jfSflfipi HHiilH '.I'm#- J -ajTv in . ' •IMP MMM f 'MhH|' Sil fell' '.jSJ >• ,1. *-'f.if- •-'• . • • ••• I MBH| illillilBW i!1,1 .'MM®.,, 4111111 SOPHOMORE B^AkULi SATURDAY NIGHT I Student Weekly Publication The Rice Institute ill! VOI* """ Z-738 HOUSTON, TEXAS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, J938 NO. 12 ' MM •• lilil * * •• Ball BURGLARS TAKE SEVEN VESTAL FERRETS OUT FRENCH SONGS AND GRIDIRON RIVALS * * * * * * * * its * TROPHIES FROM KITTS ONE-ACT PLAY WILL TAKE UP BATTLE l FAME, OR FAME FINDS «i ^ si< iff sis * * * *. * ; AS KITTS TAKES BOWL VESTAL AT BOWL GAME BE GIVEN TONIGHT WITH ROUND BALL Informal Affair to Be Given Twenty-one candidates for engineer- An evening of I'aniiluir French son..!* Speedy Quarter Mjler Comes 1 Captain Clifford Klindworth at Rice Terrace ing degrees in June this year received While Coach Jimmie Kitts was win- TL L I Fleeting football fame fits flippantly -Old a one-act play, "Leur Bonheur,' keys from the Engineering Society at ning a five-foot trophy for Rice Satur- througigh In Great on faltering feet, and he who was un- . by Hihvj md Mathieu, will be prcs- Lost For Tiger Saturday. an open meeting of the society Decem- day at the Cotton Bowl game in Dal- | recognised today can become a hero on eniod Friday at 8:15 p. in, at Autiv ber 21 in the Social Hall at Palmer j last, he was losing several of his pur- Finish. , any Saturday afternoon. House under the joinf. auspices , Contests. Memorial Church. ] tonal trophies at his home in West The Rice social season for 1938 will A d S0 is lhnt Jat:k VestflL nlwn4 1 01 SKuit Pi Delta Phi. | , ! Paul . Sanders, .speedy , Southwest ' " ® "' Tonighi and Satrild.iy nigh! Iho Iiitii • : 3 get an early beginning Saturday night The keys were presented to these Um versity Place. good line backer and fciocke L Al.'iam i l fflncaislii i.i\v! haskeU'cis, winding, up pour' at the first affair of the new year, the students: sometime durincr the hnlidnvK IriJilr "'"e. ui oujtni nice insriuue a snare ; , ...... ,,, - ™•> . , . - :»ri-e<H»l>N>Hec firrini; oi Wic'W Sophomore Ball. Mechanical engineers: C h a r 1 e s sunn time uuiing tin nouoays, loo.- a l.is abilities: We quote from Eddie . luim'd tableaux in pantomime* of ihreo , ,. ,. 40-nieee silver sel valued -it «?00 toiir lK honors or he fourth annual . , .. " ... ,, I S' Tigers iri ,i tw • •, «>.. The Rice Terrace, at once the larg- Adams, Kenneth Baird, John Beman, to pject silver sci, vaiuco .11 ioui c Enetz, Associated Press sports writer, Frure Jacques with Dorothy . , ... ... , " small i> 11 ] r 1 toot balls with "PhjiiTinidti' •—iiovs 1 spoi t IcstiVi-i! J«iiiu<iiy •» i . ; .><• . l' i •» • • , * est and finest place available for William Minto, J.' A. Sinclair, Hugh goia rooioaus \s un L.nampion .. i r 1 • whose column appear# daily in the • w^nja.n at Irere Jiiicjues urid a, i-b.oi us. T1 . , .... dancing, according to Charlie Dodd, Burkhart. and Clarence Stoneburnei-. president of the sophomore class, will Chemical engineers: Carl Greer, r be the scene of the ball. Carroll Karkalits, William Lane. Nash The dance will be held from 9 p. m. Campise, Ben LeVin, and Malcolm .coach at Athens High School in UI30 <•«* K'nth lane. He worked his way. P ' I flair el.- la •Lune" with Marlhalvir: ' ' ' 1 tbdite iifti to l a. m., which, according to some 1 Simmons., I i . • > • throug^1. -Ih andl out, i• n ironr , ,o lea. d• a/i e VeMal booted four suaigh..i , againstj ' ' fqi", .'lifts tw," i 'giifllsKs- Sophomore engineer and show-card land 19ol; a wrist watch and two i race into the stretch, then fell back Colorado, which is certainly soniethini! b,s n:,.,.,,, , . '"'' «opene d i's. >e,.i "••with *!»•" designers who noticed that midnight Electrical engineers:' Warran Alex- 'pocket watches, one a gift from his behind Charles Beetlu.m of Columbus. !oi an achievement, but we must as- • '''• '(.'.ihierma J :o comes between days, make the dates ander, Lyle Bohrer, Thomas Grove, wife, im,d the other given to him in iix. • hopping' ! fContinued un Page 2) su.',1<? that Mr- Brl^ followed • ., , !vv .J" i: loh'f,, i lie .ecai of the dance January 8 and 9. George Hughes, John Treadwell. Frank ; 19110 when Athens High School won llv h i by the " vjfiifejjli oioi-'in ft! f V/itte, and Franklin Spragins. < the national championship. "National other fortunes of Kici S the extr, "" i: Irt the Carnes Weaver and his orchestra, S point question verv closely. ! f ^ W ' •!.;<• To'.irea he ttwls won. ill which played for the Owen Wister Civil engineers: Clarence LevingstJn.:! basket ball Cluimpion was engraved ' '.er.s «>l tlie club, joined by , any jn the 1 on the 4011 their ::>peniiK: ' g.iirlr iron lie North! ;,",Villi Literary Society-Band dance earlier in J. T. McCants. bursar made the j A w" - t We liadn t nr>ticed that any Owl audiencr-i who care to |.»ai|ici,>ate •Ililllif® (• '.terh. Okl.:|i.ifjii. SifiW 1 : A S1 n11 rac an seve DEBATE CLUB WILL Iei -hi-rs CttK- the season, will furnish the music for presentation to the engineers. In his ! „ " E j' ™' piayer enjoyed the, reputation of Words of those .v.nis will be dis- nri'ippdd their qnartor-lina! •*•<!• ings ere sto el from the h e ne\er-niiss. Back in the ck'Vs of (he tril;nt<-rl airn.ns the udiei.ee. llvith : dancing. brief address. Mr. McCants spoke of ^ ' " ? '"" - : U.; <-,'!:tl'S« > /!.'•< .Vorth Texas State,: li' M,:S Klt,S re or,cd; A. and M. 6 to 6 tie. and the Arkansas Pilk-ntuh wilt accompany the sioee^ - Weaver's orchestra is very popular the necessity of self-education by en- ' P SEND SPEAKERS TO Toaer-..-: Mrs. Kitts reported the burglary thriller-in which we thought eyery t n, . |,j , ul Dentorv In their in Austin, and is supposed to be one gineers. He added that in a few years v i( t ar 0 after her return from the foot twill ; ll.i:d ga.-jii Kin- hot ii, whip Bay- of the best swing bands in this part the engineering course will be length- exfra point might be- the last, we be- RM Himdlv will iKt, i aroup ;8i ./'!•U game Saturday. Kitts left Dallas im- CONFERENCE MEET ) heve that a never-miss liny would „r i S..Utl|Wf',t CootlU'lUV iocs, IIV of the country. ened to six or eight years instead of ot sotius, inehidm i "'Soreniide'' by mediately after the game to join the : I, .incevi points, apd tho:', dropped The dance will be informal, which, four. have won largo acclaim. Pierne. ' Pleurez Mes Yeux'' hv Mas- their Jiiutt ' giutie to the W.nrrensburg- itixurdiiig lu A, GoodSiiife mcaiil auiua basketball team in Oklahoma. TW" P irr» rlohr' •»rl V Rut ,-mvwi»v. Jack, pt'hfni"h your sepet mid •'Chanson Provenc.ile" •I ili'-'••• !ii : for boys and evening dresses for girls. Mrs. Kitts telephoned- her husband extemnoran<?ous s|x>aker will represent reputation has received perhaps an DeH'Asqua. .She will be accompanied P" " " ~ •• SB v i The price of the bids, on sale in the RICE DRAMATIC CLUB after the theft was discovered. The the InstitutI„„, e at a SouthwesI. t Conr. - . "H..I.I.e, boost, may yo.....u. livO e up to n next b, y Georgian*. Stevens. I - t^W !e«rn in IV- (oiirnev WMHM (.hi .Monday, and To. -.I.e. iuctit# the sallyport, is $1,50, dale or stag. TO PRODUCE BARRY'S coach was "was upset" over the loss. ference Speech Arts tournament at year with some accurate boots. "'Lour Bonheur." a eoir.e<ly in oi,- i'-Jiftft- $• .(.'wis-di cppi d two panics to 'the Okla-i The decoration committee, organized The Houston Police Department was j Baylor University, January 19, 20. ;ind li.cl. will complete the piotrriiiu. The hem.j U<-.iv,.;-Ml\ bask-'teii-s I rice Sifillllill out of the "chaos" which was all it "SPRING DANCE" NEXT notified by the city marshal of West 21. ISliHSIBaSl MEYER AND JENNINGS ca>t is .is follow.*: Marion Smtdes' as si."ed "heir poorest foriji ot the seu- could supply as news before Christ- University Place. ' The Debate Club, meeting Thursday Marguerite Nonnand. Byron Orvis a- sor, in these two games mas, has announced that a feature of "Spring Dance;" written by Philip li.ight in the Senior Commons, decided NAMED AS LIKELY TO Pai,i'l Normand. Hilly Cloven as Jv^iii, Ti-.c I. S U. quintet en- • Ity hW the dance will be a coronation cere- Barry, will be the next major produc- MFNORAH SfidFTY to setid Frank Zumwold and Avrohni kl,'vt- MISSISSIPPI POST Anne .Moore as Mad;nm- I«onhert.. oi:e • t the best team: HI 'hi South -; mony, at which the class of 1940 will tion of the Rice Dramatic Club, it was' Wisenberg as debaters and perhaps C announced at a meeting of the club Marvin .Miekh- as M. I.,i;nl)eit and Ii,- ten: t.'oniei eliee.. They -il< > dropM be crowned. NAMES OFFICERS AT _ Gi^rdon Oldham is an extcmporaneou:- U !1 Coach Leo (Dutch) Meyer, .success- ' M^'sh.dl as a pobtman. l ed :w,i wins to' Siiutlu : n C ioi nia Don Soper is general chairman of Wednesday night at Autry House. iwliiMfai BUSINESS MEETING speaker to the tournament.
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