AGENDA MOREHEAD CITY TOWN COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, September 10, 2019, at 5:30 p.m. Morehead City Municipal Building 202 South 8th Street 1. Regular Meeting Call to Order, Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance 2. Adoption of the CONSENT AGENDA: A. Approve the Minutes of the August 13, 2019 Regular Meeting B. Approve the Minutes of the September 3, 2019 Special Town Council Meeting. C. Accept the Finance Director Reports, Tax Collector's Report (to be provided at the meeting), and Notice of Ad Valorem Tax Overpayments in the amount of $15,148.65 for the month of August 2019 as Recommended by the Finance and Administration Committee. D. Approve the Requests for Refunds of Overpayment of Ad Valorem Taxes in the amount of $1,039.59 for August 2019 as Recommended by the Finance and Adminish'ation Committee. E. Adopt Resolution 2019-R-50 Endorsing the NC East Sp01is Lookout Shootout Fun Run and Authorizing Action Necessary for the Event to be Held on September 21, 2019. F. Adopt Resolution 2019-R-51 Directing Taylor and Taylor PA to file Foreclosure Actions for Tax Collections. G. Award Pump Station 20, Force Main and Water Line Improvements Bid to Herring­ Rivenbark, Inc in the amount of $709,185.00 Contingent Upon Receipt of Developer's Construction Fees as Recommended by the Public Utilities Committee. H. Award Wastewater Treatment Plant Grit Classifier/Aeroductor Replacement Bid to Pearson Pump Sales and Service, Inc. in the amount of $159,018.00 as Recommended by the Public Utilities Committee. I. Adopt Resolution 2019-R-52 Directing Clerk to Investigate the Petition and Resolution 2018-R-53 Setting the Date of the Public Hearing for Tuesday, October 8, 2019, at 5:30 p.m. for Voluntary Contiguous Annexation Request from David and Karen Horton for property located at 1100 N. 20th Street and 1928 Oglesby Road Under N.C.G.S. l 60A-3 l. J. Adopt Budget Ordinance Amendment 2019-38 as Presented and Recommended by the Finance and Administrative Committee. K. Adopt Budget Ordinance Amendment 2019-39 as Presented and Recommended by the Finance and Administrative Committee. 3. Public Hearings: A. Consider Adoption of and Order Affixed to the Code of Ordinances Ordinance 2019-0-16 to Amend Article 11 of the Unified Development Ordinance by Allowing m1 Arcade Club to Operate as a Special Use in the Downtown Business (DB) District, and Resolution 2019-R- 49 of Plan Consistency in Accordance with NCGS 160A-383 for Map Amendment. 4. New Business: A. Consider Approval of Waste Industries, LLC Contract Extension as Recommended by the Public Utilities Committee. 5. City Manager's Report: 6. Citizen Requests/Comments: [2 Minute Time Limit] 7. Council Requests/Comments: 8. Approve and Seal August 13, 2019 Closed Session Minutes. 9. Closed Session: Per N.C.G.S. 143-318.ll(a)(3) to Consult with Attorney. 10. Adjournment AGENDA ITEM # 2: CONSENT AGENDA Items are presented under a consent agenda to expedite the efficiency of the meeting. Such items are those that are routine or have been reviewed previously and do not require further discussion. Council may, if they think necessary, remove any item(s) from the consent agenda to discuss separately. TOWN OF MOREHEAD CITY AGENDA ITEM: 2 REQUEST FOR TOWN COUNCIL ACTION DATE: September 10, 2019 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Town Council FROM: Ryan Eggleston, City Manager SUBJECT: ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA Background Information Attached: Yes X No 2.A. Approve the Minutes of the August 13, 2019 Regular Town Council Meeting. 2.B. Approve of the Minutes of the September 3, 2019 Special Town Council Meeting. 2.C. Accept the Finance Director Reports, Tax Collector's Report (to be provided at the meeting), and Notice of Ad Valorem Tax Overpayments in the amount of $15,148.65 for the month of August 2019 as Rec01mnended by the Finance and Administration Committee. 2.D. Approve the Requests for Refunds of Overpayment of Ad Valorem Taxes in the amount of $1,039.59 for August 2019 as Recommended by the Finance and Administration Committee. 2.E. Adopt Resolution 2019-R-50 Endorsing the NC East Sp01ts Lookout Shootout Fun Run and Authorizing Action Necessary for the Event to be Held on September 21 , 2019. 2.F. Adopt Resolution 2019-R-51 Directing Taylor and Taylor PA to file Foreclosure Actions for Tax Collections. 2.G. Award Pump Station 20, Force Main and Water Line Improvements Bid to Herring­ Rivenbark, Inc in the amount of $709,185.00 Contingent Upon Receipt of Developer's Construction Fees as Recommended by the Public Utilities Committee. 2.H. Award Wastewater Treatment Plant Grit Classifier/Aeroductor Replacement Bid to Pearson Pump Sales and Service, Inc. in the amount of $159,018.00 as Recommended by the Public Utilities Committee. 2. I. Adopt Resolution 2019-R-52 Directing Clerk to Investigate the Petition and Resolution 2018-R-53 Setting the Date of the Public Hearing for Tuesday, October 8, 2019, at 5:30 p.m. for Voluntary Contiguous Annexation Request from David and Karen Horton for property located at 1100 N. 20 th Street and 1928 Oglesby Road Under N .C.G .S. 160A-3 l. 2.J. Adopt Budget Ordinance Amendment 2019-38 as Presented and Recommended by the Finance and Administrative Committee. 2.K. Adopt Budget Ordinance Amendment 2019-39 as Presented and Recommended by the Finance and Administrative Committee. Recommended Action: Adopt tile CONSENT AGENDA, in one fl] motion, as presented. Any item[sj may be removed and discussed separately. Town Council Minutes Tuesday, August 13, 2019 Morehead City, North Carolina The Honorable Council of the Town of Morehead City met in Regular Session on Tuesday, August 13 2019, in the Municipal Chambers located at 202 South 8th Street, Morehead City, No1th Carolina. Those in attendance were: COUNCIL PRESENT: Mayor Gerald A. Jones, Jr.; Councilmembers George Ballou, Keri V. McCann, William F. Taylor, Harvey N. Walker, Jr. and Diane C. Warrender. STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Ryan Eggleston; City Attorneys Derek Taylor and Mike Thomas; Fire Chief Jamie Fulk; Police Chief Bernette Monis; Communications Director Alize Proisy; Interim Parks and Recreation Director Jeny Riggs; Planning Director Sandi Watkins; Public Services Director Daniel Williams; City Clerk Cathy Campbell and the following Fire Department Personnel, Deputy Chief Jack Manley, Assistant Chief/Fire Marshal Dykeman Baily, Assistant Fire Marshal Bobby Stephens, Captain Brian Pasko, and Firemen Kevin Fuller, Jamie Hunnings, Wesley Kittrell, John Mancini, and Mark Rignola. OTHERS: Elise Clouser of the Carteret News Times; Clyda Lutz of Cmteret County Literacy Council; Lisa Rueb and Lee Hinson of Downtown Morehead City, Inc.; David Quinn of Diamond City Gala Committee; Mitch Gay, Stephanie McIntyre, Carol Campbell, Dale Gillikin, Katelyn Gillikin, Amber Hughes, Tim Necaise, Kirby Sloan, Brian Starling, and Kim Tynes of the NC Seafood Festival; Billy, Sheny, and Brian Beck, Crystal Hmmon, George Hesta, Tressa Jones, Gloria Mccarther, John McIntyre, Joann Manley, Anthony Sadorsik, and Fred Tootle. Mayor Jones called the regulm· meeting of the Morehead City Town Council to order at 5:30 p.m. with a quorum present. Councilmember Ballou gave the invocation and Mayor Jones led all in the Pledge of Allegiance. RECOGNITIONS/PRESENTATIONS Presentation of Resolution 2019-R-48 in Honor of Billy Beck Upon His Retirement Mayor Jones presented Resolution 2019-R-48 to Billy Beck in recognition of his retirement from the Town of Morehead City on August 1, 2019. Mr. Beck began his career with the Town on November 10, 2003 as a Firefighter/Engineer with the Morehead City Fire/EMS Depmtment and was promoted to the position of lieutenant on September 28, 2006, a position he held until his retirement. Mayor Jones explained that it is not only the employee who serves, 1 Morehead City Town Council Meeting August 13, 2019 but also the family as they support the employee in fulfilling their duties. Therefore, he encouraged everyone to extend thanks to Billy and his family for their many years of service. Fire Chief Fulk presented Lt. Beck with his helmet and badge, stating that Billy is the salt ofthe earth in that he has repaired and towed many vehicles for the department free of charge, and works continuously behind the scenes to benefit the Depaiiment and the City. He shared that Billy has more than 40 years of service between Morehead City Fire/EMS and the Beaufo1i Fire Depmiment. Lt. Beck stated that he has really enjoyed his time with Morehead City Fire/EMS and has met many wonderful people during his time of service. Presentation of Mayor's Proclamation in Recognition oflnternational Literacy Day Mayor Jones presented a proclamation recognizing Saturday, September 8, 2019 as International Literacy Day in the Town of Morehead City to Clyda Lutz, Vice President of Carteret County Literacy Council. Mayor Jones stated that it is an honor to recognize those that give so much back to their community such as those who volunteer for the Cmieret County Literacy Council. Literacy education serves as a unique and powerful tool to eradicate poverty and is a strong means for creating sustainable societies. Mayor Jones commends the efforts of the hundreds of volunteers, tutors and adult learners who have worked through the Cmieret Literacy Council's Adult Literacy & ESL Program, and urges all citizens to suppmi the goals of the Cmieret Literacy Council's program to make Cmieret County a more literate community. This year's theme is Literacy and Multilingualism. Ms. Lutz reminded those present that the Cmieret Literacy Council is always looking for tutors for all age groups. Seafood Festival Presentation Mayor Jones then recognized Mitch Gay, Chairman of the No1ih Carolina Seafood F es tival, who came forwai·d to propose Resolution 2019-R-47 endorsing the 3 3rd Annual Seafood Festival.
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