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PREPARE MAIL Issues Thanksgiving POLICE ARE BUSY Day Proclamation INVESTIGATING Number of Unemployed SEAL CAMPAIGN SERIES OF THEFTS Here Should Be Known a*. %r «" VlvS-yf,^ #; Movement Here to Get Future freshet Will Notinterfere With the Oper­ Underway on Thanks­ ^larie^in^^lyin^Sec- ^0^11^ Unemployment Conditions Could Be As- vt ation of the Plant, According to An Official giving Day—Over 1200 tions Began With the certained at Practically No Cost and Very Lit­ Statement—Many Improvements Made Since Envelopes With Seals Discontinuing of Po­ tle Effort—Census Should Be Taken Before the Last Spring. V_" ; -V ' Will Be Mailed. lice Cruiser Service. New Year Begins. Preparing the mail for the local Members of the local police depart­ Due to preventative , Out of the welter of discussion that Christmas Seal campaign was ac­ ment have been busy the last few! Jiave been installed since last spring, 'has arisen over the conditions in the K. of C. Fourth Degree complished at the annual seal work days investigating a series of at­ Re-elected Director •"Old Man River" will have no terror tempted burglaries and thefts of j i Town Welfare Department and its party at the home of the Misses Whit­ continued big cost to the taxpayers ior the Bigelow-Sanford management Master of Connecticut ,turkeys and chickens in an epidemic' Of Home Loan Bank ney on Enfield street, when the mem­ | of crime which has begun on the out-1 has come a strongly urged suggestion here the next time he goes on a ram-j bers of the Enfield Visiting Nurse As­ I skirts of the town since the elimina­ that the actual unemployment situa­ page such as last spring. At the time j sociation, sponsoring the sale, met for tion of the police cruiser by reason of tion should be ascertained. Much of of that record breaking flood the only this purpose on Tuesday. ja reduced annual appropriation. the discussion during the past week To fold the seals, and fill every en- was provoked by the frank analysis damage done here was to the power Frederick Abbe of lower King J velope of the 1,200 to be sent out with street reported the theft of nine chick­ of the welfare situation in these col­ plant of the company, the boiler room ' four inclosures, a letter of appeal, the ens to the police department. A num­ umns last week. being inundated. This did consider­ seals, a convenience slip for extra ber of turkeys were taken from the Many leading taxpayers while able damage to the electrical equip-! contributions and a return envelope GOV. WILBUR L. CROSS farm owned by Mr. Jamrogowitz in agreeing with the suggestion made addressed to Miss Amy I. Whitney, Ine eastern section of the town and last week that there should be a com­ ment, but wwse still, it caused the; the treasurer, required both morning plete check-up of the welfare cases, In his annual proclamation desig­ Richard M. Smyth last evening found plant to shut down for five days! and afternoon hours of intensive ef­ a thief in his chicken coop, and al- expressed the opinion that it is equal­ nating Thursday, November 26 as i i • , u which was not at all pleasing to the! fort. Mrs. Albert B. Mitchell, the Wn ly important if not more so to first president directed the • work. Thanksgiving day which was issued' ^ 'i y.° through determine what is the actual -officials. this week, Governor Wilbur L. Cross' f s ^ rear of his property, J A midday interval was taken for savs- 1 ne was unable to apprehend him. ployment situation here. It is that "What they have done to prevent it | rest and refreshment, provided in a condition after all, they point out, "Time out of mind at this turn of' t®"ip t .wa? ™ad£ t0 happening again is set forth" in the | most satisfying and inviting lunch- JT L that is the basis of our municipal following statement issued this week the seasons when the hardy oak! ^r the premises of °hn - Loftus j eon, due to the excellent planning of leaves rustle in the wind and thej^r ^ne m.erchan-1, iand on Monday, welfare trouble, as it was that which by Superintendent Elliott I. Petersen: I the committee, Mrs. S. Raymond Ep- a brought about the present state of "When flood waters again roar frost gives a tang to the air and the; j\, ^ " *ttempt was j affairs and increased the cost of this I stein, chairman, Mrs. Mark W. Bush- to down the Connecticut Valley, Bige- Inell, Mrs. Kenneth W. Stevens and dusk falls early and the friendly eve-!^j Statp Line i department until it is one of the most nings lengthen under the heel of;"" p : , . r2 ii? ,, > low-Sanford's local plant will be bet­ | Mrs. Arthur W. Burt; and the contri­ Orion it ha<? seemed o-ood tn our! Follcen1 nn officialst report that these | expensive in the municipal setup. ter prepared than ever t<J resist the butions to the menu by the members The thing that a census of the em­ •deluge. Early this week, a program ployables of the town who are not of flood control work was completed e by did employed would determine first of all ! "by the local plant which it is believed ssr ?,;«r ?4 af eir»?^ r4<1F s ™ r I te as is how extensive is unemployment in y ow to t e l yea1, 1 will prevent shutting off operations shown in a gift of beautiful chrysan-! " , t!vrf T . "iduced the annual appropriation of the the town just now. With the vast even, though future years bring wat­ themums in the rich autumn shades SJ?serva_n?e m!_s.^aPP9 ! dGDartment it. has hpon nwocco™ improvement in industry and agricul­ ers even higher than those, experienc­ 1 ture, and in other activities here also, ATTY. WILLIAM J. MULLIGAN that were very colorful as decorations ed in the Spring of '36. Milin the'living__ ^ and dining tooms. „ ,, , - there must be a large number " giving for the blessingsthathave ; di the lack j otecj of those who were without work in "This fortunate village may have The seals will be released in the WALTER P. SCHWABE forgotten those days last March when John H. Reddin of Denver, Colo- ^ mails on Thanksgiving day, giving been our common lot and have placed; tlon but ^olice officials stat they' the worst days of the depression em- our beloved State —— i ployed at the present time. By as- yellow waters of the muddy Connecti­ rado, Supreme Master of the Fourth f hoped, for those re- with the favored are helpless in the matter since they cut turned streets of, cities and „ * .*t. V • ti. » ^ . v , ceivmg them to respond before the regions of earth—for all the creature are without funds to afford this type Announcement was made last certaining the actual number out of towns to the north and south into Degree of the Knights' of Columbus, Christmas rush, comforts; the yield of the soil that of police protection. river basins. But not forgotten by at the request of the National Offi­ has fed us and the richer yield from Monday by the Federal Ho„e Loan |^ faclnt SSi? 2' Bigelow's engineers was the fact that cers and Board of Directors, has labor of every kind that has sustained Bank Board of Washington, that:enter the new year in the way of wel- our lives—and for all those things, Walter P. Schwabe of this town ha: jfare aid, but the census would prove for five days those same waters rose appointed William J. Mulligan of • to unprecedented heights, and despite FINE ATTENDANCE as dear as breath to the body, that MISS GAUDET IS 'been re-elected a Director of the1 <V helpful basis for the readjustment •the heroic efforts of a large force of Hartford, Master of the Fourth De-| quicken man's faith in his manhood, Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston, t!; must be possible m the Welfare men, swirled through the local'plant, gree for Connecticut. that nourish and strengthen his spirit Mr. Schwabe will begin his new term' Department by this time. It is pos- shutting it down for five successive Mr. Mulligan has, for several years • to do the great work still before him; HONOR GUEST AT of office on January 1st, the appoint- ' ' ^ 1^ ^.e unemployed AT HAZARDVILLE 1 •days. been an active Knights of Columbus for the brotherly word and act; for ment being for two years. He was cen,sus were properly classified, some "As soon as the swollen river sub­ worker in the State and Nation. He honor held above price; for steadfast one of the original Directors when sort°f fgency could be set up that sided, a complete program for the was a National Director for nine BRANCH LIBRARY courage and zeal in the long, long SEVERAL FETES the regional bank was established in^u¥aid those out of work m secur- search after truth; for liberty and for future protection of the plant was years and during the World War was Boston and will enter upon his third ,, •carefully prepared.
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