinion of, 45–46, 46f, masalik (maslak), xix, 56 93 matriculation (“matric”), xix as part of Education Sector Maududi, Abul ala, 59 Reform, 40 maulvi, 16 perceived pressure from militant groups, 96. See also sectarian Washington, 87 violence progress on, 91–92 impact of restrictions on, 79 registration issue, 89 infiltration into Afghanistan, 71– syllabus development, 85 72 vs. curriculum reform, 48 madrassah-educated members of, madrassah students 79–80 admission criteria for, 63–64 possible connections to madaris, common perceptions held by, 10– 2–5, 10, 57,
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