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DESCRIPTORS Facility Planning; Federal Aid; Grantsmanship; Library Cooperation; *Library Planning; *Library Services; *Long Range Planning; Municipalities; Shared Library Resources; *State Programs; *Statewide Planning IDENTIFIERS Library Services and Construction Act; *Massachusetts ABSTRACT This long-range program, prepared as required by and in support of the Library Services and Construction Act (LSCA), is intended to meet federal funding priorities and support the continuation of programs that have operated successfully in Massachusetts' over the last decade. The purpose and background of the program are summariled, and the following aspects of the program are discussed: coordination of library programs; dissemination of information; evaluation; Statewide Advisory Council on Libraries; Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners; State Library of Massachusetts; regional public library systems; library networks; public libraries; major urban resource libraries; facilities; special libraries; institutional libraries; school libraries; academic libraries; library services to disabled persons, including those who are blind and physically handicapped; community information and referral; education for librarianship; automated technologies for libraries; the library public; the elderly population; and the disabled population. In addition, a section on the Action Program lists detailed goals, objectives, policies, procedures, and priorities for the following Action Program categories: (1) Title I--Library Services; (2) Title II--Facilities; and (3) Title III--Interlibrary Cooperation aad Resource Sharing. Grant application policies and procedures are also discussed. Supporting material, which is provided in nine appendices, includes statistical information. (10) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. *********************************************************************** ' WA INPARTIMINT INIUGATION MARNA WWI Of MINATON WOCATIO144 INIONNMIN ORM IMO doNowN Ms Acm rivoit0.1 es reefoo4 Ova 00 prool lolvinlio WM" *owe paw bean polo is ivy. Nora.~ forticv, imps.410 Mied WOO *OW 11ISSIMIMSVPV fors1004 SNOW 114 WAS WO: , `PORAMMON TORemoouca mos , MATERIAL NAB KEN ORANNED BY C. McCarthy TO DM EDUCATIONAL AMUR= INFORMADON CENTZR 11:Mer CORTEM PURPOSE 1 BACKGROUND 2 COORDINATION OF LIBRARY PROGRAMS 3 DISSEMINATION OP EVALUATION 4 STATEWIDE ADVISORY COUNCIL ON LIBRARIES 6 MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF LIBRARY COMMISSIONERS STATE LIBRARY OF MASSACHUSETTS 7 REGIONAL PUBLIC LIBRARY SYSTEMS 8 LIBRARY NETWORKS 11 PUBLIC LIBRARIES 15 MAJOR URBAN RESOURCE LIBRARIES 19 FACILITIES 19 SPECIAL LIBRARIES 21 INSTITUTIONAL LIBRARIES 22 SCHOOL LIBRARIES 24 ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 25 LIBRARY SERVICES TO DISABLED PERSONS, INCLUDING THOSE WHO ARE THE BLIND & PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED 27 COMMUNITY INFORMATION AND REFERRAL 30 EDUCATION POR LIBRARIANSHIP 30 AUTOMATED TECHNOLOGIES FOR LIBRARIES 31 THE LIBRARY PUBLIC 34 THE ELDERLY POPULATION 40 THE DISABLED POPULATION 41 ACTION PROGRAM TITLE It LIBRARY SERVICES 1.100.1 PUBLIC LIBRARY AREAS WITHOUT SERVICE 45 1.150.1 PUBLIC LIBRARY AREASWITH INADEQUATESCRVICL46 1.200.1 DISADVANTAGED 53 1.250.; SERVICE TO THC PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED 59 1.300.: INSTITUTIONAL PROGRAM 62 1.350.1 STRENGTHENING THE STATELIBRARY AGENCY 65 1.400.: MAJOR URBAN RESOURCE LIBRARIES 68 1.450.: STRENGTHENING METROPOLITANLIBRARIES 71 1.500.: LIMITED ENGLISH SPEAKING 74 1.550.: SERVICES TO THE ELDERLY 78 1.600.: COMMUNITY INFORMATION ANDREFERRAL CENTERS 80 1.650.: LITERACY PROGRAMS 83 1.700.: ADMINUTERING THE L.S.C.A.PROGRAM 87 1.750.: LIBRARY OP LAST RECOURSE 90 TITLE II: FACILITIES 92 TITLE III: INTERLIBRARY COOPERATION AND RESOURCESHARING- 96 GRANT APPLICATION POLICIES AND PROCEDURES 101 4 APPENDICES APPENDIX As INDEX OP ADVANTAGED/DICADVANTAGEDMUNICIPALITIES IN RELATION TO EOUALIRED VALUATIONOF TAXABLE PROPERTY APPENDIX Os INDEX OP ADVANTAGED/010ADVANTAGEDMUNICIPALITIVI IN RELATION TO Tile TOTAL APPROPRIATEDMUNICIPAL INCOME THE LIBRARY Recrans APPENDIX CtALPHABETICAL LISTING ARRANGED BYMUNICIPALITY OP TME IN= VALUES PROM APPENDIX AAND APPENDIX B APPENDIX Ds USER'S GUIDE TO TUE INDICES(APPENDICES A 4 8) AND CONCENTRATION CURVE ANALYSIS APPENDIXes MUNICIPALITIES IDENTIFIED AS BEINGDISADVANTAGED APPENDIX Ps MUNICIPALITIES IDENTIFIED AS BEINGMETROPOLITAN AREAS APPENDIX Gs MUNICIPALITIES IDENTIPIED ASHAVING A (SIGS PERCENTAGE OP LIMITED ENGLISH-SPEAKINGPERSONS APPENDIX Hs ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS USEDIN THE MASSACHUSETTS LONG RAM PROGRAM (1987 1991) APPENDIX ItLONG RANGE PROGRAM (1907 1991)DEVELOPMENT MILESTONES The Maimachurietts Long Range Program (1987-1991)wan prepared SO requiredby and in support of thebibrary Servicesand Construction Act, as amended by P.G. 98-400. °It is the purpose of this act to assist theStates in the extension and improvement of public library servicen to areas and populations of the States whichare without such services or to which such servicesare inadequate and to asnist Indian tribes in planning anddeveloping library services to meet their needs. It is the further purpose of this Net to assist with (1) public library construction and renovation; (2) improving State and local public library service for older Americans. for handicapped, institutionalised, and other disadvantaged individuals; (3) strengthening State library administra- tive agencies; (4) promoting interlibrary cooperation and resource sharing among all types of libraries; (5) strengthening major urban resource libraries; and(6) increasing the capacity of libraries to keepup with rapidly changing information technology. Nothing in this Act shall be construedto interfere with State and local initiative and responsibility in the conduct of library services. Tho administration of libraries, the selection of personnel and librarybooks and materialo, and, insofaras consistent with the purposes of thio Act, the determination of the Writ uses of the funds provided under this Act shallbp reserved to the States and their local subdivisions and Indian tribes.° In developing this Long Range Program, the StatewideAdvisory Council on Libraries (S.A.C.L.), the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners' (11.11.L.C.) staff,members of the library community, and users have attempted to incorporateboth the spirit and the intent of thelegislation in their planning process and in the development of the Long Range Program.As a representative body. the Statewide Advisory Councilhas been actively involved in both theprogram development process and the identification of needs. DACKGROUND OF TDB LOHO RAMOS PROGRAMDIMILOPMSMT PROCESS The practice of the State libraryagency le to seek edvice from the 14brary community for the continuedioprovement, development, ond expanelen of the Long Rangeprogram. The Statewide Advieory Councilon Libraries appointed five task groups to aseist in the development of the LongRange Program (1987-19,)). Topics were assigned to the taskgroups as tollowit Group *It Literacy; LiPited-finglieh gpet4king Populatintist Dieadvantoged Ueere; 1*,oriotAion And Petetral Centera Group *28 Library nervices to the Institutionalized,the Mind 4 Physically Handicapped, end theelderly Group *It Publil, Library Facilities Group *lit Section A - HURL, 6trengthening Metropolitan Libraries Section II - Interlibrary Cooperation one Resource Sharirg Group *St Policies and Procedures related to L.S.C.A1 program operations; development of reaaures of adequacy each tack group was compoaed of membera ofthe library community. S.A.C.L. ;toolbars, and consultant staff. The work of the individual task groups was overseen bya Coordinatine COMPittee whose memberehip included the S.A.C.L.chair, M.D.L.C.- S.A.C.L. liaison, task group chairs. the L.C.A.Coordinator, and the Long Range Program Coordinator. Additional meetings were t,eld to solicit input and reaction from representativesof the Regional Public Library Syritems and metropolitanlibrarians and five general informational meetingswere held with librarians in each geographic area of the Commonwealth.Drafts of the Long Range Program were reviewed by the Task Groups. CoordinatingCommittee. S.A.C.L., the library connunity, and theM.D.L.C. Drafts were aluo forwarded to the U.S. Department of educationtor review 4nd additional consultation and reviewwas conducted by the N.O.L.C. otatf under the guidance of the federalprogram officer assigned to the Commonwealth. The M.D.L.C. approved the Long Range Program (1987-1991) on April 3. 1986. This Long Range Program is basedon initial identification of needs on the State level with local input. For effective implementation, however, further local/regtoral needs identification and documentation will benecessary in order to promote the development of programs responsiveto identified needs. This Long Range Program is intended tomeet federal funding prioritiesand to support the continuation ofprograms which have operated successfully in Massachusettsover the last 2 7 decode. Raved upon the needs identified by the the network Advisory
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